Mar 27, 2013 7:04 AM
Character sheet Full Name: Level: Race: Gender: Date of Birth: Age: Appearance: Place of Residence: Place of Birth: Relatives: Enemies: Allies: Occupation: Weapon: Special Abilities: (up to 5 max) Personality: Motivations: Disposition: Outlook: Sexuality: Affiliations: Likes: Dislikes: Hobbies: Theme Song: History: |
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Mar 30, 2013 12:54 PM
Approved Full name: Bebi Arashiko Level: Base: 10 billion. Great Ape: Base *10. Golden Great Ape: Base *50. SSJ: Base *50. SSJ2: Base *100. SSJ4: Base *200. Race: Saiyan. Sex: Female. Date of Birth: 21 years after what ever time period the group takes place. Age: 21. Appearance: (Her base doesn't have the SSJ4 hair.) ![]() ![]() Armor: (It looks like it, but the shoulders are smaller and it's a full body armor. So the arms and legs are also covered in the plating ![]() Place of Residence: No where right now. She's going through space in her ship. Place of Birth: Somewhere in space. Relatives: Mom, dad, 2 brothers and a sister. Enemies: Which ever races hate the Saiyans. Allies: None besides her family. Occupation: Warrior, but right now she's traveling through space for races to fight. Weapon: None. Special Abilities: *Energy whip: She can focus her energy into a thin whip that can be 100ft long. It's able to cut through anything. *Energy slash: When she kicks or moves her arms she can send energy blast that are as big as her arms or legs from them. *Energy shield. *Kaio-ken. *Instant Transmission. Personality: Loves fighting and a good challenge. Somewhat arrogant. Motivations: Fighting. Disposition: Outlook: Positive. Sexuality: Affiliations: Herself and her family. Likes: Fighting. A good challenge. Dislikes: Cowards. Weak opponents. Arrogant people that are all talk and no show. Hobbies: Fighting and training. Theme song: History of Trunks: |
BerzerkCommandoApr 8, 2013 7:57 AM
Apr 8, 2013 12:18 PM
Aki Full Name: Aki Ishida Level: Human Race: Human Gender: Female Date of Birth: Oct. 1 Age: 20 Appearance: ![]() Place of Residence: Earth, wherever Place of Birth: West City Relatives: Yuki Ishida (Older Brother {She doesn’t know he’s actually alive}) Enemies: Anyone who wants to fight her Allies: She’s more of a lone wolf Occupation: Odd Jobs in the cities for Zenie Weapon: Sword and hand to hand combat ![]() Special Abilities: Fly Personality: Cold at first, but she’s actually a nice person. Has a bit of a short fuse though. Motivations: She just wants to fight, she really doesn’t really care Disposition: She also doesn’t care, her heart has turned cold Outlook: To survive and to win Sexuality: Straight Affiliations: None Likes: Fighting, training, looking at the stars, putting in a good day of work Dislikes: Letting an employer down, losing, showing emotions, people who think they know her Hobbies: Training, fighting, and looking at the stars Theme Song: History: Aki Ishida was in West City and her childhood was great. She was happier back then; two loving parents, Ryuu and Suki, and an older brother, Yuki, who is three years older than her. Aki learned hand to hand combat from Yuki; who also taught her how to sue a sword. They trained every day after school and homework. Her life was turned upside down when she turned ten years old. One night her parents went on a date, leaving Yuki in charge. When they heard a car pull up outside they thought it was their parents, but it was actually the cops telling them their parents were killed by some outlaws. Aki spent the night upset and Yuki comforted her. The next day Aki and Yuki went to their training spot and that’s when she saw him practicing to shoot their dad’s gun and throw their dad’s knives. She was curious why he had those, but he told her not to worry. So she didn’t and trained with her sword. Two years later, Aki went to a sleepover at one of her friends’ house. That was the last day she saw her older brother. The next morning when Yuki was suppose to pick her up he did not show. So, Aki walked home and that’s when she saw the police outside. They told her that Yuki had died and that she would be going to the orphanage, but she refused. Aki started to live in her family home all alone. That’s when Aki’s whole personality changed. She had to take odd jobs whenever she could so she could feed herself and pay the bills. As she got older Aki would not accept any help from anyone. By the time she graduated High School, Aki no longer had any friends. After graduation Aki started doing more odd jobs all over Earth. During her years of training Aki learned how to fly like she heard the Saiyans could do. Now that Aki is twenty years old she still works odd jobs whenever she can and she also trains whenever she has spare time. Aki also enters in the World Championships every year. Right now Aki is in Central City. Yuki Full Name: Yuki Ishida Alias: Jun Takato (after his accident) Level: 3/4 Human, 1/4 Cyborg (becomes 1/4 Cyborg after his accident) Race: 3/4 Human, 1/4 Cyborg (becomes 1/4 Cyborg after his accident) Gender: Male Date of Birth: Dec. 21 Age: 23 Appearance: (Normal Look) ![]() (His Disguise {is the outfit and a mask, he still looks like he does in his normal picture}) ![]() ![]() Place of Residence: His hideout in the Mountains Place of Birth: West City Relatives: Aki Ishida (Younger Sister) Enemies: Whoever his target is Allies: Whoever agrees to fight with him Occupation: Bounty Hunter Weapon: Guns (assortment of them), sword (doesn’t use it any longer), knives, and hand to hand combat (9mm pistols {silencer optional}) ![]() (SubMachine Gun) ![]() (M16 Rifle) ![]() (Sniper Rifle) ![]() (Doesn’t use sword anymore) ![]() (For when he needs to quickly kill someone) ![]() (Throws at a target far away. He has many of these) ![]() Special Abilities: Fly Personality: Sort of a loner, he’s not has cold as his sister Motivations: To protect his sister; even if she doesn’t know it’s him Disposition: Keeping his true identity a secret from Aki Outlook: To bring in the bounties and kill anyone he has to, as long as Aki is safe Sexuality: Straight Affiliations: Capsule Corp. Likes: Keeping Aki safe, training, sweets, women Dislikes: Low bounty prices, law breakers, spicy foods, Yaoi Hobbies: Training with all his weapons Theme Song: History: Yuki Ishida was born in West City, 100% human, and his childhood was great. He had loving parents, Ryuu and Suki, and his younger sister, Aki, who was happier back then. Yuki taught Aki how to fight in hand to hand combat and how to fight with a sword when she was about five and he was about eight. They trained every day after school and homework. He had to grow up sooner than his friends when he was thirteen. His parents had gone out on a date, leaving him in charge. When a car pulled up outside he and Aki thought it was their parents, but it was actually the cops who told them their parents were killed by some outlaws. His sister was upset that night so he comforted her while thinking of his revenge plan. The next day Yuki and Aki went to their training spot and that’s when he started to practice with their dad’s gun and knives. He told Aki not to worry why he had these, just practice with her sword. Two years later came Yuki’s chance to get his revenge. One day Aki was going to a sleepover at one of her friends’ house, so, Yuki dropped her off and went to the hideout. When he got there he broke into the hideout and killed anyone that tried to shoot him. Once he got to the bosses he learned that they where the two who killed his and Aki’s parents. Yuki fought with them and his left arm and right leg got messed up. He then flies to Capsule Corporation, he asks them to make him a new arm and a new leg. They agreed and started to build them; while Yuki was waiting he called the cops and told them to head to his house and tell his sister that he had died. Although they were confused they agreed. After he hung up Yuki told Capsule Corporation he was going to also need a disguise, they agreed again. He then told them that his new identity will be Jun Takato and not to tell Aki that he was alive. Yuki finishes school in secret at Capsule Corporation. After he graduated Yuki became known as Jun ‘the Bounty Hunter’ Takato, since he becomes a bounty hunter. Now twenty-three, Yuki/Jun now has a hideout in the mountains and he knows Aki’s new personality is his fault, so, he makes plans to find her and challenge her to a match as Jun Takato. |
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