I'm not really sure if this discussion belongs here or the anime discussion forum, but I'll guess I'll just post it here since it's referring to this anime.
For the record, it's really difficult for me to flat-out drop an anime. Ever since I started watching anime seasonally in the winter season of 2011, I've only dropped three anime and even then, all three came from the early 2012 seasons.
At any rate, I've been trying my best to get through Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou, but it's been really difficult. While I understand some people might really enjoy this, I find watching this to be a chore more than a hobby. To me, the comedy is not funny, the plot (as unique as it might be) is doing nothing for me, and I cannot for the life of me enjoy these characters. I really don't like Natsuno's personality and I am generally not a fan of Harumi's "sense of humor."
Generally speaking, the last year or so, I've been dedicated to finishing anime no matter how bad because I usually write reviews when the series is finished. However, I can honestly say watching six episodes of this series has been some of the most mundane and boring I've ever watched. Sure, there is usually a moment or two during an episode that will make me chuckle, but when it seems like you need to get through 15 minutes of schlock to get to a humorous moment, it makes for a difficult watch.
Now, before I have fan boys ripping my throat out, I'm not calling this series "bad." I do think there are some plot elements about this series that are kinda interesting. Like I said, I'm not calling it bad, I'm calling it boring." That's the problem when you're watching a comedy that doesn't suit your sense of humor. It doesn't necessarily make the series bad, it's just not a very enjoyable watch for me.
Needless to say, I feel conflicted. I'm halfway through the series, but this has been a really difficult watch for me. I'm not sure if I should just grind it out, finish the series, and then write a review or if I should just drop it. This would be different if I could call this anime "bad" because there's still something you can take out of a bad anime. Characters that are memorable, plot elements that are ridiculous, usually something that at least has you mocking it by the end. With this series, I can't even get that. I just don't find the comedy entertaining it seems like I'm always checking the time when watching this series because it feels like a very grinding 23 minutes. I'm really not a fan of dropping anime, but like I said, this is probably one of the least enjoyable series I've watched since I started watching seasonally.
So...do you guys think I should just drop it and forget about it or should I just grind it out? |