Jan 19, 3:14 PM
I'm new to this franchise, I haven't watched anything about it but I definitely want to watch the latest movie (Beginning of a New Era):, it looks pretty good and now I'm interested about this franchise. But I've read that it's better to watch the 4 episodes ONA first (Road to the Top) before watching the movie (Beginning of a New Era) and that's what I will do, but I see that Road to the Top also has a movie that is a compilation of the 4 ONAs. So, should I start watching the 4 episodes ONA or should I watch the Road to the Top movie instead? |
Jan 19, 3:19 PM
i doubt you will find the movie compilation of this online with english subs because i tried and i ended up watching the 4 episodes ova instead |
Jan 19, 3:27 PM
Reply to deg
i doubt you will find the movie compilation of this online with english subs because i tried and i ended up watching the 4 episodes ova instead
@deg I see, I will go with the 4 episodes ONA then. I saw a tiny bit of the latest movie and the race looked pretty fucking awesome, and now I'm interested in this franchise, can't believe I never heard about this anime before. |
Jan 19, 3:31 PM
Reply to xZabuzax
@deg I see, I will go with the 4 episodes ONA then.
I saw a tiny bit of the latest movie and the race looked pretty fucking awesome, and now I'm interested in this franchise, can't believe I never heard about this anime before.
@xZabuzax this franchise broke the record for most bd sales so ye but like you i just started watching road to the top ona and the new era movie |
Jan 19, 3:48 PM
Reply to deg
@xZabuzax this franchise broke the record for most bd sales so ye
but like you i just started watching road to the top ona and the new era movie
but like you i just started watching road to the top ona and the new era movie
@deg This anime broke the record for the most BD sales? interesting, now I'm getting even more hyped up! I also created a thread on Reddit, and they told me the Road to the Top movie will probably be out the next week, so I probably will wait for the Road to the Top movie instead because I want to watch the best version of it and the best version is probably the movie because it has additional scenes. |
Jan 19, 3:52 PM
Reply to xZabuzax
@deg This anime broke the record for the most BD sales? interesting, now I'm getting even more hyped up!
I also created a thread on Reddit, and they told me the Road to the Top movie will probably be out the next week, so I probably will wait for the Road to the Top movie instead because I want to watch the best version of it and the best version is probably the movie because it has additional scenes.
@xZabuzax thats cool news i will probably watch that compilation movie too hopefully it gets subs |
Jan 19, 4:38 PM
Reply to deg
@xZabuzax thats cool news i will probably watch that compilation movie too hopefully it gets subs
@deg I've been browsing the web to see when both BDs are going to be released: Road to the Top = Jan 22, 2025 (3 Days) Beginning of a New Era = Feb 19, 2025 (4 Weeks) I will wait for both of the BDs because I want to watch the best version of both of them, for now, I'll just keep myself busy watching other animes. I just hope the subs won't take long because goddamn, I'm way too hyped to watch this anime already. |
Jan 19, 5:19 PM
Reply to xZabuzax
@deg I've been browsing the web to see when both BDs are going to be released:
Road to the Top = Jan 22, 2025 (3 Days)
Beginning of a New Era = Feb 19, 2025 (4 Weeks)
I will wait for both of the BDs because I want to watch the best version of both of them, for now, I'll just keep myself busy watching other animes. I just hope the subs won't take long because goddamn, I'm way too hyped to watch this anime already.
@xZabuzax or hopefully the bds have subs already |
Jan 29, 11:27 PM
Road to the Top Blu-ray is out and some of the changes are questionable. They also deleted about 30 seconds of Ayabe's scenes |