Hot_Green_Tea said:No, you are not alone as the people who rated this show a 6 is also significant, which meant that there are also people that moderately to not really enjoying this anime as well. You wrote few good points in your argument, However, I disagree almost entirely with your argument. Bear in mind that personality comes from both aspect, internal(biological, such as how brain perceive and process information) and external(surrounding environment and experience, such as people and experience from those interactions) and main characteristics of a character are not easily changeable which is greatly potrayed in this show. Not only that, the characters are layered in ways that makes them feel realistic.
Taichi is caring person and at the sametime also usually relied upon by his sister/friends/others so it is understandable for him to be selfless/have hero complex. Why should he change his selfless personality? What instances grant his personality to change? Just because you're fed up with it? If anything, the arcs that happened just made him understand more of that personality and it's implications.
Inaba, she's short tempered, likes to overthink(I agree with this) things and have hardtimes connecting with people(which is already explained in the anime) which accumulated to why she had trust issues even when she had finally find a place where she feels that she belongs(there's also other reason that I can't mention because it's a spoiler). Your expectations that it has to derive from some terrible past to justify them to have less than desirable personalities is short sighted in my opinion, humans are flawed.
Yui, yes what you said is one of the factors that motivated her to gradually overcome her situation but it doesn't also magically dissappear as shown in the show. Also, the context is much larger as she experience it herself instead of just randomly guessing. Your other issue is also addressed by the show(it would be a spoiler if I were to explain it).
Aoki, there's a reason as to why he's like that(just a guess here, you haven't finish this show, have you?).
Just because you don't like one or some characters doesn't translate as them being poorly written character.
This post is just my opinion. And yes I think they’re poorly written. I don’t understand why said you agree with my points then completely disagree everything I just said. I know humans are flawed but literally nothing really stood out to make me like them. Like I said issues got resolved too fast, I didn’t find the characters enjoyable to ME and characters had potential for better growth or not just have the same personality trait for 13 episodes straight. Side note why are you assuming I don’t like them if they troubled pasts I can still dislike them plz shut up with that.