Well. Yesterday night I marathoned through the last six episodes of GH, and they left me with a lot of questions.
Maybe they're plot holes, maybe I suck at connecting events, but nevertheless, I'd really appreciate it if someone tried to help me out:
1.)During the entire anime, Taro's mom is crazy. Then she suddenly stops being crazy without any explanation whatsoever. (Oh and that scene where she thinks she saw Mizuko? She starts acting normally exactly after that. Which is inexplicable because hallucinations are considered to be at the top of the craziness food chain)
2.)The role of the mayor. At one point, Makoto confronts him, and says sth along the lines of ''I know he's hiding something'', but we never learn what it was he was hiding, or what his role in the entire catastrophe is.
3.)Reika is a triple agent. This fact is mentioned in ep 20/21, and never addressed again. We also learn that bioid projects all around the world simultaneously reached perfection, but not with non-living bioids.
So if she were a triple agent, why would she feed incorrect info to her peers?
4.)The what-the-fuck actually happened question:
So in the end, they rescue Miyako and the-old-dude-who-lives-in-the-forest says that the bioids disturbed natural order and thus created vivid hallucinations, which enabled numerous residents of the village to see into the Unseen realm.
He says that while his spirit is fucking floating in the air. Which is mainly what the rest of the people were also experiencing.
So we are to conclude that the Unseen realm exists, but that everyone was having group hallucinations about just the same thing?
Or that it doesn't exist and that every scary thing that happened is, in fact, a hallucination?
5.)Makoto says that since he's been in Kumada, he wasn't able to Soul Travel anymore, but he still drives away those thugs when saving Miyako by channeling his wolf spirit.
6.)The premise is: There's something wrong with the village because Makoto, Masayuki and Taro can't soul travel in Kumada. Then, how does Masato (or Snark) manage it? And on numerous occasions too?
7.)What is the true goal of the Ogami worship circle?
The question is asked in every single episode, but we never seem to get the complete answer.
8.)So. The Komori kids were kidnapped as substitution for Makoto.
And they weren't kidnapped for their kidneys (?) but for ransom.
So how are the children of a sake brewer more worthy than one of an enormous worship circle presided by one of the most powerful women in the world?
...And that's about it. |