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Jul 17, 2022 5:12 PM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

Garrett's parents: Morat and Elenor

As they were entering the perimeter of the village, he made the group stop and explained "They shouldn't be too surprised to see us, since they seek for our help. But, let's wait here so we don't startle them more than they are"

After a few minutes, they could see 2 people running towards them. They went directly to hug Garrett as the man spoke "Is good to see you again, son" They let go and the woman place a hand on his cheek, then chuckle in happiness and said "It sure is" The man then directed his attention to the group and said "I'm assuming you have bring this crew to help us with the issue we are having?"

He hug them back, then nod and said "We actually finish already, allow me to introduce them. They are all members of the Magic Council. This is Lana, the president; that's Lanz the Disciplinary Captain; they are twins. Finally, she is Rose" He got closed to hold her hand, then continue to say "The vice-president and my current lover"

His parents exchanged surprised glances, then looked back on the group and said "Well, I'll be damn, you sure have arrived with great news! Welcome all! I'm Morat, Garrett's father and chief of the village. She is my lovely wife, Elenor, mother of Garrett." Elenor gave a nod, as a greeting, then said "Let's get you all settle, the journey here must have been exhausting"
Jul 17, 2022 5:27 PM

May 2009
Lanz Brothood

Lana Brothood

They stop when advised by Garrett, but got a bit scared when they saw to figures approaching quickly. Thankfully, it was just his parents. When Garrett mention them, they waved at them as a greeting. They got surprised when Garrett mention his relationship so quickly, Lana would look at Rose to see her reaction before following Elenor.
Jul 17, 2022 5:46 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 9/10
Bombs 3/3 CD 3/3
vines 1/3 3/3
heal 1/3 CD 2/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 11/16 arrows

Rose would also stop when instructed, she wasn't scared since she was so used to bombing any threat. She did nothing until the people would hug garrett and she would realize it was his parents. She would sigh in relief since there was no threat or thing for her to bomb.
Rose would be happy when he was introducing them all and had a bright smile on her face which soon turned into a blushful expression from Garrett introducing her as his girlfriend without the slightest hesitation. She would hold his hand and bow as a sign of respect. "It is a pleasure to meet you both~" Garrett had traits from both his parents. she would wonder if their kids would be like that. Rose couldnt wait to get to know his parents better and his way of live. As they enter, she would pay attention to everything. Sakura would follow them, wanting to fly over the village.
Jul 17, 2022 6:26 PM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

Garrett's parents: Morat and Elenor

Once inside the village, the people would get close to watch the new people, but also to greet Garrett now that he was back. The kids would want to play and hug him, while the adults pat his back and gave him a warm welcome. The council could sense the village was like a family and were really familiar with each other. Garrett's parents guided them to one of the buildings, then his mom said "You may all settle here, soon we will bring some food and water for you all to regain energy. Feel free to use the facilities as please." She then turn to Garrett and added "Once they are settle, please come se us"

Garrett nod and assign them all a room, then show them how to work the bathroom. If they had no further questions, he would go and freshen up before heading to see his parents.
Jul 17, 2022 6:52 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 9/10
Bombs 3/3 CD 3/3
vines 1/3 3/3
heal 1/3 CD 2/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 11/16 arrows

Rose could already tell that a lot of the people looked up to Garrett and they were all like family to him. She followed close to Garrett still holding his hand and smiling at everyone he would great. Her eyes sparkled with the kids since she did enjoy playing with them, like they did before in the village they helped. Once she was content, Rose would give Garrett a light kiss, ”Go be with your family~ We will be good” Sakura was flying over the village exploring, everyone could just see a Pink dragon
Jul 17, 2022 6:55 PM

May 2009
Lanz Brothood

Lana Brothood

The twins followed to the building assign for them to use. Lana nod and said "Yeah, we have all we need~" Lana and Lanz went to freshen up. When the food arrived, they ate until they were full. Then headed to their rooms to rest.
Jul 17, 2022 7:12 PM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

Garrett's parents: Morat and Elenor

Garrett smile and said "Alright, I'll be back as soon as I can" He headed to his parents once he freshen up and ate.

His dad would say "You have really out-done yourself this time! Guess being part of the Magic Council has it's benefits"

Garrett nod and said "Yes, it sure will help to bring those connections to our village."

Morat nod, then said "But the biggest surprise was this girl! I mean, you have never been interested in forming a relationship, we though you wouldn't pick one if we didn't intervene"

Garrett asked concern "What do you mean?"

Elenor and Morat exchange looks, then she said "We knew it wasn't your priority to choose a wife, so, we went ahead and selected one"

Garrett got shocked by the news and ask upset "What?"

Elenor explained "She knows that if the possibility of you selecting one on your own arise, she would step down. If you want to marry this girl, Rose, you will be able too. We just need to speak with Vania and tell her the marriage if off"

Garrett groan and said "I know what my responsibilities are to the Village, why you have step over in such a way?"

Morat frown and said "Why are you so upset? Is not like we are dying you to be with the one you love"

Garrett wanted to bring up when he was with a man, but nothing good would come with confronting his parents about that. He sigh and said "I'd appreciate if you don't choose important matters like that without my concern. Like I said, I know what I am to my Village and I have the intention to reach the expectations. Have I made myself clear?"

His parents nod, Morat feeling proud to see his son shaping into a future great chief. They suggested for Garrett to talk to Vania about his current situation and the breaking of the marriage. Garrett found it unfair he had to clean this mess, but he agreed hopping this was the last mess his parents did.
Jul 17, 2022 7:18 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 9/10
Bombs 3/3 CD 3/3
vines 1/3 3/3
heal 1/3 CD 2/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 11/16 arrows

Rose would shower and put on pjs before eating some food. Before going to bed, she would Whistle for sakura and also call out to Buffy. She would feed them, making sure they were full before she would also head to bed.
Jul 17, 2022 7:28 PM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

Garrett's parents: Morat and Elenor

Garrett arrived where the council was staying, he assumed they were resting since it was so quiet. He went to his room and finally lay down to rest for the day.
Jul 17, 2022 7:33 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 9/10
Bombs 3/3 CD 3/3
vines 1/3 3/3
heal 1/3 CD 2/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 11/16 arrows

Rose miss garret so she would wake up and head straight to shower and get herself clean so she could go to garrets room and get some cuddles and kisses from him.
Jul 17, 2022 7:35 PM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

Garrett's parents: Morat and Elenor

When Rose arrived on the room, he was gone out to the village to fulfill some of his normal task when he is out. He did left a note on the table that we will be back by noon.
Jul 17, 2022 7:44 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 9/10
Bombs 3/3 CD 3/3
vines 1/3 3/3
heal 1/3 CD 2/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 11/16 arrows

Rose would get dressed all cute and pink and than headed to find Garrett. She would look at the note that said he would be back, she wondered where he could have headed off to
Jul 18, 2022 6:33 PM

May 2009

She was carrying a basket that looked like a welcome back gift, when she enter the building without knocking, she saw a pink hair girl. She smile and said politely "Hello, you must be one of the members of the council, thank you for your help and assisting Garrett" Vania bow and gave a bright smile.
Jul 20, 2022 3:27 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 9/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 11/16 arrows

Rose wondered what this girls intentions were with garrett since she had a whole gift for him. The whole thing made her anxious and a bit sad and unsettled. She replied with the same kindness, "You are very welcome. I am, but I would have helped my bf even if we weren't part of the same council. Speaking of which, do you know where garrett could be so early in the morning." Rose would look at the girl than at Garretts note.
Jul 20, 2022 4:58 PM

May 2009

Vania got a little shock when Rose refer Garrett as her "bf", so she frown a bit and ask for confirmation "Your bf? As in your boyfriend?"
Jul 20, 2022 5:57 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 9/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 11/16 arrows

"Yes, we are in a relationship. What is your relationship with him? I mean I already know everyone in this village is close. Sister? If you don't mind me asking of course" She got a sensation and touched the note that garret had left. Rose summoned a giant Rose and touched it while thinking of garrett. The Rose would form a compass on the center that pointed in Garrets direction, "He must be that way"
Jul 20, 2022 6:07 PM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa


Vania wasn't sure how to answer, just as she was going to say something, the two girls could hear Garrett say "What is that?" He was referring to the giant rose inside the hose, then tense as he saw the two woman together. He sigh and said "Vania..."

Vania smile a little awkward, then waved at him slowly and said "Hello..."

Garrett got close to Vania and said "Can we talk later? Please?" He sounded like he really wanted Vania to leave.

She did look a bit sad, but nod slowly and said "Of course..." Vania placed the basket on the table and left the two of them alone.

He now turn to Rose, smile and said "Have you eaten yet?"
Jul 20, 2022 6:18 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 9/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 11/16 arrows

Rose got excited when she heard Garrett. As per usual, she would glomp him, as the compass in the flower pointed straight at garret. ”This is my new ability, I was trying to see where you where. I think it can track almost about anything. I guess I’ll find out the limits in time.” it seemed Garrett wanted Vania to leave which felt a lot better than what it needed to. It was a bit of an awkward moment between them, she could tell something was up. Rose decided to leave it up to Garrett to explain. Vania did look sad from finding out their relationship and now that Garrett asked her to leave. ”I missed you so I headed to you after getting ready. I know your in your home which you haven’t been in a while.. but I couldn’t help it, I wanted to see you”
Sakura_megamiJul 20, 2022 6:35 PM
Jul 20, 2022 6:22 PM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

Garrett hug her back, then guide her to sit down in the dinning table's chair. Then sat down across from her and held her hand as he said "Is fine, you don't need to apologize. Just some they wanted me to do since I've been gone for a while... Now, I want to tell you something and I hope you don't get mad... Alright?" Garrett didn't wanted to continue until Rose had agreed.
Jul 20, 2022 6:37 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 9/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 11/16 arrows

Rose already had a feeling it had to do with that girl. She would hold Garrett’s hand and smile, ”I trust you~ I won’t get mad”
Jul 20, 2022 6:50 PM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

He sigh and said "When I broke up with the guy I was dating, I ran away to my village because I couldn't face him. My parents asked about my plans for my future wife, but I show no interest since I was just passing for a break-up. When I went back to the Institute... They seem to have taken the task into their own hands and selected a wife for me from the village, who was that girl that you saw, named Vania. They swore she would step down if I did decided to pick someone myself, and trust me I scolded them for their actions... Anyway, you are the one I love. Vania must have a hunch of what is going on, but I really need to go and talk to her. At least to apologize for what my parents did..." Garrett looked at Rose, ready for her reaction.
Jul 20, 2022 7:11 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 9/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 11/16 arrows

Rose would take a moment to think about what garret said and how it all played out. In the end she was very familiar with parents that wanted to keep the bloodline and the importance of it so she could understand his parents.. although not right.. ”what would they have done if you ended up in love with the guy..?” she would both shrug and giggle at the thought before getting serious, ”yes I do agree that you need to clear up the misunderstanding with her.. it’s only fair. It all worked out in the end though. I love you and we can have children.. so I guess everyone happy? she would blush at the thought of a family.
Jul 20, 2022 7:22 PM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

Rose had a valid point, but he didn't really wanted to think about that. Thankfully, she let it go since they were together and in love at this moment. He fluster as well, then smile and said "Right, now, hungry? Let me cook you something before I go again" Garrett stood up and went to the kitchen to prepare something quick for them to eat.
Jul 21, 2022 1:21 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 10/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 16/16 arrows

”mhhmm~ I am hungry. Let us eat together than you can do whatever is needed. Do you want us to do anything? We are part of the council and capable, might as well take advantage~” she would smile and watch him cook
Jul 21, 2022 4:26 PM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

Garrett said in a serious tone "Actually, once everyone is awake, I need to talk about some ground rules... Where is Lanz?" It was odd the man hadn't woke up, since Lanz wakes up really early. It worried Garrett that Lanz would be out there breaking rules without realizing it.
Jul 22, 2022 6:08 AM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 10/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 16/16 arrows

”That will probably be much later since Lana wakes up late. I can go find Lanz and bring him if you want. It will be pretty easy with with compass flower”
Jul 22, 2022 7:49 AM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

He sigh and nod to Rose so she look for Lanz, as he finish cooking and setting the food on the table.
Jul 22, 2022 1:14 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 10/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 16/16 arrows

She would happily skip towards lanz location by following the compass, ”What ya doing~”
Jul 22, 2022 1:57 PM

May 2009
Lanz Brothood

Lana Brothood

Lanz was actually still sleeping, so when Rose entered the room, he sat down startle. He groan and said "Just woke up by you, I slept too much" Lanz stood up and waited for Rose to state her business with him after being woken like that.
Jul 24, 2022 5:07 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 10/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 16/16 arrows

"I was sent to find you by garrett but then I got worried when you were asleep so i came in to check your temperature to make sure you are ok. I accidently woke you up while checking, sorry. You can go back to sleep if you want~"
Jul 24, 2022 6:07 PM

May 2009
Lanz Brothood

Lana Brothood

Lanz sigh, pat Rose head and headed to freshen up now that he was awake.
Jul 24, 2022 6:34 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 10/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 16/16 arrows

Rose was relief that lanz wasn’t sick not upset. I guess even lanz had his lazy days. The thought made her giggle. Rose looked over at Lana and sigh since she wasn’t going to be waking up any time soon. She waited for lanz to get ready since he decided to get up. She would lead them to Garrett since he was making breakfast while telling him her new power. :3
Jul 24, 2022 7:04 PM

May 2009
Lanz Brothood

Lana Brothood

Lana was still sleeping, while Lanz join them on the table as he let out a long yawn.
Jul 24, 2022 7:07 PM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

When Rose got back with Lanz, the table was all set. Garrett said surprised "You were still asleep? Are you feeling alright?" He join them on the table, concern for Lanz' health.
Jul 24, 2022 7:28 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 10/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 16/16 arrows

”I checked, apparently even Lanz has resting days she would giggle and happily look at the food garret made
Jul 24, 2022 7:39 PM

May 2009
Lanz Brothood

Lana Brothood

Lanz nod, then said as he serve some of the food place in the middle of the table "Remember how our powers are linked? We used a lot of the Mezclas, fusions, so I'm exhausted. I wouldn't count on Lana to wake up on her own until tomorrow." Lanz started to eat.
Jul 25, 2022 7:56 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 10/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 16/16 arrows

She gasp, very sad that she wasnt going to see lana for so long, "Aww, So much time before i can hang out with Lana" She pouted but got herself together eventually
Jul 26, 2022 6:58 AM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

Garrett nod as he ate, then said between bites "Well, we can fill her out later. I just want to talk about some rules before you go and explore without me. The ones punishable are stealing, even if it's pretty general, it consist on not stealing anything from anybody since this is egoist and this is a community; lying, again general, it consist on not hiding or telling a lie since this could affect everyone as a community; and killing someone or something without consent of the village. Then this other ones are more out of courtesy do not play music, they have a strong believe that the noise it can attract strong monsters and destroy their way of living; not being alone, they prefer to always be with someone, no matter the gender, so there is always someone that can help; finally they prefer to not use your abilities unless asked for or during your work. Makes sense?"
linetteJul 26, 2022 7:06 AM
Jul 26, 2022 11:10 AM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 10/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 16/16 arrows

"They are all pretty understanding. I will do the upmost to uphold the rules" ^~^

Jul 26, 2022 11:58 AM

May 2009
Lanz Brothood

Lana Brothood

He nod as he kept eating, he wasn't planing to do anything alone in suck a new and exotic environment.
Jul 26, 2022 12:46 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 10/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 16/16 arrows

"Garret is going to be busy and Lana isnt waking up any time soon, You are kinda stuck with me while I explore Garretts village~ plus we shouldn't be alone" :3 She was looking at Lanz
Jul 26, 2022 3:40 PM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

Garrett smile and said "That sounds like a great plan, I can dhow you around and explain for a bit before I get pulled into something else" He finish eating and waited for them to be ready.
Jul 29, 2022 7:08 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 10/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 16/16 arrows

”yayyy~ that sounds great” rose would focus on finishing her food so they could go explore.
Jul 29, 2022 7:19 PM

May 2009
Lanz Brothood

Lana Brothood

Lanz finish eating, so he got up and said "Let me freshen up, I'll be back"
Jul 30, 2022 11:16 AM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 10/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 16/16 arrows

Once lanz left and she finished eating, she would clean up the kitchen and the plates they all used. Once done, Rose would go and sit on Garrett’s lap and kiss him.
Jul 30, 2022 11:37 AM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

When he saw Rose cleaning the kitchen, he suggested to help her but she seemed to into it. So Garrett decided to wait until the two were ready. As they waited for Lanz to come back, Rose sat on his lap and started to kiss him. Garrett fluster and said while breaking the kiss "R-rose" He didn't wanted her to stop, but he was embarrass by such public display of their affection.
Jul 30, 2022 8:51 PM

Dec 2016
Rose Magnolia

LifeSpan: 10/10
Bombs 0/3 CD 0/3
vines 0/3 0/3
heal 0/3 CD 0/2
Flight Unlimited

Weapon Bow and arrow 16/16 arrows

Rose would also blush and kiss his forehead while staying on his lap, "I missed you~"
Jul 30, 2022 8:58 PM

May 2009
Garrett Iwa

Garrett expression turn slightly in arousal, as he placed his hands on Rose's hips. He exhale sharply and said "I know, we really haven't had alone time recently... But we can't here, they believe in sex after marriage" Garrett fluster after saying it out loud.
Jul 30, 2022 8:59 PM

May 2009
Lanz Brothood

Lana Brothood

Lanz got back, frown and said "Gross, can we get going?"
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