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How much can Strike Witches characters be related to their real life counterparts?

Apr 23, 2009 7:40 PM

May 2008
How appropriate would it be to label characters to their derived timelines in our world and based characters in what they were?
In this world, technically, there is no World War. And Japan is not even called Japan and Germany is not even called Germany. But even still, we think of them as their parallels to Germany and Japan. Russia is a bit more similar, and going by the name "Orussia".

Can the word Nazi then not be extended to Karlsland characters as well and Soviet and Communist to Russian characters? If other things can be fluid with in their parallel universe, then cannot the terms 'Nazi' or 'Soviet' be stretched for this parallel world as well?

In my opinion, Karsland in Strike Witches IS Nazi Germany and Erica Hartmann, Gertrude Barkhorn, and Minna Wilke, can all be seen as Nazis, but that the function of both the NSDAP and German Nazism as well as Soviet Communism changed radically due to the influence of the Neuroi threat, or even due to being a parallel universe were very different beforehand. And as far as communism and fascism, neither seem to not get along with each other, and in fact all nationalities seem to get along very well with each other. Communism and Nazism seem to be additive, instead of counteractive, and have resolved themselves somehow. But I don't think that necessarily stops them from being considered nazi or communist.

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May 4, 2009 3:30 AM
Jan 2009
I can't agree. Just look closely at the maps - the borders are pre-WWI. So I think the Strike Witches version of history has no Great War, thus no nazism and communism. Even Elia and Sanya could be technically from the same country (as Finland was a part of Russia). I think the history from SW is parallel to the real one not to 1939, but 1914.
I haven't finished Strike Witches yet, but I don't suppose there's gonna be an explaination for this.
May 4, 2009 3:44 AM

Apr 2008
I wouldn't call Gerhard Barkhorn or Erich Hartmann Nazis.

Armed forces =/= political body
Jul 21, 2010 11:54 PM

Oct 2009
I don't even...
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Mar 15, 2013 11:51 PM
Oct 2011
Neither communism nor Nazism exist in SW. Orussia and Karlsland are both still Empires. Sanya and Eila are not from the same country, Eila is from Suomus and Sanya is from Orussia. In SW they are distinct countries at least by 1944. (though it is indicated that they have very close diplomatic ties)

There was no 1st world war among humans. Instead they had the First Neuroi War, which resulted in a crushing defeat for humanity. (though it's unclear which areas where occupied)

SWs history diverges from our own during the height of ancient Egypt at the latest. Though it's still similar from then on, with most events leading to virtually the same outcome there are some key differences. Such as Fuso's decision to expand overseas trade and power during the Azuchi period, rather than pursuing an isolationist policy as Japan did. Leading to war with Britannia. So it can't be said to be an exact parallel.
Jun 18, 2016 5:11 AM

Feb 2014
the bloomers you usually see in anime weren't used until 1964, so they only had their panties and swimsuits instead.

pants would be somewhat impractical for witches because they would have to be taken off every time they had to use the striker units. although that's just an assumption, arguably many things plot-wise are assumed as well; considering hints without a direct explanation.

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