Staff Recruitments
We're Looking For:
*Card Makers
*Banner Makers
*Layout Makers
*Forum Monitors
*Card/Banner Deliverers
*Game Managers
Card Makers: Here you will be able to make cards during LE'S, SE'S and RE'S. You just only need some time on making cards everyweek.
How to:
Position: Card Maker
Examples: Any amount of examples was fine
Editor use:
Banner Makers: You will need to make a banner for our club. We will post it on the club details for the other club members to affiliate us.
Position: Banner Maker
Examples: Any amount of examples was fine
Editor use:
Layout Makers: You are going to make a layout for the club atleast everymonth. The theme will be announce by the staffs and members voting.
Position: Layout Maker
Examples: Any amount of examples was fine
Editor use:
The forum monitors, game managers and club deliverers will only be marked as an officer not an admin if you'd like to be one of them just post this:
Position: (Write Office) Card deliverer/forum monitor/game manager
Time available:
Join and be a part of the staffs now! |