A New Holoist Republic
Dear citizens of The Holoist Society
Today I will be addressing the current state of the Cultured World, as well on what needs to be done to ensure that the values of the Cultured Peoples are protected. And that the Cultured State of MAL does not collapse.
Our biggest concerns and worries are that the Ecchi clubs of MAL will collapse and become abandoned due to the irresponsible behaviour of the leaders of these clubs who have created these fundamental threats. To this I am referring to the lack of club activity, due to the instilled divisions brought about by club elitism and cronyism. A disgruntled community will lead to said lack of club activity, and thereby its impending abandonment. We saw this with the once great club "Hurray Boobies." And this will be the case yet again unless there is a grandous shift in the power dynamic of the Cultured State that favors The Cultured People and not the self-serving elites.
In 2021 we saw the creation of the club: Big Fat Voloptuous Round Anime Tiddies. It became the fastest growing club on MAL and presented itself as an exciting new alternative. What made BFVRAT appealing was the close sense of community among our shared values of anime waifus. However, due to the challenge that the club presented in threatening the hegemony of the cultured elites. BFVRAT was quickly absorbed as an "affiliate," of H&E. And as a result, the club's organizational structure had been reshaped from being about fun free-flowing conversations and shared images, videos and gifs about waifus and anything else. Ensuring that its members are there for only cards and GOTM. Suppressing the excitement that once was in order to tone down the enthusiasm for others to join BFVRAT. That experience should serve as a good lesson for us because it shows that if we lose sight on who we are, if we back down from those who seek to intimidate us, and if we abandon our ways of solidarity. It will lead to the degradation of the Cultured Community.
All of this is not an exaggeration, this is fact. If we do not do something, it will be the collapse and abandonment of all cultured clubs of MAL. Culture and waifus are one of the foundations of anime. And we as cultured people cannot lose sight of this and cannot lose this altogether. It is up to us, to save the cultured world from the path it is currently heading towards.
Today I am announcing in accordance to the decision and guidance of Holo The WiseWolf. The creation of a new Holoist Republic, The Ecchi Federation. Which will be a new cultural homeland for those who feel displaced by the current state of cultured clubs they are apart of. The Ecchi Federation will be a club dedicated to building a tight-knit and inclusive community. And we will seek to unite and defend our cultural values in relation to anime waifus. Through an organically grown community that is unique to us, with fun conversations, games and of course; waifus. We will be able to achieve this.
Friends, this is our historical destiny as cultured people. To save the Ecchi world from those who seek to destroy it. To protect our waifus. And to ensure that our cultured state and values, live on.
Everyone, let's say YES to a great Ecchi Federation.
Our waifus are with us, and the power is in our waifus. Which means that we will be victorious!
This is for Holo. This is for our waifus. This is for defending our people.
For victory! For Holo! Holo!