Hi. I need some help tracking down a few series that I seem to have lost my bookmark for.
1)I started this new series where a guy dies and wakes up in hell. There he meets a devil girl who tells him that in order to go to heaven he has to earn 'money' by preforming acts that cause pain (torture etc). She gives him her ipod to wear like a loin cloth when he asks for clothes. Its a rom-com about their day to day lives in hell.
2)The second series is about a guy who wants to live a normal highschool life so he assigns points for having normal highschool experiences (eg getting a gf etc). On his first day of school he meets this weird girl that cause him to have anything but normal experiences, he tries to avoid her but they seem to keep on getting involved together.
3)Third series is about a guy that after spending most of his life getting shipped around by his parents he finally settles in a new school. The school is quite famous, students are able to draw out weapons based on their inner desires or something and the guy doesnt understand why he is there. The school student council vp (girl) is showing him around when they stumble upon a fight between a male and female student. The two get into a fight about what to do, she wants to stop it while he says to butt out and that it isnt any of their business. The two develop feeling of strong dislike for each other due to their opposing views on life.
He gets called into the principals office where he is assigned school student president, much to his and the girls protest. First task he is assigned to investigate some slasher case wear students have been attacked. It is later revealed that the boyfriend of the first victim is actually pretending to be the slasher, that our lead was used as bait to lure him out and that the actual slasher from myth is the vp (she is also the good guy at the same time, wielding two swords one of evil the other of good)
4)Forth manga was described as highschool dxd but with vampires by the group that was translating it but I have forgotten the name of the series. Its about a guy who gets involved with vampires and forms a contract with one
Thanks for your help |