Nov 29, 2013 5:14 AM
#1 There is a wide and clear blue lake in the center of this plain. The river flowing into the lake becomes a large waterfall that is the "border" between the lake area and elevated fields, and you have to go around or up it to get there due to the steep cliff. A well made wooden canoe lies at the edge of the lake nearest the rooms and there is a sign with Aiden's name on it along with a paddle. How polite? |
CrogLatteNov 30, 2013 10:36 AM
Nov 30, 2013 10:49 AM
Aiden looks around him. Unsure if this was the place he should be gathered, he looked walked around for a bit, the announcement did say participants, so there should be more people here. Aiden found himself near a water source, in front of a waterfall. He looks up in the sky as he sat down on the edge of the riverbank. It was quiet, nobody could be heard. "I was sure the announcement said 'Participants'.. That would mean that I'm not the only one here.", Aiden mumbled to himself, "I wonder.. who the others are. And what we're participating in." After having rested for awhile, Aiden stood up again. "The participants were to meet in the center, weren't they..?", Aiden looked in the direction he came from, the direction of the room he walked out of and turned to the opposite of that direction, "Then.. I would find out who the others are soon.", he told himself and continued venturing further into the center. |
Dec 27, 2013 4:01 AM
Stretching up onto her toes she rolled her shoulders, hearing the satisfying clicking of her joints unhinging. Years of training had given her the flexibility of a contortionist. As she reached the edge of the corridor she was blinded by the light. Her eyes widened to see trees, lush grass, hills, rocks, even the round of running water a little way off. "Where the FUCK am I?" she asked in a raised voice. She would be lying if she denied she was freaking out just a bit. Last night she had been in the middle of a city, now she was in the middle of..well...nowhere? No answer came, but she didn't expect one. Who the hell would be out here? She sighed and started walking. "What the hell is going on.." she could not stop asking that question. Her mind whirring trying to think way back to any sort of survival advice she had been given in her life. "Lost in the woods, fucking perfect.." she growled, "This better not be some sick prank!" she checked her pockets for anything but it seemed they had been cleared. "Robbed too..this is just great" she hissed. "I'm going to get who ever did this" she scowled. The fresh air was nice at least, much better than the smog of the city. She continued on, between the trees she could see glistening water. She detoured towards it, finding herself at the bank of a small lake. "Water..nice" she said appreciatively. She knelt down beside it and splashed the cool liquid on her face and ran it back through her ebony hair. She took a moment, stretching out her legs. She still felt pretty groggy. She was sure she had been drugged. She rolled up briskly and delicately onto her feet and continued her walk, deciding it was best to just keep walking straight so she wouldn't end up going in circles. |
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ |
Dec 27, 2013 6:16 AM
Aiden looked behind him, at the fire that had only spread in the center area. "Strange.", Aiden said and sat down. He leaned against a tree near the lake, despite what was going on, this place was pretty quiet. Probably because nobody else was here. It was peaceful, something you wouldn't expect to find this soon after seeing what just happened. Aiden looked around him, he couldn't afford to doze off as it would mean certain death. Without a lot to do, Aiden just stood up and explored the place, looking for things he could use and whatnot. The lake would make a great advantage, so would the trees. But there aren't that many trees. During his exploration, he found a canoe. Wondering how he hadn't found it earlier, as it was near his room and that there was a sign with his name on it, he kind of felt stupid. "Well, at least I won't have a shortage on wood or water. Food might be a problem though...", Aiden looked around, the thought of more contestants made him think. He only saw them in the center, that means he missed them, or the area is big enough to create a great distance between the contestants' rooms or he was just isolated from everyone. "Every single contestant is weird. But in an interesting way. I wonder if someone would actually be more 'unusual' than the other.", Aiden went back to the tree closest to the center stage, he sat down, leaned back and watched the fire. "Nice view." |
Dec 27, 2013 10:41 PM
Keji entered the forest after supposedly establishing his hideout. He walked through it without paying much attention to the surroundings - Not that he would have anymore ... First, moments. Now, seconds ... Keji's power was clearly dominant. It would continue to develop without stop. Perhaps this was because of Keji's choice. Approaching the end of the forest, Keji viewed the lake at last. Plain and simple' came into mind. He placed his hands onto a nearly tree. Guuuuuuurrrrrrhhhhhhhhhh! After about a few seconds, the tree began to levitate upwards. That's what people would would assume, when in fact, Keji had plucked it out from the ground - Roots included. He slammed the tree onto the ground with IMMENSE force, causing it to split into half. This would certainly alarm people in the vicinity. Again, Keji was not one who would fear surprise attacks. After tearing the tree into pieces, Keji took a quick swim into the lake. Testing time'. Keji was already deep inside the lake. Given the suitableness and proficiency at the moment, nobody could notice his ability being used. Acceleration 2X While everybody remained the same, Keji's own body began interpreting time as 2 times slower. In other words, he had slowed down time for himself by half! This of course, would mean that fishes would move slower. His acceleration ability, only usable for a few seconds at the moment, proved to be more than enough to gather 6 fish. He carried them and swam back to shore. At shore, Keji quickly made fire using the lumber he had gotten by breaking the tree, and proceeded to cook the fish. His hands proved to be sufficient, as regular flames did not seem to be injuring them from a slight distance. He finished the fully cooked fish in a matter of minutes and wondered if there would be somebody stupid enough to come after him'. |
「一人殺せば犯罪者だけど、千人殺せば英雄になれる。百万人殺せば征服者だし、絶滅させれば神よ」 |
Dec 28, 2013 4:39 AM
As Aiden was calmly sitting and looking at the fire, a loud sound was heard. He looked at the direction he heard it coming from and stood up. Aiden scratched the back of his head and walked towards it. "The fuck was that? It sounded like that guy is here.", Aiden referred to Keji, "Or the other one. He did go south.", this time, referring to Ashido. Both of them were really 'energetic'. Aiden kept walking, his surroundings being kept in his mind. Knowing your surroundings is key when surviving. Though that would probably not be enough if there were other people that possessed supernatural abilities that were out to kill for their survival. "Hmm..?", As Aiden took a turn, he saw Keji just cooking some fish, "Look who it is.", Aiden said as he smiled and waved. Of course Aiden made sure there was quite a distance between them. He didn't know what Keji's abilities were. And the distance was only enough if Keji didn't have any teleporting or speed abilities. |
Dec 28, 2013 7:44 PM
While he was walking with Ashido and this girl along the outskirts of the lake area, he looked over at the girl. Since their pace had slowed Kosuke decided to bring that up. "Why did you bring the girl?" He wasn't irritated or angry in any way when he asked this. Merely curious. "I mean you have you teleportation thingy and I am strong and willing to fight, but she is just shy and weak." He still had no fluctuation in his voice. He was just trying to state the facts and get the ones he didn't know straight. His face was set back to his original clear and blank sheet. He then turned to the girl he was walking with and looked her in the eyes. "No offence intended by the way. In fact I think it's great for people to stand up for women." With this he turned to Ashido "But you don't stike me as that kinda guy." With this his voice dropped a little. Not in a threatening way, just as a more looking down on kind of way. "I mean that is why I was so intent on making friends with you. You're a smart and mildly violent guy. And there's something about you that just shouts sly to me." |
OH MY GOD!!!!! I almost gave f*** what you think. |
Dec 29, 2013 12:57 AM
As he walked he could understand what Kosuke was worried about as their where now three people rather then just two, which made things genuinely more difficult. "Yes she is shy and weak compared to you and eye but its her power that more then makes up for it dear Kosuke. A target alone is easy to deal with as his health stays exactly the same and doesn't regenerate quickly enough to help out in such a short timespan that this event would require. I don't see this dragging out for months and encounters are going to happen often and need to be played out respectively. Imagine your playing a chess game, your opponent is by them self but you have Kohime, who when your not going on the offensive is rapidly regenerating your pieces, thus bringing them back onto the board. If you take your chess pieces and equate them to your body, then you should get my point." His face really never changed emotion during his speech and they continued to walk. "And yes, its because we are gentlemen and help those who are willing to help us." On the topic of limbs and the body, Ashido remembered his speculation on what happened if he teleported into someone. The concept made sense but he wondered if there were drawbacks or it was actually the opposite and he himself lost in the atom fight between his and the object he transferred to. He remembered his pebble in his pocket, pulling it out and quickly transferred his finger into it. He was expecting to see: A) his finger just touching the rock, meaning his teleportation is smart and shifts him outside the object to the nearest open space next to the object; B) His finger lose the fight of the atoms and lose the tip of his finger (the very tip where the skin rounds out); or C) dust shoots out and there is a crater in the rock from his finger or it shattered. To his satisfaction, it was C (When in doubt, go with C). He couldn't help but smile maniacally, hidden from those who where behind him but suppressed it quickly. "She is also one of the few decent people in this arena who seem to not have any mental defects or attitude problems, making her easier to trust, liking her is another part of that. I could be very wrong on the other hand and she could rip out our throats in our sleep but I highly doubt that." Yes its true, Kohime's power was what made her important but her personality drew him in, she seemed like a yellow submarine in a red car parking lot when it came to how everyone was acting. |
Dec 29, 2013 6:38 PM
" I don't like chess, but point made. This is a huge advantage." He was now beginning to see a reason to not bring the death-toll up one right here and now. In any normal situation he would never harm a women, but he was not in that normal situation and he intended to not die. He turned to Kohime "welcome to the board then." He said this without changing his face in the slightest, but as a sign of good gesture he stuck out his hand to shake hers. As he did so he spoke "so you like this girl Ashido? Do you, being a chess player, think that is a smart idea for this little game we find ourselves in?" With this he made a small downward fluctuation in his voice at the word chess and back up at the word think, but all in general he didn't change a bit. "Oh yeah... I saw what the silent girl who was leaning on the stage can do." He had almost forgot and wanted to say it before he did. He didn't see much use in the knowledge, but maybe Ashido did. (as a side note I would like to add that Kosuke has small gaps in between each statement/question.) |
OH MY GOD!!!!! I almost gave f*** what you think. |
Dec 29, 2013 10:00 PM
You eh? I've got 'em present for you'. Placing both his hands on a tree, Keji smiled back at the little shit'. Huuuuuuuaaaahhhhhhhh! Without releasing it, the ease in ripping the tree out and carrying it proved to be easier than the one. Keji assumed that the tree was lighter, when in fact, his already enormous physical parameters begun to escalate even further upwards ... Aiden was located at a position that Keji would have to spend several minutes to get to. However, the situation differed when it came down to lashing logs at him ... And that, he did. The log was thrown directly at Aiden. It moved at a hyper speed, breaking through the branches and leaves that it came into brief contact with in seconds. Whooooshhhhhh The tree itself stopped a few meters away from Aiden, having been obstructed by another tree. However, what remained strange was the fact that both trees had been split in half - That was the literal, superhuman level strength it was thrown at. It could clearly kill somebody within an instant. One other strange aspect about the log however, is that the stationary tree that intersected the 'bullet log' thrown by Keji stood at the front right of the tree. There could've been a possibility that he could have intentionally missed - Despite the obvious assumption of him actually missing his 'shot'. Regardless, it didn't seem like he enjoyed other people bothering him during his little fest of the fishes'. 'Stay there you little shit'. Better get'cha a new present since ye old one didn't arrive. Keji moved to rip out a second tree from the ground. It was about high time for Aiden to get the fuck away'. -- It didn't take too long for Ko and Raiden to arrive at the lake. The surprisingly lush forest awaited them. At the entrance, a sudden 'BOOOOOOOM could be heard. LET'S GO! - Ko screamed. Though it remained as a mere premonition, Ko's instincts were telling her that things were not looking to be so pleasant at the moment. Somebody terrible existed in the nearby vicinity ... If that somebody could even be called a person ... |
BeyondDec 29, 2013 10:12 PM
「一人殺せば犯罪者だけど、千人殺せば英雄になれる。百万人殺せば征服者だし、絶滅させれば神よ」 |
Dec 30, 2013 1:39 AM
"I had the feeling you'd say that, and yes, it is very advantageous. It's a psychological effect and trust guard. I have already stated that Kohime can be trusted, at least for me. With that, im more likely to sick with her and drift away from others and not let them affect me, mainly other females in the group of contestants." He was referring to Ko from earlier, whose seductive nature was a ploy to pull someone into a relationship of pleasure rather then trust and respect. "Along with that, im more productive in a defensive situation and i make decisions with alot more caution backing them up. But thats just to answer your question. Keep in mind, you have yet to fully meet Achido!" His voice went into a joyful note as he said the last sentence. But then his tone became serious as he continued to speak "What is it and how'd you find out? And if im correct, she is the one with the scarlet red hair?" This was intriguing, Kosuke had more then paid off being an ally and Ashido was glad to have been found by him. |
Dec 30, 2013 3:58 AM
"I never meant to fight you right now though.", Aiden sighed. His eyes began to have a red glow, "Just a simple conversation was fine. Or a simple 'Go away' would have sufficed." Aiden saw that he had no other choice but to back off, since normal conversations normally wouldn't get to this guy, from what he's seen. And if what he said wasn't enough to stop that guy from trying to kill him, then it'd be best to leave. He was pretty lucky the last one didn't hit, he couldn't even see it coming. "I appreciate the thought though. So I'll take this with me.", Aiden picked up some wood that was scattered, "Just as a reminder of you, of course.", Aiden said and disappeared behind the trees, "That's some strength, by the way. Wouldn't waste it on me if I were you." |
Dec 30, 2013 8:39 AM
"Well... I followed her into the woods, to make sure she was fine. At that time she... made a floating image? It was like a map. But then she made it disappear." He thought of when they were at the stage. "Also, it's possible that she was the one that sent Keji flying. But I didn't get good look." He let out a small smile. He laughed while he began again "then there's Keji. He like moved so fast it looked like there were two of him." He ws trying to make sense of everything at that point."But I was wondering. What if that lady that saw the little boy explode, made him explode?" Then his mind gutted to himself. He was right to tell Ashido, just as he was thinking Ashido was interested after all. |
OH MY GOD!!!!! I almost gave f*** what you think. |
Dec 30, 2013 9:29 AM
' BINGO, DING DING DING! ' Yelled Achido in Ashido's mind. The red girl had a key role in his hypothesis about the girl. He was never there to see Keji fly up but that portion would have to be delved on. He looked back at Kosuke as they were walking "I believe the child and the girl are the same person, with the somewhat knowledge that the red girl has a sort of image power, from what you have said, it is discernible to say that it was the child that broke the chair, who then hurried away as he received attention and then morphed into the girl to disregard any suspicions." He pondered more "The announcer is a a bit insane but he seems like a man who is smart but also requires entertainment. Given this he'd make the game some what fair and have only one power per person, as well as if there were two powers to one person, the body may not be able to handle it and the wristband would not be enough, seeing as how it needs to be constantly administered. That would mean that the girl would only have one power, and we'll stick with the image one for now until maybe proven otherwise. I can then say that it was someone taking place in the situation at that point in time. Im guessing you were there aswell so it could have been you...." They were getting closer to the steel border, the wall. it stood high and mighty, it was thick and would be hard to get through if they planned on have people with powers in the area. He could teleport onto the other side, but the wristband may act like a shock collar for an invisible fence that is used on dogs. He soon removed the thought of passing the wall from his thinking process and went back to what Kosuke had told him "Then theres that shadow thing, he could just be really fast, seeing how strong he is, his legs may have allowed it. But then theres you, who went full speed then got a sudden bolt of energy mid way that was tremendous, one could say thats adrenaline, and it could very well be adrenaline but it is quite odd. But seeing as how both of you like to fight and are good at it, I think both your powers help with fighting in some way. Seeing as how the announcer said it goes with personality." With that, they were now walking along the wall, to his and Kosuke's room. |
Dec 30, 2013 7:19 PM
"I don't understand half of what you said, but I got the important parts." He was glad that what he told Ashido was helpful. He then turned to the girl that had remained silent the whole way. He thought to himself that he may as well make nice with the people he was going to be seeing a lot of. "What about you? Are you the smarty kind like him or stupid like me?" He said this without a change of his face or voice. He was starting to get a little bit of a rash on his legs from the rocks he had put in his pocket, so he took them out and tossed them to the side. He was also starting to realize that Ashido and the girl and himself were an excellent combination. Brains, Brawn, and a first aid kit. Not a bad get-up he thought. |
OH MY GOD!!!!! I almost gave f*** what you think. |
Dec 30, 2013 10:00 PM
Kohime was a bit startled when Kosuke suddenly talked to her, but she was a bit happy too. At first she'd thought he hated her, and this either meant he didn't, or it gave her a chance to change his mind. "Hmmm... I think I got all of what he said, but I couldn't have thought that up myself... So I guess I'm a little in the middle." She hoped this answer was good enough for... for... what was his name? She realized she didn't even know his name. "Erm..." she stretched out a trembling hand. "I-I'm Kohime Misono... What's your name?" |
Dec 31, 2013 3:00 AM
He made a small smile that barely turned up on both ends. It was a forced smile but she wouldn't be able to tell the difference he thought. He grabbed her hand, making sure to be careful not to hurt her, and shook it slightly. "Kosuke." He turned forward again and continued talking "I can see why Ashido chose to trust you, since you are normal in the head, but why did you choose us exactly?" As he said this they were coming up on Ashido's room. Kosuke took a minor detour by the river and cupped a drink in his hands, then caught up to the others and walked alongside them again. |
OH MY GOD!!!!! I almost gave f*** what you think. |
Jan 2, 2014 10:33 AM
As they walked through the path that led towards the lake, Raiden thought about the current situation they were in. A coup d'etat seemed like their main objective but it was not going to be any easy, that was very clear. Arriving at the Lake, Raiden's thoughts were interupted, first by an alarming sound and soon after by Ko's loud voice. Nodding to her, Raiden ran after her, with a quick, almost astonishing speed. He quickly started to run towards the area where he heard the loud sound of an explosion and there he saw the violent man that he saw earlier. Has he discovered his abillity already? If I remember correctly, Eiji did mention that everyone had... Special abillities. Raiden thought to himself, steering away from the man. He was trying not to call Keji's attention as he was only quietly hiding. He hoped that this man would not notice him, since he actually was good at stalking his enemies without being seen. |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Jan 3, 2014 11:34 AM
(This is going to be a relatively long post, but please bear with me - I really want to take this chance to experiment and have fun with both my characters at once :D) Keiji was spotted - Ko's eyes were fixated on him for a moment. She took a good look at the surroundings, only to notice that multiple trees had been shattered into pieces of wood. Footsteps were smeared in the mud alongside the broken-up bark that had been scattered about. Somebody besides Keji had been here - Perhaps they initiated a fight with him, only to be forced to retreat in the process. The trees had been completely split into multiple pieces. Could this have happened in an instant? Did he use some kind of ability? ... Could this be based on his natural strength alone? Her face tensed up. Sweat leaked from her hands. A monster was present. -- Hm? Did that 'little shit run away? Keji, looking mildly curious, observed the surroundings before him. Seems as though Aiden had escaped. He sniffed the air, filled with the scent of dust and debris. ... 'Get out here, you 'new shits'. Keji had noticed the presence of both Ko and Raiden. This was to be expected, when he heard quick footsteps that became increasingly faster as they approached him. Stealth meant nothing when a reveal in the beginning was apparent. -- He's dangerous! Ko immediately jumped out from the bushes. Taking advantage of Keji's brief moment of shout, where he not arced himself into a stance, Ko quickly approached him with lightning steps. Her body, though relatively light, remained both flexible and agile. Approaching Keji, Ko pushes forward and slides towards Keji's right leg. She slams her hand onto the ground to break her slide, not before performing a rotated low-ground kick aimed at Keji's leg. G-guh ... Keji remained stationary. Ko had been the one who let out a disgruntled sound. Having put her body weight and carried the momentum of the slide, she was sure to have scored the ideal surprise attack against him. All that awaited her however, was a leg that felt a burning sensation of pain. Could that even be called a leg that she kicked? It felt more like reinforced steel. -- 'You show no promise Keji merely looked disappointed. His once energetic and spry eyes shifted to an empty stare. His fingers twitched - Causing Ko to immediately back-flip to about 3 meters away from him. -- As I thought - He can't be reasoned with. Even if Ko had suggested an alliance with Raiden earlier, there existed extreme anomalies - Keji was one of them. His very nature was defective and could not be reasoned with. Either it would be time to take him out now, or avoid him at all costs throughout the duration of the survival game. Ko's pupils radiated with a mystical, blue color. The red, outer layer of her eyes was reflected by nearby lake. This was clearly a supernatural characteristic of her's. She viewed Keji with her full attention. Death lines ... I can hardly see any of them! How much vitality does this man have? Two lines on his right leg. One on his left. One bisecting his chest, moving at a slight diagonal angle. A smaller one passing by and overlapping with his shoulder. He had five lines - five spots Ko could aim for. This had been the first time she had perceived others as having so few lines - the original contender of the lowest she had seen pushed at the number of 20s. Not waiting any longer, Ko made a split step moving towards Keji. I'll pretend to aim for his legs, while going for a one-hit kill on his chest instead. She lowered her body during the event, tilted and flexible enough to evade Keji's assaults at any given situat- Huh .. ? This is .. Her eyes shifted at the agonizing pain at her stomach - A massive fist pushed into it. HAAAAAA———————————— A knee at hyper speed followed Keji's assault. Impaling her at the chest area, Keji rotates his leg to swiftly carry Ko's body. Whoosh. Thump. Her body, though as soft as a feather when compared to the other contestants, moved like a train whose breaks could not stop. A tree, about half an inch closer to splitting, had endured the force of Keji's assault. Her organs had been nearly pulverized into bits. She had trouble breathing - What kind of martial arts move did he perform on her? N-No way ... Off physical s-strength alone ... ? What's more was Ko's realization. Somebody moving at such speed, being able to tank any blow, and return the pleasure in such powerful blows could not be human. There was absolutely no chance that Ko alone could land a single hit on him, let alone pierce his death lines. This kind of monster was nearly invincible in her eyes. 'Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Keji breathed in and outwards, with his body shifted in an irregular Bajiquan stance. 'Ye .. aren't human, are ya? Ko's eyes widened out, despite her continuous panting. She looked enraged for a slight second, not before grunting over her injuries. Heh'. Used goods - Looks like I'll have to finish you up first. Keji moved forward, approaching both Ko and Raiden. W-Watch out! His physical strength .. You can't afford to be hit .. even once .. |
BeyondJan 3, 2014 12:39 PM
「一人殺せば犯罪者だけど、千人殺せば英雄になれる。百万人殺せば征服者だし、絶滅させれば神よ」 |
Jan 3, 2014 11:57 AM
Raiden watched as the astonishing event happened in front of him. Inhuman... Huh? Raiden's eyes were not only different from Ko's in color, but they were much faster than hers. Just by watching him, Raiden was able to follow his clearly unique speed. He had seen others like him, but none of them reached this level. If this man was no longer human and had no longer any kind of weakness, Raiden had little chances against him. This man had probably already discovered his powers as well, which would turn out to be a problem. Even so, Raiden had no intentions of giving up. Steadily, Raiden walked foward and pushed Ko back. "Don't worry, I'll take care of him..." Raiden said with extreme confidence. Some would say overconfidence. Even so, Raiden showed to be too confident to go against someone who had just broken a woman to bits. I can't afford to be hit... Not even once... Well, this is going to be harder than I thought. Raiden said, awaiting for Keji's attack. He knew how Keji was, he wasn't going to be stupid enough to go at him like that. Raiden would wait, await and see. Steadily, Raiden grabbed a small needle from his pocket. The needle was clearly strange, not even being considered a weapon. It was so small that it could barely be seen by human eyes. And then, he stood still, awaiting for Keji's words or for his attack. Raiden's confident eyes changed into something much more different. Instead, his eyes seemed as if they were piercing. It was eerie and almost penetrating. The confident smile had disappeared and, in it's place, a cold, penetrating scowl appeared. "Come on... Show me what you have. I know that wasn't even close to your true power." Raiden said, looking back at Ko and blinking to her. |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Jan 3, 2014 12:59 PM
Keji immediately grinned in pleasure. Seems as though there was someone ballsy enough to meet his challenge. What's more was his presence - He did not appear to be as weak as the little 'missy over there. Ko nodded and moved her fingers. The sensation of pain was still there, causing her to cringe ever-so slightly. K-Kuh .. Keji, not noticing the subtle movements of Raiden when he pulled out his needle, continues walking forward. He stops at the five meter mark. Lemme in on a little tip for 'ye. That was 10% of my speed, Keji confidently said in front of Raiden. His smile widened. 'Think ye ready for 20%? His massive left leg rose up, surprisingly flexible despite his immensely muscular body structure, and slammed onto the sand at the bench floors they stood at, right beside the lake. A humongous amount of sand bursted several meters up into the air, completely obstructing Raiden's view from Keji. In a brief second, the same event happened at Raiden's left, obstructing his view there. Of course, his right and back had also been obstructed simultaneously after. Keji wasn't lying about this speed of his. A jab (boxer punch) hurdled towards Raiden, aimed for his upper back. The air resistance that fueled the punch was immense. Though it was not an over-extension of Keji's body, the result of breaking Raiden's spinal cord would instantly kill him. |
「一人殺せば犯罪者だけど、千人殺せば英雄になれる。百万人殺せば征服者だし、絶滅させれば神よ」 |
Jan 3, 2014 1:46 PM
Raiden's eyes followed the man's movements before he was blinded by the sand the flew upwards. "Tch... You really think this will affect me?" Raiden said, closing his eyes and paying attention to the man's quick movements. He followed his movements with an incredible perception. He knew that this man was quick... Some would say astonishingly quick but, for Raiden, that was nothing. Even if he was only using his 20%, he was still not even close to lose Raiden's glare. Raiden heard his movements and perceived his attack rather easily. It happened impressively fast, so fast that not even Ko's eyes would be able to follow, maybe not even Keiji's. When Keiji started his attack, Raiden was long gone. In the flash of an eye, he was not there anymore and all that remained was the movement of the sand in the thin air. Raiden was already beside Keiji as he attacked. What was even faster was his sudden attack. Two cuts on Keji's left cheek. Thin but deep, the cuts only appeared after Raiden was gone once more. This time, however, the trail of sand disappeared along with him. "I'm not here to play with you... If you want to kill us you better be faster than this..." Raiden said as his voice tricked Keiji, echoing through multiple areas around him. Raiden was not like any man around there, he was clearly faster than anything. His nickname, Raiden, meant lightning and it was given to him because of his nearly imperceivable speed. Though his attacks were not physically strong, his speed was impressive enough to cause people to believe he was at multiple places at the same time. This caused him to be a deadly swordsman and also what made him known throughout the world. |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Jan 3, 2014 2:09 PM
Even though it looked like Aiden was gone, he was still curious and was close by the area. He just turned around once he heard a loud voice from behind and returned to the place. A battle. It seemed that there will be some victims to the first few murders here too. The girl who joined last lying on the ground, beaten up. The others were two guys, one was that hotheaded needle-guy and the other wasn't really known to Aiden. They seemed to be locked in a fight, which made Aiden wonder. He wanted to kind of step in and join, but being useless right now, without any weapons on him or any special abilities known, Aiden can't afford to jump in. He sighed, looking down at his own weakness. "This is just pathetic...", Aiden thought to himself, "I can only sit here and watch, this isn't good for my moral code.." Aiden watched the fight, analyzing what would be useful for survival. He had no other choice. This was the only option that would prove fruitful for later. But seeing as the unknown person was kind of standing in front of the beaten girl, he couldn't help but wanting to know what their relationship was. It's probably nothing special, just a team up for this game. Weird, people, strangers to each other, team up in a death-game. Even though backstabbing is probably going to happen a lot. He can't help but try to avert his gaze away from the girl, as his eyes land back on her every time he watched the battle, he was worried. "I wonder how long this'll last.., my own weakness.. not knowing what my abilities are in such a dire situation..", Aiden looked down on the palm of his hand and then made a fist, "But once I find out.. I won't hide. I won't flee anymore." |
Jan 3, 2014 2:21 PM
As the neared his room he stopped near the door and looked behind him, past his comrades. The area could the tallest area in the arena seeing as how there was a waterfall and a river, meaning there had to be a slope here. He had a nice elevated view of the lowered landscape around them. He could even see the battle that was happening down below. He then turned around and entered the room. He had seen the monster that was Keji down by the lake, he wasnt ready to face him just yet, nor was anyone else he knew of. He beckoned Kohime and Kosuke in, he could show them some things he had discovered in seclusion and exclusive to them. |
Jan 3, 2014 2:49 PM
Hm. Raiden was fast - Faster than anybody Keji had ever encountered. The mere sight of his counter-attack was hardly visible for the monstrous man to see. However ... Keji could only consider his earlier attack to be 'pitifully' weak. Raiden had deluded himself for a minute. What would originally be two excellent, thin yet deep cuts on somebody's face remained two mere scratch marks on Keji's. Blood had yet too ooze from his face - the marks themselves were only pinkish in color. It appeared as though Keji had taken on martial arts that had trained his body to physically durable in all areas. 'Play? Oi oi - Look at that 'woman of yours. She's got about 15 minutes till 'her breathin's cut down ... Might last a 'tiny bit longer, given the used goods that she is. Clearly, Keji was the one who did not have to rush the match by making Raiden's little time-limit obvious to him. 'Em pair of fucking legs ... How did I deal with speedsters again? Raiden was fast as hell. Keji wouldn't even know if he could tackle him down with his full speed, given his not-as-great control over it. Something strange Keji noticed is in regards to Raiden's movements - Why would he be moving excessively and unnecessary? With every growing second, Keji's eyes ever so slowly but sturdy, become more accustomed to his speed. By the second, he was dropping his advantage. 'Ye gotta stop with that pointless shit. At that very second, Ko begins coughing out blood. Her gaze and consciousness appeared to be slowly withering away .. Keeping under control, Keji reflects on the situation before him, having analyzed his opponent. Keji is fast and durable, but there was two characteristics of his that remained unmatched - One of them, being power. Walking up to a nearby tree, Keji's singular hand pulls out the tree without any difficulty. He places the tree onto his shoulder, looking like a man who was about to launch a missile at somebody. His feet are flat onto the floor - His knees are bent - His right arm out in a motion that was prepared to lash or throw out an object. As somebody who would need a mere single, good hit to bring down Raiden, this was more of a game of tag than a brawl. Didn't matter though - Anybody with superior parameters in an area would be a fun challenge for Keji. As such, the non-existent caution he had for others was raised ever so slightly for Raiden. His left hand made an L symbol, acting as a tool Keji would utilize to aim at Raiden. 'Ye better use 'em powers or something - Ya dying if ye weak body gets hit'. His right hand twitches before shooting. The immense bulk of his strength, combined with the log's weight which was clearly exceeded by his own, fueled it into something that was even faster than his regular speed at 20%. His stance remained stationary throughout the process. The 'bullet-speed tree', aimed at Raiden's upper body, ripped through the debris and moved without delay. Keji had yet to notice Aiden or Kosuke who were around the area. |
BeyondJan 3, 2014 3:13 PM
「一人殺せば犯罪者だけど、千人殺せば英雄になれる。百万人殺せば征服者だし、絶滅させれば神よ」 |
Jan 3, 2014 3:05 PM
(Kosuke isnt anywhere near you, he is across the river, over a waterfall, out of site from keji really. Technically, he is behind Keji) |
Jan 3, 2014 3:24 PM
Raiden looked towards Ko, she was clearly unable to keep on without medical treatment. This was something that was probably on their rooms, or maybe someone would have the power to heal her. Raiden had no time left. If he kept on with this futile fight, Ko would die. Scowling further in anger, Raiden's smile and confidence was no longer existant. He looked towards Keiji with the cold scowl that showed not only anger but also hatred. "Looks like I'm not on good terms to keep this fight going. I'm pretty sure you don't give a fuck about honor, since you already hit her anyway. Unfortunately, this is not a fight for this current time." Raiden said, but his voice clearly didn't reached Keiji, since he lifted the tree as if it was anything and, with ease, threw it at him. Raiden would clearly use this for his advantage. Right now, his plan was not to defeat Keiji, but to get Ko out of here and treat her carefuly where they couldn't be attacked. With a scowl, Raiden evaded the tree as if it was nothing. As he did so, he quickly made a rush towards Ko. He grabbed her hand and lifted her up before carrying her in the princess style. This was obviously not all the speed Raiden had. As he looked towards Keiji, his scowl was still in place. In the blink of an eye, Raiden once more disappeared. Right now, he was long gone of the Lake and so was Ko, who he took along with him. He took her towards the dead forest that was not far from the Lake. (Ok, next post there xD) |
Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; - Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III. |
Jan 3, 2014 3:38 PM
(OOC @Komrad: Edited to say: "Keji had yet to notice Aiden or Kosuke who were around the area.") ... He didn't take the bait. Guess I'll deal with 'em some other time. Despite Raiden's seemingly-flawless dodge, he had further revealed how he moved and the types of movements that he would make. Keji's eyes had fully grasped the movement style that he had - This would provide to be useful even if the man was not moving at his maximum. Wondering if Raiden got his message in regards to Ko being 'used goods', in other-words: an experimental human, Keji dived into the lake in search of some more fish. Fight and food were the tastiest of the bunch. |
「一人殺せば犯罪者だけど、千人殺せば英雄になれる。百万人殺せば征服者だし、絶滅させれば神よ」 |
Jan 4, 2014 6:16 AM
The event finished. The fight didn't finish, it was delayed. Aiden didn't blame Raiden for leaving, especially after hearing what would happen if Raiden were to stay and keep fighting. It was a normal course of action, though he wanted to check on how the girl was doing, he couldn't. Raiden's speed was too fast for him to follow, making it impossible to go check on the beaten girl. But, honestly, Aiden would've probably jumped in and carried the girl away if Raiden were to keep fighting. The things he's seen in the center area was enough for him to know about most of the people and the fight just now gave him even more information. Aiden looked at Keji, who went fishing again, and sighed. "This guy.. He's not ordinary. I guess neither of us are, but his personality especially." Aiden turned away from the scene, not having much to do anymore. "Guess I'll search for something to eat, since this guy won't be letting anyone close." |
Jan 4, 2014 12:50 PM
Bzzzzzz ... The fire was roasting about. Well cooked fish slipped through Keji's throat and entered his stomach. He spent a duration of time simply sitting there, medicating after his 'mini-feast'. The eras of men - From the Golden age, preceding thus past silver, bronze and iron, cometh the reign of darkness. The Dark Messiah, oh how he conquers, The Dark Messiah, oh how she deceives, The Dark Messiah, oh how it roams free. Still for a thousand years, the crumbling sun it yarns for. The morning of millennium, ascension by the reviving upwards hand. The afternoon of millennium, may oceans flood with pools of blood. The dawn of millennium, may subjects of the demon lord cover the skies, ground and containers. The night of the millennium, may the revelations be complete. Such a voice echoed in Keji's mind. Yes - This must've been his ability. Of course, he would respond accordingly. (Please note that what he says is inside his head and is thus cannot be heard by anybody else. It'll be italics.) Keji: Finally comin' out eh? You fucker'. Stand: You are not the commander of darkness - Neither are you the hero of this play. However, you may be a being greater than both - One that can single-handled alter causality itself. Prove your worth - Defeat me, and become the Ruler of Time. Keji: So that's how it was, eh? He knew what to at last. Not that these ages had any relevance to him, it was time to set the gears in motion. The clock would spin again. Getting up, Keji takes a good look up ahead. He walks forward with an unsurpassed glare. It was time for the games to begin. |
「一人殺せば犯罪者だけど、千人殺せば英雄になれる。百万人殺せば征服者だし、絶滅させれば神よ」 |
Jan 9, 2014 8:06 AM
Ashido remembers that three must be killed before people may enter their rooms. This irritated him slightly and he moved to a portion of the wall that was close to the door of his room. He looked at the wall, peering all the way up, remembering how tall it was and its probable thickness. With this he transferred his hand into it, metal bulging out from where his hand went. His hand was fine but the metal that was there before was pushed outward. He smiled slightly as he transferred his hand out of the wall and sat down facing it "I guess we have to wait.... for three people to die now..." |
Jan 9, 2014 10:46 AM
"I..." Kohime spoke up. "In truth, I don't want three people to die..." She stared at Ashido's eyes. "I don't want them to die! I... I want to save them... No, I have to save them! I mean, that's what I came here for! It has to be the reason I'm here, the reason I have this power..." Tears flew from her eyes as she rattled on, completely losing track of what she was going to say, just repeating the same thing over and over again. |
Jan 9, 2014 12:24 PM
"Then you'd better give up on that." Aiden's voice could be heard from on top of a tree. He had been climbing to find some fruit and to get a better look of the environment. Right before he got here, Aiden had heard Kohime and Ashido. Aiden looked at the three of them, another group. Just like before, but this time with more members. He wondered how long that would last. "I already witnessed a fight that could've mean someone's death. And if I were to stay longer, I would've probably not even be here. For obvious reasons." Sitting down on the branch, Aiden kept observing the three. "Another group, eh? I wonder how you chose the members. Was it trust... or solely because of one's specialty. If it was the latter, you should heed my words. There is nothing as a human who'd not put themselves above a stranger. If there is, then it's an angel in disguise." |
Jan 9, 2014 11:15 PM
(when in the hell did you get over here.... we are by Ashido's room on the map) |
Jan 10, 2014 6:37 AM
(Walking around for awhile can do stuff to people. Especially when they're hungry. And I waited quite some time after my last post.) |
Jan 10, 2014 7:48 AM
Atleast tell us your headed in our direction then.... at least that is how i rp) he looks at Kohime, frowning slightly "We have been picked for our differences from the average human. The people of this event are doing this for their personal gain. im sorry but you cannot save everyone that is alive currently and if you do, more will be killed then if you focused on the ones you can save. So do as i said before, stay strong and stop crying." He felt a bit irritated at the fact that she kept crying but her power did fit her personality as well, did it amplify it as well? He couldnt tell by others as the round had just started but he did notice something strange about himself. 'Achido, your more active then usual..... Tell me, why is this so?' 'I wouldnt know what you where talking about Ashido' 'Liar' 'I bet you you're wrong' 'I bet you im right' 'We'll see about that' As he heard Aiden's voice, he could only bring his spread hand to his forehead as a disappointed father would to his son's flop. He was hoping someone wouldnt have come here, and it was highly unlikely that someone would as the walk was intense as it was up hill and a side was blocked by strong river current and cliff side. "What is a snobby scumbag like you doing here...? Your negativity shows you obviously have encountered the worse side of a human." He gets up and walks up to the tree that Aiden was in, looking up to him. "Humans are vile, mistrusting, and animal like in a situation such as this, which is very, very true. But no, this is trust that binds the group along with one's capabilities to help each other. Compatibility is key to surviving as a group." |
Komrad822Jan 10, 2014 7:51 AM
Jan 10, 2014 8:01 AM
( I didn't have any direction I'd actually wanted to go to. That's why I didn't say anything. See it as him wandering around in search for food. ) Hearing Ashido's response Aiden chuckled. His chuckle quickly escalated into laughter. "Right. Right.", Aiden said through his laughter. Deciding to hold himself in for now, he stopped laughing and took a deep breath. "You say that, but you might be the most vile person in this death-game. Don't tell me you chose her because of her personality. It was either her looks or her ability, since her personality is probably pissing you off right now or at the very least, irritating to you. Now tell me the truth. Did you take her with you because you wanted to use her, or did you do it because she is who she is?" Aiden looked down on Ashido, literally and figuratively. He was waiting for an answer, but didn't hope on the real answer. If he'd actually want it, he'd need to endanger Ashido's life, that is when humans reveal their true intentions. "C'mon, tell me. Which one is it?" |
Jan 10, 2014 10:08 AM
"Yes, it can be irritating when someone cries out of random, its slightly unsettling, that doesn't mean i dont like her for her personality. She doesn't cry all the time, she is strong, quite, and nice. her personality was what drew me in, she was the only one to go up to the announcer and actually ask if he was ok, rather then yell, snarl, growl, and hiss at his every word. You could say im vile yes, but thats not me..." He hid his smile as he paced back and forth beside the tree. "yes, her ability is intriguing and is what makes her useful to our cause for survival against... things such as the monster we all witnessed earlier. You may laugh but you know that alone you cant beat him without back up. You've seen him now, you think you'd be able to take him on without the use of others later on, who may have been killed by that time? This brings up the question of how our powers progress, because they have to somehow, and as he kills more, he will probably become stronger and stronger, its only logical. You'd be at a unique disadvantage in a game were to level up, you must kill or fight, and that chance lessen each time a person dies." He chuckled some as he thought about it more, Ashido and achido where talking about this in their head as well. "Back to the subject of her, yes her attractiveness is a nice quality, she is visually appealing and makes things much nicer, but its of no use in a situation such as this accept for motivation. She is useful all around and on top of that trust worthy, whether she is or she isn't, i will only learn through consequence or success." He looked up at Aiden only to actually be paying attention to the dry branch he was sitting on. It was bending to his weight as well. |
Jan 10, 2014 12:01 PM
Kohime came back to her senses when Ashido started talking to her, and dried her tears. "I'm sorry... I'll try not to cry anymore." After that Ashido started talking to another stranger. Well, not actually a stranger. Kohime had met him at the center, when there weren't that many people yet. Actually, in the beginning it had been only the two of them. Before Kohime could catch up with the two who were talking, the conversation was suddenly about her. Kohime felt happy when Ashido called her 'strong' and 'nice', and she gave a slight smile. She looked at Kosuke for a moment, but he didn't seem to want to mingle in the conversation. So she changed her gaze to Aiden. Sitting on a tree branch, he was looking down on them currently. She wondered if he would be coming down soon. Totally unannounced, the topic of the conversation was changed into her looks. Kohime had never been called attractive before, so it was new for her, and it was unexpectedly embarrassing. So she was motivation, huh? It didn't sound bad, so she shrugged it off for now. She looked at Ashido. "Don't you... Don't you think we could ask him to come with us?" she said, pointing at Aiden. "The more allies we have, the higher the change of surviving, right?" |
Jan 10, 2014 12:20 PM
Kosuke broke his silence at Kohimr's words. "I barely trust you guys let alone him. I am against it. But at the moment there is no reason to try and kill him." He began to shake his head as he chuckled. "Not that he would trust us, so I doubt he would come with us. On a completely different not. Yes Ashido, I also find it hard to believe that you brought her for who she is." Kosuke shifted so he was facing Ashido. "Let's be honest here, we kind of depend on it from how you guys are talking. WHY. DID. YOU. BRING. HER." He was being serious but not angry. He was raising his voice in order to show his seriousness but might come across as aggressive depending on who you were. |
OH MY GOD!!!!! I almost gave f*** what you think. |
Jan 10, 2014 11:26 PM
"oOn the note that you don't trust me Kosuke, would that imply that I am to trusting, the answer is yes, but thats just me" He ended the sentence off a high note, hoping Kosuke would understand what he was talking about. He kept his eyes on Aiden, but talked to everyone individually. "Kohime, it depends on Aiden, is he actually beneficial to us, do the three of us actually like him enough to take him with us, and will he help us out in a fight/argument or will he backstab us all. That all depends on if Aiden decided that he'd keeps is morals as a human or become the insulant vile that we know humans tend to become. He would most likely say no seeing what he said earlier on the matter of being a team and how its structured." His thoughts then shifted to Kosuke's question "I thought i explained this before, you had no problems with it at the time but your contemplating it again when my answer should have given enough reason. Yes I brought her with us because who she is, I trust her and the fact that you don't doesn't bother me at all seeing as how i gave you more motivation to have her in the group and more reason to trust her." He frowned slightly as he had hoped Kosuke would not single himself out in a conversation such as this and leave Kohime and himself to deal with Aidens pestering. "Makes me wonder, why are you putting so much attention into Kohime?" He looked up at Aiden "If you were just trying to break our team up by jabbing at how we frame our teamwork, why would you try to force me to say how we decided to bring Kohime? Was it in hope that she'd dislike something i'd say and eventually have less motivation in staying with us? If I remember correctly, it was just you and Kohime when I entered the center, both were sitting right next to each other and both were in somewhat comfortable. This would imply you had time to socialize or see some side of each other somewhat, maybe sparking an interest. Seeing how Kohime is who she is, she probably didn't say anything hurtful and greeted you nicely, and if she didn't, she was probably sorry for not.You may have also been nice and greeted her kindly or you could of been silent towards her. But in this time period you observed her and the announcer. Seeing how humans are, when presented with someone they hate, they will immediately find someone to trust or like in their mind who is under the same conditions as them and it relates to the person they dislike. It is obvious you didn't like the announcer as you pestered him with questions later after you had been in the center for a while. Kohime was an immediate ally in the beginning situation." He ended his speech with a huff of air. 'He could just hate our group and try splitting it up' 'It's only make him a hypocrite calling me the monster because both you and I know that splitting up can or will mean certain death for all of us at a certain point in time, especially with some of the people we have already encountered.' 'He may not care, just like I don't care' 'We can discuss this later Achido' |
Jan 11, 2014 4:45 AM
Aiden sighed, "As I thought. You're just bringing her in because of her powers, nothing else. C'mon, who're you kidding? She sticks out like a sore thumb. Her personality is different, so is her gender. She doesn't look like she's in great compatibility with both of you at all.". Aiden looked at the girl, "Now. I'd like to know why she joined you guys. Since I already know why you guys chose her to join you.", he said with a smile. It was a friendly one, unlike what he showed the other guy, "I'd like to join, but then those two would question my intentions. I don't want to do that. But don't worry, I'll only be.. stalking you.", Aiden added. He had a playful tone to it, but it was just a different way of saying, 'I'll watch over you.. during this time.'. |
Jan 11, 2014 7:35 AM
"Hey listen here faggot" he began talking to the treetop man "if you fucking dare to take a step toward me I swear to god I will fuck you up. I don't give a shit if you like her, and I have no current desire to fight you or anyone else. But send another half-assed threat at me and I will." He turned to Kohime "I don't care if you trust me, but that tree flying bitch is a sly cunt bag." He turned to Ashido, "if he continues talking shit knock him out of the tree for me." Reverts back to glaring at Aiden. "If you wanna join us then fine, but I can't promise I won't rip your damn lips off if you fuck with me." He walked over to the bottom of the tree and looked straight at him. |
OH MY GOD!!!!! I almost gave f*** what you think. |
Jan 11, 2014 8:27 AM
"I had no intention of joining your group. I think it's better to go with someone you trust or don't group up at all.", Aiden was getting a little irritated, "Maybe it's because she's the only one who is pure right now. That might be the reason why I like her. And I wasn't talking to you, if memory serves me right, I was talking to her." |
Jan 12, 2014 12:24 AM
A ZeEeEEeeEe sound scattered across the forest. A women, in the presence of a broken-down tree, had been crafting an wooden knife. Yes, this was Ko, in all her emotionless glory. She would carry out her duty as she did - The Blood of Nanaya ensured such actions. She continued walking up ahead, up until she noticed the presence of Aiden and the trio group. Walking as silently and still as she can, Ko masks her presence, meters away from the four. |
「一人殺せば犯罪者だけど、千人殺せば英雄になれる。百万人殺せば征服者だし、絶滅させれば神よ」 |
Jan 12, 2014 9:44 AM
(people are just plainly attracted to us, arent they..?) |
Jan 12, 2014 9:53 AM
(only place where a lot happens. increase the events :D) |
Jan 12, 2014 9:57 AM
(its funny, and im saying its funny literally that everyone is like "Hurr der durr, gonna go down this small little way here, around the monster Keji and find myself here :D) |
Jan 12, 2014 10:10 AM
(Funny how the same thing happened to Keji when he was confronting others. Pretty sure its clear that having a large group of people will inevitably cause more people to visit you. In this case, it's simply set as a coincidence - You'll see how Ko is like in the coming posts). |
「一人殺せば犯罪者だけど、千人殺せば英雄になれる。百万人殺せば征服者だし、絶滅させれば神よ」 |
Jan 18, 2014 11:52 AM
This kind of reaction wasn't at all what Kohime had intended. She understood. She had said something weird, and had made the situation only worse. She looked down at the ground, and clutched her chest with her hands. She was preparing herself for any angry comment someone might throw at her, only until she noticed something. Something that wasn't supposed to be noticed, yet it still had been, and it drew Kohime's gaze away from the ground. It was enchanting, and no matter how much she realized it was dangerous, she couldn't avert her gaze from it. She couldn't avert her gaze from her. "Someone is..." Kohime paused for a moment. "Someone is looking at us..." |
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