Jul 27, 2012
After seeing the anime "Darkside Blues" and being interested in its story, I chose to buy and read the manga. Sadly, it didn't give me as many answers as I would have wanted about the story. It really leaves you kind of hanging in the middle (or should I say beginning?) just like the anime - which is why I rated the story a 3. Would it have been finished, it would probably be higher. But potential and loose ends unfortunately doesn't cut it for me.
Still, I'd say if you like spaced-out dystopias, a range of characters and seemingly more than shallow
relations and plots, you may still be able to like the story.
I, however, do love the art. The crisp shading and defined lines that were often used in 80-ies manga really impress me, there is a lot of work behind the art, buildings and little details. The style is somewhat original, and I do believe it is worth taking a look at. I rated the art 9, because I sometimes get a bit annoyed at the bobble-heads the characters sometimes get.
I'd also say that the characters are interesting. You'd like to know more about almost all of them, they all seem to have stories and personalities rather than just being "female lead" or "bad guy". There is a nice sense of humanity in the characters that I can enjoy.
Some character progression works very well while some just isn't there, however. Especially the progression between Mai and Darkside. I would have wanted more story on those two, especially since they are more or less supposed to be the leading characters.
To sum it up, Darkside Blues isn't really the manga you'd pick up because you want to read something easy and enjoyable. It does answer some questions from the anime, which is greatly appreciated - and the art is (atleast for me) short to amazing. It is a strange story with depth and potential for something greater, but falls on its incompleteness. Still, it is one of my favorite books from my shelf and I am to this day not regretting having bought nor read it.
Lovely art, cut-off story, interesting characters but not a very easily melted plot. Overall I give this manga a 6.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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