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Sep 7, 2008 11:40 PM

Sep 2007
Grand Theft Auto 4 Intro

1. Cutscene: Niko Bellic arrives at Liberty City on a ship. Niko's cousin Roman greets him.
2. Drive Roman's taxi to Roman's Place, which is located in Hove Beach (on lower right hand corner of the map).
3. When you get there, you quickly find out that Roman's house isn't the the mansion he made it out to be.
4. Achievement: Off the Boat
5. Go visit Roman at his Cab Depot. When you get there, a guy named Vlad shows up and tells Roman to pay up the money he owes. Roman schemes to get Vlad's money by winning it at card game.
6. Drive him to the hardware store on Dillon Street, where the card game is taking place. Stay outside and keep a watch out for some Albanians in beige Willard (who are also looking to collect from Roman).
7. As soon as the Albanians arrive, call Roman by pressing up on the D-Pad and A. Lose the Albanians and then go back to Cab Depot.
* Tip: Get rid of Roman's car as soon as possible. It handles terribly!

GTA IV - Intro by Mahalo
GTA IV - Intro by Mahalo
Grand Theft Auto 4 Three's A Crowd

* Cutscene: Albanians try to rough Niko and Roman up... but Niko sets them straight.
* Go to the Hove Beach Subway Station to pick up Mallorie. When you get to the station, honk your horn to attract her (press L). When Mallorie arrives, she introduces you to her friend, Michelle, who tells you that she'll go out with you if you buy some new clothes. Take Michelle back to her Apartment on Mohawk Ave, and then call Roman. Next, go buy new clothes at Mohawk and Hove. While in the thrift store, press LB to try on clothes, and A to make a purchase. Now that you've got some new duds, give Michelle a call to set up a date.

* Just when things are getting interesting, Roman calls and tells you he's in trouble. Go find him at the basketball courts, where he's being beaten up by Bledar and Kalem. Give those two thugs a taste of their own medicine by pressing B to punch, Y to alt. punch and X to kick. After you've knocked them both out, Roman spots another thug, Dardan, who runs off down the street and hops in a car. Chase him! Dardan eventually gets out of his car by a warehouse and runs up a flight of stairs on the left. Follow him up the stairs and then fight him. Dardan has a knife so be careful.

* Tip: You can punch Dardan through the window!
* Tip: You can disarm enemies by tapping A right as they are attacking

* After killing Dardan, drive back to Cab Depot.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Easy Fare

* Go to the Cab Depot, where Vlad is waiting for Roman. Apparently, Roman still hasn't payed up, and Vlad wants his money. When Roman arrives, he agrees to do Vlad a few favors in the meantime.

* Roman gets a phone call, and then asks you to pick up Jermaine, who is in Rotterdam Hill on Mohawk Ave. Go pick him up. Jermaine hops in the car and asks you to take him to Masterson Street. When you get to the drop off point however, the cops arrive and you have to split. Shake the cops, and then take Jermaine to Gibson St.

* Tip: Lose the cops by driving out of the blinking search zone on the radar.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Jamaican Heat

* Go back to the Cab Depot, where Roman asks you to pick up a drug dealer named Little Jacob. You can find Little Jacob on Oneidad Ave in the South Slopes (drive North-East from the Depot). When you get there, hit the L button to honk your horn and get Little Jacob's attention. He hops in the car and gives you a gun... you know, just in case things go bad!

* Note: Use left/right D-pad to toggle between weapons

* Go to the lookout spot on the roof and watch out for enemies. Crouch down to avoid being spotted. When the bad guys arrive, all hell breaks loose and a shoot-out ensues. Take out the two guys down below, and then turn to your left and shoot the guy who bursts through a door above you.

* Note: Press LT to lock in on a target, and RT to fire
* User Eliot added this suggestion:
* In Jamaican Heat, Little Jacob gives you a pistol as your first gun. If you go past the hiding spot though, you'll find a sub-machine gun item pickup on top of some duct work.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Bull in a China Shop

* Go to Vlad's place, The Comrade's Bar. Vlad will tell you to go visit an old man who owns a china shop and owes Vlad money. He gives you a bat and tells you to teach the old man a lesson.

* Go to the china shop on Camden Ave in Duke. Find the brick in the empty lot across the street and pick it up. Throw the brick through the old man's window, and then return to the Comrade's Bar.

* Note: Press LB to pick up small objects
* Note: Hold LT to auto aim, press RT to throw (hold longer to throw harder)

Grand Theft Auto 4 Concrete Jungle

* Go and pick up Little Jacob at his place. Take Little Jacob to the Apartment Block on Saratoga Ave in Willis (drive North-East to get there). When you arrive, Jacob asks you to drive around back to the rear alley and keep watch. Stay in your car. When three guys come running out, hit them with your car.

* Tip: It's easier to ram these guys into the walls of the alley, so try and hit them all before they have a chance to get out into the street.

* Pick up Jacob and take him to the town house in Meadow's Park. Go to the front door and kick it in, then kill the guy on the stairs. Go to the window on your left and kill another guy. Walk inside the house and kill two guys to your right.

* Tip: Walk over the bodies to pick up a shotgun and ammo

* Get out quickly before the cops arrive, and take Little Jacob to the Homebrew Cafe.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Hung Out to Dry

* Go to Comrade's Bar, where Vlad instructs you to knock some sense into a guy who works at the Laundromat on Masterson Street. When you get to the Laundromat, the guy runs out the door and jumps into a van. Follow the guy out the door and hotwire the nearest car by pressing LT or RT repeatedly. Chase the guy down and take care of him...

* Tip: Instead of following the van directly, try and cut him off by using the map

Grand Theft Auto 4 Clean Getaway

* Go to the Comrade's Bar and receive the mission from Vlad. Then go to the Subway Station and take the train to the EIC stop (Press A to go directly to your destination).

* Steal the Silver Blista Compact, and take it to the carwash on Saratoga Avenue. Once the car is clean, drive it to Vlad's Lockup. Park the car in the spot on the right. Call Vlad, and then go back to the Comrade's Bar

Grand Theft Auto 4 Ivan the Not So Terrible

* Go to Comrade's Bar and talk to Vlad. He will show you a picture of a man named Mr Faustin, who Vlad says is plotting to rob Roman. Vlad asks you to kill his man, Ivan.

* Leave the Comrade's Bar and start driving to Ivan location... when you get close, he will give chase. Follow Ivan to a construction site, and climb up both sets of ladders. Jump off the edge of the platform onto the roof.

* When you finally catch up with Ivan, you'll be given the choice to either drop him off the roof, or save him. We killed him, but if you decide to be merciful, some extra side missions will become available to you.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Uncle Vlad

* Roman, drunk, complains that Vlad is messing around with his girl Mallorie, so the two of you go and look for Vlad. Follow the map and proceed to Vlad's location, at Comrade's bar.
* Tip: Park the car in a strategic position so that you can make a fast getaway. if you park far away from the door, Vlad will be given the advantage. We recommend parking so that if you're staring at the entrance of Comrade's Bar from the outside, the nose of your car should be facing left.

* Quickly shoot the two henchmen in the bar before they have a chance to crowd you, and then leave the bar to chase Vlad in a car. The chase is short but can be difficult in traffic. Follow Vlad to the dock and it will cue a cut scene.

* Note: There is a baseball bat in the corner by the bar.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Crime and Punishment

* Cutscene: Roman tells you that someone is following him, and he is right. Two goons appear and take you hostage. They tie you up in a basement and introduce you to Vlad's employer. You are in debt to him for killing Vlad, but he gives you a chance to make it up to him. He then shoots Roman in the stomach.

* You will hear sirens when you come out of the door. To the left you will see a police car responding to a call. When the police get out of the car and enter a building, grab the car... it's a piece of cake.

* You then contact dimitri and he tells you to use the squad car to pull over vans and prevent them from making their deliveries for a rival.

* Note: The vans will show up as blue nav points on the map. Your sirens can be turned on by pushing in the left analog stick.

* The first two vans turn out to be carrying nothing. The third one contains two passengers and the TVs you are searching for. After the TVs are revealed, the passenger will begin shooting at you. Steal the van and escape. You will be given a wanted level of two, and you'll need to lose the wanted level before you can move on. After that, its a simple matter of dropping off the van at the nav point, where Faustin will call you.

* Tip: The van is not very maneuverable, so try to pull it over near a paint and spray.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Do You Have Protection?

* Go to Faustin's house, where Dimitri will greet you at the front door. He takes you into the living room where Faustin is doing coke and drinking liquor. The two of them argue with each other for a bit and end with a hug.

* Give Dimitri a ride to the sex shop. On the way over he tells you that Faustin wanted to kill the sex shop owners for being late on their payments, but Dimitri lets you know he wants to handle the matter peacefully. Dimitri hands you a gun and asks for cover while he confronts the men. You are then required to shoot one of the men in the leg. Next, you and Dimitri leave the sex shop and head for the gun store. Dimitri tells you to purchase the Micro SMG. Head back to Faustin's house and drop off Dimitri. This is an insanely easy mission.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Shadow

* Little Jacob tells you of a crew that is selling reefer on his territory without cutting him in. He asks you to see them and make things right. The dealer is located in South Bohan. Cross the bridge to get to the waypoint.

* You arrive just as the guy is completing a drug deal. Follow him to his supplier without being detected. If you get to close he'll notice and run ahead but at the same time if he gets too far away you'll lose him. Eventually, the dealer will lead you to a building where you must ascend a few flights of stairs. He will lock himself into a room on the top floor with two associates. Shoot the lock and take out the guys inside. Little Jacob will call afterward and and thank you.

* Tip: The micro smg you purchased in the previous mission comes in handy here.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Final Destination

* Meet up with Faustin at his bar. Dimitri and Mikhail discuss the heat that the police are putting on them. Mikhail hastily suspects that an associate of Dimitri's has ratted them out. This man's name is Lenny. Faustin then instructs you to go and take him out.

* Lenny is located at the train station on Guantanamo Ave. in South Bohan. You will arrive to finds Lenny and his friend talking on the platform. His friend opens fire on you and Lenny crosses the tracks. Immediately two trains show up and you need to get around them fast.

* Lenny jets down the stairs and hops into a viper type car. Find a car fast and pursue him. He is not a very good driver so drive smart and try to trap him. Remember that you can fire your gun out the window by using the left bumper. After you kill Lenny, Dimitri calls and warns you of the pending repercussions from your actions.

Final Destination Comments

* User Alex Read added this suggestion:

* On "Grand Theft Auto 4 Final Destination" - I went up the stairs to the platform opposite to that which Lenny was on, and was able to take him out with a few shots without him escaping or being fired at from hid friends - makes it a little easier!

Grand Theft Auto 4 No Love Lost

* Note: SMG is best for this mission.

* Meet up at Faustin's house once, where he shows you a picture of his daughter. He instructs you to follow her to firefly island and if you see her boyfriend, to kill him. When you arrive you see Faustin's daughter canoodling with a biker. You confront them, and the biker takes off running.

* You are provided with a sport bike to chase after him with. If you let him get too far ahead he will meet up with his gang and you will have to take all of them out before you can continue. If it comes down to a gun fight, stay far from the cluster of bikers because they have poor aim at long range. You will then be able to use the smg to pick them off one at a time.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Little Jacob Car Package Job

* Follow the map to the nav point. The car will be parked in an alley. You have until 15:00 to get the car to Beechwood City. Follow the map and enter the garage door at the waypoint.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Roman Car Job

* After calling up Roman he tells you that he has a job. Pick up the car and drive towards the waypoint to pick up the customer. When you arrive, the customer will hop in the back. Drop him off in East Island City. You are rewarded for your efforts with a mere $39 cab fare.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Logging On

* Roman assigns you the task of visiting an internet cafe and signing up for an email account. Once you get there you will begin using a pc. Click on the web option. Your browser will load to a page with the url: The eyefind website has tons of areas to browse featuring information on products services available in Liberty City. Activate your email account. Easiest. Mission. Ever

* After you leave the internet cafe Roman will call you and tell you that Brucie has a job for you, so head back to the internet cafe and check your email. You receive an email from Brucie, in which he explains that he wants you to steal a Banshee for him. You will be provided with the location (Outlook).

* The driver of the Banshee is in the middle of getting a speeding ticket when you find him, so you'll need to steal the Banshee AND evade the police. Good news for you, the Banshee handles like a dream.

* Note: Damaging the car lowers the amount of money Brucie will give you for it.

* Head to Brucie's lock up and drop off the car. If it's in good condition you will receive over $1000.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Rigged to Blow

* Faustin's wife tells you of her troubles, it is a touching moment. Mikhail the bursts into the room and chases his wife out. When you're alone, he tells you to go to an old factory and pick up a truck on the corner of Shottler and Montauk.

* Go find the truck and call Faustin. He lets you know that the truck is carrying a bomb, and that you need to park it inside a building on the corner of Guantamo and Windmill.

* Take great care in driving this truck! It is very difficult to drive and if damaged it will explode. It is not a good idea to start a car chase while driving this thing.

* Once you arrive, park inside the garage and trigger the bomb. The police will be on their way so you'll need to get out of there toot sweet!

Grand Theft Auto 4 Search and Delete

* Meet up with Brucie who shows off for a bit but eventually tells you the mission at hand. He wants you to steal a cop car and hack its computer system. Brucie needs the information in the computer to locate an informant he wants to take out before he can testify.

* You can summon the police by dialing 911, but be careful how you steal the car, this type of action tends to garner a lot of police attention.

* Note: Police cars can not be taken to the pay and spray. Make use of straightaways to evade the police; it is easier loose them by hitting the gas on a long stretch than to by trying to out turn them.

* Once you escape the police chase you will talk to Brucie and he will give you the name of the guy he needs killed. This man's name is Lyle Rivas. Search the police database for his information. Then head to Lyle's house.

* When you arrive Lyle makes a break for it and you need to track him down. He's a fairly good driver but if you manage to immobilize the car he will attempt to escape by foot. Lyle is an easy target once he gets out of the car... smg is the gun for the job.

Grand Theft Auto 4 The Master and the Molotov

* Go to pier on Firefly Island and find Dimitri sitting on a bench. Dimitri asks you to kill Faustin.

* Go to Faustin's club (drive North). When you get there, Dimitri will send you a text saying that he left some body armor on the side of the club. Go get it. Then arm yourself (we recommend the micro-smg with at least 200 rounds) and go inside the club. Get ready to shoot immediately after the cutscene...

* Follow Faustin out into the alley and up onto the roof. Kill him and then walk back through the bar to pick up everyone's ammo.

* Note: In general on this mission, shoot quickly and decisively, switching to another enemy as soon as the first one is down. There are many opponents, so it can be easy to get overwhelmed.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Russian Revolution

* Note:Make sure you have plenty of ammo and body armor if possible.

* Dimitri calls. Pick up Little Jacob, he's got your back on this one. Enter the warehouse, where Dimitri double crosses you... and Mr. Bulgarin, an enemy from the old country, shows up.

* Time for a shoot-out! Use the cover wisely. The guy on the top level is an easy one to take out first. From there, guys that try to advance across the warehouse without cover make easy targets. Jacob will advance up the middle, so use his cover fire as best you can. The last two gunmen will make a break for it and then the cops will arrive at the front door.

* Use the door for cover and take out the first cop. Slowly advance out the door and use the police cars as cover. Make sure to get out of there before the back up arrives. Lose the cops and take Jacob back to the cafe.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Roman's Sorrow

* After the Russian Revolution mission, where you fight Dimitri's men in the warehouse, Roman calls you whispering, requesting that you meet him. When you do, you find him hiding in the trunk of a car. The recent events have really scared him. The two of you drive to his house, only to discover that it is on fire. Roman is sorrowful. You then drive to Roman's taxis depot, which is also on fire. Roman is very sorrowful and worked up.

* Head to Mallorie's house in Bohan, which will become the location of your new safehouse.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Escuela of the Streets

* Note: Bring a lot of SMG ammo to this mission, at least 200 rounds.
* Manny is one of your new contacts since you and Roman moved in with Mallorie, so head over to his place for a mission. When you arrive he's in the process of filming some sort of hip-hop/evangelical music video. Mallorie introduces you, and then Manny explains how he wants you to eliminate drug dealers in an attempt to clean up the streets.

* Head over to Grand Boulevard, where the drug dealers are located. You will see the dealer getting into his car. Tail him, but keep a safe distance so as not to "spook" him and end the mission. Stay about six or seven car lengths away from him at all times.

* Tip:Watch out for one particularly tricky moment where the dealer disappears around a corner to the right. If you follow to aggressively, you'll run right into to his bumper, where he is stopped at a red light. This will end the mission.

* When the dealer arrives at his destination Manny leaves you there and tells you to go inside and kill all of the dealers. The entrance to the warehouse is locked, so use a gun to shoot off the lock and break in.

* There is a lot of of cover in this warehouse, so use it liberally. You can methodically enter the building and take them out one or two at a time. After you have killed all of them be sure to loot their bodies, as they leave behind plenty of ammo. When you exit you'll find Manny and his camera man, which triggers a cutscene and ends the mission.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Easy as Can Be

* You check in with Brucie while he is working out. He wants you to steal the car that Lyle Rivas owned, before you killed him. It is located on Yorktown ave. Follow the locater, or use the waypoint maker on the map to get you there swiftly.

* As soon as you get into the car, a cutscene occurs: two goons pull up to the house in a car. This won't be as easy a mission as it first seemed. They chase you and attempt to shoot you with machine guns. Try to avoid damaging the vehicle as you will earn more money based on the condition of the car. To accomplish this, take turns softly, using the L trigger to slow down. Right when they give chase, try and put a lot of distance between you and the enemy, as they are very fast and persistent. Take straight aways at top speed and remain constant. Eventually you will come to Brucie's hideout, which can be difficult to spot, since it blends it with the surroundings. You'll need to pull up to his garage door, and it will open automatically.

* Tip: Put a lot of distance between you and the enemy on straightaways

* Tip: Drive carefully around turns and avoid hitting other cars. The better the condition of the car, the more money you will earn.

* Reward: We were able to earn $3500 after taking numerous gun shots and hitting a pedestrian.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Street Sweeper

* Go to Manny, who is shooting a video segment with a police officer about cleaning up the city. After the cop leaves, Manny asks you to kill some guys in South Boham.

* Approach the Warehouse and run over as many guys as you can. Some of them will hop in a car and take off... chase them! When you catch up with them, take out the remaining guys.

* Tip: Drive straight into the garage and hit any easy targets. Then use LB to shoot guys from inside your car.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Luck of the Irish

* Meet Mallorie at Elizabeta Torres' Place. Elizabeta asks you to tag along on a deal. She introduces you to Packie. You and Packie go to Joliet St in South Bohan, where the deal is taking place.

* Go up to the roof and find the sniper rifle that Packie left for you. Go to the vantage point and watch over the meeting with your scope. Protect Packie at all costs!

* Rifle Controls: Hold LT to look through the scope, Use Left Stick Up and Down to Zoom, and press RT to fire.

* Tip: Crouch to increase accuracy.

* Tip: The barrel in the back of the ally will explode if you shoot it.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Out of the Closet

* Go see Brucie. Roman tells you to go on a date with the gay cousin of Lyle Rivas, who owes Brucie money.

* Go to the internet cafe and call Brucie. Get online and click the love-meet link (on the right hand side of screen). Find French Tom and click date. You must then wait a while (about a day and a half) for French Tom to respond. If you like, you can do a side mission for Brucie while you wait.

* Roman texts you and asks about French Tom. Go back to the Internet Cafe and check your e-mail. Fat Tom tells you to meet at the 69th st diner in Hove at 1800 hours.

* Note: You MUST reply to his e-mail and confirm the date.
* Note:The Diner is marked "Restaurant" on the map.

* Go to the diner at the appropriate time. After a little bit of chit chat with French Tom, take out your smg and end him. You can take your time leaving, as the police do not show up.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Blow Your Cover

* Go to Elizabeta's. Elizabeta introduces you to Johnny, a heroin dealer. Johnny asks you to help out with a deal. Take Playboy to an apartment on Cassidy St in Schottler. Go up to the third floor and meet up with Johnny. Might be a good idea to get your gun ready. It's a sting operation! Kill all the cops and move up to the roof. Run down the fire escape, killing cops as you go. Go back downstairs through the building and jack a car. You now have a three star wanted level, so your best bet is to get to a pay and spray... fast!

Grand Theft Auto 4 The Puerto Rican Connection

* Manny wants you to take out some trash talkers riding on the L train. Go to the Algonquin bridge. When you arrive the train is leaving, so you'll need to follow it while in the car. Your best bet is to stick to the streets that are located directly under the tracks. Eventually the train will come to a halt and the targets will exit, you need to kill all three while they are still inside the train station.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Call and Collect

* A mystery man calls you and tells you to meet him at the end of the pier at Castle Gardens. When you show it's Officer Mcreary. He lets you know that he is aware of all of your recent activity. He needs you to take out a guy that is trying to blackmail him, he needs you to drop the money off for him. In return he will turn a blind eye to some of your negative activities. Meet the guy by the Humboldt river right off Silicon Street. When you arrive Mcreary will tell you to call the guy and look for him near by as he answers his phone. The number is 843 555 0124. You have 2 calls before he gets scared and calls off the meet. We were able to spot him on the lower level near the river just to the left, he had a black jacket and a yellow hooded sweatshirt underneath. He is unarmed, he is an easy kill. After he goes down make sure to grab the storage device. You will immediately have earned yourself police attention and the police station is right across the street from the river. Try running up the boardwalk a bit before you head back out into the streets then jack a car and evade the cops. Once you've lost your wanted level meet back up with Mcreary and give him the storage devices.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Deconstruction for Beginners

* Playboy X meets you at his penthouse. His friend Dwayne stops by, who just got out of prison. There's clearly some issues between X and Dwayne. You leave with Playboy, he tells of the Italians clamping down on his friend Yusuf's deal via Unions. He takes you to a parked escalade filled with arms. You're to take out the Union guards at the construction site. First you need to use the sniper rifle to take out the lookouts. Use the elevator to accompany X to the top of the building and pick them off. The first two are easily spottable from the roof, for the third head back to the elevator and go halfway down the building and stop. You will be able to see the third person with your sniper rifle from here much easier as he is on a lower level than the other two lookouts. You can also use the sniper rifle to take out some of the foot soldiers (15 or so) from a distance before you make your charge on the site. Proceed to construction site, you will notice that you have been given plenty of grenades, use them wisely. They are great for taking out guys that are behind cover. You will need to take out all of the union leaders but there are many other gunmen that will be attacking you all of which have ammo. As you take people down Playboy will give you directions to the next target. The last leader tries to escape as a helicopter drops ff reinforcements. You need to get to it before he escapes, follow him and gun him down.

Grand Theft Auto 4 No. 1

* Brucie needs you to drive him to collect a race car. After you pick up the car, Brucie lets you know that you need to win a race. Drive carefully on the way there, as you can't win a race if the car does not work.

* The race path is a pretty easy one to follow. Avoid contact with the other cars as they will attempt to make you lose control. They aren't terribly fast, once you get ahead you don't need to take any risks to stay ahead. Afterwards Brucie gives you the car as a gift.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Ruff Rider

* It turns out the guy that set Dwayne up (Jayvon) is also currently seeing Dwayne's girlfriend. Dwayne had given her a lot of money while he was in prison. Niko agrees to go see the couple and get Dwayne's money back for a percentage. Head to the arcade in China town. When you confront them Jayvon takes off on a motorcycle and leaves Cherise behind. You are given the choice to kill her or let her live. If you let her live you will have a few more seconds to attempt to catch Jayvon. It's a good idea to have a fast car or motorcycle. Jayvon is a much better driver than the previous guy you chased on a motorcycle but he is easier to kill. Avoid the police if you can and remember to pick up the money after he dies. Once you've got the money you will meet Dwayne at the cluckin bell. Dwayne is thankful and is happy with your decision not to kill Cherise.

Grand Theft Auto 4 The Snow Storm

* You walk in on Elizabeta and Jacob arguing. She tells you to get back some coke that she feels Jacob lost for her. Head to the old hospital. The cocaine is hidden somewhere inside, you are to kill anyone that gets in your way. There are a lot of people in side but they are not skilled gun fights. Move through the building room by room until there are no red dots left on your map. Always check above you in each new room you enter. There are a few of them that like to shoot down from the second floor. The coke is on the table in the final room. The swat team shows up when you call Jacob. He's on his way but first you must escape the hospital. Be patient and use doorways for cover and fight your way out. Get into the first vehicle you see and take off. After you lose the cops go and meet jacob. When you meet up with Jacob, Michelle is there. She is a mole, she takes the coke from you and tells you that the agency she is working needs Niko to do some jobs for them.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Have a Heart

* Manny and his camera are filming Elizabeth and her patience wears thin. She ends up shooting both of them and asks you to help deal with the bodies. Get into the car and take the bodies to the doctor.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Final Interview

* You meet up with Francis at the police station. He's made another mistake and he needs you to clean it up. You need to kill a lawyer by setting up a job interview. He emails you the details so head to the internet cafe and get that info. Click the link in Francis' email, click through to the careers section and submit your resume. After that you will exchange a call with Francis and then the lawyers office will call you and schedule an interview. Buy a suit before the scheduled interview so you can look sharp. We got our gear from Perseus. If you need a way to eat up time before the interview each time you save it will count off 6 hours. When the interview begins shoot him and grab the files. You will have to fight you way out through security guards and police. Exit the building and find a car to escape in. By this time your warning level should be up to about 3. Find a fast car and hit a straightaway if the pay and spray is inaccessible.

* User Oldnrusty added this suggestion:
* IMPORTANT: Will not be able to start this mission if your wearing sunglasses as part of your outfit. It won't tell you either... it will just give you the standard "A suit and tie must be worn, bla bla bla" ... so NO GLASSES!

* I just spent just over an hour + loading save games 3 times to realize what I was doing wrong...

* User Neogurifan added this suggestion:
* Instead of running through the building and fighting police and security guards, shoot out the windows to the right of the desk (facing dead body) and jump out. Run across the street to some cars and drive away.

Final Interview Comments

* User Iseegold added this suggestion:
* Instead of SHOOTING Goldberg, just STAB him or use a "silent" weapon (like a bat). Once he's dead, you grab the files and walk out of the office calm, cool and collected. It's actually pretty cool this way, because you seem like the hitmen in the movies... Just killed a guy, then walk through the office like nothing happened.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Holland Nights

* Meet up with Francis at the police station. He complains about his life's struggles again. He needs you to go to East Holland, to visit a drug dealer named Clarence, and he needs him "dealt with." He says he'll pay you 2,000 dollars, and you counter with 5,000. He agrees. Head to the projects in East Holland.

* When you arrive, you call Francis, who tell you that Clarence is on the second floor, and warns you of his lackies.

* Get to one of the staircases as soon as you can. Proceed cautiously up the stairs, hugging corners and taking out enemies one by one. There's no need to rush. When you come to an open balcony area, run to the right corner area (following the red dot indicator...), and proceed along the edge of the balcony to the staircase. Take it all the way up to the roof, where Clarence waits. A cutscene occurs. Clarence apologizes for his wicked ways, and says if you let him go he'll leave town. You are given a choice to either kill him, or let him go. We killed him. As soon as you do, the cops are after you and begin flooding the building.

* There are a lot of cops at this part. You'll need a lot of ammo for this mission, and the body armor. Be careful when heading back down the stairs: the cops are waiting in large groups. take out as many of them as you can, and then make a run for it back out onto the street. You'll need to lose your wanted level. We had 4 stars of wanted at this point, so we rushed to the pay and spray, successfully.

* The main difficult of this mission is the sheer number of enemies you'll need to fight, both the cops and the drug dealers. Use auto aim, and switch between opponents quickly.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Lure

* Francis McReary complains about the last job you did, killing the lawyer. He says that now the Chief Lieutenant is after him. He asks you to kill the Chief Lieutenant (drug dealer) who is after him, and agrees to pay you $5000 on Denver between V and W.

* He has left a rifle for you to do the job at the corner of Albany and M. Proceed to the corner of Albany and M in Hatton Gardens. "Jerkov's" is right across the street from the parked car.

* Get in the car and drive to the dealer's apartment off Denver Avenue. You'll then need to get up on the roof of the building opposite the building the dealer lives in (follow the yellow indicator).

* When you're up on the roof and in position, Niko calls Francis. Francis tells Niko to somehow get the attention of the drug dealer, so that he looks out the window.

* When you're given control, shoot out the drug dealer's TV. This will shatter the TV and get the drug dealer to look out the window inquisitively. As soon as you shoot the TV, move the crosshairs down to focus on the lower portion of the window, right where his head will be. Kill him. If you don't, the drug dealer will flee, triggering a chase.

* User Xlilxkirbyx added this suggestion:
* You could also dial the number that is on the phone next to the TV that it shows during the sequence after you arrive on the sniping spot, and he will go to answer his phone.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Photo Shoot

* You go and see Playboy at his house. He wants you to kill some guy by the name of Marlon who is discrediting his reputation.

* He is on the basketball courts on Exeter between X and W. Because he doesn't have a photograph or accurate description of him, Playboy gives you a camera phone. You are to his general vicinity, take a photo, send it to Playboy, and have him point out the guy to you.

* When you arrive, three possible targets will be standing together talking on the basketball court. You have to take a picture and send it to Playboy, but can't get too close.

* Walk up to the entrance to the gated basketball court on the left, and don't go any further. Position the phone so that you get a focused clear view of the three targets, and then take the picture.

* Playboy will tell you that the target is the one wearing yellow. Quickly kill him, as he will run as soon as you take out your gun.

* Award: $6,750

Grand Theft Auto 4 Hostile Negotiation

* This is a very difficult mission. Mallorie calls you, and informs you that Roman has been kidnapped by the Russians. Go to the warehouse where he is being held in Bohan.

* As soon as you enter and the mission begins, stay crouched behind wall and immediately kill two to three enemies to start the mission. Move left and right while crouched, taking out as many enemies as possible. There is no reason to leave the cover there until satisfied.

* Tip: There is a Health package on the ground floor, immediately left at the end of wall. It is unlikely that you'll need it right away, but you can always come back down the stairs and retrieve it later.

* Tip: We found the assault rifle to be a good weapon during this mission, as it has great range and is fairly powerful, so you can quickly take out one enemy and then move on to another. Additionally, it zooms in rather close.

* Tip: You might consider using a grenade or two, to flush out some of the harder-to-reach enemies.

* You goal is the make it up to the fourth floor, where Roman is being held.

* Total there are two health packages and one body armor, which you will most likely need.

* When you get up to the fourth floor, and get the last room, don't run in right away. Instead, roll a grenade into the room. There is an enemy camped right around the corner, waiting to ambush you.

* When you get in the room, a cutscene will occur. Roman is being held at gunpoint.

* You'll have to then aim very carefully and hit just Roman's captor, us R to free-aim. In addition to using free aim, make sure to zoom in with the assault rifle, and take aim carefully. To avoid hitting Roman (which will end the mission), fire only one shot at a time.

* When you kill Roman's Captor, the mission ends.

* The biggest challenges in this mission are the number of enemies, and their varied positioning around you. It can be difficult to see where enemies are, and where you are being shot from. Because of this, stay crouched and under cover, using auto-aim on the nearest enemies first. When you leave cover, run immediately to the nearest cover.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Undress to Kill

* Go see Dwayne at his house. He continues to complain about his misfortunes.

* Dwayne used to own a strip club called the Triangle Club, on Drill Street in Bohan.

* When Dwayne went to jail, gangsters took over the club. He wants you to go to the club and eliminate the "squatters" and reclaim his club for him. There are 3 managers to kill and plenty of security. There is cover on the first platform, stay behind it and take out as many of the guys below as possible. After the first wave the managers will bail, head out the back door and hop into the corvette look alike. You will have cops to deal with as well. Shoot the gas tank of the pickup truck a few times and it should catch on ditch the cops and you will have completed this mission.

Undress to Kill Comments

* User Harmin C added this suggestion:
* For Dwaynes - Undress to Kill I have a way easier way to beat this mission. First go to the club, Knife the bouncer outside, make sure no one sees you and you dont get a wanted level. After you kill him the other bouncers inside get mad and will come at you. Knife them both in the waiting area before you enter the club so no patrons see you. Some patrons will leave. Let them. then go listen into the convo for the first guy in the staff room. Go inside and just knife him over and over. By now you have killed all the bouncers, killed one manager without alerting anyone. Then listen into the other manager speaking to the stripper. Once hes located, go to the back room where you get lap dances, equip a shotgun and just blast both guys in there, run back out and since you killed the bouncers, there are only 2-3 guys shooting at you, you can either kill them before or just aim at the manager near the stripper... and voila you are done with the mission. You can then just run out and drive away. No need to chase the managers or blow up tanks etc...

Grand Theft Auto 4 Wrong is Right

* Meet up with Michelle. She tells you her real name which is Karen. She takes you to meet a higher up in the feds, U.L. Paper. He has a mission for you to do recon on a guy named Oleg in Hove Beach. Head over to Oleg's apartment. When you arrive it appears empty you call the Fed and he tells you to check through his emails to get more info on him. You find out he will be outside of a jewelry store, you need to get rid of him. When you arrive Oleg spots you and takes off. It's good to have a quick car, he's a pretty good driver and has a fast car. If you end up on a straightaway get as close as possible and use a combination of ramming him while firing out the window.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Portrait of a Killer

* You go to see the Fed, U.L. Paper again. After you get through meeting with him you will get a text message directing you to who you need to kill. You need to grab a cop car to get the information about the guy you are supposed to clip. Once you arrive at his location you will notice there are a lot security guards protecting the target. Use the parking garage office as cover to take out the guys near the cars. Look up and take out the guys on the second level and climb the ladder. Once you get to the top find cover there are a few guys sitting back waiting to ambush you. Keep behind cover and take them out one at a time, once they are all done you call Paper. The target was not there but you are closer to finding him.

Grand Theft Auto 4 The Holland Play

* Playboy X discusses his concerns about Dwayne. X tells you that he wants Dwayne dead. You tell him you need to think about it. He will get back to you about the issue. Eventually he contacts you, you will need to decide to between killing Dwayne and Playboy. We chose Dwayne. Dwayne's pretty easy to kill and you earn $20000. After you take him out you call Playboy. He's outraged that you killed his mentor despite him being the one to request it. We also redid the mission and chose Playboy. He has bodyguards at his house so he is a bit tougher to get to. If you kill him Dwayne is grateful. He does not give you any cash but you get the keys to X's penthouse. We've got to think Playboy X was the better choice in the long run.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Dust Off

* You meet with U.L. Paper again. He tells you of a terrorist money launderer that he wants taken out. But first he has a gift for you. Head to Albany in Lancet and give him a call. He calls you on the way there and tells you to follow a helicopter until it lands. After that you will use it to drop off some passengers. The helicopter changes position a bit but you will have the best luck sticking to the larger freeways and main streets. The chopper will be easily followable once it lands there will be gunmen guarding it. Take them out and fly off in the chopper. There's no one chasing or shooting at you once you get up in the air, take your time and learn the controls. Follow the map to the nav point and land. Mission Complete.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Paper Trail

* U.L. Paper now has you take out the target using the helicopter. Jacob's got your back on this mission. When you take off, Jacob informs you that there is a rocket launcher on board. Follow the waypoint on the map to locate your target, also in a helicopter. Be sure to stay close. If he gains too much distance, you will lose the mission. Hold the chopper steady as your triggerman, Jacob, fires rocket rounds. Land the helicopter at the marked location on the map. Once you land, it is payday.

* Award: $7,500

Grand Theft Auto 4 Harboring a Grudge

* Packie introduces you to his sister, who seems interested in you. Head to the harbor with Packie to handle some business. Climb to the roof of the warehouse to survey the docks. Follow Packie as he climbs up the side of the building and observe a deal in progress. The boat arrives and meds are off-loaded onto a waiting truck. Steal the truck and escape with the shipment.

* We found it best to hang out on the rife and use the sniper rifle or assault rifle to take most of the guys out from a distance. Once the shooting has stopped, use the mini-building on the right to get down. Proceed slowly towards the garage. There are still gunners inside. Take cover and pop them with the assault rifle. Get in the truck and follow the map to the waypoint. You will be chased by the Italians. Luckily, Packie has provided some grenades that you can drop out of the window when one of them gets too close.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Waste Not Want Knots

* You walk in on Packie during a meeting with some of his cohorts. Kate is happy to see you, and Packie is not pleased by that. They are in the midst of plotting to rob an enemy and want you in on the job. You need to jack a car with 4 doors to fit all of the accomplices.

* Head over to the waste management plant. Upon arrival, all of your companions hop out and you learn that your getaway vehicle is a boat. Your partners are brutal, and eliminate many of the opposition. They will have a tendency to walk in front of you while you are shooting, so be careful not to shoot them.

* Follow their pace and use cover to your advantage. Keep an eye on Packie. He tends to advance too quickly and gets himself killed, which would cause the mission to fail. Kill everyone outside and move in to the warehouse. Head upstairs to the officce and grab the bag of money. This cues the arrival of additional enemy reinforcements. Fighting them seems to be a waste of time as they continually respawn. It is best to fight your way out the way you came in. Your escape will require a lot of bullets.

* As soon as you exit the building, the first aid kit respawns.

* Continue to the end of the pier where Packie is waiting for you. The boat is anchored 100 feet from it. Swim safely to the boat, pick up Packie at the pier, and head to the marker. As long as Packie is on the boat, the mission is a success.

* Award: $8,000

Grand Theft Auto 4 A Long Way to Fall

* Meet up with Ray at a local restaurant. He directs you to take out Teddy Benevides, who has been causing trouble for his Waste Management business.

* Head to the projects on Galveston. On your way there, you will receive a text message with your informant's picture. He is wearing a grey shirt with the number "72" and will be outside of the project. If you bully him a bit, he will provide directions to Teddy's apartment.

* After you are on the elevator, your informant calls Teddy to let him know you are on the way. A gunman will be waiting for you as soon as you exit the elevator. Advance through the hallways, killing whatever moves. Take the stairs up the last few floors to Teddy's apartment. Once all the goons in the apartment have been killed, it will cue a cut scene and Teddy escapes to the roof. Tail him and be prepared for a few more scattered gunmen along the way. After they have been killed, follow the red dot and shoot teddy ... Mission accomplished

* Award: $8,500

Grand Theft Auto 4 Three Leaf Clover

* This is a very hard, long mission, but well worth it. Upon successful completion, you will be awarded $250,000 and full access to the entire island (Full Exploration Achievement).

* Meet Packie, his brothers Derrick and Gerry, and a friend named Michael for drinks. All four of them need to be taken to the Southern Algonquin branch of the Bank of Liberty

* Go to the bank and watch the first scene. When the bomb triggers, make your way downstairs and grab the money. There are no enemies to consider at this point.

* After the next cutscene, you need to make your getaway. Stay partially inside the bank, hidden. Kill as many cops as you can from this vantage point, aiming primarily for the cop cars. Once they have taken sufficient fire, they will explode and take multiple enemies at one time.

* Follow Derrick and Packie into the alley, and take cover immediately behind the trash can to the right. From here, you should be able to take out each of the cops in the alley, sequentially. Aim first for those closest to you, and then the ones further and further away.

* TIP: In this mission, it is critical that you go for "headshots" on each kill. This can drastically lower the amount of time you'll spend killing each cop.

* Follow Derrick and Packie to each of the separate sequences. When you enter a new sequence, take cover immediately: aim for the cops nearest, then furthest away.

* You'll eventually come to a spot where you proceed into the subway. Continue cautiously down the stairs and around the corners, as you'll encounter a few cops along the way.

* When you get to the next opening, come out into the open, but stay crouched. From here, you should be able to take out the cops hiding behind the pillars with some well-aimed headshots. Follow Derrick and Packie down the stairs and to the right.

* Once at the subway landing, head to the furthest pillar for cover, and kill the cops on the other side of the tracks.

* Next, you need to follow Derrick and Packie into the subway tunnel. Run about 20 steps, turn and unload on all of the cops pouring into the tunnel. You should be far enough away to minimize the damage they can do, while taking them out safely. Run down the subway tunnel, and head up into the service exit on the right.

* TIP: When entering the service exit, make an immediate right, and go down the short hallway. There is a (very much needed) health packet on the wall on the right.

* When out in the open, make a beeline for the four-door van parked on right side of the street and get in.

* Now it's time for your getaway. Follow the yellow path. It will lead you over the bridge. Bash through the cop barricades on the way.

* Try to avoid hitting anything, including cops to ensure that the van does not explode in the midst of the getaway.

* Upon arrival at Packie's, you need to lose your wanted level. Open the map, and find the nearest "pay and spray" to end the mission. Dodge cops on the way so they don't see you enter.

* Award: $250,000

Grand Theft Auto 4 Smackdown

* Meet Derrick in the park, at Packie's request. He wants you to kill Bucky Sligo, in Alderney.

* To locate Bucky, you will need access to a police computer.

* Find an unattended cop car around the corner. Get in and use the computer to look up "Bucky Sligo". I located him at a burger joint in Alderney.

* Keep the cop car and head over to the burger joint. When Buckey sees you, he'll flee, leading you back to his house for backup from his "crew". He's fast, so stay with him.

* When you get to the house, use LB while you are still in the car to quickly take out Buckie on his way into the house. He should be an easy target if you've stayed with him the whole way over.

* Then get out of the cop car and run immediately to croch at the back of the car. From here, you should be able to take out all of the enemies in front of the house.

* When you enter the house, there will be two enemies waiting for you. Take them out and head upstairs, where the final enemy is. Once you've killed him, you'll need to lose your two-star wanted level. Either gun it on a straightaway or play it safe and head to the "pay and spray". Use Buckie's car when you escape, since cop cars cannot access "pay and sprays".

* Award: $6,500

Grand Theft Auto 4 Babysitting

* Follow Kim with the boat. Attackers in black boats will soon move in from both sides. Use LB to shoot the boats. Aim for the attackers inside the boats. If the boats take enough fire, they will blow up, killing all occupants. At one point you'll need to stand up using Y to use the rocket launcher and take out the enemy helicopter. When aiming at the helicopter, lead it off a bit, as the rocket travels fairly slow.

* Once the helicopter and all of the boats have been destroyed, the mission is essentially complete. Follow Kim back to the dock to end the mission.

* Award: $7,000

Grand Theft Auto 4 Actions Speak Louder Than Words

* Go to Gerry's house. You are to plant a bomb on Tony Black's car, to create a problem between the Ancelottis and their Albanian muscle.

* Pick up the bomb in an alley off of Inchon Ave. Plant the bomb in Tony's car, parked in alley off of Feldspar Street.

* Place the bomb in the trunk. Follow Tony and his cohorts to their meeting and trigger the bomb.

* Do not follow too closely, especially around turns, or you will be spotted. As a rule of thumb, try and keep his car's red indicator at the edge of the radar map.

* When you arrive at the meeting place marker, call Gerry to detonate the bomb. It will kill most of the enemies at the warehouse, but you'll need to take out those remaining. Get out of the car and take cover behind the cinder blocks. From there, use the semi-automatic sniper rifle to zoom in and safely pick off the remaining enemies hiding around the warehouse perimeter. Watch out for anyone who tries to charge at you.

* When the mission is complete, you will need to shake a 2-star wanted level.

* Award: $9,000

Grand Theft Auto 4 Tunnel of Death

* Derrick has requested that you take out Aiden O'Mailey, who's being moved by police van from the Bacon factory to the correctional facility.

* Pick up the truck with the rocket launcher that Packie has arranged.

* Proceed to the tunnel, parking length-wise across both yellow markers to block access. Kill all of the cops. Either use the rocket launcher to destroy the cop cars and their inhabitants, or simply use the assault rifle to zoom in and pick off each one individually. Either way, be careful not to kill Aiden yet. If you're using the assault rifle, you will need to zoom in to hit the cops hiding behind the armored car.

* Once you have captured Aiden, you'll need to lose your wanted level in the armored car. This will not be easy because the car is very slow. Try and put some distance between you and the police by hitting a straightaway for a while. Take various turns to try and lose them. Once you're out of the cops' radar range, stop moving so you are in the safe zone long enough to lose your three-star wanted level. Don't worry about hitting anything in the armored car. It's all but indestructible.

* Drive to the marker to end the mission.

* Award: $7,500

Grand Theft Auto 4 I Need Your Clothes Your Boots and Your Motorcycle

* This is a straight up motorcycle assassination mission. Disguise yourself as an Albanian to kill Frankie Garone, an Ancelotti long time capo.

* Once disguised, get on the PCJ 600 motorbike and head over to the marker.

* Upon your arrival, Frankie will get on a motorcycle and immediately flee. The main challenge is maintaining control of the motorcycle, while keeping up with Frankie as he takes some very unexpected turns and alley. Be patient and drive conservatively around corners, keeping a close eye on the radar to see where he's heading next. On straightaways, close in to a decent distance and open fire.

* Try to aim for his tires, to force a crash so he finds it necessary to take off on foot. Once off the bike, Frankie is a sitting duck. Stay on your bike and kill him.

* Award: $9,250

Grand Theft Auto 4 Blood Brothers

* Frank McCreary is upset that Derrick is back in town. Apparently Derrick is threatening to talk to a journalist about the family.

* Frank has plans to meet Derrick in the park off Bismarck in Lancet, and wants you to kill Derrick, to put him out of his misery.

* When you arrive at the location, head over to the front of the building and jump up on the stack of boards. Take the window cleaning lift on top of the scaffolding to the roof. Use the lift to get to the top of the roof.

* From here, this will be an easy, one-shot mission. Pull out your sniper rifle and shoot either Frank or Derrick. They are sitting side-by-side in the park on a bench.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Undertaker

* Guide NoteYou will need to wear a suit for this mission. Either change or purchase one at Perseus.

* Packie calls after you have killed either Frank or Derrick, and wants you to come to the funeral. The funeral soon turns into an assassination attempt by the rival gang of Albanians. They pull up in cars outside the church and immediately duck and cover behind the car right in front of you.

* You should be able to eliminate them one by one from across the street. Do so quickly, making liberal use of head shots, since two more cars of Albanians will pull up after a short time. When they do, they will be in nearly point-blank range, so take them out quickly.

* The next sequence has you driving the hearse with Packie to the graveyard, while the Albanians give chase, shooting at you. The back door of the hearse is blown off: if you are driving recklessly, the casket will fall out of the hearse. Drive moderately and take turns slowly. When you arrive at the graveyard the mission ends.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Taking in the Trash

* The point of this mission is to pick up trash in a dump truck, that is actually filled with crystal meth. You make two easy, slow stops before the action starts.

* A black car begins pursuit while shooting at the garbage truck. You try to "lose" the car and return to the warehouse. In an orthodox fashion this may seem impossible, since the garbage truck has to be one of the slowest cars in the game. Alternatively, come to a complete stop, and use LB to fire at the black car. You may have to rotate the crosshairs using R all the way around, but it is worth a try. With enough fire, the black car will explode. This will raise your wanted level to two stars, but the mission doesn't call for you to lose your wanted level. All you need to do is arrive at the warehouse to successfully complete the mission.

* Awards: $9,000

Grand Theft Auto 4 Meltdown

* Lucas has stolen diamonds from Ray. You have been asked to go to Castle Rock Gardens, kill him, and retrieve the diamonds.

* When you find Lucas, a car chase will ensue. At this point in the mission, you're merely trying to stay with him until you get to the park, at which point a cutscene will occur.

* After their car crashes, Lucas and his party set off on foot, running into the park.

* Take cover behind the pillars to the right. From there take out the enemies hiding behind other pillars up ahead. After they're down, make your way under the bridge straight ahead. The enemies here will most likely be right out in the open. If you have body armor, it will come in very handy. as there is no cover available. Charge straight ahead under the bridge while firing aggressively.

* After that, you simply need to find Lucas, by shooting open the bathroom doors. Once he has been killed, meet Ray at the park bridge to deliver the stolen diamonds and successfully complete the mission.

* Award: $9,500

Grand Theft Auto 4 Museum Piece

* Niko makes Ray promise that he will find the man he is looking for, "Florian Cravic."

* You have to meet Johnny at the side entrance of the Libertonian Museum. You're going to give diamonds to a buyer together. The deal does not go well, and quickly turns into a fire fight... your goal changes to "escape the museum."

* The main strategy for this mission is go slow. There is no time limit, and there are far too many enemies hidden throughout the museum to rush. Move from one cover to the next in the first section, killing enemies slowly as you go. We found it useful to stay crouched while moving through the museum.

* Tip: Make sure to constantly push L to auto-aim, as it can automatically point you towards an enemy you didn't know was there - often up in the rafters.

* If you have the rocket launcher at this point, it can be very useful in the last big room. Aim it into the middle of the room for multiple kills.

* When you exit

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Sep 7, 2008 11:43 PM

Sep 2007
this is the next part
Grand Theft Auto 4 Museum Piece

* Niko makes Ray promise that he will find the man he is looking for, "Florian Cravic."

* You have to meet Johnny at the side entrance of the Libertonian Museum. You're going to give diamonds to a buyer together. The deal does not go well, and quickly turns into a fire fight... your goal changes to "escape the museum."

* The main strategy for this mission is go slow. There is no time limit, and there are far too many enemies hidden throughout the museum to rush. Move from one cover to the next in the first section, killing enemies slowly as you go. We found it useful to stay crouched while moving through the museum.

* Tip: Make sure to constantly push L to auto-aim, as it can automatically point you towards an enemy you didn't know was there - often up in the rafters.

* If you have the rocket launcher at this point, it can be very useful in the last big room. Aim it into the middle of the room for multiple kills.

* When you exit the museum, you'll have to lose Isaac's crew and your wanted level if you have one. The only strategy for this section is drive fast, make a quick series of turns with straightaways, and try to make it to the pay and spray.

* Tip: There are two health packets up on the walls in the museum. The first is at the end of the first hallway, and the second is right at the exit on the wall. There is also some body armor in the last big room before the exit, on a table.

* Achievement: Impossible Trinity

Grand Theft Auto 4 No Way on the Subway

* This is a straight up motorcycle mission in which you will take out two members of the biker gang for Ray.

* As soon as the chase ensues, get on the bike and give constant chase. Be very careful going around corners. One false move can mean the end of the mission. Stay right on top of them and don't bother shooting at them yet.

* Follow them when they enter the subway. Jump carefully, so you don't flip your bike. There are no obstructions in the subway, so you can take the turns pretty quickly without any fear of hitting something. As soon as you have a straightaway with both bikers in view, fire liberally at one of them. Hold down LB nonstop and aim carefully.

* Tip: Be careful of the the subway train, as it comes right at you a few times during the sequence. It would be best to either go all the way to the right or all the way to the left to avoid it. In general, stay right behind the biker in front of you, since you know he won't get hit by the subway. Stay right on top of him and fire non-stop. He will take quite a bit of fire before he goes down. He also takes some insane/unexpected turns, so watch out for those.

* Award: $9,500

Grand Theft Auto 4 Weekend at Florian's

* This mission involves locating Florian Cravic, aka Bernie Crane. Bernie is an old friend of Niko who has fully embraced the high life of Liberty City and is rumored to be gay. The mission exists purely to advance the story line and contains no action sequences.

* A phone call from Ray lets you know that he has information about how to locate Florian Cravic. Pick up Roman. The two of you will need a four-door car to pick up Talbot. Talbot will then direct you to Florian's location. After he gets into the vehicle, Talbot will supply directions as you hit each intersection. Drive slowly or he will become confused.

* Florian claims that a man named "Darko" is the one who crossed Niko in the past, but that he may still be in Europe.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Hating the Haters

* While visiting Florian, he tells you that someone has been beating him up in the park. Take him to the park and follow him by jogging a ways behind him. Don't get too close or you will frighten the attacker off.

* When Florian enters the tunnel, a cutscene will occur in which Florian is attacked with a baseball bat.

* The attacker runs up the nearby stairs outside the tunnel on the right and hops on one of the parked scooters. Give chase quickly. If you are not able to shoot him as he rides away, use one of the scooters on the street to follow.

* The attacker rides through the park. Keep up with him as he takes some unexpected turns. Once you have an open shot, take it and fire liberally. When he is down, you need to take Florian to Perseus to end the mission.

* Award: $6,000

Grand Theft Auto 4 Late Checkout

* Ray Boccino has asked that you eliminate Isaac, two of the other main diamond dealers, and their followers.

* Enter the hotel and make your way to the penthouse. The most direct route is to take the elevator and shoot your way in. Be prepared to be shooting immediately after getting off the elevator, as several enemy guards are stationed right at the elevator. Proceed down the hall cautiously if this is the route you select.

* You can also access the penthouse via the roof. This is also difficult because the interior stairwell leads to a glass structure on the rooftop, a bad tactical position.

* The penthouse is also accessible at the rear of the building near the garbage cans. The window washer's lift will take you directly to the top floor. Fight the four guys on the roof. There is also some body armor located there. After the four on the rooftop have been killed, head down and take out the others. Then execute the diamond thieves.

* After you kill the last diamond thief, more guards will enter and you'll have a two-star wanted level. More guards will be on the roof.

* Tip: There is one health packet and one body armor in the mission, both of which are very useful.

Grand Theft Auto 4 I'll Take Her

* During a visit with Gerry in the correctional facility, he asks you to call Packie. Packie tells you to kidnap Gracie, a rival mobster's daughter.

* Her phone number can be accessed at the internet cafe in a car ad she has posted. Click on "autos" and view cars. Gracie is listed in the computer as "mob daughter." Her number will then be in your cell phone. You can call her between 08:00 and 21:00 to arrange to go to her house and take the car for a "test drive."

* At a certain point during the test drive, Gracie will determine that you are kidnapping her. She will resist violently, grabbing the steering wheel and trying to flip the car. The main challenge in this mission is maintaining control of the car.

* Try to stay in the middle of the road, so if she veers the car off to one side you have time to resist before the car hits a wall and flips.

* Once you make it to the safehouse with Gracie, the mission ends and you will get the achievement "Gracefully Taken".

* Packie will call and ask you to take a photo of her. Drive to the safehouse, indicated on your map with a stick figure, and take a picture with your phone.

* Award: $9,500

* Achievement Unlocked: Gracefully Taken

Grand Theft Auto 4 Truck Hustle

* Your goal is to steal the truck. Stay crouched behind the car, and take well-timed shots from a safe distance.

* Tip: This is a perfect opportunity to use grenades on the enemies surrounding the truck. They are grouped closely together and are a fair distance away.

* Once all of the enemies are eliminated, a cutscene will occur. Rapidly push A to jump onto the roof of the truck.

* Once on top of the truck, use L to keep your balance when the truck goes around turns. For example, when the truck turns left, push L left and hold it to avoid falling. When the truck is going straight push L forward continuously to try and get as close as you can to the front before the next turn. Stop a few seconds prior to each turn to help keep your balance. If you go forward inch by inch, you will get there in due time.

* Award: $11,000

Grand Theft Auto 4 Union Drive

* Bernie will ask you to get a car. Hop in to a large SUV and drive to the meeting location with the blackmailers. They will make a run for it after you speak with them. Try to keep as close to them as possible, but be aware they have a very fast sports car. If you can hang in there for a few minutes, a cutscene will occur. They will get out of the car at the park... your chance to gun them down. Take cover behind the fan, and take them out.

* Award: $6,250

Grand Theft Auto 4 Buoy's Ahoy

* Meet up with Bernie getting off of a boat. He needs you to accompany him on a boat trip.

* Pilot the speed boat to Firefly Island and roll over the marker just off the beach. As you come to a stop, a boat appears and the Russians on board fire at you. These are three of Dmitri's men. You need to track them down and kill them. Their boat is more maneuverable, but your's is faster. Don't follow them into tight spaces. Once their boat reaches land, continue your pursuit on foot.

* The three Russians are scattered around a graveyard. There is no time limit, so take your time searching without attracting attention from the cops. After you kill them, head back to Bernie to complete the mission.

* Award: Red Lamborghini

Grand Theft Auto 4 Pegorino's Pride

* Guide NoteNote: Before you can get the mission from Jimmy Pegorino, you must buy a new suit and shoes.

* Once situated, get in the car and wait for Jimmy Pegorino. Drive to the Old Refinery with him. Upon your arrival, Marco provides you with a combat sniper rifle.

* Enter the building and head upstairs to the Vantage Point (yellow dot on the map). When you get there, watch over the meeting by zooming in with your sniper rifle. Watch Pegorino's back while the deal goes down.

* A minute later, he is ambushed by a Pavanos' hit man and all hell breaks loose. Take out the hit man, focus on the guys in the back, then shoot anyone with a red arrow over their heads while you continue to protect Mr. Pegorino.

* When they are all dead, go back downstairs and look for other Pavanos'. After you find and rescue Pegorino, get him safely in the car. More enemies arrive. Go after them to retrieve the offering. Drive after the main car. Ignore the two other cars that show up. When their car crashes and the Pavanos' exit the vehicle, kill them.

* Get the offering and return to the car. Drive Pegorino home to complete the mission.

* Award: $10,500

Grand Theft Auto 4 Payback

* Get in a good car and drive to the diner. You'll see two of the Pavanos' meeting. One spots you and tells the other to lose you in a car chase. Drive the car, following as closely as possible. Track him to an Auto Repair shop. The Pavanos' begin shooting. Blow up the two cars with a rocket launcher, killing everyone in the area. If cops appear, escape from them and return and kill the remaining Pavanos' to end the mission.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Catch the Wave

* Take the car and head to the overpass at Catskill Avenue to get the truck.

* Go to the docks in the truck and try to trick them into loading it with cocaine. They will be suspicious when you arrive and start shooting at you. Stay in the truck, continuing to take out a few of the enemies.

* Get out of the truck and take out a few more with the sniper rifle.

* Head inside the warehouse, but be careful as you enter, since there will be more enemies hiding on the catwalks. Keep track of Phil Bell and protect him. If he dies, you fail the mission.

* Once all of the enemies are dead, pilot one of the boats while Bell pilots the other. Continue to protect him. Two enemy boats appear that you need to destroy. When the enemies are dead, follow Bell to the drop-off point. Get off the boat. Bell will thank you, indicating that the mission has been completed successfully.

* Award: $7,500

Grand Theft Auto 4 Flatline

* You will need to kill a rat by the name of Anthony, Pegorino's personal bodyguard.

* Get in the car and head to Westside Memorial Hospital. Before entering, put your weapons away. Start moving towards the marker (the ER). As you get closer, you will see some guards outside Anthony's room. Take out your machine gun, rush in and kill them.

* Once they are eliminated, kill Anthony.

* Take care of any cops who show up.

* Return to the hospital main entrance and leave ASAP. You now have three stars and more cops will begin to arrive. Get in the car and lose the cops that follow. Once you've successfully lost the cops, the mission ends successfully.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Trespass

* You need to kill Chubby Charlie before he rats you out to the commission about stealing cocaine from the Russians.

* Meet up with Phil Bell. Get in the car and head to the old Sprunk Factory at Port Tudor.

* Enter the back or the front (via the basement) to locate Chubby Charlie.

* One way to enter is through the basement. Take out your sniper rifle and start blasting any enemies. Head inside and begin your search for Chubby Charlie. Go up the stairs until you are fired at. You need to head towards the red arrow on the map. Watch for enemies. Many are scattered throughout the area.

* Continue up the stairs. Charlie will start running as soon as he spots you. Chase him onto the roof, dealing with miscellaneous enemies as you go. Climb the ladders and continue your pursuit. A helicopter appears and Charlie jumps for it. While he attempts to climb into the chopper, shoot him so that he falls. If you have the rocket launcher, this would be a good time to shoot down the helicopter and end the mission.

Grand Theft Auto 4 To Live and Die in Alderney

* Guide NoteNote: If you are caught in an illegal act by the cops, lose them prior to continuing the mission.

* Get in the car with Phil Bell and head to Beaverville Avenue in Westdyke to pick up heroin from Phil's nephew, Frankie. Upon meeting Frankie, he opens the trunk of his car to show you its contents. A few minutes later, the Feds are on the scene.

* Follow Phil Bell in your car, tracking where he is headed. You need to take care of the Feds before they take care of Bell.

* Ditch the cars in an alley, taking the heroin with you. Kill the Feds quickly, while protecting Bell and Frankie.

* Blow up the chopper that begins attacking with a rocket launcher.

* Get in the van with Phil to lose the cops. Once they have been ditched, take Bell to the safehouse to complete the mission.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Pest Control

* Tip: Purchase a rocket launcher before this mission assignment. It will come in handy.

* Meet with Jimmy Pegorino to discuss "things." He asks you to leave and await his phone call.

* Pegorino calls to ask you to kill Ray, a snitch.

* Track him to East Holland and wait for him and his three bodyguards to get in a car. Follow them to a gas station and wait for them to gas up. When you start shooting at them, they will try to escape. The easiest way to successfully complete the mission is to use a rocket launcher from a distance to blow them up.

* Guide NoteNote: If Ray gets to a chop shop before you kill him, you fail the mission.

* Award: $14,500

Grand Theft Auto 4 Entourage

* Visit Mr. Gravelli, a Mob boss and patient in Schottler Medical Center. During your visit, he asks you to protect his friend, Bobby Jefferson, from the Russians during his upcoming trip to Liberty City. Jefferson is coming into town to give a speech about a new enemy threatening Liberty City.

* Head over to the start location, designated by a blue dot on the map, and get in the car provided. Follow the convoy car in front of you. Get out of the car and take cover after the ambush. Take out all of the attackers. When they have all been taken care of, hop into a car with Jefferson and drive away. Lose all of the cars that are following.

* Award: $12,000

Grand Theft Auto 4 Dining Out

* Visit Jon Gravelli again in Schottler Medical Center. He tells you about some Koreans who are selling money at a discounted price. He needs you to take care of one of their group, Kim Young Guk.

* Enter Mr. Fuk Korean Restaurant and speak with the host at the front. He tells you that the manager knows Kim's whereabouts.

* Stake out the restaurant further. Head upstairs to find the manager and question him as to Kim's location. He tells you that Kim left through the kitchen. Go out the kitchen back door after him before he escapes. Try to kill Kim before he gets away.

* If he gets away, hop on the motorcycle and go after him. He'll shoot at you as you're chasing him, but you can out-run and out-shoot him. If you're not comfortable on a motorcycle, steal a car. Kill him to complete the mission.

* Tip: There is a first aid kit in the kitchen if you need it.

* Award: $13,250

Grand Theft Auto 4 Liquidize the Assets

* You once again visit Jon Graville, a well-known dying mob boss at Schottler Medial Center. He wants you to go to a grocery warehouse in Alderney City to destroy some vans with cocaine stored in their frames.

* Guide NoteGuide Note: Destroy all five vans to successfully complete the mission.

* Tip: Buy a rocket launcher, ammo amd body armor at a weapons shop to make it easier to destroy the vans.

* Upon arrival at the warehouse, a cutscene starts rolling, showing you where some of the enemies and vans are.

* As soon as you have control over Niko, go forward and jump over the fence in front of you. Continue down the street, make a left and keep going until you see a ladder. Climb up the ladder and look for something that you can walk on to get to another building. Once you are at the other building, climb on top of the air vents coming out of the side of the building, making your way to the roof. Ahead you will see another layer of the building. Climb up onto it. Keep going and there will be another ladder to climb. Find and kill an enemy around here and other enemies will notice.

* Pick up the sniper rifle ammo. Use the sniper rifle to pick off the enemies in the area in front of you.

* There will be a few enemies coming up the stairs to confront you. Take care of them quickly. Once that is done, head down the stairs (where two enemies came from). There are a lot of floors so keep going down until you see a red door. Enter just far enough to spot one of the vans. Toss a grenade and quickly run back.

* One van down, four to go.

* Now go through the door and kill the enemies in that area. Keep going forward, taking out any enemies you see. Make sure to use the walls for cover. Toss a grenade or two to eliminate a few hard-to-reach enemies and the second van.

* You can now see the third van. If you have a rocket launcher, use it to destroy this van.

* Walk forward. Another van is around the corner. Use your trusty rocket launcher to destroy the fourth van. Slowly creep forward until you see the fifth and final van. Do what you've done before and destroy it.

* Once you've destroyed all the vans, the mission ends.

* Award: $14,500

Grand Theft Auto 4 That Special Someone

* At the end of the last mission, "Liquidize the Assets", call Jon Gravelli to let him know that the "van job" is complete. Mr. Gravelli says he is glad to help with your current issue (Darko). He says he will call you on the matter as soon as Darko Brevic arrives in the country.

* You and your cousin Roman must drive to a location to meet Darko Brevic, a childhood friend.

* Once you arrive at the destination (marked on your map), a cutscene follows where a van drives by, stops and Darko is thrown out by someone who appears to be a Fed. The van drives off.

* Niko confronts Darko about his betrayal of their friendship after so many years. Darko killed Niko's friends and now he must pay. Continue to watch the cutscene until the very end, at which time you will have two options:

1. Extract revenge and kill him
2. Let him go

* We decided to kill him.

* Take Roman to Bruce's house and the mission is complete.

* Achievement Unlocked: That Special Someone

Grand Theft Auto 4 She's a Keeper

* You visit Gerry in Prison. He plays dumb in front of the guards, making sure the guards who are listening in won't know what he's “really” talking about.

* He needs you to go to the the safehouse(marked on your map) where the mob bosses daughter Gracie is held up at. After Gordon puts her in the trunk, drive to the new safehouse over at Boleyn Street. As soon as you get onto the main street again, you get ambushed by some cars. Get to the safehouse as quickly as you can, while trying to avoid gun fire from those enemy cars. After you get to the safehouse, the mission ends.

* Note: Try not to damage the car too much or else Gracie will die.

* Award: $9,750

Grand Theft Auto 4 Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend

* You make another visit to Gerry in prison who tells you that the mob boss is going to agree to the ransom and give over the diamonds in exchange for Gracie.

* Get into a car and drive to the location of Packie and Gracie in Northwood off of Frankfort Avenue. Once you get there, get into Packie's car and drive to the water treatment plant on Charge Island. This is where the exchange is taking place. Drive to the back of the plant and get ready for the exchange.

* Bulgarin drives up and accuses Niko of stealing from him. That's when Bulgarin signals his men to ambush you.

* When you have control over Niko again, make sure to stay well covered.

* Note: Protect Packie at any cost. If he dies, the mission fails.

* The car there is great for cover. Keep firing, making sure that you hit what your aiming at. Use the auto-aim feature a lot here. All the enemies on the ground should be dead at this point.

* Follow Packie to the other side of your location. Continue up the stairs, shooting any enemies you see. There will be four or five enemies on the walkways. Don't rush into things here, use the auto-aim feature to gradually eliminate all the enemies.

* Note: There should be a health pack somewhere around here if you need to replenish your health.

* When you're at the top of the walkways, keep going and make a left. Packie says he's going to search the higher area and you take the lower area. Keep heading forward on the walkway. To your left down below there are three cars that pull up. Kill each and every one of those enemies with whatever fire power you have at your disposal. Once you've killed them all, keep going forward and kill the reinforcements across the way.

* Eventually you'll meet up with Packie and a cutscene occurs. The guy who has the diamonds tosses them. Now you have to fight a few more of Bulgarin's men. After their dead, continue to follow Packie. Go down the ladder and drive him back to his mom's place in Dukes which completes the mission.

Grand Theft Auto 4 One Last Thing

* You relax at a bar, when Mr. Pegarino shows up. He wants you to get some heroin for him that he can sell to a buyer some Russians know. The problem is is that Niko will have to work with someone that he has bad history with, Dimitri Rascalov.

* At this point the story splits into two missions, one that will evolve around making a lot of money and the other getting revenge. It's up to you to decide which path you want to take. We've decided to get revenge.

* Continue onto the mission A Dish Served Cold(Revenge).

Grand Theft Auto 4 A Dish Served Cold

* Dimitri is on the ship, supervising a shipment. It's time to take him out.

* Get to the bridge in order to open the doors to the cargo hold. Use the truck to ram and kill some of the enemies in front of the ship. Then, get out of the truck and keep your distance, killing the remaining enemies.

* Tip: It can be a good idea at this point to use the sniper rifle to pick off a few enemies standing in windows inside the ship. They can't hit you, and they are sitting ducks.

* Once the coast is clear, head cautiously up the steps into the ship.

* Stay right at the top of the steps, and fire to the left. There are a few enemies behind the boxes there. Crouch behind the boxes for cover as you do so.

* Tip: Use the sniper rifle at this point to pick off some of the enemies further away down the ship. Again, they are too far away to damage you and the sniper rifle is a good weapon for this.

* Proceed onward. The enemies in this area are few and far between, but they jump out suddently, so be cautious.

* Keep walking towards the big "No Smoking" sign on the bridge of the ship. When you get to the door of the ship, watch out for remaining enemies to the right of the door waiting to shoot you.

* Tip: You may want to throw a grenade into the first room of the bridge, from outside. It's an easy kill.

* Tip: In the first room of the bridge, there is a health packet on the table. Grab it.

* Make your way through the halls of the ship. Stay hidden behind doorways.

* Tip: In one of the rooms off the hall, there is Body Armor. Get this without question.

* When you go back outside, on the second floor, watch above you. There is an enemy who will fire straight down at you.

* Head into the control room, and operate the controls to open the cargo bay doors. When you leave the control room there will be more enemies out on the ship deck. Eliminate them from the second floor.

* Make your way back through the ship halls, where you got the armor before.

* Tip: If you need it, the health will have reappeared on the table in the ship's bridge.

* The mission ends successfully when Dimitri has been executed.

Grand Theft Auto 4 Out of Commission

* Pull up to the old Casino with Little Jacob and Roman. Your mission is to take down Jimmy Pegorino.

* Stay crouched and hidden behind the car, auto-aiming and eliminating as many of the enemies in the open area in front of the casino as possible.

* Tip: This is a good opportunity to use the rocket launcher, as there are quite a few enemies within a fairly closed-in space.

* Once you've picked off a few of the enemies, move onto the ridge on the left. You may have to throw a grenade down into the large group of enemies. Move slowly across the ridge, taking out enemies as you go.

* As you approach the door to the Casino, it is best to hover around the entrance, taking out the enemies inside from a safe distance.

* Move into the casino. Stay back near the door, and take out the enemies across the room.

* Tip: There is a health packet on the left wall of the old Casino.

* When you move to the next room, a cutscene occurs. Continue to chase Jimmy. Run outside and quickly kill the two enemies in front of you. This is a dangerous segment because they are very close to you, and can eat up your health if you're not careful.

* Continue to follow Jimmy. He will get into a boat, and you'll chase him in a motorcycle. Keep up with him, but take care not to hit the rocks by the water. Keep gunning it until you hit the ramp, triggering the next cutscene where you jump up into the helicopter.

* Once in the helicopter, continue to chase Jimmy. Stay close, dodging and weaving the helicopter as you go left to right, to avoid the missiles he shoots at you.

* Another custcene occurs, with Jimmy getting out of the boat. When you run after Jimmy on the pier, there will just be two enemies left. Take them out as you run, chase Jimmy into the trees, and the final cutscene occurs. Congrats on beating the game!

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