Anime & Manga News

Mangaka Minekura Kazuya Survives Severe Tumor Operation

by dtshyk
Dec 30, 2010 10:32 PM | 24 Comments
According to the official blog, mangaka Minekura Kazuya had a tumor surgery and left the hospital. She was diagnosed as having an ameloblastoma and had the whole right maxilla removed. She has recovered the health but it will take long until she can resume working on manga. She permanently lost the skin sensation of the right half of the face and has a great difficulty in eating, drinking and speaking. She thanked the fans for sending Senbazuru origami, which filled her hospital room and encouraged her when she was suffering from the pain and the distress.

She lost her whole uterus in 2007.

Source: Minekura's blog

20 of 24 Comments Recent Comments

well thank God

Jan 3, 2011 9:06 AM by Mr_Gutts

I had no idea... She went through a lot there o.o I hope she will get well.

dtshyk said:
She thanked the fans for sending Senbazuru origami, which filled her hospital room and encouraged her when she was suffering from the pain and the distress.

I often heard about these 1000 paper cranes in manga/anime; I'm glad she has some great fans supporting her at a time like this! :D

Jan 2, 2011 12:13 PM by Face_Faith

Oh God, that sounds horrible. Hopefully she'll recover quickly and not have to deal with this kind of stuff ever again.

Jan 1, 2011 2:44 PM by Mystere

I didn't know about her condition - what a shock. I'm glad she's alive and recovering, and wish her all the best.

Jan 1, 2011 7:27 AM by Loxaris

Boring.A death would have been much more interesting.

Jan 1, 2011 6:31 AM by Fight4Glory

I wish her luck on her recovery <3

Dec 31, 2010 5:19 PM by SoneAnna

omg sounds scary. I knew the manga were on hiatus for a while but I had no idea it was because of something so serious >_<; I'm so glad she made it, I hope she makes a full recovery. Wild Adapter and Saiyuki are among my favorite manga ever, she has such a great talent for storytelling and her art is so unique.

Dec 31, 2010 2:05 PM by myth720

shellykanto said:
I hope she will get soon... I really love the Saiyuki series...

Me too. Be strong Minekura!

Dec 31, 2010 12:06 PM by TerrorH3ctor

Recover gracefully!

Dec 31, 2010 9:10 AM by shakeyourpup45

I'm glad everything went well! May her recovery be swift :)

Dec 31, 2010 4:55 AM by Pyapi

;___; どうして峰倉先生はしきゅうを摘出しなくてはなりませんでしたか?

In any case, I'm so glad that she's recovering, for a given degree of 'recovering'. I'm a big fan. <3

Dec 31, 2010 4:23 AM by Sandileina

I'm glad the operation went well and I really hope Minekura gets better soon.
All my best wishes that she may make a quick recovery ♥

Dec 31, 2010 3:58 AM by tsunashis

We've been having so many cases of anime directors and mangaka taking long breaks from life that this news is so very refreshing.

Dec 31, 2010 3:48 AM by mikhailn

I hope she will get soon... I really love the Saiyuki series...

Dec 31, 2010 1:59 AM by shellykanto

That's a relief, just saying because with all the mangaka dying this past few months D:

Dec 31, 2010 1:09 AM by Aezile

Now get back to drawing!

Dec 31, 2010 12:56 AM by Nachotee

T_T Minekura Kazuya-sensei, I hope she recovers! She is a great mangaka, I love her works.

Get well soon sensei! D:

Dec 31, 2010 12:54 AM by Naivette

Good Luck on you're recovery! Get Well soon~

Dec 31, 2010 12:40 AM by Aozure

good luck on a speedy recovery

after reading that wiki page i'm glad i just had a couple unerupted teeth removed O.o

Dec 31, 2010 12:15 AM by ShadowGilgamesh

Holy fuck. She has lost some very important things. I hope she can regain some sense of normalcy in her life despite all the hardship she's had to endure. Best wishes to her for her recovery.

Dec 31, 2010 12:03 AM by windy

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