Ishiguro Noboru's Original Anime Angel ScandyS Announced
Angel ScandyS official website
The audition for the voice cast has been done first and the scenario will be composed based on the character of the voice actresses themselves. The main cast Kato Akane, Kanno Yuna, Aoki Ruriko, are all newface actresses.
TAEGJ is a combination of eleven anime subcontractors such as Artland, Mushi Productions, and Oh! Production.
Angel ScandyS on MAL
edit on July 13th: corrected title from Angel Scandies to Angel ScandyS
20 of 32 Comments Recent Comments
Mar 21, 2012 8:04 AM by RyanSaotome
Sep 19, 2011 12:22 PM by -Hysteria-
Dec 19, 2010 2:54 AM by Artifex
Old geezers that have trouble adjusting to the new times, and only rehash their works. LOL WATCH/BUY MY SHIT FOLKS, IT'S BETTER THAN EVERYTHING ELSE
In what way are Ponyo and Porco Rosso or Evangelion and Wings of Honneamise are similar? And could you elaborate on these new standards that you're talking about that you think they should adjust to?
As for how much money Miyazaki and Anno make off their works, I believe the fact that they manage to remain at the top of the chart for weeks and end up being the best selling DVDs/Blu-rays of their years more than speaks for itself.
LOL! You only saw a couple of screenshots and figured out what's the writing in a 110 episodes series is all about?
They didn't have that wow factor about them like Durarara and Yojouhan that would have made me invest my time on them, personally, though good for those that enjoyed them. And Kimi ni Todoke wasn't all that great BTW, but just like you said, it's entirely subjective :)
Ah, I remember Lain. Back when it was released the reviewers described it as "unlike anything that you've ever seen before" (which is synonymous to revolutionary), and was one of the most critically acclaimed series of 1998.
An anime needs to survive the test of time before it can be considered a classic, but you can tell whether an anime is revolutionary or not by comparing it to all that came before it and see how original and great it is.
Dec 18, 2010 11:32 PM by removed-user
Dec 18, 2010 11:55 AM by Mr_Gutts
No, there isn't. In the fall 2010 season for example, there's barely any anime that can truly be called slice-of-life.
I'm not going to comment on Fall 2010, since I've been more into reading manga and checking out old anime these days, though people with similar tastes to mine recommended Kuragurehime (or however you spell it) to me.
As for previous years, there had been an influx in moe/harem/ecchi/fan-service anime that all overshadowed other works with substance in terms of popularity and sales. Even respected producers like Miyazaki, Anno and others made statements and expressed their gripe regarding that.
You don't know what you're missing :p
Beneath the mostly all-male cast and the pairing possibilities that will make a yaoi fangirl drool, there's one of the most epic stories to be told in an anime.
It's a good idea that they majority of anime studios don't seem to follow. In Winter/Spring 2010 we only got Durarara, Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei and House of the Five Leaves, in Fall 2009 there wasn't anything revolutionary, though we did get Kuuchuu Buranko and Nodame Cantabile Finale.
I have no problem with those who are into these type of anime: different strokes for different folks, and I might be in for a surprise and this anime will end up impressing me thanks to Ishiguro's involvement in it. But what disheartens is that it looks like many anime producers have gotten drunk on the money that they could make from them, thus we see a lot of them every season.
Dec 18, 2010 10:07 AM by removed-user
I will follow it just because it's an original production, and they are worth following, even if they turn out to be bad in the end.
Me, too~
Dec 18, 2010 8:39 AM by Face_Faith
Dec 18, 2010 7:58 AM by Alcoholicide
Dec 18, 2010 7:46 AM by Hoppy
Dec 18, 2010 6:43 AM by wakka9ca
Dec 18, 2010 5:06 AM by jjihhye
Dec 18, 2010 4:45 AM by seishi-sama
Dec 18, 2010 4:02 AM by Denmark-Chan
The voices are cute, good to know the rookies of the industry~
Dec 18, 2010 3:50 AM by sayami
Dec 18, 2010 12:58 AM by CloudConnected
Dec 18, 2010 12:43 AM by Blayze
Hmm, judging by the art, this looks like it's going to be a moe slice-of-life anime, which isn't my cup of tea.
All I can say is after working on epic and iconic anime, like Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Macross and Yamato, I'm quite disappointed to see Ishiguro switching to this kind of genre.
It could be the next Mushishi behind the sugar coating for all you know, or at least an Aria-type slice-of-life about discovering how wonderful the world is as opposed to the mindless tea and cakes of K-ON!
I will follow it just because it's an original production, and they are worth following, even if they turn out to be bad in the end.
Dec 18, 2010 12:30 AM by Rosa_FOEtida
All I can say is after working on epic and iconic anime, like Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Macross and Yamato, I'm quite disappointed to see Ishiguro switching to this kind of genre.
Yeah, how fucking dares he to try something different?
LOL, isn't there already more than enough average moe slice-of-life anime in every season? not to say that this one will turn out bad.
It's been a long time since we've seen something of the quality of Legend of the Galactic Heroes. And since it seems that anime producers nowadays are into moe/fanservice since they sell better and Ishiguro is too good for this stuff, that's why I'm expressing my disappointment.
Dec 18, 2010 12:10 AM by removed-user
Dec 17, 2010 10:57 PM by Album
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