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Aug 12, 2010 11:49 PM

Nov 2009

RuseoJul 9, 2012 4:50 PM
I miss rping here.....
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Aug 12, 2010 11:57 PM

Nov 2009
*Albel appeared at the beginning of the pathway to the cathedral and walked up to it with the same cold face he always expressed to the public he approached the large double doors and stood there for a few minutes like always thinking before he went in.He then pushed open the doors and walked in he walked across the marble floor listening to the goddesses song playing in the background as he approached the empty platform. He then stood in front of it and closed his eyes as he always did when he first logged into the world and decided he would stay a bit longer this time than usual. He already new that that girl Mimi was watching him but decided to ignore her this time not wanting to disturb the peace of this place*
I miss rping here.....
Aug 13, 2010 12:25 AM

Nov 2009
Mimi: Albel looks so peaceful when he comes here its so odd why does his entire presence change when he is here?
I miss rping here.....
Aug 13, 2010 12:45 AM

Nov 2009
*Albel continued to stand at the alter with his eyes closed but began to speak in a bored voice* Why do you always follow me around girl?

Mimi: *gets a surprised look on her face in her hiding spot* y-you mean me?

Me: do you see anyone else here?

Mimi: ummm well your really s-strong so i thought that if I w-watched you I might learn some..something from you. wow he really is the best he even noticed me even though i was hiding

*Albel turned and looked at the girl coldly for a second before turning back to the alter* you shouldnt stay around me or you will get hurt
I miss rping here.....
Aug 13, 2010 12:55 AM

Nov 2009
*Mimi gets a upset face and begins to cry* y-you dont want me around you? *sniffs*

*Albel sighs* what a pain *he shrugs and begins to speak again* i honestly couldnt care less if you stayed around you stay out of my way and you dont seem to ask a lot annoying questions so if you want to stay you can. Im just telling you that its in your best interest to stay away from me
I miss rping here.....
Aug 13, 2010 1:10 AM

Nov 2009
*Mimi attitude quickly becomes happy as she said* i want to stay with you I p-promise I wont get in your way and I wont be annoying!

*sighs and begins to walk out of the cathedral* damn i worded it wrong and now Im stuck with her
I miss rping here.....
Aug 18, 2010 10:58 PM

Nov 2009
*as Albel walked away Mimi ran up to his side*
Mimi: why do you come here everyday?

*Albel got a startled look on his face but brushed it away and again put on his dead face* its none of your business * he walks out of the huge double doors and tranfers out of the area*

Mimi: why does he seem so upset by that question?
I miss rping here.....
Aug 23, 2010 7:55 PM

Nov 2009
*the next morning Albel once again walked into the cathedral. but this tme when he reached the monument he began to talk* Aura has The World became what you wanted this time?
*he didnt expect an answer he was asking himself more than anyone else he then just simply stood there*
I miss rping here.....
Jul 4, 2012 9:26 AM

Nov 2009
*As he stood there looking at the altar he studied it it was the same as it always was but he felt the urge to really take in the details after the last time the game crashed and the Legendary PKK Haseo had saved it they had decided at CC corp to code in the etched Tri-edge signs where they had been in order to remind people of the delicate balance of the world and the dangers that hackers and the like caused not only to the game itself but the players as well not that CC corp could have hidden this next big screw up anyways not after covering up all the other similair instances people were already suspicious but the time Haseos group had spent in The World really busted the bubble on the whole deal*

Albel: Its too bad the rumors board seems to be full of just that.... Nothing but false rumors i heard back when Tsukasa, Kite and Haseo were around the rumors board helped lead them where they needed to go. But ive been coming to the hidden forbidden areas for months and havnt seen any of these things people are talking about. i guess i must be bored if im hunting ghosts.

Mimi: I think its fun even if we dont see anything just the thought that we might makes it exciting right?

Albel: Whatever.

*he turned his back to the altar and started walking away and Mimi followed they had almost reached the door when a tearing sound was heard through the cathedral Albel spun around steping between Mimi and the inside of the room so that she could get through the door if something bad happened he looked around and couldnt see anything then heard the sound again but this time his attention was drawn upward as the data in the celing became scrambled and the broke apart then a body shot through the hole in the data slaming on the floor cracking it Albel reached behind his lower back drawing his Scythe as the body began to twitch*

Albel: Whos there? I suggest you answer before I kill you

Mimi: who do you think it is?

Albel: i dont know his character name isnt showing up.... stay behind me Mimi

*The male character stood up without using his hands and then flopped onto all fours dragging his fingers on the floor making an indentation on the marble floor then roared at the two of them enough to shake the room and billow their hair and cloths then he charged at them *

Albel: Come any closer and Ill cut you down!

*he just kept charaging then lunged at them as Mimi screamed Albel swung his scythe connecting the blade with his face with enough force to send him flying back to hit the altar he had cut through the guys head splitting it and Albel put his weapon away and scoffed*

Albel: What a fool. Come on Mimi lets leave

Mimi: LOOK!

*Albel turned to look at where she was pointing and the guy was back on his feet he should have been dashboarded with his character having been defeated but the data of his head instantly started repairing itself*

Albel: What the hell?

*then it charged again grabbing Albels chest lifting him up easily and throwing him against the wall*

Albel: GAH!

*the thing then turned at Mimi and charged her but just before he reached her was blasted by a spell from Albel sending him flying but before it hit the wall it flipped landed on all fours on it and ran like an animal up the wall then across the celing sending tiles down to the floor as they broke off*

Albel: Is he hacked? or is it a glitched monster? No matter i just need to destroy it. If it has a health bar even if the numbers are glitched if you smash it enough it will die. I could drain it but i dont know if thats a person or not... So ill just attack you till you dont get back up!

*Albel reached over his shoulder drawing his heavy blade as it jumped at him swinging just before it reached him cutting at it and sending it flying like a baseball into the top corner of the building right as it hit he pointed his palm at it sending a torrent of attack spells at it with enough speed that the spells connecting it was enough to keep it stuck in the corner and not letting it fall soon it wasno longer visable through the smoke *

Albel: you darken this holy place with your foul presence....BEGONE!

*He blasted it with his strongest spell making a large explosion through the smoke he could here it hit the ground and no longer move*

Albel: Elimination complete heh hacked or glitched you were no big deal. Try harder next time if you want to face me.

*but right as he finished saying that it burst out of the smoke slashing at Mimi it was too fast for her to react so he knocked her out of the way with his shoulder taking the hit in his side his whole character flashed and went static then he went down two one knee grabbing his side*

Albel: Damn you....I tried to let you off easy now you DIE!

*Albels red eyes glow as he points his left palm at it instead of his right which he used for the spells and glyphs form around his arm he then clenches his hand then his fingers start slowly going apart as a glowing sphere forms in it.*

Albel: EAT THIS!

*he the clenches his fist and shatters the orb and it turns into a pistol and he takes aim and fires several shots at it two hit it and it howls as it arm shatters into data then it rips a hole in the data that makes the celing and runs back through it closing it behind it Albel lowers his arm and the glyphs and pistol dissipate and then he grabs his side and winces*

Albel: damn I heard stories about players getting attacked by viruses and feeling the pain from hits the recieved but i didnt know it was this bad...

Mimi: are you alright Albel!? wait here ill go get help!

*she starts to turn and run out the door but he grabs her arm*

Albel: dont worry about me im fine it didnt wound me too bad and besides you really think they will just take our word that that thing showed up? they will just take it as a rumor.

Mimi: But are you sure? You really dont need help?

Albel: Im Fine Dammit!

*he stands up holding his side looking at the whole in the data where the slash passed through*

Albel: lets get out of here Mimi...
I miss rping here.....
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