Aside from the rules, I thought it best to post this in light of any future problems.
With regards to thread discussions and debates, all members are expected to use respectful language, and refrain from extended unnecessary divergences from the relevant topic. This does not mean that you can not discussion something that just happens to be said but that, if you wish to continue your conversation, do so in pm-ing and not in the thread.
In regard to thread discussions, although members are perfectly free to discuss guild subject matter, it is expected that members use responsible judgment in doing so and in the proper thread. As members of the club, you must remember that your conduct reflects upon the club as a whole. [Harassment of any kind directed toward or perpetrated by any club member/s with regards to matters concerning the club, will not be tolerated. The moderators reserve the right to intercede should such a situation arise.
I am not disallowing any profanity as long as it is not directed toward another member. Please limit criticism to the ideas and works being discussed, and do not direct it to other members personally.
All suggestions, comments, and/or complaints that do not concern the list at large be addressed through pms to a moderator/s, so as not to clutter the threads.
This code of conduct applies to all members, moderators, and list owner, and I have the discretion to limit and/or stop anything I see deveating from the subject at hand, effective from the time membership is granted until the time it is terminated.
This idea originated from the Inuyasha Fanfiction Guild and I have altered parts of the above paragraphs to fit for this club. |