Jul 12, 2010 3:25 PM
Welcome to Boarding school! Here you can get a healthy education, as well as have fun and such. But first, before you can roleplay, your student must register. We take ALL races! (: Please follow this format. <3 Name: Nickname? Gender? Age: Race: Powers? Grade: Bio: Personality: Appearance: ((Try to put a picture, if you cannot... Gah, that's fine too...)) Dislikes/Hates: Likes/Loves: Crush?: Rival?: Important Note: If you are going to have multiple characters please use the same post! Find some way to separate them, please. Ex: ============================================= |
BluerubyJul 18, 2010 12:38 PM
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Jul 12, 2010 4:01 PM
Name: Ctghullmnoptalrtirkwatetechykjithgfadstodrrrnbaxyzt [insert 11 middle names that are even longer and a 7,000 letter last name here] Nickname?: Kurayamai, Yami Gender?: Female Age: 26 on her planet, 14 on Earth Race: Azur'Khal, a race oif beings from outer space Powers?: Telekinesis, telepathy. Grade: Freshman Bio: Yami is from a distant world out there in space. She was raised by a middle-class family there and went out on vacation in her new ship. However, she crashed onto the earth. Now she has no way of communicating with her homeworld or even getting back. She's completely colorblind. Personality: Speaks in a methodical manner, clueless about earth, friendly, open-minded, never smiles, always seeking some form of knowledge. Appearance: ![]() Dislikes/Hates: Illogical people, reviews, being unable to remember something, being useless/helpless, and coconut. Likes/Loves: Earth food in general (after she tries it), logic, knowledge, being understood, being helpful to others. Crush?: Rival?: ================================================= Name: Annabelle WilhelminaLionheart Nickname?: Anna, Annie Gender?: Female Age: 12 Race: Human Powers?: Extra-dimensional travel Grade: Freshman Bio: Anna or Annie, whichever you prefer, was raised in a dojo in the mountains. Her father taught the ways of bushido,,,but she wants something more. Which is why she enrolled in this school, so that she could more about life in general. Along the way she saw a purse snatcher run off, she gave chase but couldn't catch up. She wished that her sword was just long enough to reach, and swung it. To her surprise, and an even bigger surprise to the purse-snatcher, she suddenly appeared right in front of him through a portal. She quickly dispatched him and gave the lady her purse back. Lately she has become interested in magic and alchemy. Personality: Hard-working, doesn't half-ass anything, likes to keep things neat and tidy, serious but has a wild imagination. Speaks with a better vocabulary than most. Appearance: ![]() ![]() ![]() Dislikes/Hates: Sloppy people, messy rooms, dirt in general, laziness. Likes/Loves: Sweet foods, cute things, cleanliness, hard-working people, loyalty, honor, and bravery. Crush?: Rival?: Here's an example of what she's capable of (and what she sounds like): Here's an example of what she's capable of when she's pissed: ================================================ Name: Sonya Morisane Nickname?: Sonya Gender?: female Age: 20 Race: Unknown Powers?: Manipulation of metal in general. Grade: Teacher Bio: Sonya has had a lot to deal with as of late. She was married and her husband owned a bakery. Her hubby died when Sonya was driving home with him and they got hit by a semi. Her hubby came out unscathed, but Sonya wasn't so fortunate. She was sent to a hospital where she was given no chance of survival without a new heart, her blood was compatible with his, so he gave up his own heart to save her. She doesn't let it bother her so much, in fact it gave her new incentive to go into teaching, but she still wears the ring. She goes out of her way to help people who ask for it, not even caring what happens to her. Personality: Fun-loving, doesn't like to do anything that seems boring, always has a smile on her face when in front of her students and peers but a bored beyond belief look dominates her face when she's alone or with only one of her peers. Friendly yet brutally honest. She believes that honesty and loyalty lead to trust, not "little white lies." She aslo believes that no lie is "little" and has found that they tend to escalate into much bigger lies than when they started, hence why she will tell the whole truth to you if you ask her something. Tends to think things through instead of letting her emotions get to her. Laid back but has her head up in the clouds most of the time. Optimistic. Forgiving. Appearance: Short light-silver hair with her bangs styled over to the side. Green eyes that shine like emeralds. She likes to wear a cut-back blouse and shorts or pants. Her cup size is a large B. She is 5'9" and about 115 pounds (underweight). She usually wears a light gray or charcoal hoodie with the arms tied around her waist. Dislikes/Hates: Boring things, being bored, heart-shaped candy, boring people, valentines day (just a mild dislike), people who are depressing. Likes/Loves: Having fun, things that are fun, food that looks fun to eat (like squid), chocolate...lats of chocolate, people who appreciate her for who she is and what she does for people. Crush?: None Rival?: Are they fun? All Approved - |
BluerubyJul 18, 2010 10:45 AM
Jul 12, 2010 4:08 PM
Name: Hanajima, Yuki Gender: female Age:15 Race:Human Powers: Psychokinesis Grade: First Year Bio:Yuki lived a somewhat normal life, but had no friends when younger because her powers scared people. She became an otaku a few years ago and has made friends within the otaku community. Personality:nice to friends, mean to people who are mean, sarcastic and/or straightforward to everyone else Appearance: little over five ft. tall, waist length black hair, pale skin, blue eyes Dislikes: sports Hates:mean people, extremists Likes:Nice people Loves: Manga, Anime, Video games, jpop, and sweet foods Crush: N/A Rival: N/A Approved - |
FemmeEmpressJul 12, 2010 4:39 PM
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Jul 12, 2010 4:27 PM
Name: Elliotte Marie Harlem Nickname? Elli Gender? Female Age: 17 Race: Human? (; Powers? Teleportation and wind manipulation. Grade: 3rd year. Bio: A world known traveler from the Kingdom of Falenia. Elliotte has stopped here to better her education. Coming from a far away land, she can barely speak english but is very smart with the way people do things. Loves to roller skate, though she is horrible at it. Personality: Down to Earth, soft spoken, straightforward, intelligent. Has a hard time fitting in, creative, outgoing. Appearance: ![]() Dislikes/Hates: Ignorance, bad tasting food. Likes/Loves: To learn about others customs, people who think logically rather than have a closed mind, being off topic, trying new things, people who speak their mind and don't care what others think about it. Crush?: ~ Rival?: ~ ================================================== Name: Helix Hinagato Nickname? -- Gender? Male Age: 17 Race: Human - Powers? None. Grade: Junior Bio: Helix is a normal guy, though rarely talks unless he's spoken to. Came from a land unknown to earth. Personality: Secretive and quiet, though mysterious, protective and nice. Appearance: ![]() Dislikes/Hates: Talkative people, bullies and those who share their secrets, shy people, cute girls talking to jerks. Likes/Loves: Long walks, sleeping, food, cute girls. Crush?: None yet. Rival?: Hmmm. |
BluerubyJul 18, 2010 11:10 AM
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Jul 12, 2010 5:27 PM
Name: Zero Alastor Nickname?: Z Gender?:Male Age:17 Race: Dragon Powers?: control over the elements, can freeze time in a (very) short area, can fly Grade:Junior Bio: A dragon, raised to become Guardian of the world, his training has left many scars on his body Personality:Rough sometimes, but sweet to the girls Appearance: ![]() Dislikes/Hates: Waterfalls (fell off one when he was a kid) Likes/Loves: Loves to find a good fight, and fulfill his role of guardian of the world Crush?:Elli Rival?:None yet Approved - |
BluerubyJul 12, 2010 5:35 PM
Jul 12, 2010 6:25 PM
Name: Ri Gender? Female Age: 16 Race: human Powers? Is very skilled at martial arts. Grade: First Year Bio: Has one older brother (tachi). She is over protective of him even though he is older than her. She always feels like she has to put up a fight with anyone when it comes to her brother. No one believes that they are related because of him having black hair and her having white but they can tell they are by their possessive attitudes. She trained in martial art all of her childhood but never finished her masters training due to his death. Personality: She is very possessive of her brother and her close friends. Though she does have a soft spot for boys she likes and for girls she trust enough to go near her brother alone. She acts very secretive unless she sees something worth while in talkin to you. (ninja-like xD) Appearance: ![]() XD i found two ![]() Dislikes/Hates: Hates girls who drool over her brother, sweets, and she dislikes cats because they always scratch her. Likes/Loves:Loves her brother, her master. She likes meat and training even though she has no one to teach her. Crush?:None.. although some people thinks shes way to close to her brother! Rival?: None unless someone decides to challenge her. -------------------------------------------------------------- Name:Tachi Nickname? Tai-chan, tai-kun Gender? Male Age: 17 Race: Human Powers? he can cast some spells. Although they are low level things such as making things move and shape shifting himself. Grade: Second Year Bio: Is the older brother of Ri and seems to be almost the complete opposite. He always loved to look through old magic book his parents left around the house. Though he never tried to do any of the spells until one of his friends got hurt. When he took him to his house and tried to heal him the wound got worse and his friend was sent to the hospital. Personality:Like his sister he is very possessive his sister and her close friends. He doesnt seem to like many girls but when there is one he is interested in he hides it from his sister. He acts very shy around most people other than his sister and whatever close friends he can make. Appearance: ![]() Dislikes/Hates: poeple who are mean to his sister and animals. hates bitter foods and drinks. Likes/Loves: Loves animals and his sister. likes candy and sodas more than any other food. Crush?: none Rival?: none BOTH ARE APPROVED |
TamoballJul 13, 2010 12:07 PM
Jul 13, 2010 5:35 AM
Name:Selina Nickname: Seli Gender:female Age:17 Race:fairy Powers: she can fly, and has magic running through her. She is still learning about her powers. Grade:senior Bio:She is the daughter of fairy nobles. She wanted out of the her life and community and convinced her parents that this school was the place to be. Personality:Has a fun personality, but can be serious when she needs to be. She is known to have a good time and be a good friend. (more to come later:D) Appearance: ![]() Dislikes/Hates:she dislikes liars, users Likes/Loves:she has a major sweet tooth, loves coffee and drinks with caffeine, Crush?: Rival?: APPROVED~DESU WA! |
-amaya-Jul 13, 2010 12:37 PM
Jul 13, 2010 8:28 AM
Name: Aliza Gender: Female Age: 16 Race: Human/Neko Powers: Can control water and wind Grade: 10 Bio: Her mom died when she was very young so her dad raised her and didnt really care for her and he soon died when she was 12 and she has been on her own since then. Personality: stubborn, lazy, care free, sometimes hyper, and can be serious. Appearance: My default ((Try to put a picture, if you cannot... Gah, that's fine too...)) Dislikes/Hates: Liars, Perverts, and Bad tempered people. Likes/Loves: ahha i dont really love anything. Crush: ...not telling Rival: No one Approved (: |
BluerubyJul 18, 2010 10:50 AM
Jul 13, 2010 3:30 PM
Name:Millie Gender? female Age: 64 [earth time] / 16 [ her time] Race: Alkerite [people from the moon] Powers? Grade:levitation of objects [it has a name but i don't know what it is!!] Bio:after humans landed on the moon, her people have been trying to send a guine pig to earth and when they finally succeded, they sent her as a representative to earth to let people know of there existence and that they are in the risk of extinction. she is the second oldest child of the royal family of the poeple of the moon her older brother being the next heir to the kingdom that is hidden under the surface and her younger sister kept on the moon to continue her studies. Personality:calm and intelligent, shy since she has never been in real contact with humans before, loves animals and they love her and she spends alot of time in nature since she has never had the beauty of it on her home planet?. loves children but is too shy to ever approach more than a few at a time and almost always steers clear of adults Appearance: ![]() and ![]() Dislikes/Hates:mean people, rude children Likes/Loves:earth foods, earth nature, beutiful things, all animal, nice people Crush?:----------- Rival?: ----------- I believe the term is 'telekinesis.' Approved |
TamoballJul 13, 2010 5:20 PM
Jul 13, 2010 7:07 PM
Nickname:sakura Gender:female Age:16 Race:vampire Powers:can control the elements of darkness and wind uses a fan as a weapon Grade:11 Bio:was raised by her brother since parents died in a battle of warewolfs v.s vampires and is now hunting and killing any warewolf Personality:nice and outgoing person but has a really bad side to her Appearance: human form ![]() Dislikes/Hates:warewolves mean people vetables Likes/Loves:food sports adventures Approved - |
BluerubyJul 13, 2010 7:14 PM
Jul 13, 2010 8:35 PM
Name: Bartholomew Von Kaien Nickname: "Bart" Gender: Male Age: 117 Race: Vampire Powers: Flight (With wings spread out), Superhuman strength and speed. Grade: Professor of Physical Education (Military Style :3) Bio: Once a respectable prince in Medieval Europe, Bartholomew was at the point of inheriting his father's throne until his clan was nearly wiped out by men with the power to subdue vampires. Forced into exiled in an unnamed island he lived a lonely yet rigorous life training to take revenge on the one's that caused his suffering. He nearly was successful too, unfortunately the age of the vampire was coming to an end, seeing as his abilities were no longer in need, he turned his efforts towards teaching at a school for a new gifted generation. Personality: Lazy, Stubborn, yet Caring and Compassionate towards his students. Appearance: ![]() Dislikes/Hates: When people tell him what to do or that he is wrong. Likes/Loves: Chocolate (Any form really xD) Crush: N/A Rival: N/A (Until another professor shows up) Approved - But, may I ask what you teach? |
MotionBlueJul 13, 2010 9:27 PM
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi |
Jul 13, 2010 8:46 PM
Name: Pierce-chan Nickname? Pierce. Gender? Female. Age: 17 Race: Demon. Powers? Sees ghosts, and can take the lifes of people on the verge of death to make her stronger. Grade: Second Year (Junior). Bio: Born into a family of deliquents. She learned how to fight and eventually led a popular gang of her own. There was a raid at her home where her rival gang came in and killed her, her mother, father, and her brother. She lived, though, due to a contract to be a demons assitant. She got revenge on the rival gang and eventually killed her demon boss out of frustration, making her a demon. Personality: She's spunky, crude, unladylike, sarcastic, and hyper. She knows how to conceal her evilness perfectly. The only thing that can make her nervous is boys. Appearance: ![]() Dislikes/Hates: Weak girls, jerks, not being able to smoke. Likes/Loves: Smoking, fellow deliquents, laughing. Crush?: Whoever's brave enough. Rival?: She doesn't want one. I like her very much! Approved - |
BluerubyJul 13, 2010 8:49 PM
Jul 14, 2010 9:56 AM
Name: Alexander Nickname? Alex Gender? Male Age:16 Race: Human Powers? He has complete control over fire and he can manipulate it at will Grade: Junior Bio:His a very caring and trust worthy person who always tries to help those in need and cares deeply for his friends and would never turn his back on them and he had a very dark child hood but very few people now about his past Personality: He is a very calm and laid back person who likes to cause trouble from time to time Appearance: ![]() Dislikes/Hates:??? Likes/Loves:he really likes to eat sweets specially if its chocolate Crush?: None Yet Rival?: None Yet Approved |
TamoballJul 14, 2010 10:53 AM
Jul 16, 2010 1:45 AM
Name: Sebastian Michaelis Age: Unknown ( looks in his 20s ) Race: Demon Powers: Control Dark element, incredible strength, speed and accuracy Grade: Teacher Bio: A young man who used to live only for consuming souls, however has grown tired of just eating and wishes to put his skills into good use Personality: Kind, helpful, soft spoken, incredibly inteligent and skilled Appearance: ![]() Dislikes/Hates: Noise, bad behaviour, dogs Likes/Loves: cats, helping others Crush?: n/a Rival?: n/a Approved - |
BluerubyJul 18, 2010 10:51 AM
Jul 16, 2010 6:21 PM
Name: Kimiko Nickname: Kimi Gender: Female Age: 17 Race: vampire Powers: ice and water manipulation Grade:Second year (junior) Bio: (later) Personality: very nice, sometimes too nice, likes to talk to people and make new friends Appearance: ![]() Dislikes/Hates: nothing Likes/Loves: food, reading, animals Crush?: unknown Rival?: unknown _____________________________________________________________ Name:Mikuru Nickname: Miku Gender: Female Age: 17 Race: demon Powers: lightning manipulation Grade: second year (junior) Bio: (later) Personality: she is a rebel, usually nice and cute but has a bad temper Appearance: ![]() Dislikes/Hates: mostly everything Likes/Loves: cheese, money, video games, fighting, getting into trouble, games... Crush?: unknown Rival?: unknown Both approved, though please try and come up with a bio. (: Thank you! |
BluerubyJul 18, 2010 10:47 AM
Jul 25, 2010 4:43 PM
Name:Yosuke Nickname? Gender?Male Age:17 Race:half demon half human Powers?hypnosis Grade:3rd Bio:Yosuke was the son of a deamon lord who got banished as he mated with a human and thus Yosuke was forced to live a half life on the surface and fail to fit in Personality:timid, worries alot, self concious Appearance: ![]() ((Try to put a picture, if you cannot... Gah, that's fine too...)) Dislikes/Hates:people teasing others/him Likes/Loves:to find someone/people to accpet him Crush?:none Rival?:none |
Aug 3, 2010 11:29 PM
Name:Elizabeth Kindheart Nickname:Liz, Lizzy Gender:Female Age:17 Race:Demon Powers:When in human form she can grow black wings and fly. When in demon form her five senses are enhanced. Grade:12 Bio:She is the niece of the emperor of hell. She decide to go to this school so she could live a more normal life. She hates it when people treat her like a princess when she just wants to be treated like a normal person. She spent most of her life inside a palace and doesn't understand everything about being normal. Personality:When in her human form she is nice and kind but when she's in her demon form she is destructive and has a murderous intent. Appearance: Human form Demon form Dislikes/Hates:Homework, math Likes/Loves:Sweet food's, animals Crush:Not yet Rival:Not yet |
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Aug 4, 2010 10:43 PM
Name:zero Nickname:Z Gender:male Age:unknown Race:vampire Powers: unknown Grade:12 Bio:unknown Personality:hes nice, kind, and always thinks of others. Appearance: Human form ![]() vampire form ![]() Crush:Not yet Rival:Not yet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name:ruru Nickname:ru Gender:female Age:17 Race:vampire Powers: can blood bind Grade:12 Bio:unknown Personality:sweet. kind , nice but has a split personailty witch is mean and rude Appearance: Human form ![]() vampire form ![]() Crush:Not yet Rival:Not yet |
momo-sanAug 4, 2010 10:50 PM
im a little wacky but im good to my friends so ill kick anyone a** if they hurt u IM SERIOUS |
Aug 5, 2010 3:28 AM
Aug 13, 2010 9:59 PM
Oct 20, 2011 3:37 PM
Hello, I would like to admit a few characters. Name: Akira Nickname: Kira Gender: Female Age: 14 Race: 1/4 human, 1/4 shape-shifter, 1/4 angel, 1/4 demon Powers: She can do anything she wants other than giving powers to others or changing fate. Changing fate is the job of the Jenns [Old but beautiful women.] Grade: freshman Bio: Her father beat her mother before he left, leaving her with two children and a broken will to live. It was hard for her to grow as a poor child, but over the years she has grown strong with her older brother, Arik [Pronounced Eric.] She fixed her mothers broken will with her songs and poems, and often sings them aloud without realizing. She loves music and books. Personality: A music and book lover who doesn't watch much TV, she is shy and is nervous around strangers. Her charm bracelet is constantly jangling on her left wrist. Once she trusts someone, she gets more talkative, but it's hard for her to trust. Appearance: [Angel form] [Human form] [demon form] [Shape-shifter form] Because she can shift into anything, it is impossible for me to have a picture. Dislikes/Hates: People who gawk at her powers and her brother. Likes/Loves: food. Crush?: none.. She doesn't trust very well. Rival?: Her brother. ================================================ Name: Arik Nickname: N/A Gender: Male Age: 15 Race: 1/4 human, 1/4 shape-shifter, 1/4 angel, 1/4 demon Powers: He can do anything she wants other than giving powers to others or changing fate. Changing fate is the job of the Jenns [Old but beautiful women.] Grade: tenth Bio: His father beat his mother before he left, leaving her with two children and a broken will to live. It was hard for him to grow as a poor child, but over the years he has grown strong. He watched as his sister fixed his mothers broken will with her songs and poems, and smiles when often sings them aloud without realizing. He loves his family dearly. Personality: Loving, but hateful at the same time. Does not speak much, but if someone merely bumps into his sister, he will go off. Appearance: [Human form] [Demon form] [Angel form] [Shape-shifter form] Because he can shift into anything, it is impossible for me to have a picture. Dislikes/Hates: People who hurt his family, people who hit on his sister. Likes/Loves: His family. Crush?: N/A Rival?: He could say his sister, but he thinks of it as more of a game. I found a picture of both of them!!! [Human forms-- when they were younger--] I hope you like~! |
Alice Ninja says HEYYYYYYYYY! LOL! FOOD IS AWESOMEFULLSSS!!! This is the name “Alice” in Japanese. it is pronounced “ARISU” |
Jun 6, 2012 4:58 PM
Name: Alyss Gender: Female Age: 17 Race: im a Wonderlander and i use a scythe that is powered with imagination Grade: junior Bio: my parents are dead and I rule Wonderland, but have decided to attend school in order to receive a proper education in order to rule my people wisely Personality: quiet, smart, understanding, fierce, thoughtful Appearance: black hair with violet highlight and a single silver streak. eyes are silver and I often wear violet lipstick and goth lolita clothing. Dislikes/Hates: gossip, lying, and bullying Likes/Loves: spicy food, reading, writing, rock music, creature riding Crush?: N/A Rival?: My sister |
AliceMercyJun 10, 2012 2:10 PM
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