Ainzer2903 said:Hi, everyone. I'm here to share some link of ENG subbed anime folders of "Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei Jo" : "Zetsubou Shoujo Senshu" and "Zoku Zetsubou Shoujo Senshuu". The translation is done by me with some help and sources, each folder contains 2 subfolders - "Hardsubbed" and "RAW + Subtittle". It was done in case if you want to edit subtitle, modify it, or translate it to your native language. I'm sorry if the translations quality might not satisfy you, but I assure you that I have done my best working on them. As I said earlier, you can edit the sub file that already include in the folder if you found some mistakes or you wanted to improve them but don't remove my name in the credit on the beggining of the video. I might translate another untranslated animes as long as I given the chance and time by God.
Here's the link:
(SZS Jo - ZSS) :
(SZS Jo - ZZSS) :
I'm posting this post in both forum of "Zetsubou Shoujo Senshu" and "Zoku Zetsubou Shoujo Senshuu" so rest assured.