Will be writing my thoughts on all the episodes in this discussion..
Damn, this OP is lit.. ;o And it's rarely I say that - it really looks impressive, to be honest.. ;o
Poor life is hard.. But any life is hard, to be honest.. Like working 8 hours a day?.. A fun life we'd all be choosing for sure, isn't it?.. Sarcasm, of course.. So yeah.. Life sucks in general, really..
Honestly, I can relate to some things, really.. Like sometimes better to spend less on food, to afford some more of things related to my interests.. Like, I don't know.. It's not doujins, but still stuff.. Like just spending in general less on food, so I'd get better computer, for example.. Some food is really expensive, to be honest..
Also, I have close thinking about strawberries.. I don't really like them.. And they're kinda expensive.. So I don't really give a damn, if they get more expensive or not.. Price on different things is more important for me..
I also don't care about excursions, to be honest.. And as well because they're partially expensive.. Like, we had a couple to the near country, for example.. But they thankfully were optional.. Because really a waste of money and time as well, to be honest.. I don't like travels myself, really.. Even if had some, including to other countries.. Really, not stuff for me at all.. I'd more happily choose to view streets on the internet, if I'd really want to look at the damn streets.. But why would I want that, lol.. Traveling, really, is both waste of time and money, to be honest..
Don't gamble, though.. Yeah - maybe it's funny, or something.. But really, only the gambling sites win in this.. Please don't gamble..
I saw that manager guy just recently.. In Akane Maniax, lol.. Is it reference to him?.. As there are references to some other anime series here and there, really.. Like to Nanoha, and stuff.. But that guy, really, was so obscure.. I maybe even think that he's originally not from there, but both Lucky Star and Akane Maniax referencing some other dude.. Because, yeah.. He was so obscure.. So yeah.. Kinda no idea, who this is, even if I see this manager guy the second time..
Hikage is my spirit animal, lol.. ;D But for real, though - I like spending less, if I can, really.. It leaves more money for other stuff, which truly matters.. I'm not on the level of efficiency on the using hair dryer or something, though, lol.. ;D Well, no reason to get too crazy as well, because you'll get ill with overly some things.. And with getting ill - you'll have to spend even more during that time.. ;D So yeah - don't get too crazy.. But some things you really can get cheaper, or I don't need them, to be honest..
And honestly.. This anime is enjoyable to watch.. I as well really think that in our culture we really have too much wasting money considered as to be normal, or even, what is even more I don't agree with - desirable.. Like travels.. Or trying the more cafes and restaurants you can.. Or something other useless stuff, really.. And ok, if useless - but really I enjoy putting money on the interests I personally have.. Rather than try 10 types of coffee or whatever, lol.. It's enjoyable to watch person, who values money, not the usual our broad culture of spending money here and there, to be honest.. And in many cases it's just for the sake of being "cool", social status, and other stuff like that.. Man, I'll enjoy putting my money to better use, really.. Well, then again, our society in general has many stupidities.. Like, for example, the alcohol culture, and everyone enjoying talking about it, it being a desirable topic in society.. Meh, to be honest.. And even a harmful thing as well, really.. So yeah - not everything what is normal - good, really..
It was an enjoyable anime, really.. Hikage is good girl.. ;P |