- Ignore anime entries with no start/end season and no complete start date (i.e. https://myanimelist.net/anime/40745), since it is impossible to know their exact start season.
- MAL added three new genres, so they are now supported (Love Status Quo, Urban Fantasy, Villainess) and removed one (Romantic Subtext).
- List all media types animes sorted by year and season.
- Show basic statistics for each year and season.
- Show personal statistics/information for each anime.
- All time stats (season and year with highest mean score / completed count).
- Remove not scored animes from mean score divisor.
- Sort/filter animes and recalc every statistics (type/genre/themes/demographic).
- Get automatic BBCode to copy into MAL.
- Get automatic Markdown code to copy into AL.
- Ignore actual year for all time stats.
- Dark mode theme.
- Count animes without start/finish/both unknown dates.
- Graphic/Distribution for each type/genre/themes/demographic for each season.
- Versions window showing all features added by version.
MorteuxOct 28, 2024 8:32 AM