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Jul 3, 2009 7:57 AM

May 2007
TTGL V2. I'm loving this anime. Ecchi, GAR, everything I can possibly want. Kudos to you, Madhouse.
Jul 3, 2009 8:00 AM
Apr 2009
It was a very good episode. I saw the RAW but do you know a fansub group who will do it?
Jul 3, 2009 8:06 AM

May 2007
put1n said:
It was a very good episode. I saw the RAW but do you know a fansub group who will do it?
Last Impressions Fansubs ([L-I-F]) say that they're doing it. Dunno about their quality, never watched one of their shows.
Jul 3, 2009 8:08 AM
Apr 2009
ok thanks :D
Jul 3, 2009 8:37 AM

Oct 2008
DaBigD said:
TTGL V2. I'm loving this anime. Ecchi, GAR, everything I can possibly want. Kudos to you, Madhouse.

Pixiv @Rakkou
Deviantart @Ryucchan
Drawing Processes @Youtube
Jul 3, 2009 8:51 AM

Feb 2009
I saw the ED on Youtube and... wtf was that? XD Anyway, I'm waiting for subs right now.
Jul 3, 2009 9:25 AM

May 2007
Alexstratz said:
I saw the ED on Youtube and... wtf was that? XD Anyway, I'm waiting for subs right now.
lol, the ED has little to do with the anime...yet.
Jul 3, 2009 10:42 AM

Aug 2008
TTGL V2. I'm loving this anime. Ecchi, GAR, everything I can possibly want. Kudos to you, Madhouse.[/quote said:

TTGL2 huh? hpe it gets subbed soon so i can check it out,looks promising
Jul 3, 2009 3:07 PM

Dec 2007
DaBigD said:
Alexstratz said:
I saw the ED on Youtube and... wtf was that? XD Anyway, I'm waiting for subs right now.
lol, the ED has little to do with the anime...yet.

Need to get Kleenexes. For, uh, nosebleeds.

Yeah, nosebleeds.
Jul 4, 2009 3:37 AM

Jun 2008
Been hearing good things about this anime from people who have watched it RAW, waiting for subs at the moment =)
Jul 4, 2009 10:36 AM

Sep 2008
I like the ED.
Jul 4, 2009 3:46 PM

May 2006
The subs are out! I helped out with the translating a bit, so hopefully I didn't mess anything up >>

But yeah, this show looks really awesome. The fights look cool, it's funny, and so far it's been sticking to the manga pretty well which is always nice. Looking forward to episode 2 ^^

Jul 4, 2009 4:57 PM

Aug 2008
just watched it,it was ok,will probably keep watching,the ED song was really annoying IMHO,people are saying that the manga is pretty good so it will probably get better
Jul 4, 2009 5:12 PM

Jul 2008
DaBigD said:
TTGL V2. I'm loving this anime. Ecchi, GAR, everything I can possibly want. Kudos to you, Madhouse.

=O interesting well it did look quite alike to it , cuz of the art style i guess also
that master-priest guy sort of reminds me of Kamina
list of what i thought -
1- opening - oo pretty interesting op let's give it a try
2 - the episode it self - hmm artstyle reminds me of another anime ... looks like Eve isnt as annoying as i thought ... O good fight at the end , cant wait for episode 2
3 - ending - OMFG WTF DID I JUST WATCH? MINDFK.. my eyes burn O.O, but hey still good xD

ya that's bout it ....
Jul 4, 2009 5:23 PM

Aug 2007
Just two words:

Jul 4, 2009 5:28 PM

Oct 2008
Strange random show. Looks like it could be decent although obviously it isn't going to be anywhere near great. Could be some nice mindless fun though.

Hopefully the main character actually has some power rather than being being a burdensome little kid though.
Jul 4, 2009 5:37 PM
May 2008
Really "good" show!!! I like the over the top action, characters, humor and the fact that it doesn't take itself seriously which is nice. Then of course the ED was a complete "WTF!?!? O_O!!!".

I'll definitely be sticking with this one.
Dead Account
Please Delete
Jul 4, 2009 5:46 PM

Apr 2009
um it was um uh... wtf was that...
I haven't seen anything that ADD since FLCL...

Anyway, everyone knows that C.C. is immortal, so Kruz's (or whatever it is) sister is guaranteed to be alive.
Confucius say man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
Jul 4, 2009 6:14 PM

Aug 2008
And with that I found my random actionpacked ecchi wtf show of the season. I've been really looking forward to this show, I hope it won't be a letdown in the longrun. Plus I hope other groups will pick this up.

The ED was really something else though....
Jul 4, 2009 6:22 PM

May 2008
Wow, that was pretty terrible.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Jul 4, 2009 6:37 PM

Feb 2008
Wow, I really disliked it. Everything about it. The characters, the plot, the art, the soundtrack. None of it was good enough. The story had potential but failed big time. It looks like everyone other man-ime:

Males bodies are exaggerated and hideous.

Females are naked.

Fight sequences are overbearing and embarrassing :/

I usually don't like to judge an anime by just one episode, but this is just too bad to warrant another watch.
Jul 4, 2009 6:48 PM

Dec 2007
After watching the first episode, I can only assume that this was made for 12 year olds with ADD.

Jul 4, 2009 6:53 PM
Feb 2009
I didn't really understand it. It's too fast paced. The ED was win.
Jul 4, 2009 7:36 PM

Jan 2008
On my list? No - Not for me - If you like it, have fun
Not even bothering to call it "dropped"
Jul 4, 2009 8:23 PM

Aug 2008
Basically got exactly what I was expecting. A fast faced story that seems like it was made 5 years or so ago, with aspects very similar to TTGL... It wasn't great, but to say the least, it kept me entertained.
Jul 4, 2009 8:38 PM

May 2008
YAMADA LOL that was funny

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jul 4, 2009 8:50 PM

Feb 2008
its wacky its tacky it might just be what we need.

over all its pretty ok. it might take some getting used to....but oh well.

i bet they took her near death body to do some sexy experiments
Jul 4, 2009 9:19 PM

Oct 2008
i really liked this first episode but it reminds me of how much i need to watch TTGL.. the ending was random but i love the characters, and i like the voice actor for blade since hes one of my favorites.. im hoping for a 26 episoder but 13 would probably be fine.
Jul 4, 2009 9:28 PM

Apr 2009
it is upbeat and reminds me of ttgl ... its interesting as well. Personally I loved it and lookin forward to watchin the rest of it. Hopefully it does die out like Basquash.

Best this season so far anyway, compared to everything else...

where's my Spice & Wolf S2 =[
I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. It's the honest ones you have to watch out for. Honestly.
Jul 4, 2009 10:34 PM
Jul 2018
i thougth this was a parody at first.

As someone mentioned before, this is made for kids with add.
Jul 5, 2009 12:07 AM

Oct 2008
God this shit sucked so hard. People claim this to be like TTGL with the badass and such, but NO. TTGL did it well. This show did it like shit. Blade has no real personality, the chick is annoying as fuck, and Cruz is such a cry baby. I mean atleast with TTGL they all weaved the personalities together to make it a team. In here its just "LOL IM A FAGGOT WATCH ME NEVER WEAR A SHIRT AND BE EXPECTED TO BE BADASS" Some might thing my argument is invalid because I'm comparing it to TTGL, but really. It had no flow, and it tried too little thinking we were a bunch of 5 year olds with an attention span of a gold fish to find this entertainment.
<img src="" border="0" />
Jul 5, 2009 12:14 AM

Aug 2008
Wasn't great or bad. I'll watch some more episodes to see if it's worth watching or dropping.
Eve is cute and a bimbo. Haha.

The ED was full of yuriness. I want to see more of it~ ;)
Jul 5, 2009 12:39 AM

Mar 2008
Well, this certainly was some really over the top action. Music, OP and art are good.
Plot seems simple, generic and lame. Characters are nothing special, though I didn't really dislike most of them. Some seemed really lame, though. But as with many shows of that kind what's with the frequent announcing of your attack's name? Many shows do it and it's so annoying and embarrassingly uncool. The little fellow constantly crying over his nee-san was rather annoying, too. Basically everything already seen in your typical 0815 shounen show - only that's it's done more impressing here.

The ED was unexpected, though. Seriously, what's with all those lolis (especially those yuri lolis)? GAR + loli = high sales? Seems too obvious and boring. Though if those were upcoming characters who take part in the action it could be pretty entertaining unless they put too much ecchi&fanservice in there.

Anyway, I will stick around for another episode. Judging from the opening there is quite some potential.
ForeverJul 5, 2009 2:39 AM
Jul 5, 2009 12:53 AM

Aug 2007
Boooring and abundance of Meh... The only real highlight of this anime was the ED.
Jul 5, 2009 12:55 AM

Mar 2008
I liked this, I haven't seen TTGL yet so can't compare and I don't intend to anyway. Because it's two different animes. I liked it fastpaced as someone mentioned above, I hate it when it's slow and nothing happens. And soundtrack is awesome!
Jul 5, 2009 1:09 AM

Feb 2008
Simply loved it. After Umineko, this is my 2nd favorite show of this season (from the ones I've seen yet, of course).
Also, Madhouse going Gainax is so win! =P
Jul 5, 2009 2:14 AM
Feb 2008
Well the art was a little disappointing and the story is pretty lame but I this won't let me bore to death ,at least that's my first impression .
Hopefully the next episode will be better :D
Jul 5, 2009 2:33 AM

Oct 2008
The first episode was simply GODLIKE!
It's a very good show. But if you want a deeper story, dont watch it :)
I've waited a long time to watch a good shounen, and this is it. It has everything, that a shounen needs to be :D (GAR, Fanservice, Supernatural, Fighting)

Jul 5, 2009 3:47 AM

Jul 2008
Static said:
Boooring and abundance of Meh... The only real highlight of this anime was the ED.


Does this anime have an actual storyline. Because for now it seems that it is limited to:
- There was a big-ass war.
- So it's time to kick some ass with our awkwardly stupid powers.

The animation is average at most.I'd rather listen to a chainsaw than to some of the characters speaking. Though I liked the music in the OP hearing it throughout most of the anime was frustrating to say the least.
Jul 5, 2009 3:49 AM

Mar 2008
This surely reminded me of TTGL. Except for that Blade was smarter than Kamina (But not as awesome), and Eve was dumber and less sexy than Yoko... Nonetheless, Cruz is as much of a pussy as Simon. The music they used for action scenes sounded like something out of dragonforce, and the ED was... interesting...
Anyways, this was an interesting anime, I think i'll look at the next few episodes and see how it'll go.

4/5 here. - 1 for ripping off TTGL characters
Jul 5, 2009 3:51 AM

Apr 2009
They should change the name of the show to Heartless not a ounce of compassion so far (although I think they tried) and the ED oh my. I think I ll take a shower now I fee so dirty. 4/5 so far.
I am the light and the darkness tossed away by fate.
I am hope and despair needed by all and to none.
I am CuresDestiny.
Fear me or Not it is all the same to me.
<insert maniacal laughter here>

Jul 5, 2009 3:54 AM

Feb 2009
i think it's epically awesome! the ED song was equally epic xD
Jul 5, 2009 5:54 AM

Dec 2007
Wow, this sucked pretty hard. I'm not even sure if I want to give this one more episode.
Jul 5, 2009 6:10 AM

Apr 2008
I'm loving the art of this show. It was still kinda random though.

And I didn't realy get all that stuff about the blackspots. Eve is win though and I like it how Blade has to beat her up to keep her slightly under control...

First episode gets a 7 for now!
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise"
Jul 5, 2009 6:25 AM
Jan 2009
Charliehsv said:
Wow, this sucked pretty hard. I'm not even sure if I want to give this one more episode.


Generic show is generic.
Jul 5, 2009 6:40 AM

May 2008
God if I am not sick of ridiculously, hideously, freakishly muscular dudes in animu and mango. Kamina was bad enough but it was at least sensible. This dude looks like a hideous monster.
And then I have to deal with annoying be who come in and go ON AND ON about how they love GAR or manliness.
Seriously, if you're GAR for manly men, just go watch a gay bear porno.

And oh look, the made a jiggle boob girl for those who like womanly women. Except Yoko was actually a smart, amusing character to make up for my lack of interest in boobs. This woman is a dumb idiot. And the slapstick here is not very interesting. It reeks of anime cancerous. The scene with the motorcycle or moped whatever it was, was just PITIFUL.

It was not funny, it was not amusing. It was just STUPID. It was so darn corny I cringed.

And oh look, the same darn idiots whining about a crying shota. Pretty much the only half interesting character so far. And Simon was much cuter. The same people who are fapping to hypermasculine guys, I take it. Further reason why I am getting effing SICK of GAR.

What the heck is with the storyline. Is there even gonna be a plot at all? The whole "black spots" or whatever seems downright anime cancerous. It's a horrible idea for a story.

I like fast pace. Fast pace is nice. But God is this just stupid.

Oh, have I mentioned the art is terrible? IT IS. God that animu is way subpar for just being made. I'm seriously being reminded of Kemeko DX here. What horrid tripe. How anyone can give this thing anything other than a 1 is beyond me.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Jul 5, 2009 7:14 AM

Apr 2009
It was ok. Yes some of it was pretty stupid such as the motorbike smash into kruz and the yelling of the special moves every single time. Has some potential which I hope will be put to use in the next episode.

Oh and wtaching the ED right now, WTF?
predJul 5, 2009 7:19 AM
Jul 5, 2009 7:49 AM

Aug 2008
no offense guys but as much as i'm loving TTGL,TTGL and NEEDLESS are not much different,these shows were made over and over again in the early 90's pretty much like today's moe invasion,it's not that they're ripping TTGL
Jul 5, 2009 8:22 AM

Feb 2008
Elt- said:

4/5 here. - 1 for ripping off TTGL characters

Err... TTGL came 3 years after Needless manga.
Jul 5, 2009 8:51 AM

Apr 2009
This were strange :S
I didn't understand everything.. the text was moving fast =w= (My language is not english)
The anime seemed to be a little.. nerdy? But I'm going to see some more before (If I do) drop it.
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