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May 16, 2012 4:24 PM

Sep 2008
Every Rp club has, or should have, a set of rules so that everyone can enjoy themselves and have equal fun among everyone else. This is this club's rules.

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LoveandHate91Feb 20, 2015 7:03 PM
"In the ninja world, those who break the rules are trash, that's true, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash." ~ Kakashi Hatake
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Dec 16, 2014 1:23 PM
Jul 2012
different questions about rules someone else asked about the rules and the rank system

Today, 4:18 AM

Joined: Mar 2014
Posts: 6442
(Just because he is E rank it does not means he cant hurt or kill others... and about my characters power i said im creation her character that if she touch someone by her blood she.can control that person for few second..someone approved me and so on... and just because of the powers stop talking so much and rp,, e rank b-rank or s rank.. if you know how yo move and you knoe how to hight you can cut opposite.. stop making your characters so syrong that they cant lose or they are strongest...)
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hey hey.. are you pervy? and you like rping? Pm me so i will invite you in pervy club :)
too bad it's secret club

4 hours ago

Joined: Jul 2012
Posts: 13172
Pretty-Setsu said:
(Just because he is E rank it does not means he cant hurt or kill others...

(Actually yes it does if someone is b rank or higher then there most likely to powerful for you )

Pretty-Setsu said:
and about my characters power i said im creation her character that if she touch someone by her blood she.can control that person for few second..someone approved me and so on... [/qoute]

(that's because no one saw that probably if they did it wouldn't be approved just because you got approved doesn't mean everything in there is allowed )

Pretty-Setsu said:
and just because of the powers stop talking so much and rp,, e rank b-rank or s rank.. if you know how yo move and you knoe how to hight you can cut opposite....[/qoute]

Accept it isnt that simple what you don't realize is that people 3 rank or higher then you have a extremely big advantage over you so you can't rp as if there equal to you[/qoute]

Pretty-Setsu said:
stop making your characters so syrong that they cant lose or they are strongest...)

(..... You because your upset because I won't let you be op isn't a reason to accuse me of the same thing I put limitations on my characters and they can't do certain things you don't do that so simply put your the only one who is trying to make your character the strongest and unbeatable it isn't me)
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4 hours ago

Joined: Mar 2014
Posts: 6442
i am not mad at you or anything.. don't get me wrong ok? i don't care if my character is Op or not.. i am rear here but the one who is all the time here it's kinda annoying.. i am not making her strongest... i hate fighting rp because all member want his/her charter win in the end...

the one who approved me... i don't know who it was and i don't even care why i get approve... if they saw or not.. and i never said just because i am approve i can be OP.. she is blood controller.. so just like fire controller can control any kind fire she can control her and other blood... it's not really op...and if she can control other's body that don't mean she can kill them in few seconds...

even if other is 3 or 4 rank stronger than me they still get cut or die.. or yu mean S rank must die only from S-rank? even a week human can hit strong demon.. if one use brain but not have power he can win..

and once again i am not upset because you not APPROVING my character.. i am just annoying because you want to control everyone.. and you think everyone is weak.. even frog who was fighting with someone.. because he is E rank he can't even cut other.. because he is just e rank.. and it's not right.. even e rank can be strong... and if he is not supposed to kill or cut other why is he or any other e-rank members in this Misson?

if you look at ranks than you have to take care and look at the missions too.. who is going do and who can't do it...

and if it's like this e-rans don't have to be in a mission with A-rand and S-ranks... because even B-rank member can die here.. right?
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hey hey.. are you pervy? and you like rping? Pm me so i will invite you in pervy club :)
too bad it's secret club

3 hours ago

Joined: Jul 2012
Posts: 13172
Pretty-Setsu said:
i am not mad at you or anything.. don't get me wrong ok? i don't care if my character is Op or not.. i am rear here but the one who is all the time here it's kinda annoying.. i am not making her strongest... i hate fighting rp because all member want his/her charter win in the end...

First of all that's wrong no one can be here all the time because you need sleep and food even you aren't on all the time because there have been times when I didn't see you on your mostly on all nights and mornings with some evenings using that logic you could say I'm here all the time because I'm here all evenings and most of night and some mornings love&hate is on a lot too it's just a problem with time zones everyone is on at different time zones but basically love&hate should be on when your on also

as for the second part unfortunately that's true because it's part of human nature I think everyone wants to be the best and everyone wants to have the moment in the spot light

Pretty-Setsu said:
ithe one who approved me... i don't know who it was and i don't even care why i get approve... if they saw or not.. and i never said just because i am approve i can be OP.. she is blood controller.. so just like fire controller can control any kind fire she can control her and other blood... it's not really op...and if she can control other's body that don't mean she can kill them in few seconds...

Actually yes it does if you can control them you can instantly make them commit suicide so yes it is op you can either have the options limited or have blood control banned it's the admins job and officers job to make sure things are fair for everyone

Pretty-Setsu said:
ieven if other is 3 or 4 rank stronger than me they still get cut or die.. or yu mean S rank must die only from S-rank? even a week human can hit strong demon.. if one use brain but not have power he can win..

Ok that's a complicated answer since technically itS true but if you think that way your going down a really slippery slope and start to think your equal when you aren't while a E rank MAYBE and that's a big maybe able to damage a s rank its impossible to beat them its basically like a ant going up against a human the ant can only win if there's thousands of them
And while even if someone is 3-5 ranks higher then you they can get cut and die it just takes something stronger then a weak e rank that's why most bosses aren't all powerful till the end and sometimes people confuse using there brain with brute force which is what powers like reflecting and controlling people are

Pretty-Setsu said:
and once again i am not upset because you not APPROVING my character.. i am just annoying because you want to control everyone.. and you think everyone is weak.. even frog who was fighting with someone.. because he is E rank he can't even cut other.. because he is just e rank.. and it's not right.. even e rank can be strong... and if he is not supposed to kill or cut other why is he or any other e-rank members in this Misson?
if you look at ranks than you have to take care and look at the missions too.. who is going do and who can't do it...

I'm not controlling everyone im just making sure no one is op or goes over board and god mods and there is no way I think everyone Is weak I give each rank there own amount of freedom to do things but everyone who is
E rank is pretty much weak they are basically like the Genin from naruto weaker then most others but stronger then your average person and I never said e rank can't cut other people they just can't over power someone who is a higher rank then them using a ability like reflect on someone who is way stronger then you is equivalent to god modding because even though they are stronger then you you are some how able to send all the attacks straight back at them. It's like saying a kid can beat a adult in a arm wrestling contest through sheer brute force alone
And your right a e rank can be strong they just can't be stronger then people who are higher ranks or who have more experieance and the reason why e ranks are in this mission is because like a ant can kill something larger then it by working together so can other people thats why the boss is supposed to be only c rank so that together we can beat him and I mean TOGETHER not one person soloing him

And yes if you look at missions you do have to look at who can and can't do them thats why there set up that way so that only a certain people can do certain missions and you have t have others with you o do stronger missions

But story missions are different ussally you face stronger people and work together since there supposed to be. For everyone so there isn't one individual person who can do them alone

Pretty-Setsu said:
andand if it's like this e-rans don't have to be in a mission with A-rand and S-ranks... because even B-rank member can die here.. right?

And it's true that you can't die most of the times but tamo mentioned that some times people will die for plot so no idea what she meant by that so don't assume no matter what you can't die and do your best not to take on people who you know are way stronger then you

2 hours ago

Joined: Mar 2014
Posts: 6441
sorry tamo but you don't even get what i mean...

ok.. first of all i don't mean you are 24/7 here... i know we need sleep and eat and go to school too,, even if i am online on Mal i rear come in this club.. so i don't mean that you or Love&hate are here all day... but you are much longer than i am... and for second part i have o say no mater what nature is.. you or me can't be stronger than any other... and some time we can be strong... we can't win all the time..

in animes bad guys are all the time much stronger than kind guys but in the end kind guys win... even if at first they lose... in the end they will win... remember in the all animes are like this.. at first they are beates as hell and in the end they will win... even Ichigo (from bleach) he was a new and he could not even use his power but he never lost... so even e-rank can fight really good.. if they have good power and can control it good.

controlling body does not mean you can kill second.. well you can kill but if you are not using it as killing it's not OP.

well i get that e rank can't kill S or A rank members.. but they can cut them..

and if S ranks are most stronger we have to fight together.. i am not stupid i get it.. but if a member want to use her power.... you have to let them... there may be time whan a members are oping or god modeling.. but right now there was no god modeling.. nor op...

and i know there may be stronger people here.. even he may be B-rank but was stronger than me... A-rank fire user and B-rank fire use can fight but B-rank fire user can win... because he could have other way using fire than a-rank member... if he use a brain everything can happened

and if you want to say about my character.. she is blood user... her power is blood... and if she use much her power she will need to eat blood... but it's not even human like,, from her blood she can make weapons and kill from her blood... so even she look like OP she is not... because she is not boy controller like Leouch.. so she can't order "kill yourself" and he would kill.. they are maine controller mot body controller.
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hey hey.. are you pervy? and you like rping? Pm me so i will invite you in pervy club :)
too bad it's secret club

2 hours ago

Joined: Jul 2012
Posts: 13171
Pretty-Setsu said:
sorry tamo but you don't even get what i mean...

ok.. first of all i don't mean you are 24/7 here... i know we need sleep and eat and go to school too,, even if i am online on Mal i rear come in this club.. so i don't mean that you or Love&hate are here all day... but you are much longer than i am... and for second part i have o say no mater what nature is.. you or me can't be stronger than any other... and some time we can be strong... we can't win all the time..

(yes I agree but no idea how to interpret what you mean so I'm basically replying to what I think you mean also

(as for what you said about being stronger thats technicallly true but its really complicated ii hope you can understand since im not that good at explaining stuff sometimes but basically it goes back to the rank system I could create a character that's temporarily stronger then yours but then your character would eventually surpass me and be stronger then me also you could always create a character that is stronger then mine but then like I said before mine would eventually surpass you and be stronger then you in the long run its a balancing effect

But overall your right all player characters are equal and you can be strong but also on the other hand bosses will always be stronger then you because there supposed be able to fight multiple people at the same time and most of the times the bosses will lose but sometimes they are stronger and will beat you

Which goes back to what you said you can't win all the time and that is completely correct and goes for npc and players

Pretty-Setsu said:
in animes bad guys are all the time much stronger than kind guys but in the end kind guys win... even if at first they lose... in the end they will win...

(Thats exactly the way it is here accept you and frog seem to have forgotten that)

also accept instead of one person hogging all the glory and fightingn all the bad guys them selves like in bleach naruto and possibly one piece we have to share with everyone unless it's a personal arc then you can make up any villain you want to beat by yourself as long as its within reason

Pretty-Setsu said:
remember in the all animes are like this.. at first they are beates as hell and in the end they will win... even Ichigo (from bleach) he was a new and he could not even use his power but he never lost...

Ok not sure what you mean by the first part when you say they are Beates as hell but your wrong about Ichigo in bleach there are a ton of times he lost but in the end he won when it mattered

also Ichigo wasn't fighting captains and super powerful people in the begining when he was new just normal hollows and the first time he did fight a captain he got his ass kicked And that happened a lot after that so NO HE DIDN'T WIN ALL THE TIME he just won when it mattered
Also you forget that Ichigo was the protagonist of the story with a plot protection belt here we have to share ad everyone is the protagonist so enemies can't be beat by one single person like in bleach they have to be beat by multiple people

Pretty-Setsu said:
so even e-rank can fight really good.. if they have good power and can control it good.
Again no if you pay attention to what I said above then even Ichigo faced weak people when he was new and naruto was a afraidy cat in his first battle and got his ass kicked by zabuza yes they can do some stuff but they can't really fight the person evenly unless MAYBE and that's a big maybe someone stronger is helping like Kakashi was also in rp any one can control it instantly without even trying so that's doesn't really work

Pretty-Setsu said:
controlling body does not mean you can kill second.. well you can kill but if you are not using it as killing it's not OP.

That's only half true killings was only a example point is controlling people is a no no it's like a instant win basically even if you don't have them kill them selves you can still have them restrain them selves by tieing them selves up which is just as bad

Pretty-Setsu said:
well i get that e rank can't kill S or A rank members.. but they can cut them..

Yes that is true if they are smart enough they can cut them or break there concentration but then they would instantly be killed or knocked out

Pretty-Setsu said:
and if S ranks are most stronger we have to fight together.. i am not stupid i get it..

Ok but you don't realize how strong s ranks are it would take more then 4 people to bet one it would take atleast ten maybe 20 working together to beat one and some would most likely die in the processes thats how much stronger s ranks are then e ranks c ranks on the other hand our the perfect strength to let everyone work together to beat them

Pretty-Setsu said:
but if a member want to use her power.... you have to let them... there may be time whan a members are oping or god modeling.. but right now there was no god modeling.. nor op...

I'm sorry to tell you this and no trying to be mean but that's only half right the rest of it is wrong it depends on what kind of power is being used reflecting something back at someone is a very powerful technique which is why they never show anyone who is weaker reflecting a stronger attack back at someone without help or without a power up to make them closer to the persons level

while your kind of right and if a member wants to use there power you do have to let them use there powers AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T MAKE IT TO EASY FOR THEM TO DEFEND AGIANST THE VILLAN OR STOP HIM and constantly reflecting every attack someone throws at you esspecially if your stronger then them IS GOD MODDING AND VERY OP

Pretty-Setsu said:
and i know there may be stronger people here.. even he may be B-rank but was stronger than me... A-rank fire user and B-rank fire use can fight but B-rank fire user can win... because he could have other way using fire than a-rank member... if he use a brain everything can happened

(ok that's true but that's only because there only one rank higher when there 3 ranks higher or so then it gets a lot harder but over all your right it does depend on using your brain

Pretty-Setsu said:
and if you want to say about my character.. she is blood user... her power is blood... and if she use much her power she will need to eat blood... but it's not even human like,, from her blood she can make weapons and kill from her blood... so even she look like OP she is not... because she is not boy controller like Leouch.. so she can't order "kill yourself" and he would kill.. they are maine controller mot body controller.

I never said the whole blood use thing was bad I just said that controlling people was bad and basically mind control and body control are a lot similar they both force the person to do something against there will and yes it is just like lelouch because she is controlling someone against there will and when you do that you can do many op or god modish things to them
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25 minutes ago

Joined: Mar 2014
Posts: 6441
sorry i did not read its too long.. and i don't even want to fight with you so i will not read it

i will tell you once again... i don't care about power or losing this battle... just don't make this club only yours.. think about other members too... and think what would you do in their place... nothing more...

that's all what i wanted to say..
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hey hey.. are you pervy? and you like rping? Pm me so i will invite you in pervy club :)
too bad it's secret club

17 minutes ago

Joined: Jul 2012
Posts: 13171
Pretty-Setsu said:
sorry i did not read its too long.. and i don't even want to fight with you so i will not read it

(ok that's fine if you didn't want to read it lots of people are lazy including me :p
and I wasn't fighting with you I was just trying to explain your questions to the best of my ability believe me you will know when I am fighting)

Pretty-Setsu said:
i will tell you once again... i don't care about power or losing this battle...

(how come you should care atleast a little or you won't even try to win just don't care so much that your willing to cheat aka god mod)

Pretty-Setsu said:
just don't make this club only yours.. think about other members too... and think what would you do in their place... nothing more...
that's all what i wanted to say..

(I know and I do or atleast I try my best to think of the other members also that's why I try to do things in a certain way )
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10 minutes ago

Joined: Mar 2014
Posts: 6441
ok.. do your best :)
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hey hey.. are you pervy? and you like rping? Pm me so i will invite you in pervy club :)
too bad it's secret club

3 minutes ago

Joined: Jul 2012
Posts: 13171
(ok i will going to delete these posts to free up room in the rp thread I'll post them in the rules incase anyone wants to read them )
MikuIzumiJan 8, 2015 4:20 PM
Dec 16, 2014 1:26 PM

Mar 2014
i don't really get why you put this talk here.. but well.. don't care :P if it helps other
Dec 16, 2014 1:29 PM
Jul 2012
Pretty-Setsu said:
i don't really get why you put this talk here.. but well.. don't care :P if it helps other

lol i put this here because i thought it needed to be saved incase people have the same questions and i didnt know where else to put it and since it does have to do with the rules i put it here
Dec 24, 2014 10:29 PM
Jul 2012
new rules

just to be clear when it comes to elements only dragon slayers are immune to a certain element

anything else is just resistant to it

also no stealing other peoples ideas for abilities unless maybe you have there permission to copy them
Jan 2, 2015 2:22 AM
Jul 2012
new rules

shadow form doesn't activate immediately and takes about 10 seconds to activate this will be judged by how close someone is and how fast the move
Jan 29, 2015 7:57 PM
Jul 2012
New rule trigger system

Basically it works kind of like in anime there are three separate things you can do simply put you can either call out a attacks name in anime to activate it

Or you can concentrate and picture it kind of like casting time in video games

Or you can activate it by moving a limb in a certain way

Each method can be countered in its own way

All attacks and ability accept one have to follow one of the three methods
Feb 20, 2015 7:04 PM
Aug 2014
New Rule
Only 7 solo missions a week
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