Feb 16, 2009 1:35 PM
Hello everyone! Once again sorry for being late on this one! It is TIME ONCE AGAIN! Things have changed rather drastically and to top it off EVERYONE IS VERY CONFUSED! I have read forums and many are confused. I have in luck consulted a friend about a second feed back for this one and bring great news that might clear many thoughts of people on this one. ON TO THE REVIEW! So the episode starts where it left off last time with the phone conversation of Misaki and Touya. Misaki being freaked out because of the pressure given to her of the drama club and the fact that now it is known that Misaki has about 2 weeks to do all the props, designs and costumes. Naturally she is desperate on the phone. Touya notices this right away with thoughts in his mind that this is not Misaki like he knows her. So in the end Touya refuses her to redo the script but decides to help her with all that she needs to do the costumes, which includes material gathering, finding a place to do them and offering his opinions about it. Very nice of Touya to do this and I think it will be a good thing to get out of all the crap Shinozuka made him go through in the previous episode. I felt a slight sadness from Touya when he was walking towards Yuki's place. I do not know yet if he regrets doing this or is just sad about Misaki and her situation but I do think that he wants to see Yuki more than anything. So he might regret that time that is available for them will not be there but I doubt because Misaki is a good friend that Touya would not give up on. So it goes on that Touya runs towards Yuki's place while thinking about Misaki's case. It is interesting to note that when Misaki felt embarrassed for the way she reacted that she felt guilt towards the club by having them show us her back during that scene. Another thing also to note is they switch during the phone conversation to a more peaceful Misaki with the art again. This is to indicate that Misaki felt a lot relieved and calmed a lot from talking to Touya. This also is indication she appreciated being able to take his time to talk to him and for him to have understood that this is too though for her and too much (assuming he memorized all the situation info on Misaki from Akira later in this episode). It may also indicate that she likes Touya. Personally I THINK TOUYA SHOULD GOT FOR HER! Screw Yuki and the showbiz seriously too much trouble! It follows that Touya goes to Yuki place only to notice that Shinozuka's car is there and that it switches to Yuki preparing tea/coffee for her meeting with Touya. I really though that all would go fine and even :hope::hope::hope::hope: a lot they would meet and something would happen but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Instead there is the tragic music playing. A switch occurs between scenes of Yuki waiting for him on her bed with a pillow after calling him to see if he was home thus I assume she is anticipating him and Misaki working on her sketches for the costumes.What is worthing noting around this part is that Shinozuka gets a call from Eiji while Touya is waiting in front of her meaning that it might be a direct order from Eiji that Yuki is not to see Touya. CURSE THAT! :p!ssedmode::p!ssedmode::p!ssedmode::1::1: This is not right of Shinozuka doing this even less so those being orders from the president of the production company that is endorsing Yuki with her first single! IT'S NOT RIGHT! They seriously ruin Yuki career by doing this not to mention her mental state. Another thing is that he sights and see the situation is desperate so all he does is stares at Yuki window and leaves? WHAT? :1::1::1::1::furious2::furious2::furious2::furious2: I AM PISSED! One of my other friends who I only asked his view, he said that he would shove the hell out Shinozuka and would go see her anyways! However, the one friend I did consult said that it is because Touya's personality is that of a stupid, idiot, moronic, selfish and blind fool! I agree but still DO SOMETHING TOUYA! REACT OR JUST RUSH IN! He could have at least walk around without being seen by Shinozuka! FOR CHRISTS SAKE TOUYA, SMARTEN UP! What follows is simply the next day with Touya and Akira at the cafeteria at Yuunagi University. This another important part because it shows more things so HERE I GO! The conversation is about Misaki and her past. Most important to notice are two things! A) Akira was helpless when Misaki was in trouble due to his shyness (huge one if you ask me) since he could not even help her while she was being bullied. This really :em02::em02::em02::em02::em02::em02: made me lose it! What? One is shy therefore one is too embarrassed to help a girl? NONSENSE! He should have prevented such a abuse but now because of this I can safely say that Akira was a chicken shit guy! There is no excuse to not help a woman especially since it concerns her mental and physical state (bullying can be both indeed). B) Touya only remembers being on a date with Yuki ONLY ONCE LAST YEAR? Oh man! This is :sic::sic::sic::sic::189bbdde::189bbdde::189bbdde: as well as sad and this is why they only show Touya having that same flashback while trying to remember other memories but the fact is there was none at all because that was the only one! This is really depressing! You have one girlfriend and YOU SAW HER ONLY ONCE? ONCE DURING A WHOLE YEAR? RAAAAAAAAAAGEEEEEEEEEE! :furious2: WTH was Touya doing of not forcing himself in meeting Yuki more often? Once his personality or it may just have been the other girls taking more his time. Hmmmmmmm I wonder about that. So the story about Misaki is that there was commotion in the Thespian club with her guy friend Tamaru and in the end a teacher got involved. So a fight started most likely within the club with members. Perhaps it even ended with Tamaru taking most of the shit from this stench so naturally he wanted something back. That would be first to convince Misaki nicely not to quite the Thespian club because of all this while comforting her at the same time (reality is that he is also pissed off at Misaki for rejecting him as a boyfriend). and second would be to torture her while she stayed at the club. Misaki could not leave because she felt bad in all this for rejecting him but also I think it is because she has passion for plays. So you can Misaki got tricked in all this. WHAT A EVIL PLOY ON SUCH A GIRL LIKE MISAKI! She does not deserve it because for one I think the commotion might have been because of the members bullying her and she could not take it anymore so she really just defended herself so I am all :omgnooo::omgnooo::omgnooo::p!ssedmode::p!ssedmode::p!ssedmode::p!ssedmode: feeling like because all of this is UNFAIR! It goes then to Yuki in the studio finally recording her first single! At the same time there are a lot of scene switches. Misaki is still working on her designs, Rina is trying to call Touya and Touya tries going to meet Yuki but she is not there but at the studio. There are brief flashes of the calendar.What must be noticed here is that there a calendar dates shown with Rina calling Touya at that time. This means most likely it has to do with Rina and her having appointed him a new time so that he restarts his job with her a manager. That is most likely why they showed this and the fact that Touya was ignoring this completely because he needs to help Misaki as well as get away from this mess! Interesting enough Rina said "Good Morning" to the Sakurako troop and they were surprised, which meant to me that Rina was in a surprising mood towards them. Another thing to notice is Yuki's song. It has the meaning of not seeing your love but the mutual feelings of that love reaching despite the distance. Interesting enough it reflects a similar love situation Yuki is living with her job and thus reflects her feelings. Interesting enough it goes towards the recording studio and Yuki having her mind go blanks suddenly thus putting a stop to the recording and a break. Thing is that I don't like is Eiji suddenly getting up and saying that he will take over. TAKE OVER WHAT? :1::1::1::1::1::1: To me he sounds like he did something perverted to Yuki. I really DO NOT TRUST THIS SLEAZE BALL! He sounds evil and mischievous. He plans crap that translate into being part of the work when in fact he possibly sexually advances towards Yuki while we are blind to those scenes, only to speculate this. Naturally since I heard so much CRAP IN THE 3D world about these Idols being sexually deprived of their virginity as young as 6 or even 8 years old! DISGUSTING such reality! A possibility might be there. Another reason as to why would be that Shinozuka left Yuki with Eiji alone. Another interesting point was that Rina was spying on Yuki to see how she performs and this is known through that door being left open. Another thing that is weird is that right after Rina was to go to Echoes coffee shop to see most likely Touya but stops when she sees Shinozuka. WHY? The reason is that she trusts Shinozuka and maybe even knows that she is doing perverted things with Touya yet cares not because I do think this to be another indication that Rina wants Touya for herself while he supports Yuki somehow. That yet again :p!ssedmode::p!ssedmode::p!ssedmode::p!ssedmode::p!ssedmode::p!ssedmode: makes me angry! It's like Rina is helping Yuki but in a evil way that will END IN RINA BEING A TRAITOR! I really do not like the way things are suggested around this anime. They are full of evil evil plans. Shinozuka then goes in the coffee shop to see Touya once again. GRRRRRRRRR, WTH does she want yet again with Touya I wonder? :1::onion16: Apparently she asks Touya when he finishes his work. It will not be long from what I notice but most interesting is Frank's expression when he saw her. Right away he knew something is not right at all! I also think he knows what Shinozuka is up to and knows her more than it shows us. I wonder if Frank is going to put a stop to Shinozuka's meddling at one point? It would be nice since Touya is a friend of his nephew AKira after all and Shinozuka saying to Touya that she will give him a lift home? WTF.......Touya WAKE UP! DO NOT GO WITH HER! AVOID HER!!!!!! DAMN IT! Alas my hopes got crushed! Touya went inside the car AGAIN! FOOLISH PERSON HE IS THAT TOUYA! What happens? Shinozuka congratulates Touya on stomaching the fact of not seeing Yuki, while in his head his thoughts knew very well that Shinozuka is a watchdog that interrupts, also based on other subs, Touya might think she is irresistable and that suggests that he admits that she is sexually attractive to him (I think that it's basically have sex with her and dumb her out). Then the STUPID BITCH KISSES HIM AGAIN assuming this to be her reward for resisting to see Yuki! BITCH! :p!ssedmode::p!ssedmode::p!ssedmode::1::1::1::1::damn::damn::twitching: HOW DARE SHE DO IT ONCE AGAIN! The good thing I like about this part unlike last one is that Touya pushes her even more and wipes his lips with his sleeve, which means he is even more disgusted than previously. Saying to her this is meaningless such a act is good too but Shinozuka suggesting to stop it, THAT WAS STUPID! She is the one who started it and her saying this means she is just taunting Touya to see his reaction. At the same time she gets a phone call from Eiji, which means that things at the studio are ready to start once more. The following scene was extensively analyzed with me and a friend on several psychological levels. For one from the start Misaki being weak due to not enough rest was quite something because of such a push on her part and it was so brutal that she collapsed into the arms of Touya. This tells me she trusts him A LOT! A girl being able to do this to a guy in Japan means hight trust! She is lead on into the home of Touya (another thing to notice here is that Misaki might be the only girl so far having been inside of Touya's place and I did not notice other girls having even been there) and is given a place in his room along with a suggestion for coffee, which she accepts gladly due to her will of wanting to stay awake. Another interesting thing is that she grooms her hair while looking into a mirror and once to me sounds like she wants to look nice in front of him while drinking coffee but a problem arises. There is no more milk, Touya at that same time, even though Misaki says the milk is not needed for the coffee, thinks of Misaki when she was happy drinking her coffee after putting milk. This also suggests to me that if Touya saw her like that then it may mean he went out with her to a coffee place (based on the flashback it was in the University to my knowledge) before and saw her as being happy to have milk in her coffee. So what happens is that Touya goes to get the milk and when he comes back Misaki is sound asleep. Interesting enough they show a art form similar to how Touya saw Yuki sleeping, which may mean that he sees her when Misaki is sleeping as innocent as Yuki looks. This might be another indication Touya appreciates Misaki's innocence. Touya at that point could have done anything to her but he is at least not perverted unlike many other characters *cough, City Hunter, cough* that are portrayed as perverts. He starts checking Misaki's sketches to evaluate and I think that Misaki's designs are very :beautifu2::beautifu2::beautifu2::beautifu2::beautifu2: indeed! The colors aren't vivid as she remarks on the heroine but on the contrary it should be simply because the heroine must be seen with flashy bright colors. All goes perfect with Misaki sleeping until the stupid phone rings! DOH! :furious2: Who else but Yuki at such a bad time with another girl (this is bad because Yuki did not even go to Touya's place yet so if she finds out then it will mentally disturb with doubt) being at Touya place staying over. So what happens? Simply put three big fat lies! The first one being that of when Yuki asks what is happening because Touya does not seem to speak loud enough for her and that lie is the fact that Touya admits to Yuki that it's the neighbor who want him to be quiet due to a previous party he had with Akira while in fact it is because Misaki is sleeping there.The second lie is after he comforts Yuki due to her being nervous and he senses it. That lie is when he said that he understood with the coded message meant and admitted to not being able to make it when in fact he was there but Shinozuka blocked him at that time so he left in despair. Yuki does admit at this point to have been recording the single since yesterday and that makes sense of why Shinozuka would not want Touya to meet her right before that recording! STUPID SELFISH BITCH that Shinozuka is indeed! Another interesting point is that Yuki while indicating that her break is almost over looks straight at Eiji like something was up between them. I did not like that as it suggested once again a possible misdirection but also that something might going on more than what is revealed to us. Finally the third lie comes! It is about when Yuki asked Touya if he passed by like he was to but he LIES TO HER AGAIN! He says he tried but could not because his father has problems with hemorrhoids (just to show you all HOW MUCH BS IS THAT LIE, check this out to know what medical condition is this here: then judge yourselves how much BS this is) and he had to attend to him. What a lie while in fact what happened is that he went straight home with *sigh* and on top of that for irony they show Touya's father doing exercises. What follows was analyzed. Misaki, at that time when Touya finished the conversation with Yuki, seemed to have been awake but from the looks on her face, she seemed to have heard all of the conversation that happened and was very sad as well as disappointed in the way things are going for Touya/Yuki relation. She knows about it because she was there since they were all in high school and it might be that she is jealous of Yuki. Misaki is also aware of all the lies Touya said since she heard all. It was analyzed that Misaki seems to like Touya even more due to all these feelings she had after the phone conversation he had with Yuki. I am sure that Misaki is jealous of Yuki since help she needs would have been there if Yuki and Touya never got interested in each other. So it goes that Yuki finished the phone conversation at the moment Shinozuka came and so the recording starts once more. This is the most banal thing to happen so far for me. Yuki talks like she was in another world or afraid of Shinozuka's indication apart from those of the 5 minute call and other ones such as not seeing too many people. She talks about her calling Touya and that he was not available (big lie she does there but it seems it was directed to avoid consequence from Shinozuka) but that she was worried about him regardless. The interesting part here is that Shinozuka had her eyes more open than usual while reading that book, which means she was stressing at all this. Another meaning for me that she is responsible for many of these disciplinary acts yet is this REALLY DONE SO TO AVOID WHAT HAPPENED TO RINA? COME ON, BS! Such methods might backfire on her! What follows is interesting once more. Touya wakes up to read a note left by Misaki to thank him for yesterday. Now, there are some indications that Misaki might feel bad for yesterday after hearing the conversation so she left early but also it might mean that she had to leave earlier and Touya was still sleeping. So what happens is that her sketches were accepted by the club and there is a scene that suggest Misaki reconfirming the feelings and reasons of Touya accepting to help her. Once again a test of truth from her towards Touya to know if he is lying to her. Once again Touya did not lie and confirmed it properly towards Misaki that he wants to help her. After that they suggested to have Akira help but since he is busy with his mystery club that leaves the two of them and Touya seemed surprised at this the way he responded. It goes towards the studio back with Yuki. She looks kind of nice with the head phones and not to mention professional. It goes back to Touya and Misaki walking on the streets in the evening. It's funny that Touya says out that Misaki can use until he drops dead. The music playing at that moment WAS PERFECT! JUST PERFECT! Reminded of a nice music for the 1930s classical stroll on the street. Misaki and Touya looked PERFECT as a couple! They looked happy, having fun and full of JOY! :inlove2::inlove2::beautifu2::beautifu2::nwc::nwc: is how much I liked such a nice view other than the stupid couple bumping into Touya. Now another situation surfaces! It starts with a conversation about Misaki's car at home and Touya saying that it would hard for some pieces to transport by foot so it would be nice to have a car to drive around. Misaki mentions having a license and a car at home. She can use it but the thing is that she did not drive for over 2 years when Touya asked if her driving is safe. Touya then mentions to use a cart instead when Misaki almost falls until Touya grabs her. NOW HERE IS THE IMPORTANT PART! Touya grabbed Misaki around the waist line above the between legs lower than the solar plexus location. A typical position LOVERS USE TO GRAB EACH OTHER. At that time time there is a flashback, in that flashback we see a old man grabbing Misaki but in more aggressive and violent manner. Misaki was terrified of that and the looks on her eyes were frightening as well. The following has been assumed from the choices of interpretations that are possible. A)The father (close/not so close family member) abused her verbally and physically. B)A relative abused her sexually as well as verbally and physically because she did something like damage the car or brought it late. C)Someone at her place has been rough with her each day thus literally torturing her and she had no choice because she could not go live alone (I think that might still be the case since she seemed to be many times at that same place where things like that occured). Regardless she is scarred mentally and to what extent is yet to be seen but like Haruka she seems to be dependent on close friends when things get rough around her. So it goes that Misaki somehow recovered from that and Touya goes to pick up what he dropped of the supplies. Then they go together into a boutique that sells dishes because they saw some that would go good with the play. PROBLEMS HAPPENS! The high school girl (her name is MANA MIZUKI) and she is that girl in episode 4 that causes major problems for Touya during his date with Yuki. I do not know what her purpose other than her taking a walk around town might be and she seems to think that Misaki is Yuki. O_o Huh? Ok what happens next people are confused a lot by it as well. It goes on to the studio and Yuki is singing once again. She does run into some complications and seems to be red faced and out of breath! She seems that she cannot take it anymore at all. (Some might think it has to do with hentai stuff but I doubt because Shinozuka is there so none of that at that time but Yuki does seem to have a problem of technique that she really does not know how to do with the maximum quality with the least effort/energy lost. Moreover I do not think she had a breathing problem but she might since many things are hidden like the other half secret she never revealed to Touya. So Eiji asks Shinozuka what is after all this? Seems nothing so HE HAD TO PUSH Yuki till the goal is reached, which to me seems to be the voice that will satisfy him best! That is so BS! If Yuki get too much tired/stressed out, it could really damage her own health! Eiji should not push too much on Yuki. Suddenly Rina comes in to encourage Yuki in pushing herself. Sudden words come up, GODDESS and above Yuki, Rina, Misaki and Mana with ?????? meaning no one is sure if she will such a Goddess for Touya but in fact I might be lead on that she might help Touya and Yuki somehow. She does give a lot of interest in all this since she is stalking/spying on Touya with Misaki. It goes on to the Yuunagi University Design club and Misaki asking they help with renting equipment such as a sewing machine. Unfortunately the person known as Yoshie refuses due to them being late. Misaki does beg for it but in the end she got the door closed on the face so to speak. So Touya was about to say something with the writings indicating "A hero appears", which to me is Touya but how is to be seen in #7. So see ya there for more analyzing and THANKS FOR READING! Screen Shots! So in the beginning Misaki is really desperate big time! ![]() This part tells me regret from Misaki despite not being her fault! ![]() Good way of showing Misaki being relieved by Touya's talk over the phone. ![]() Sp Touya comes and see Shinozuka's car in surprise. Someone should seriously do something to her! How dare she interfere like that! ![]() Obviously Yuki is getting ready with some tea/coffee and I LOVE her taste in dish ware. ![]() Shinozuka gets a phone call from the President to either tell Yuki is it time or to see how the surveillance is going on Touya. Either way Touya is stupid to be like this! Should have avoided Shinozuka somehow. ![]() So he sights and goes away? Touyaaaaaaaaaaaa you idoooooooooooot! :punch::punch::punch::punch::punch::punch::punch: ![]() NICE GOING AKIRA WITH YOUR STUPID SHY PERSONALITY! :furious2: Being shy is one thing but not helping a girl being bullied! UNFORGIVABLE IF YOU CAN DO SOMETHING BUT YOU DO NOTHING! ![]() The constant memory and only memory of last year when Touya dates Yuki when she did not even debut. ![]() Touya does not even believe in any of that. OMG you are IDIOT AND BLIND TOUYA LIKE THAT! ![]() Yuki with headphones! Her song has interesting meaning reflecting her own love situation. ![]() That face was priceless of the Sakurako girls when Rina said good morning to them in a nice way! ![]() Loved the way they show Misaki in her outfit like that and working on her project! ![]() Hmmmmmmmmm, my mind went blank. I know lacks Touya support and cheering! Really surprising Yuki lost it like that. ![]() Why in the world would Rina just see Shinozuka entering the Echoes coffee shop and leave right away. Don't tell me she is also in this plan of Shinozuka!? Either that or trusts too much Shinozuka plain and simple! ![]() DO NOT GET IN THAT CAR TOUYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() Seems our friend MR.FRANK KNOWS MORE THAN MEETS THE EYES! Also his face shows he does not like Shinozuka and that something is up! ![]() Yeah reasoning of Touya sucks! You are supposed to think of Shinozuka as irresistible but think like that of Yuki! Control your thing between the legs TOUYA! ![]() This part once again I am feeling like this because the BITCH KISSED HIM AGAIN! :punch::punch::punch::em04::em04::em04::urusai::urusai::urusai::damn::damn::nonono::nonono::nonono::damn::nonono::nonono: ![]() At least Touya wiped with his sleeve that DISGUSTING SALIVA of Shinozuka! ![]() Good thing he made clear this is shit to him! ![]() Misaki being like this tells me a lot of trust is in her towards Touya! Girls don't do this in Japan unless they have high trust towards that person. ![]() Misaki doing her hair like this also tells me that she wants to look good even in such a situation as this at Touya's place. ![]() The milk in the coffee and Touya thinking about how Misaki was happy when she put that milk in her coffee tells me also he might like her a little. ![]() Misaki sleeping is pure :inlove2::inlove2::inlove2::inlove2::inlove2: and with the way Touya saw her makes me think he might have similar thoughts as that with Yuki since he saw her sleeping with such innocence also! ![]() ![]() Love her costume designs! ![]() So Yuki gets a break and calls Touya because she is nervous! ![]() THREE LIES! What a bastard Touya is! First one! ![]() Second one! ![]() Third one with IRONY since he father is far from having such a complication! ![]() ![]() I did not like the way Yuki looked at Eiji while talking with Touya about her worries. ![]() Misaki heard all of that conversation and is sad that she did not grab Touya first! ![]() Obviously Yuki lies also to Eiji and Shinozuka as well. Shinozuka is surprised as well! ![]() The thank you letter was SWEET OF MISAKI! ![]() Nice reconfirmation of Misaki of why Touya would still help her! I like it how she tests Touya! ![]() Yuki looks really good and pro with these headphones but she is not in I think and indeed would need lots of practice still! ![]() OH NO! TOUYA WTF DID YOU SAY! You should told her to use you until you are dead (sort of). ![]() This scene told me that these two are like strolling around town with much happiness and joy! THEY LOOK LIKE A PERFECT COUPLE! I really think Touya should take her instead of Yuki! ![]() ![]() Notice where Touya grabs Misaki before the flashback happens of her abuse! ![]() I would PUNCH THIS GUY SOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD IF I KNEW HIM! Abuse towards Misaki is unforgivable! NEVER FORGIVE FOR SUCH A ACT UPON INNOCENT WOMEN! :furious2::furious2: This must be her father or family relative. ![]() Meet MANA MIZUKI! ![]() LOL! OMG Mana thinks Misaki is Yuki! NO WAY! ![]() This heavy breathing and fatigue of Yuki is totally not professional! This is amateur but some people think it refers to hentai! WRONG! Yuki is just tired or has health problems we do not know of yet. ![]() Rina comes to support her at the recording because she knows her brother will go easier on her with her being around! That is also why she did that! ![]() Goddess? Mana? Maybe but she is pretty young and Touya would be a pedophile if he did ANYTHING OF SEXUAL WITH HER! Although in the game you can screw her. AH EROS GAMES! ALL IS POSSIBLE! ![]() Meet Yoshie, who is bitchy but she still could have done something to let them use the stuff! She was really lame in her decision! ![]() So in the end Touya becomes a HERO! YEAH RIGHT! WE SHALL SEE IN #7 COMING UP! SOON! ![]() |
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Feb 16, 2009 11:41 PM
kind of long review.. but damn u gotta make episode 7.. the explosion of the harems.. totally love episode 7... 6 was good.. but i do feel that touya was kind of innocent but he sure did somethings wrong like.. he shouldnt have got himself involved with misaki by pushing his fren, akira to misaki, which i believe cause misaki to like him.. and lying to yuki and such.. but being involved with shinozuka and haruka, totally innocent imo.. haruka was probably thinking of touya as him brother, from episode 7.. and shinozuka just trying to break yuki and touya up.. mana is a case of luck??? i dunno.. but i think though touya cannot be fully blamed, his personality killed him... LOL.. especially those lies... which he'll get skinned alive for.. |
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