Sep 29, 2023 9:40 AM
It was a cute, non-challenging story of two childhood friends who like each other and are given an outside reason to express that love out in the open. Good art, though the latter chapters aren't as entertaining, and I would've rather spent them on Kiyoko and that other girl, than Izuki. Too bad about the hanging loose ends, like that ominous speech by professor Iijima (what was the point of it?) and Izuki getting so upset about it, or the fact that Kanata will apparently be marrying a fox spirit? A good epilogue would've been a flash-forward into the future to see their married lives; I have a feeling that Kanata, Kuro, Kiyoko and that other girl would've all gotten along and been OK with Kuro and Kanata being lovers even outside the designated day per year. 7/10 |
Pande91Sep 29, 2023 9:56 AM