Mochirei or guardian ghosts, are spirits that are under control of shaman. Human, plant or animal becomes a spirit after they die. Ghosts are made of 1 spirit and 1 mind, meaning they are not heard or seen by normal people. Different people treat ghosts differently. Some, like Tao family, thinks of them as slaves. Others, like Asakura family, treat them as pals or partners.
In the manga there are three classes of ghosts.But to make it easier to rp, we have thinked of a bit different classification. The bigger class(level) the spirit is, the more powerful it is and the more hard is to control it.
Here are the classes:
Newborn spirit (lv I) spirits that have died recently. They look exactly how they looked alive, has a very little power.E.g. leaf spirits
Beginner spirit (lv II) a spirit that has died more than 1 year ago. They have clothes,weapons and other things that were truly dear to them before death.
E.g. Lee Pyron
Matured spirit (lv III) mostly used class, these spirits have partially gave up on their ego, allowing them to take a bit more freely form. For example: If a person before death really liked burning things, when they are at this level, they can have fire parts on their body. E.g. Bason, Amidamaru before evolving
Master spirit(lv IV) a powerful spirit, able to take give up on their ego. They are big and can take their pure form.E.g. conchi and ponchi, amidamaru after evolving
Spirit god (lv V) Spirits that are part of nature.They are very very powerful, able to control limitless power.These are very rare.E.g. spirit of fire
Also, spirit is not equal to spirit. There are four types of spirits, but they have all the classes. So every spirit has a class and a type, meaning there are 20 different combinations
Plant spirit: a weak spirit that has very little ego.
Animal spirit: has an ego that can be quickly rod off. Medium power.
Human spirit: powerfull, but has a big ego, so it's hard for them to evolve.
Nature spirit: they never have been alive, so they are powerfull spirits. Has a very little ego.
Types of shamans:
Shaman: a person that sees ghosts. Is capable of creating oversouls and making attacks. Necromancer (boneyard sorcerer): shamans who can use their Furyoku to animate and control dead bodies at will. Also are capable of making O.S. Daoshi :are able to transfer a spirit in its dead body and use talismans to move the animated corpse. Since the spirit comes back to its original body, it is seen to normal people. Miko ("shaman woman"): Miko are shrine priestesses able to hear divine voices, often involving disasters. Yuta: Shamans who have special healing powers. A powerful Yutas can also revive a dead body with the help of their Furyoku. Shugenja: Shamans in search of powerful spirits, often pilgrims or hermits. Often refered to as "ascetics." Itako(spirit medium): Itako are women who can summon spirits from heaven back to earth. Many of them are blind. Onmyōji:Regarded as some of the most powerful and oldest shamans in excistence. They have the power to control the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) and can divine the future. Witches:Little is known what designates a shaman as a Witch besides the fact it is transmitted by blood
Note that one can have more than 1 type of shaman. For example, there are Itako-shaman, or necromancer-yuta.
When you choose your spirit(s) you write them at your character post. Also, don't choose spirits that you cannot control at the time. (check your spirit bond stat) Good rping!