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Oct 7, 2022 7:10 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
I found this part to be an improvement over the previous arc. The story is a lot more focused and it isn't retreading some of the same material like the previous arc of this season did. Additionally, the antagonists of this part work a lot better than the twins from the previous arc.

I can't believe this last episode had the guts to seemingly remove both Wild Tiger/Kotetsu and Lunatic from the story moving forwards for any potential sequels. I like the gutsiness, but I hope it doesn't make any future sequels suffer. Both those characters had nice character arcs this season, especially Lunatic, so at least they went out on a high note.

The question though is whether there will be any future sequels. And I think that although this season wrapped up most of the character plot points between each paired hero team, the ultimate villain group, Ouroboros, still remains at large. So it seems like they plan to continue the story to deal with them.

While it will be sad to continue the story without Kotetsu, I would still be pumped to get another season, so here's to hoping. At least now Kotetsu can hang out peacefully with his daughter Kaede.
anime-primeOct 7, 2022 7:14 AM
Oct 7, 2022 12:49 PM

Jul 2011
Ah man! My favourite character died.

About Kotetsu losing his powers, the production can squeeze a 3rd season, using Mattia research, which was the part 1 thing.

Now that the brand recovered, I hope doesn't have once more kicked from a cliff, with something like Double Decker anime did.
Oct 7, 2022 8:00 PM
Jan 2017
I have no idea how this scored lower than the previous arc, when this is clearly superior
Oct 8, 2022 12:43 AM

Apr 2020
Better than the first part but not by much imo.
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Oct 8, 2022 1:21 AM

Oct 2015
I'm glad that I liked season 2 about as much as season 1 despite the long wait in-between.
The buddy system was a really good idea that allowed for interesting character dynamics.

I also thought the development between Subaru and Thomas was well-done in this part. They could have easily rushed it and made them get along perfectly after one coordinated move but instead even at the end of the series they still have trouble interacting. However it's not like they didn't make any progress and you can still see a clear difference between the beginning and the end of season 2. The way they integrated Thomas' sister into the present was good too because it makes sense that she would try to contact her brother. She didn't feel like a plot-device either which was nice.

Another thing I liked was Lunatic's development and ending. They didn't redeem him because he's still a murderer but he's a human with his inner thoughts and conflicts. He chose to end his life in his own terms with his own justice and I thought that was a sad but fitting ending for his character.

As for the ending of the series, I thought it was kind of rushed. Tiger having to quit wasn't unexpected but there's barely any time to breathe between the end of the showdown with Audun and the end of the episode. I'm not a fan of the after-credits scene either because it feels like the end of the franchise when they could have easily made an open ending.

My other gripe with the series and franchise in general is Ouroboros. I just don't think it was a good idea from the start to make such a big and influential organization the antagonist. The heroes operate on such a small scale in comparison that it's impossible for them to do anything about it which is unsatisfying.
Oct 8, 2022 2:30 AM
Apr 2014
Honestly it was a good run but for me their was some mistake or choice that are bad.

Lunatic death seems rushed and a decision from the team to just kill this character because in my opinion, they didn't want to bother using this character in the future or have him in the story because it is quite a complex character.

Otherwise the story was quite good and entertaining.

We still are only scratching the surface of ouroboros.
It is a world wide organization so maybe it is meant to never be dismantle. But we had a peelat the existence of the top tier members.

In the end it is a beautiful closure for the story of TIGER.

This ending means no more story for tiger BUT if there is a sequel, it will probably be with a big time skip and we will have Kaede starting as a hero ! And who knows maybe she will probably partner with Bunny which will act as her mentor !!

But it is clear that tiger story is finished and he will not be the main protagonist anymore.
Oct 12, 2022 5:36 AM

Jan 2008
I love the show but did feel like maybe could have got one more episode to flesh out some of the looser ends.
More could have been done about Orobourous. The Next woman whose name I completely forgot with the eyes closed who was to be assassinated felt like a bit of wasted potential.
And although it felt like a fitting end for Lunatic. I wanted just a bit more.

But saying all that still loved the show and Kotetsu had his character arc. Considering both the character and actors age it felt right. Also fell nicely to a conclusion based on the first series end for him.
Nice to see the other heroes including the new ones get suitable time and development too.

Now I'm wondering if they keep the buddy system going who is going to join Barnaby? And Kaede seems the obvious choice. Bunny can go into the mentor role Kotestu had (or tried to)
Oct 12, 2022 8:08 PM

Aug 2018
Loved the arc, the main issue I had in the first cour was that the twins were too cartoonish... luckly every character this cour were great. Lot of plot and character development. I feel like it needed an epilogue, it ended in a really high note and it was too sudden (a couple of plot points could've been closed in one episode or half at least).

First cour set a lot of stuff and this cour delivered the quality I expected, loved this season. But well, this clearly needs a sequel, the cliffhanger is even worse than S1. If we don't get one, I'll get mad... and I hope they do it faster.

Contrary to what people said, I don't think that TIGER got a closure... we got no words of what he is going to do. And I agree on the Lunatic death, I didn't liked it how it was done, this would be one of the few complains. I'm fine with him dying, but not with a suicide. I feel like him dying like a hero would have a lot more impact... but well, I still enjoyed the show.
Oct 13, 2022 9:50 AM

May 2010
I once argued with my sister about how I didn't like my hero academia and I told her the best hero-type anime is Tiger & Bunny lol.
I still stand by that statement, I thought 10 years of pause would make view the anime different, but no I actually enjoyed season 2 I hope the anime always comesback, and we get to see the characters' development. It's sad though that Lunatic is gone I hoped to see more of his justice.
Oct 16, 2022 9:40 PM

Sep 2009
This half was definetly better than both S1 and the first half of S2. Ironically, it is because they made it more like your actual western superhero movie.

I doubt Lunatic is dead. Do not consider anyone dead if there is no body.

I may be strange here but I want Kaede to be the new MC if they ever make a new season. You can pair her with Barnaby (though, it will anger fujoshi). Or you can give her a female partner (her curent friend or someone new).

But I am not sure if the ever get more considering how long it took for thos season and Netflix butching up the promotion with their release policy.
Oct 23, 2022 9:52 AM

Jan 2009
the main enemy organization Ouroboros is still active though

i do not think Lunatic is dead for sure he can comeback

as for Tiger losing his power, there are many ways that can comeback like Mattia the friend of Bunny can research on that more
Oct 28, 2022 4:37 AM

May 2015
The Best Ending this anime could have.

Thank you, heroes !
Oct 31, 2022 8:43 AM

Sep 2012
Meh, there's a lot i didn't like. Especially how they killed Lunatic, It felt kinda random. And the whole thing about Kotetsu losing his powers felt rushed. I'm disappointed.
Nov 17, 2022 11:13 AM
Sep 2015
I don't think Lunatic is gone, but we'll have to wait and see. I don't want to wait, I want to see what will happened next, right here, right now, not 10 years in the future.
Anyway, the best part of part 2 is the appearance of old villain plus L. L. Audun, he's such a BIG guy, if you know what I mean.
Dec 17, 2022 10:41 PM
Nov 2018
There were many times they could have just stopped Gregory and ended his powers, but it kept on dragging on. I guess gold guy needed his redemption but it wasn’t a nice pay off. That’s probably one of the few gripes I have about the second part of season 2. I was invested in this part and wasn’t bored at all, which is a huge improvement from part 1.
Dec 25, 2022 11:25 AM

Jun 2017
Decent finale to conclude the 2nd part of the 2nd season. It's getting a little tiring to address them like that lately lol, but it is what it is I suppose. 

It's sad to see Tiger-san's power giving away at the very end there but at least this will allow Barnaby-san to carry forward it seems so the legend is still intact indirectly. I wonder if he'll team up with Black now because they both are a partner short. Anyways, it was nice to see Lunatic-san using up his last bit of life to fight for his own version of justice just as his father taught him to. Would've been a pity if Tiger and Barnaby never figured out his identity, thankfully the Staff felt the same way ig lol. 

As a whole, the final few episodes were just too much of a mess to keep up with. I thought the first few episodes did a great job to set up the finale by giving us hints about Ouroboros and their integration into the system in place, and I would've preferred a more well-rounded finish than this. 

Better than the first part but still trailing behind Season 1 and the Rising movie, imo. 6/10 from here. 

#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Aug 25, 2023 9:09 PM

Jan 2013
Season 2 remained faithful to the themes and concepts presented in it's first season almost 12 years ago, that's a huge accomplishment and I can honestly say the show moved me many times this season. It was great to see how far these characters have come on their journeys. As well, to see the writers commitment to developing their characters slowly, methodically, and realistically. I'm going to really miss this show if it doesn't return for another season, but there is something to be said about ending a show on a high note and not milking it for all that it's worth too. In regards to Lunatic, I don't think he's gone as we never see the body. I believe it was done in that manner for a sense of finality while still leaving things open ended enough for the possibility of a return in a new season. Probably the most well-executed/most shocking anime to return with a season 2 in my life-time so far, and i've been an anime fan since I was a kid in the early 2000s. 10/10
Sep 6, 2023 1:16 AM

Oct 2020
Ah it's still bugging me till the end when they just kill the romance like that although their progress in s1 is good enough, very disappointed
Oct 8, 2023 7:43 AM

Apr 2008
Solid season, I do feel overall the show is kinda 'dead'...

-Ouroboros has basically been sold as a world wide endless evil organization, so you know that will never be dealt with.
-The driving force of the show, Tiger, has officially retired.
-They closed the main rival arc, Lunatic, with a teamup and a final death redemption.

There were plenty of negatives...
-I don't mind that Aurora was useless, but considering how she is sold as a 5D Chess 300 IQ super, I would have expected her to at least act intelligent. The fact she's shown to react in kinda dumb ways was slightly weak storytelling, especially since she gave that cool line about revolution in the car.
-Sadly we never got to see Rose x Tiger develop properly
-The final fight between Tiger and Bunny was really neutered
-The entire Gregory bit was excessively dragged on, to the point that it just felt fake... Like I understand for it to get dragged on a bit, but by the 47th chance to beat him being handwaved or ignored just felt sickening.
-Rosicky's motivation were duuuuuuuumb, wtf holy wow... It honestly would have been better if they just didn't give her any specific motivation, like kept it to a bare minimal of never explaining who the girls in the picture was.
-This final one is minor but like, Tiger casually getting up and walking about after the baddies were defeated really deflated the scene. He's just like casually walking when he's supposed to be exhausted and beaten beyond words.

It's not impossible that we see a season 3, but if its just more of the same with stupid excuses and no progress... I don't see it getting a decent reception.
Nov 28, 2023 6:45 AM

Dec 2007
This last episode was an OK send off for the series, I don't see a reason to watch more nor feel the need to see any more stories around these characters.

S1 still my favorite of the whole franchise.
Feb 4, 2024 5:18 PM

Nov 2015
Overall, I like Tiger & Bunny and I do believe it's better than Boku no Hero Academia, however, these are some things I did not like of this second season:
1. I didn't feel any of the OG supporting characters grew, excepting the new ones in S2.
2. They killed the Kotetsu x Karina (Blue Rose) ship. It had some development in S1 and it was natural to believe she was gonna take action in a S2, considering she even started reading a book about making a single father fall for you (lol) but now... all that's gone? I read a comment saying it was Netflix not liking the age difference but, aren't they both consenting adults? In any case, it all seemed to head to a wholesome relationship but again, it was killed swiftly in this season. Disappointed :(
3. Aurora was just a plot device. She was foreshadowed since the first episode and in the end she accomplishes nothing in this story. Instead of acting like a 5D chess player, she succumbs to fear and deactivates her power, rendering useless like any other non-next.
4. Gregory escaped too often from being caught just because someone tipped him.
5. Final fight happens, and Kotetsu just shakes it off like it was nothing, despite being punched to hell. He should feel pain in his whole body and be exhausted.
Also, the real trigger for Gregory's ability is not really shown, neither the moment of deactivation of Kotetsu's madness (not even a short term flashback, regularly used for this kind of scenes)

Maybe some other stuff but it's not like I was keeping track.
I hoped Kotetsu could recover his powers this season but instead, he became a non-next. I suppose there's a message there, that should accept things as they are and keep doing your best. Never surrender, but bla bla bla, I want a good story for Kotetsu, he's just so much of a good character haha.

Anyway, I will still recommend this series because despite having some things I didn't like, I liked Tiger & Bunny as a whole.

6. WHY DID THEY KILL OFF YURI!? Damn, he was the cool anti-hero! He lost everything, his family, his life, and now he kills himself? Mama wouldn't have wanted that. I know he vanishes in the air due to his amateratsu-like flames, but I hope he just wanted to disappear. He deserved a redemption.
7. Sigourney (the short haired milf) had a lame (in my opinion) drive to act and back story. They just wanted us to feel sorry for her but I honestly didn't care enough for her character to feel something by her backstory and death.
Feb 25, 2024 4:34 PM
Aug 2008
as IF Lunatic would tap out that easily.
Crappy write-off, as in previous episode, as in previous arc with the bland twins.
For a moment, I saw the first season's Tiger and Bunny, yes.
And then that moment was gone.
Everything the authors wanted to say, they said, magnificently, in the first season.
This is just Netflix trying to milk a dead cow.
Dec 19, 2024 3:15 AM

Dec 2010


Wtf even happened in this episode, it felt like one of my assignments that I wrapped up within the last hour before submission time.
  • Lunatic refused to elaborate and simply offed himself (while looking differently than Yuri?). I checked the wiki to confirm what happened, but it didn't even have info from S2, this speaks volumes about how impactful the sequel was to fans
  • The way that Ouroboros agent jumped off the driver seat on the highway like a dropped matryoshka was hilarious. There was even traffic present at the time lmao!
  • Tiger's suit was nearly depleted but when Bunny equipped it it was brand new?
  • Tiger didn't lose his last bit of power to protect Bunny but in a fit of rage after getting one-upped by Gregory? If Bunny had gone berserk and Kotetsu depleted his power to stop him it would be so much better.

The duo lasted a mere 4 years and by the end its rising star, Bunny, is already carrying a seemingly lifelong injury that makes him a liability to his future partners. What is even the message/theme here? It certainly isn't anything about the old gen passing off the torch to the next one.

Netflix please keep away from existing franchises in the future 🙏🏻

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