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May 25, 2010 9:16 PM
Sep 2009
[Andrew and Shane Story]
We woke up late again and rushed out of bed ran down to the duel disk shop and on our way there we saw a cloaked merchant that we ran it to(literally)Andrew: "sorry old timer we need to get a duel disk and we are way late"
Shane: we need to go or there will be no more left
oldman:will how bout you take these good luck charms and these cards that go with them^_^ "
(Andrew got the MI9 eye of ra and sacred phoenix with hand of nephthys while shane got the 10th item (blue-eyes amulet) and the card silent swordsman lv.5)
(we thanked him and ran off and finally got to the duel disk shop)
Andrew:It’s like a ghost town
Shopkeeper:wow you two are late(a old friend)
Andrew:sorry bout that any duel disk here
Shop keeper:yes I put 2 away for you guys
Andrew:Thanks we’ll be at kaiba corps stadium in new domino city park
(the colliseum where the battle city duelist met for the blimp now is a place for all duelist)
we walk out of the shop and head to the stadium.....

[Kyome’s Story]
(future/present) *a 16 year old girl was walking through battle city seeming to be enjoying herself. she had long pink hair that were done up into buns with hair trailing behind her and had blue eyes, she wore light blue tubetop and blue jeans, she wore a strapped bag across her shoulder and a belt attached to her jeans with a case on it and deck in it. the duel disc she wore was somewhat different from the others around her, it looked like it hadn’t been used in over a hundred years or more. it had a different design than the others, the three part "field" had no place for any type of cards and when actived a light would appear in the eye shape on the band around her left wrist, that would be counted as lifepoints.*

(past)*A young woman walked through a street in the main city of the palace. She wore the common clothing for the area, a long pale tan sleeveless dress. The fornt of the dress was like a wrap around skirt, the cut was up to her knees so she would be able to move well when she needed to. She wore a long piece of cloth of the same color to cover her head, shading her head as well as keeping the sand from her hair. She stopped at a small shop that were selling apples, after paying she thanked them and contined walking as she started to eat.*

"Hi....I’m Muerte....(He stands there.....leather vest....biker gloves....brown if he hadn’t a care in the world) I’m here to be issued a duel disk.....(he looks at the long line beside him) oh....I got to get in line.....I’ll see ya in a bit, Mr. Shopkeeper dude!" (He walks out the door.....*An hour later* "Alright.....I’m back Mr. Shopkeeper dude! So.....what u got in the line of duel disks?" (The shopkeeper looks up, a clumsy guy, stood there and looked at Muerte, who was beaming with confidence) "Uh....sir.....I need a name" "OK! The name is Muerte.....the next best thing!" (He grinned, brightning up the shopkeeper) "Well....I know u need to pay for a duel disk...but I been saving a duel disk for a duelist with a personality like yours! (He ran to the back....and ran back with a brown cardboard box. "I...uh...sent an idea to Kaiba Corp for the design.....hope u like DX colors!" "OMG! I love wrestling! Especially DX! Dude thanks!" "No prob....and I want u to coin a phrase when u duel as well...." "What’s that?" "Wing it...." (He looked at the shopkeeper, and nodded with a smile) "Fine....I’ll make sure to ’Wing it’!" (He took the box and ran out the door

[Bunnylia’s Story]
(Her past life) A fairy that would watch over kisara and protected her using the spirit within volcanic queen (pic of her in her photos) That fairy had a great many friends and when zorc attacked the city of egypt someone made the 2nd set of millenium Items or MI the fairy was there and got her soul tooken into the darkness til bunnylia(present day) bumped into a old man(same old dude we met) and was given the bracelet(power:call forth spirits from the ancient time and make them able to be seen just by callin their names) now bunnylia has a yami bunnylia (the fairy) and can call upon lost souls ^_^ (though she can only call upon a few lost souls at a time) She has the sign of the flower after headin for the dueldisk she went to meet everyone and the adventure begins^_^

[Andrew’s and Shane’s Story]
on our way to the stadium we were walking down a short cut alley way and saw a hooded man
hooded man:give me your rare cards now duelist(pulls out a duel disk)
we look behind us and another hooded man is coming
Andrew:There is only one way out of this
Shane nods
Andrew and shane goes back to back
Just then rain started fallin after a few turns shane and I summon our fav cards
Shane: I tribute my twin swords to summon Silent swordsman lv.5 2300atk
Andrew: Get ready cause I summon Hand of Nephthys 600atk
now I s.s. Jester confit from my hand and fuse nephthys with confit to summon...
-hand of nephthys looks at me and I feel a shock then a shockwave circles shane and me and blows the rare hunters back and breaks all the windows there and shane passes out-
Andrew:Shane(holding my head then I pass out too)
Wakes in ancient egypt and the story continues....part 3

[Ancient Andrew]
We awake in Egypt(seperated so I will tell my story then shanes)
I awoke in a chamber in the palace and looked around in fright I then see a maid
Andrew:uhh excuse me miss
Andrew:where am I?How did I get here? Where’s Shane? And wat am I doing here?
Maid: You are in the palace of the pharoah sir as for the other questions I don’t understand I’m very sorry sir you must hurry up though and get ready for training Mana and Mahad are already out at the training field
Maid:I’m sorry sir I am new here my name is Fizdis and I will show you to the training ground (sayin to quit to hear:since you are obviously out of it this morning)
Andrew(I better go a long with it if I ever want to make since of this)
Fizdis:You ready sir
Andrew: ummm...yah(nods)
[Training ground of the spellcasters]
Mahad:Ahh Andrew glad you made it for once
Mana:Well now I’ve seen everything
Mahad:Mana that’s enough
Mana:right I’m Sorry
Mahad: so Andrew The king Atemu told me I need to have 3 spellcasters including myself to brake the seal please mana and Andrew set your wands as I’ve done on the seal
Mana and Andrew:right
Mana: (somethings different today with him hmmmm...)
To be continued in part 4 after Shane’s story(part 3b)

[Ancient Shane]
???:hey wake up
Shane wakes up in a jolt and see kaiba above him
Kaiba:Shane you need to pay attention when I’m teaching sword play or you won’t become a guardian of the pharaoh
[does some sword play and shane tries to keep up]
shane: (wat’s going on why am I here doin sword play nothing makes since]
Kaiba:Shane you are slowing down 25 thrusts then you can have a brake
-Kaiba leaves the room with his cape blowin in the wind-
Shane: (I need to get out of here b4 he get’s back and figure this mess out)
-get’s out the window and runs through the sands and then hears a boom and the sands swirl around him-

[Ancient Andrew part 2]
Part 4
Andrew:(wow wat the heck is goin on)
Mana:Master mahad!
Mahad:Do not worry my students
[out of the sands come a door and a bright light comes out of the door and takes mahad mana and me][mean while shane pushin against the winds tries to get to the light that the gate made]
Andrew:wat just happened(rubbing my eyes)
Mana: I think we were teleported
Mahad:Yes we are now in the land of Nazca
[I look around and see the spirit of the duel monster I play (hand of Nephthys)]
Then she touched the mark of the nazca line (phoenix)]
[My arm begun to burn and I looked at it (there was the phoenix mark right on my arm)]
[Shane still walking to the light stops and looks at his glowing arm(the hands symbol glowing brightly)]
[muerte wakes up on the park bench and holds his arm in front of the moon saying:well this is wierd(glowing there as bright as the stars itself the star sign shined ] and[bunnylia looks at her arm while running to the KC stadium and stopped in the dash thinking wat does this mean(as the flower sign appears)][alot of others too looked at there arms and saw signs]
Hand of Nephthys: The new war...........
Has Begun.....good luck my signers.....good luck.......the lost signers...
[I fall backwards into the darkness and the ground beneath shane’s feet brakes and he too falls into the darkness]
We awake seein our enemy rarehunters faces out cold givin us another shock as we run out of that ally to KC stadium
At the kc stadium we register and everything but one thought is in my mind The new war...........Has Begun..... and wat did she mean by lost signers
Shane:Hey bro wat are you thinkin about
Andrew:oh it’s nothin let’s meet up with our friends(he must think of it as a dream)
Shane:ok then hurry slowpoke
Andrew:hey wait...I guess I better catch up to him (when I make more since of this I will tell him wat he saw wasn’t a dream)

[Muerte’s Story]
Muerte ran through the alleys, taking shortcut after shortcut. He finally stopped at a blue house. He went inside, and closed the door. Inside the house was mostly blue and white theme, Muerte’s mom and Muerte’s favorite colors. He went inside his room, the small chihuahua following him to the door, then turning around. He put the box on top of the bed sheets on the bed. He cringed as if something was wrong with his arm, a star shining brilliantly from his arm. He looked in curiousity, not able to determine if it was good or bad. He instantly pulled the long fighting gloves back over the spot, and opened the box. He saw mostly stuffing, and there was the duel disk. The paint gleamed from the light that was coming from the light. Jet Black, and Chrome Green, perfect colors for dueling with. He examined the duel disk. He grabbed his deck, and placed it in the duel disk. He went to the door, sighed, took a deep breath, and opened the door, heading out. He then shut the door, and glanced around. ’I wonder if Max or Oni has gotten their duel disks yet. Now, I’m gonna find me some more duelist friends!" He ran down the street. Vasquez City was getting more and more populated with duelists everyday, and Domino City was just a bit off from where he was. "Alright Domino City, here I come!" He race down the street, and took the shortcut he normally takes. He reached Domino City within minutes. He glanced around, staring in awe at all the duelists that were there in the city. He noticed someone vague among the crowd. He couldn’t quite make out who it was, so he walked over to him. He then tripped, and fell to the ground. He noticed something on the ground, a necklace. He picked it up, examining it. It looked like an arrowhead made of metal, tied to a string necklace. He put that on, and examined it. He liked the look of it, and got up, heading over to a bench. He closed his eyes, remembering the first day he saw the mark on his arm. *Dream* "Hey Muerte! See if you can beat this! I break out a Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Let’s see if you can beat that!" Max stood there confidently, his arms crossed. "Fine, I draw." Muerte looked at the card, noticing it was his favorite, Voltanis. "Try this! I activate Limit Impulse, then Seven Tools of the Bandit! Now I pay a thousand....but now if I clear my field, I can special summon Voltanis right out of my hand. Now, since there was a couple of Fairy-type monsters on the field thanks to my DNA Surgery, I can destroy a couple of your cards! So say goodbye Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and say goodbye to ur Twin Headed Behemoth!" A rush of wind came out of now where, swirling around Muerte’s Voltanis Card. Muerte looked up at the sky, noticing what appeared to be an angel. It was indeed Voltanis! Voltanis blew the cards away on the field, and waited for a command. "Uh....Voltanis....uh....attack?" Voltanis reared back his rod, and sent a shock of blueish energy at his opponent, knocking him off the steps. The duel ended, and Muerte grabbed his cards, and ran. *Dream cloud dissappears* He watched as other duelists fought each other, testing each other’s decks out. He watched, and smiled, looking around intinivetely. He was eager for a challenge, no matter who came his way.
He waited for over an hour, and decided to head over to Kaiba Corp to pay Jack a visit.(Jack is Muerte’s brother in the rp.) He walked to the building, noticing a bunch of people standing outside. He walked inside, and noticed his brother was sitting there at the desk. "Let me guess, they got you lobby duty?" Jack looked up, surprised to see Muerte. "Hey! Yeah, they caught me dueling Noah, the Janitor again. I hate that deck! It’s just destructive or something!" Muerte chuckled at that idea. "So, what brings you here?" Muerte looked at the lobby cluttered with duelist. "I was checking to see what u been up to." "Cool...let me know if you need a spare duel partner." "But you lost your deck, remember?" "I know, but someone came by here just a few minutes ago.....someone by the name Max?" Muerte froze up in fear. "HE WAS HERE! Oh man, this thing is really gonna get cooking. He barely duels anymore, and when he does, stand back!" Muerte turned around, and saw an empty lounge chair. "If you don’t mind me, I’m gonna sit until someone challenges me. That or to tell me that the place is closing up for the night! Ha ha! He went over to the chair, and sat down. He propped his leg on his knee, and slipped on some earphones to listen to a small, black MP3 Player that he was holding. He closed his eyes, put the MP3 player in his inside jacket pocket, and closed his eyes, thinking hard about what might happen that day
He opened his eyes up quickly. ’Oh man, I know the primo spot for dueling.....I’m sick and tired of waiting for people to challenge me, when I should be challenging them!" He stomped out the door, confidently striding to where the Kaiba Corp Stadium. He knew that Max and him would duel up there when no one was around. He wondered if the stadium was packed, as he walked through a trashed alley. He tripped, and fell, bumping his knee on the ground, as he was able to save himself from falling and hitting his head. He looked behind him. "What is that?" He saw a small, bronze symbol, right beside the electrical cord that tripped him. He picked it up, and examined it. He couldn’t quite make it out, as if it looked like his necklace symbol. He grabbed the bronze one, noticing it was a bit heavier than his necklace symbol. He took off the old one, and placed it on the string through the hoop. ’Its Gold! I better put this under my shirt.’ He slipped it under his shirt, and continued to the stadium, knowing the alley would take him a bit to get through, as it lead perfectly straight to the stadium. He had a strange feeling, to go there, as if something was telling him to go there.
He reached the Stadium, feeling light-headed. "I need....need a....nap...." He found a park bench, laid down and fell asleep. *Dream* Muerte saw sands around the place, as if he were in egypt. He glanced around, noticing some small houses, as if this were his home. He noticed his clothes had been replaced with a dark blue shawl. He noticed a bunch of people trying to cast these sticks on this stone. ’I wonder what they’re doing.’ Then appeared Kangaroo Champ, standing there, perking it’s ears up in all directions. He stood there in amazement, now knowing that they are magicians. He picked up a stick, and cast it in the direction of a huge rock, concentrating using his thoughts. Then it started to form wings, and started to form a rod in it’s arms. He recognized the object, distinctively looking like.....*Dream Dissappeared* He woke up, and looked around, noticing it was near nighttime. He started walking home, but decided to hang out here for the night
Muerte had noticed his arm was glowing when he woke up. He still couldn’t figure out the significance of the star. ’What could this sign be telling me? Am I destined to be a great duelist? Or am I part of a bigger plan?’ He pulled out a piece of gum, and chewed on it as he was thinking. ’Maybe, there is something bigger planned. If I am in this "bigger plan", would things get hectic? Who would be involved? Jack? Max? Maybe Oni? And who’s gonna back me up when all else seems hopeless? And the worst......what happen’s if it comes down to just me to stop something bad from happening? Will I pull through?’ All these thoughts raced in Muerte’s mind. He took a deep breath, and sighed. "I need someone o talk to...." He noticed the sun was just coming up. " wanted to sleep in!" He chuckled at his comment, and shook his head. "Oh well.....I’m here.....and I still think if I stay here....I’ll meet someone...." "Muerte!?" Muerte froze in fear. He turned around, noticing it was Charlie. "Charlie?!" "What are you doing here?" "Camped out.....why?" "Oh.....well....I got my duel disk, take a look!" He looked at it, black, red, and orange gleamed from the custom made duel disk. "I see you went DX on yours...." Muerte held up his duel disk, still admiring the green and black. "Yep......a shopkeeper gave me this for free....and I had the money to buy it...." Muerte smiled at the thought. "Yeah....I always was broke 24/7.....ha ha!" Charlie laughed, then tried to supress it. "Why you here at the Kaiba Corp Stadium? Oh, hey, you know Wil is in town?" Muerte looked up anxiously at Charlie. "No fooling?" "No fooling..." Muerte shook his head in doubt. "I haven’t seen him in a long, long time...." "So....answer my question, why you here?" "I don’t’s just a gut feeling, ya know?" He looked up at the huge stadium. "Imagine it Charlie....just me and you, fighting each other in the most epic match ever.....and me and you would go at it...." "Kinda like Undertaker and Shawn Michaels match at Wrestlemania?" "Yup, only one of us is the Undertaker..." They exchanged glares, and then both started reaching for their decks. Charlie stops, and stomps his foot. "Know what? I’m gonna train....and I’ll come back later. I’ll prove I am the better of the rivalry...." "You do that! And you can just bring it, while I wing it!" Charlie ran down the street. Muerte shook his head, grinning of how silly Charlie sounded. Muerte then reached for his MP3 player, put the earphones in, and listened as the music blared in his ears, as he couldn’t hear anything. He leaned against a lamp post there next to the bench. "I got time, might as well wait....."

[Andrew and Shane Arrives at the Stadium]

We ran right to the stadium and saw Muerte on a bench chillin again
Andrew:Hey he has a sign
[when I hold up my arm it shines again and shane looks at his too]
Muerte:Hey you guys have one too
Andrew:right my names Andrew and this is Shane
Muerte:well nice to meet you two the names Muerte but wat are these marks
Andrew:Well It’s a long story but you see when we ran into rare hunters we woke up with this on us
Shane:Wat do you think it means?
Andrew:I don’t know but we can’t be the only ones there must be others
Muerte:That’s true
Andrew:I read bout Nazca lines b4 and there are 24 of them we must find the others b4.....the war
Muerte and Shane:Wat a war
[kyome comes running up]
Kyome:finally I found you oh Andrew, Shane and Muerte....were you the ones in the alley...and if so then wat’s this on my arm
[we all are shock as she holds up her arm with the baby condor on it]
Andrew:Ky....Kyome your a ......lost signer too
Muerte:well this is cool now all 4 of us are but that means
Shane: yep still 20 more to go
Andrew:wow that’s alot hey.....[hear beeping and pulls out a device like a hand held computer from all of our pockets]
Godwin:I know that you are lost signers and I request you to come to the duelist hotel right away.
Andrew: (wat is godwin doing)
Muerte:hey doesn’t Godwin own alot of new domino
Andrew:yep that’s him for sure guess we have to go meet him at that hotel and see wat he has to say about these marks
We all leave to the hotel
To be continued

Rain sits quietly under the benches Covering her arm as her marks shine with theirs... Not wanting to be discovered she only listens. -War huh?- she thinks to herself. She hears the voice about going to the hotel but thinks she better not... -smells like a trap.- Once everyone leaves she looks at her markings on her arm "That one guy looked like he had a bird on his arm... Mine look like swords..." she frowns softly "Maybe I should follow them..." she heaves a sigh and pushes off of the bar she was leaning on and goes to follow them... "Information is needed..."

[Kyome’s Story]
(Yami Kyome) After the war with Zorc She helped some others make the lost millenium items she was sealed away in her own creation like the others til one day a girl found the cresent moon pendant and fused her soul with yami kyome

(future/present) She looked at her watch and relized that it was getting late but just then she heard windows brakin(check our own story) she looked at her arm in shock and saw the sign of the baby condor on her arm then saw 2 rare hunters out cold and saw us running from there
Kyome:Who are they
[just then reinforcements saw her and surronded her thinking she was us]
[She defeated them and made a run for it but then she lost track of where we went but remembered seeing duel disk]
Kyome:They might be headin for the kc stadium I know a short cut
[a little old man(same from ours) hehe wat are you running around for ?]
Kyome:I need to catch someone and they may be at the KC stadium
[the old man sees the mark of the signer glowin and smiles]
Old man:hehehe well you must take these if you wanna catch them
[aquired the MI 11 cresent moon pendant and magician valkyria]
Kyome:Thank you
[then runs off to the kc stadium in search of the truth]

[Bunnylia’s Story]
She was on her way to KC corp for a late night duel when she looked at her arm and saw a flower.Then she heard a beeping sound and pulled a mini computer out of her pocket
[same message godwin sent us in the combine story]
Bunnylia:Wat is going on I need to figure all this out and the best way to do to head straight for the top
Bunnylia:straight for godwin.....
[turns to face the tower of a building with the spirits of kisara and her twin sister Ellania following close behind]
[At the door of the building]
[she sees me muerte Shane and kyome standing there]
Andrew:Hey Muerte you think she is a signer?
Muerte:I guess so
Shane:Then that makes five of us
Andrew:we are getting closer
Bunnylia: (they have signs too.......just how many are ther)
[Andrew, Shane, kyome, and timmy sees the the spirits but they are solid not see through]
Shane: (whispers do you see those spirits?)
Andrew: (also whispering yes but they aren’t unseen how come anybody can see them)
[just then the shine of the glowing bracelet catches Andrew’s eye]
Andrew: (A Millenium Item)
Andrew:So who are your friends^_^
Bunnylia: [shocked] Who are you? how can you see them?
Andrew: My name is Andrew and this is my bro shane and those two are kyome and muerte we were called here by godwin and as for seein spirits Shane and I could always see them but by the shine of your bracelet I’ll have to say that it is a Millenium Item and that is wat is making them solid right^_^ ?
Bunnylia:well these 2 have been with me since I was a little girl she’s kisara and she’s her twin sister Ellania
[we all said nice to meet you to the 2 spirits]
Andrew:Now let’s head in and see wat godwin has to say
[inside the building we are greeted by godwins creepy butler dude lizar]
Lizar: please follow me
[in another room and huge tv comes from the roof]
Andrew: It’s Godwin
Godwin:you are all allowed to stay here create your own rooms and everything until we have found all 24 signers then the war finally will begun get some rest you’ll need it you each have your own rooms with a adapter allowing you to design it like your own homes in seconds
[we each go to our own rooms and design our rooms not one of us could sleep though so we just stayed there wondering wat are the other signers and wat is the war about]
[To Be Continued]
Next Time we head to Goodwin’s Mansion but come under attack can we survive the new threat and who are these guys anyways? Find out on the next chapter of "YUGIOH THE LOST SIGNERS" - "GOODWIN’S MYSTERY MANSION"
see you there^^

Godwin: Welcome all of you signers and please make yourselves at home our latest tech makes you able to design your own rooms and we shall gather all the signers here then........I shall.........tell you the truth......the truth bout your signs and about the war ahead get some sleep you’ll need it...
Andrew: Well[yawns] guess I’m headin for bed
Shane:same here
Bunnylia:night guys
Kyome:see all ya later
[Muerte thinks to himself wat is Godwin doing I’ll find out]
Andrew:Hey Muerte
Andrew:You goin to bed too?
Andrew:ok see ya
[we each take a different room]
Muerte : (here’s my chance to sneak out)
To be continued...
(All signers make yourselves at home here and Godwin will tell the truth as soon as all 24 are gathered you can design your corridor anyway you like with the new solid vision tech) (have fun designing and building you decks for the war that has just begun)
Rain walks up to the hotel and looks up at it... -Why does it have to be so freakin tall...- She thinks to herself her hand in her pockets... A slight shiver runs up her spine as she ponders of joining the others with marks on their arms... She wants to know whats going on... but she doesn’t like how this smells... one man with the answers... bah... She finaly walks into the front lobby and looks around not yet trying to find mr. goodwin..
Muerte walked down the hallway. As he did, he noticed Goodwin’s guards asleep. He stopped at a door that read "Main Computer Room". He snuck in, noticing a computer showing 24 people, one of them was Muerte. He highlighted the picture of himself, and clicked on it. The computer pulled up information about himself, description, favorite things, and the history about Muerte. Muerte’s face went blood red with anger. "No....they can’t find out..." He pulled out a flashdrive, uploading the "Barbarian" Virus into the computer, destroying all the files of all the duelist. "Not even you Goodwin must know..." He left the room, heading to his room
Katsuya stops his duel runner in front of the mansion’s gates, the bike shakes violently, as if it will fall apart at any time. He pats it lovingly. "Easy there." He says, the bike quieting. He steps out and pulls off his purple helmet and golves. "Nice place Goodwin has here." He walks up as the gates open and heads up the steps and inside, a servant is waiting at the foot of the stairs. "Yeah....point me the right way and make sure my runner is put up." The servant points up the stairs and replies in a quiet, matter of fact voice.
"Up the stairs and down the left hall."
"Thanks, " Katsuya says, his crimson eyes scanning the spacious room. He heads up to the area and enters his room. The room is large, the walls painted a warm cream, the bed is a king with a desk on one side. He sets his small bag of belongings down and flops onto the bed. "Hmm...One guy with all the answers, I don’t like this."
Rain sighs and walks to someone that looks like she works here "Hey... I’m looking for..."
"You need to go up the stairs and head to the doors onto the right. Pick a room that is Unoccupied mam.." The woman cuts her off as if she already knew the question.
Rain nods and frowns slightly as she heads up the stairs and picks a room. The walls are red with a black floral print and white trim... Her violet eyes widen some "Wow... spiffy" she murmurs as she finds the bed with red and violet covers... "It’s like it was made for me... but.." She frowns "Whatever I need sleep.." She strips off her clothes till her underwear and tucks one of her guns under the pillow.. Paranoid me? never... well never know..

Rain stretches "wow.." she murmurs waking up... then she heaves a sigh "That was one good sleep..." she sits up and looks around and bends over the side grabbing all her clothes and slipping them back on... "guess I should have packed a bag or something..." she shrugs as she gets dressed putting on her guns and everything... forget the over shirt today too hot. She grabs her deck and stands up sliding her deck box with her deck inside onto her belt then she grabs her cigarettes and lighter. "Well time for breakfast" she chuckles to herself as she steps out the door and stenches again looking right to left to see what life stirs in the halls today before slipping outside for her smoke...
Muerte holds the flashdrive, the small plastic device feeling like a ton in his hand. He dropped it into his pocket as soon as he saw Goodwin. "Where are you going?" Muerte stopped dead in his tracks. "Just got done using the restroom...." "Liar! You crashed the computer!" "How do you even know it’s me?" "Because....there’s no restroom that way! I was informed the central computer was crashed by a majorly destructive computer virus. I didn’t know who it was at first....until it dawned on me who it might be. And wouldn’t I know was you!" Security guards rushed Muerte from his sides. "I’m putting you in an immediate lockdown room. And then, I’ll expose ur secret to the rest of the signers as ur punishment. Guards! Take him away!" Muerte was hauled down the hallway at a quick pace. The guards stopped at a door, marked "Lockdown Room". They opened it, throwing Muerte into the room. They closed the door, as Muerte found himself in a place that vaguely looked similar to a prison. He walked to the bottom bunk. He crawled to it, tears streaking down his face. He knew he had no choice but to run away. He waited, watching the clock in hopes maybe someone could save him before the others found out. He bent down, and prayed that Goodwin wouldn’t say it to them tomorrow. Then he took off his duel disk, laying it on the floor. He crawled into the bed, and went to sleep.
Katsuya roams the halls, looking around like any curious person would. He ducks into a aclove as guards rush past. "Wonder what’s up?" He sneaks down to the corner and sees Mr. Goodwin. "Well, well...what do we have here?" He watches as the guards haul Muerte off. Katsuya walks around the corner nonchalantly as Goodwin comes his way. He nods then stops. "Mr. Goodwin, hello. Who was that?"

"No one." Goodwin replies, waving a white gloved hand. "Just an intruder." Goodwin continues walking.

"No one, huh." Katsuya slides down the hallway like a veteran spy and makes it to a door label LOCKDOWN. He peers through the food port. "Hey!" He whispers. "What’d ya do?"
Rain hears some commotion just down the halls "What the hell?" she murmurs as she looks down the hall and begins to walk that way. She sees Mr. Goodwin and narrows her eyes slightly "Hey... what happened?" she asks when he gets closer.
"Just an intruder problem... It’s been taken care of Miss Rivera." He says as he passes by seeming irritated as he walks.
Rain makes a face behind his back "It’s Rain... Just Rain. No Miss. NO Mrs. and no Ms. It’s just rain..." she grumbles afterwards and stalks the way he came from... "Only a intruder my deck!" she snarls as she walks. Then she sees a crimson eyed snake and she grins "Hey! My dark snake how are you? I guess you’re not the intruder this time" she asks Katsuya... sneaking has never been one of her strong points... "Did ya see what happened?" she slides her thumbs into her pockets and she grins at him remembering all the times he has come to save her butt and how many times she had to save his...
Muerte jumped, hitting his head on the bottom of the bunk bed. He slipped on his duel disk, and went to the door. "Who are you?" he whispered. "Are you here to break me out? Can you get the door unlocked?"
Katsuya smiles, his devil-may-care grin, "Oh, yeah." He looks the door over. "Solid steel. It’ll take a minute." Katsuya pulls out a slim, black case from his pants pocket, a high-class lockpick set. He goes to work, picking the lock in record time. "Hold on." Katsuya pulls the door open. "Hey, there stranger. Care for a jailbreak?" Katsuya smiles and heads down the hallway, back to his room and locks the door behind him.
Rain stands there blinking "helloooo" she calls at him then blinks as he whooshes past her to his room... just a few doors down from her own... She frowns some then walks towards the now opened door and peeks in "So... you the trouble maker?" she asks tilting her head some and crosses her arms under her breasts... putting her hands right next to her guns. A very favorite standing position for herself...
Muerte looks up at Rain. "Hey, yeah....kinda crashed Goodwin’s computer information about the signers. I got to go and stop him. You might wanna go..." "WARNING! PRISONER ESCAPING! SUBDUE HIM AND BRING HIM TO GOODWIN!" Muerte sees the red sirens. "Too late. Flashing lights....reminds me of when I got in trouble when I was a kid! HA HA HA HA! Come on! I got to get out of here before Goodwin’s goons come. Know how to defend yourself without using them?" He motioned toward the guns. "We need no casualties...."

[Night 2]
Restin but not asleep I got up and looked out the window I turn around and see a hooded man with the same sign as mine(John[our rl bf] walks into godwins mansion and goes to my room to see if I’m up[his arm is glowing bright with the sign of the astronaut]
Andrew:so who are you
???:wat does it matter all you need to know is I really be the one to defeat you!!!!!
Andrew:Then bring it on
Both:let’s duel!!!!
Andrew:I’ll go first draw and I’ll summon neo in atk mode 1700atk then I’ll set a card to end (4 hand 4000lp)
?:Then I’ll play card destruction to destroy and re draw our hands then I set a def to end(4 hand 4000lp)
Andrew:Huh......Hahaha and I thought you were gonna be tough a def and that’s it:-D
?:make your move if you dare
[John walks into the room and see the dark signer]
John :Andrew wat’s goin on
Andrew:I don’t know this freak just attacked me
John:I’ll take him on
Andrew: No I think there is something wierd bout him I’ll finish him off...besides he’s weak
Andrew:wat’s so funny
?:You think I don’t have a strategy
Andrew:well yah you so far haven’t done much
?:Just wait and see fool
Andrew:K then my draw summon out the cybernetic magician by releasing neo
2400atk Go take out the def monster treeborn frogs destroyed 100def and set 2 more face down to end turn(2hand 4000lp)
?:hehe treeborn frog returns(2 cause the card destruction) 100atk x2
now I will summon you end go Earthbound Immortal PHOENIX 2400atk(tributed both frogs) [a huge bird appears(looks like my phoenix but black with marks) ]
Andrew:you aren’t takin him out without a fight check this go rising energy [discard 1 card then plus 1500atk] (0hand) 3900atk
?:go mage power and 3 facedowns(0 hand) 4400atk
Phoenix dark blaze atk
[sends John and me back against the wall gettin back to our feet the lp lowers]
Andrew:Hehehe -changes to yami me- HaHAHA You are really something else but you know wat I won’t let you beat me
?:well here’s your last chance cause I end for now(0hand 4000lp)
Andrew:I draw-smiles- now pot of greed to draw 2 cards
then call of the haunted to bring back my magician 2400atk now I summon my Magician’s valkyria[comes out swirling and points her wand at the phoenix
?:huh that yet
John:I know wat he’s doing
Andrew:Guess you dark signers aren’t to bright by discarding a card from my hand your atk is 2000atk(0 hand) and now my magicians will atk first cybernetic then my valkyria(2000lp) That ends my turn
?:No I can’t lose I draw-chuckles- I summon my phoenix with call of the haunted then play rising energy 3900atk if I can’t get rid of you I’ll call a draw go Ring of Destruction
[huge shock wave bursting all the windows in the buildin]
?:I will be back[opens a vortex and jumps into it] oh and then you won’t survive[portal closes]
John:That card wasn’t in any data
Andrew:That’s cause he has the only one
[everyone runs in wondering wat was goin on but Muerte who is checkin wat godwins up to]
[I walk out of the room]
[dark signers standing on a near by roof top]
star:looks like my other self is in trouble perhaps I should cause some more for him
?:not yet
Flower:I want to come back so I’ll send my other self to the shadows
Shark:My other self won’t survive my attack
wings:This is gettin boring I want to destroy him the one that bares my mark on his arm
Phoenix:why did you give me those cards and tell me to lose master?
?:I want him to tell the others and that way we can watch them run and then attack
I want Goodwin to know that he’s not goin to survive the next few games
Baby condor:So when can we attack
?Tomorrow we will destroy them all and hunt for the others
Andrew:wat’s up muerte?
Muerte:What ever goodwin says about gotta trust me...I’m better than that now [runs off out of the building]
Andrew:hey wait![my signs glowing]
Andrew: (the dark signers are close it’s to dangerous for muerte to be out better go get him)
Shane:We can’t just let him leave
Andrew:I’ll catch him[runs off]
Shane:not with out me your not[runs after me]
[goodwins office]
Goodwin:I know this is bad get muerte back here now got it
[Rain and Katsuya listening in after seeing muerte run by]
Goodwin:I don’t care make the seal or the plans are ruin I need it I need the seal of orichalcous to be made
?[phone]:yes but it could make all you lost signers be sealed and...
Goodwin I can’t take the risk yet but if worst come to worst I can use it as my last resort
[bunnylia and kyome walks by]
Bunnylia:hey guys
Kyome wat you guys listenin too
Rain and katsuya:shhh
[The door opens but they all jump to the side]
Rain:It’s goodwin he’s talkin about a seal of ori... somethin or other
Katsuya:he said it could get rid of all of us we gotta leave b4 it’s to late
Bunnylia:The seal of orichalcous.......
Bunnylia:oh it’s nothing^_^
Rain come on we better get b4 we get sealed
[runs off]
[on the roof]
John:hey Rez troy should we go to
Rez:yes this doesn’t look to safe right now
Troy:right we better move
They run down the stairs and out the door a little after bunnylia, rain, kyome, and katsuya
[outside we all split up only I stayed to talk to goodwin for a few secs]
DS leader:Attack
[daylight is coming]

Shane:wat’s going on that monster wasn’t a real card
Godwin:Yes it is just locked away til now
Andrew:So how do we lock them away again
John:I think it’s bout time you tell all
[Godwin turns around and sits down at the table]
Godwin:As you wish I shall tell wat I know
Godwin:I know bout the darksigners and sent the crimson signers to defeat them but Remember for each light there is a dark and for every dark there is a light so when I saw you signers I knew this would happen
You all are the lost signers and the duelist that you just fought they came from your own soul ......that duelist......[looks at me] was you yourself

Andrew:Wat!!!!You can’t be serious! There’s is no way!
Godwin:Actually you caused this you see when your card hand of nephthys was summoned that monster was brought to life by your necklace your millenium Item and so you see when summoned it brought you back in time to egypt.
Andrew and Shane: How did you know that?
Godwin:You broke the fabric of time and space when you did that which made yami sides for all of you each will attack you and try to destroy their light halves to become whole only if you can beat them can you control them
Andrew:but I have a yami side
Godwin you have 2 yamis and both are you
Andrew:so your telling me that our time travel was wat created the yami selves and we gotta beat them to control them?
Godwin:right or be destroyed by the darkness the time has come when you can control your yamis you can finally be at full power
Godwin: So now there is only one thing to ask you
Are you ready to fight the darkness
Are you ready to.......Duel....
[we all go to bed]
[That night I dreamed bout the past and just then my deck box on the stand next to my head glowed and my millenium Item and mark reacted to it sending me one more time to the past but this time it wasn’t just me but the others too]
Andrew:This is.......
Everyone:The lost city of Atlantis!!!!!
Hand of nephthyps:[voice but couldn’t see her] this is the story of the other yamis
You each were in the battle of atlantis vs. the oricalcous and dartz[bad guy in waking the dragons] when you were fighting his army he summoned his beast
[we all look down from the sky where we were floating and see atlantis]
The Altantean Yamis and were standing by the ocean with the marks glowing brightly and then they all summon the monsters that we have now a days
Dartz:I call forth Leviathan!!!!
The 3 knights of Atlantis attacks it
Dartz:I call forth the SEAL OF ORICALCOUS
[all of the yamis are sucked in and the story continued like dartz said in the anime]
[the time changes and we are standing over dartz and Atemu]
Hand of Nephthys:When Atemu defeated Dartz it set all of the spirits free but the yami’s fell into the darkness and now carry the seal of oricalcous on their heads
If you lose then they can come back to life by sealing your souls into the oricalcous and if you defeat them then you can seal away the darkness and join forces with the atlantean yamis
The future rest on your decks.......Good lost signers.....
[I run off not believing his story]

Rain snickers at Muerte "Of course... but why would I want to?" she grins a little evilly. Then goes and listens in on Goodwin... Though when the split she laughs to herself "I knew it was a trap!" she frowns as her thumbs find her pockets. Winding her way home she begins to her an echo of steps. She stops but the steps don’t stop... She turns looking over her shoulder giving a slant eye evil grin "I knew someone would follow me... but hey... I was hoping to at least make it home first..."
The woman following her laughs harshly... sounds familiar to her own "Well I was hoping for harder prey... But a week little morsel like yourself should be fine..."

Rains mark begins to glow bright red slightly burning as it does... The same mark glows on the woman’s arm "What the hell!?" she exclaims as she turns around facing the woman full on...

"I have come to put you out of your misery... Let us Duel..." The woman bows deeply as her duel disk appears out of seeming thin air and their shared mark flairs in the earth around them setting the lines for the match... Her Duel disk is simple and streamline almost looking like an Angels wing in its design.

Rain gasps as her own duel disk appears on her arm. Same flowing design, but where the cards are laid out looks like a Dragons wing instead. She pulls her deck out of its case and slides it home into the Duel Disk "Fine... Prepare to die..."

They both draw their starting hands....

[Mean While]
Katsuya leaps over the security gate to the underground duel runner garage. He weaves between runners, looking for his own. He spots it, its dull green color hard to discern from the rest in the dark garage. "Alright!" He leaps on, kicks it to life, the bike shudders violently. "Easy there." The bike settles down as he pulls it into a wheelie, turning it back toward the gate. Katsuya takes off, breaking the gate and tearing off into New Domino.
"Alright!" Katsuya hollers as he turns down an alley.
"Hold it right there!" A voice, similar to his own calls out. A hooded man, riding a duel runner speeds up alongside Katsuya, a glowing mark on his arm. "Finally, I caught up to you!"
"Duel mode engaged, " Katsuya’s HUD display in his helmet lights up. "Activating Speed World.
"I hope you know what you got yourself into pal!" Katsuya says with a wide grin. "Let’s do this!"

To Be Continued
[next time: Hey Katsuya, Rain you guys are going to fight dark signers but why? and how many more must fight b4 the war ends wait wat if you guys lose wat will happen then this can’t be good huh? these guys aren’t the evil ones just drones then who the heck is the evil ones? Ragnarok Signers and they got God Cards called the Apocalyptic Beast how in the world can we beat that guess we just gotta believe int he heart of the cards
Good luck every one and see ya next time^_^


Muerte runs through the street. He takes as many shortcuts as he can, finding his way to the card shop. He noticed his arm was glowing, the star shining brilliantly. ’Man, the dark signers are here! I got to get to the card shop. Maybe I can get some help.’ He sped up, as he took an alley, leading straight to a side street beside the card shop. He jumped over busted crates and trash cans, as he put every inch of strength to keep going, his heart racing crazy inside his chest, as he leaped over a trash can, almost tipping it over. He was nearing the side street, he started slowing down, his muscles burning intensly from running. ’Come on....I’m...almost...there...’ he said, feeling lightheaded. He kept running, finally taking the side street leading to the card shop. He reached the card shop. He noticed someone familiar inside. He busted through the door, collapsing in a frenzied, panting heap. "You gotta help me...please hide me..." He lay there, almost out, on the floor. "Oh my God!" The person screamed, pulling him into the back of the store. "Please....get help...I need help....please...get me..." He passed out, as his head flopped to the side, as he breathed in heavy, quick breaths.

Valken walks by the card store and i see a person over there laying down as i walk over there to check up on him i find out he is not a regular duelist as i fid his cards scartered about. takes him to a hospital and i pick up his cards also and put them into my duel disk

Muerte walked beside Valken. They headed toward a house marked with a bright red "G" on the front. "Oni’s place....he might be here..." He knocked on the door, hoping someone would answer, but no one answered. Muerte pulled out a sticky note, wrote something on it, and slipped it through the door. "He’ll know it’s me...." He walked toward Valken, as both of them continued down the street. "I just hope Oni gets the note." They walked quitely for a while through the city, trying to find the other signers to join with him. "If I can find somebody from the signer’s group, I might have a chance to beat the Dark Signers. If I do that, I got a fighting chance. The only problem...." He sighed sadly, as he stopped abruptly. "The only problem I have is the whole gang might use my secret against me. I’m not gonna be paraded around like a ragtime float. That’s not gonna happen!" He picked up pace again with Valken. "Let’s hope someone can still forgive me....even though my dark secret is revealed...."


?: ok your move first Rain
R: [smiles at her opponent] Alright huntress I draw[smiles] I summon Blizzard Dragon[1800atk] and set one card to end
?:Alright my draw
R: (rain nods lightly and tilts her head to the right, watching the woman quietly)
? I’ll set one def then one face down to end my turn
R:[smiles softly] I draw I’ll activate heavy storm and chain waboku to it’s own destruction
?: I use my Waboku too
R: I use Future fusion sending 5 dragons to the grave..... then I attack the face-down
? Ha Guard of Flamvell 2000def
R: [smiles] but since I activated my own waboku I take no damage. Your move
[smiles darkly a show of teeth her eyes narrowed]
?:ok I’ll summon out lord of Dragons [1200atk] Now I’ll use the flute of summoning dragon!
R: [snarls softly her eyes narrowing some] well....this might hurt
?: now comeforth Hunter Dragon [1700atk] and masked dragon [1400atk]
R: [sighs slightly] not as bad as I thought it would have been[glances at her own hand] not bad by half
?: I tune Guard[1]+lord[4]+Hunter Dragon[3] to SYNCHRO SUMMON....
R: [snickers lightly] Bring on the pain [laughs some and spread her arms wide]
?:Go Red Dragon Archfiend Attack blizzard dragon now!
R:[watches as her dragon screaches as it is consumed by the flame of the Red Dragon and it moves on to herself. She screams for a moment then clenches her teeth as the pain faids as her lp drop.....
R: [she hisses softly as she stares at the next monster waiting for attack]
?: Now masked Dragon attack rain directly!
R: [hisses as the pain hits her and slides her back a few inches]
R:Damn! [curses then pants lightly as she looks at the woman with a snarling smile] Do you end
?:Yes I think that’s enough pain for now!
R: I draw [smiles spreads across her face] I set one facedown then I activate lightning vortex ditching white stone of legend getting a blue-eyes to my hand
?: Darn!
R:[laughs as her snarling smile returns]
R: I activate DRAGON MIRROR..... I send 5 dragons from my grave out of play to..
[She stands up straight as the tiamat of dragons appears in front of her roaring it’s rage to her opponent]
R: [laughs looking at the empty field] Fairwell huntress.... you have been easy prey
[the blast knocks the huntress down to the other end of the alley where she turns to light and goes into Rains arm]
R[hisses from the light unexpected pain then grins and pants lightly] looks like I win this round

Katsuya’s dark duel"

Katsuya leaps over the security gate to the underground duel runner garage. He weaves between runners, looking for his own. He spots it, its dull green color hard to discern from the rest in the dark garage. "Alright!" He leaps on, kicks it to life, the bike shudders violently. "Easy there." The bike settles down as he pulls it into a wheelie, turning it back toward the gate. Katsuya takes off, breaking the gate and tearing off into New Domino.

"Alright!" Katsuya hollers as he turns down an alley.
"Hold it right there!" A voice, similar to his own calls out. A hooded man, riding a duel runner speeds up alongside Katsuya, a glowing mark on his arm. "Finally, I caught up to you!"
"Duel mode engaged, " Katsuya’s HUD display in his helmet lights up. "Activating Speed World.
"I hope you know what you got yourself into pal!" Katsuya says with a wide grin. "Let’s do this!"

?:let’s duel a ground duel Katsuya your move first
Both:Let’s duel 4000/4000
K: I draw and summon Newdoria 1200atk and place two cards facedown to end
?:Haha my draw I too set 2 cards and summon Archfiend Soldier in attack mode 1900atk
K:I activate my first face down RAIGEKI BREAK targeting your left Face-down
?:No Divine Wrath
K:I take 700 damage and newdoria takes Archfiend Soldier with him to the grave
K:You may duel like me, but you certainly don’t think like me!
?:You won’t destroy me I’ll send you to the underworld KATSUYA!
?besides your lower in points right now!
K:Please, do you really think you scare me? I’ve seen worst things in satellite Trash cans!
K:I draw and summon Goblin Elite attack force [2200 atk]
K:Now I’ll have Gobin attack you directly! GO!
[the dark signer flies backward into the wall breaking the bricks when he hit it and he gets back up laughing]
?:Haha your too much this will be fun
[they go to def 1500def]
K:I set 1 card face down and end my turn. your up. Better make it good.
[Katsuya grins widely.Hoping he can keep this guy on the ropes]
?:My draw. I now summon my Goblin elite attack force 2200atk
K:Ok........I activate..........RAIGEKI BREAK!
?:Not so fast Katsuya GO Dark Bribe
K:I’ll chain my own Dark Bribe to negate yours and you draw one card
[Draws a card so fast that the card slice the rain drops that just started to fall and lightning came down and destroyed goblins]
K:What else you got pal?
?:I throw down one face down and call it a turn
K:I draw and set one card face down then I summon Archfiend soldier with 1900atk
K:Archfiend Soldier GO! Attack him Directly with Diabolic Slash!
?:Not yet Katsuya go Compulsory Evacuation Device returning your monster to your hand
K:Damn! Looks like I’ll have to end
K:Good Job, but don’t think that trap saved you.....
?:Hehe my draw Go SOUL TAKER on your goblins
[destroys one monster and then gives your opponent 1000lp]
K:Fine! I’m at 4300lp
[Katsuya watches as goblins elite attack force is destroyed]
K:Thanks Boys.....See you later
?:oh you will....when I send you to the underworld!!!!!
?:Now I summon Mystic Tomato in atk mode [1400atk]
K:alright...this might hurt
[Katsuya braces himself, taking the blunt of the blow and is pushed back several feet]
K:Ahh! That all you got?
?:I’ll end with that
K:I draw! I’ll set one s/t and summon Arhcfiend Soldier! [1900atk] I’ll end my turn
?:Draw! I’ll summon my 2nd Goblin Elite Attack Force in atk mode [2200atk]
?:Attack the Archfiend my goblins
K:I activate my Face Down! SHRINK!!!!! [2200>1100atk]
K:Archfiend Soldier Counter Attack!
?: I have to end my turn
[Katsuya’s sign is overlapped with the seal of oricalcous]
K:You Cannot stop me!
K:I draw and summone Goblin Elite Attack force [2200atk]
K:Archfiend Soldier attacks Mystic Tomato with Diabolic Slash!
[summons another mystic tomato in atk mode 1400atk]
K: I’ll have Goblin Elite Attack Force Finish you off!
[burst into sparks of light and flies into the sign of the lizard on Katsuya’s arm]
[Katsuya falls to the ground]
K:Is it........finally.....over
[passes out]

A:huh Rain and Katsuya is in a duel
[runs inside a old building to hide out]
Hand of nephthys appears
H: Andrew you can’t just stay here Goodwin isn’t the bad guy he wants to make the seal to.......
?:hehehe I found you at last this time no tie this time I’ll destroy you haha
A: I don’t have time to waste with you I need to get back to see Goodwin and you can’t stop me!
H: Andrew he’s too dangerous run fast!
[puts up a shield to keep him back as I jump through the broken window and make a brake for it get to the door of goodwins mansion but when I opened it he was standing there my dark side]
A: There’s no other way I guess[changes to yami]
A:you’ll pay for wat you’ve done!
Both: duel!
A:I draw and summon Gemini elf in attack mode [1900atk] then I set one fd to end
?:That’s all you got [draws] I summon fortune lady light 200atk and I too set a facedown but now I play Reasoning
A:guess your card will be lv.6
?:and I draw ha lv.5 Fortune lady dark in attack mode 2000atk
A:I not afraid go Waboku
?:[growls] I end
A: yes go brain control!
A:now Dark is mine and I’ll summon hand of nepthys in attack mode 600atk
A:Yes I fuse your monster with hand of nepthys to summon
?:[smiles] not so fast I got a trap
?: yep go slip of fortune to remove her from play to negate your attack but I’m not done now I can summon fortune lady fire from my deck 400def and she can destroy your phoenix instantly minusing your lp by his attack
A:Darn you go Gemini elf attack it now!
[fire destroyed] and I end my turn
?:I draw[light returns lv.2 400def] I summon wind in def now 900def to end
A:haha you won’t survive then I’ll tell them the truth bout you dark signers
?:If you survive
A:I draw and my phoenix returns from the grave!
A: Now lightning vortex!
?:well when light leaves I get a new fortune lady so come forth fortune lady water in def 1200def and that allows me to draw 2 cards[draws 2 then smiles a evil smile]
A: [darn it I don’t like that smile] I summon my dog mystical beast cerberus 1400atk
A: Cerberus take a bite out of fortune lady water[destroyed] now gemini elf attack directly [1900atk]
A:ha now to end you PHOENIX ATTACK!!!!!!
?:[smiles as a fur ball jumps into my blast]
?:hahaha when I drew those 2 cards one of them were kuriboh and by discarding him I survive
A:fine I end my turn with that
A:[huh why are you so worried he’s defenseless right now]
H:somethings not right[he draws] he’s not done yet]
?:I play the other card I drew with water’s effect go twilight rose knight in attack mode[1000atk] and he allows me to summon out prickle fairy2000def
A:[ah oh no this can’t be]
H: Andrew RUN NOW!!!!!!
[I turn around to run]
?:I now synchro summon.........
[rain is falling hard now as I run as fast as I can]
?: BLACK ROSE DRAGON!!!!!!!!!!
[rose petals hit my cerberus and then flies into my back]
A:how......can this..........happen
[I fall into darkness]
A:[I need to tell them that goodwin is our ........only hope]
[I disappear and re awaken in a new world]
A:huh so this is the shadow realm hey a village maybe I can find a way back after all
[I run off to the secret spellcaster village]

[next time: So I’m not dead but I’m not alive either now wierd hey a village full of duel spirits Hand of Nephthys you aren’t in your card anymore? more signers? A secret power unlocked? Apocalyptic Beast are fully powered now and ready for battle?
see you there^_^


[I run into the village and talk to some spellcasters there they told me to go to the great spellcaster temple for answers]
[I walk in]
sorcer of dark magic[Sodm]
sodm: so you have come lost signer
A: not be my own choice
sodm:no of course not but by destiny
Hand of nephthys comes from my deck and appear[solid since I am in her world]
H:my lord they are stronger then expected and those are just drones
Sodm:yes I am aware that they aren’t the
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