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Jun 4, 2021 10:29 AM

May 2009
Title: A Maiden in need! (Escort job)
Level: 2
Requirements: 2 or more Characters
Job Location: Avalonia to Viola path
Job Description: A simple job, you will escort a young lady from the town of Avalonia to the town of Viola. You will have to pass through Landra forest because the young lady wants some fruits along the way
Enemies: Along the way you will get attacked by 4 fire users and 3 water users. They use simple blast and and have 5 LP each. Each enemy defeated will award you 6 Rank points
The girl will be hard to work with.. she is really stubborn and comes off as mean
Reward: $500, 42 Level points
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Jun 7, 2021 4:52 PM

May 2009
They travel to the town of Avalonia by train, once there they headed to the address given to pick up the young lady.

Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

As the walked to the house, Max said "Alright, let's gran the girl and move"

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty (who wants to be the girl?)
Jun 7, 2021 4:56 PM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

*once of the train he was just scanning over the place * so we know how far it is that we will be going?

@linette @shitsuji-carty (thats a good question. It definitely shouldn't be me id be terrible)
Jun 8, 2021 6:26 AM

May 2013
(ooooo I'll do it!)

Naomi Path

The group of three would take a rather long train ride to reach the town of Avalonia, once the arrived they would all depart the train together before stretching and discussing where they needed to go. Naomi would be extending a little too far sometimes during her stretches, her tail moving around more as well. Naomi would give her answers once they started walking again.
"It will be a little bit of a walk, according to the document we got about our escort target. The Becker family lives atop a hill on the outskirts of town, so it will be a bit of a walk. Have you two ever done this kind of work before?" she would say while they would make their walk.

After about 10 minutes of walking they would come to the gates of The Becker Family mansion. They were closed and someone would need to speak with the guard stationed outside to progress. The guard was a tall and imposing man clad in thick armor and holding a spear as he held his post. His eyes would glance over at the incoming group but he wouldn't do or say anything on his own.
"hmm he looks pretty scary.... do one of you mind talking to him?" she would ask while hiding behind Max.


(let me know if I went to far)
Jun 8, 2021 8:40 AM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

Once they arrived at the front of the mansion, Naomi seem intimidated by the guard. Max chuckle then said to the man "Right, hello, we are here for the Escort Job" He smiled and waited for the guard to say something or let them in

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty (Alright, you can give her any name ^^)
Jun 8, 2021 8:45 AM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

*as they were walking noami would ask if they have done this kind of work before* no none of this nature. Scouting is all

*as they came upon the gate and guard max wouldstwp up and talk to him as the other two definitely didnt want to. He would hang back as max talked*

@linette @shitsuji-carty
Jun 8, 2021 9:57 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path

Naomi and Sebastian would hide behind Max as he went to interact with the imposing guard. As he would speak up the guard would look up and down the man before letting out a sigh, "so you are the next group... What is your names? I was told to expect 3 of you, a Naomi Path, Sebastian Salem, and lastly Maximilian Hullet. If this is you please introduce yourselves to me." The guard's monotone voice and indifferent attitude shown he had down that speech many times before. Naomi would peer out from behind Max to introduce herself, standing in front of the guard she would stand up straight before speaking "My name is Naomi Path, hopefully I can keep the young lady entertained today." she would say with a smile making the guard scoff before looking over to the other two for their introductions.

Once they finished that the guard would reach off to his side to a string that was hanging from one of the Gates posts in the ground. The guard would pull on it before a quiet bell chime could be heard coming from the mansion, within the minute, an elderly looking gentleman walked out and towards the gate. He was wearing a black tail coat and had a slender body, yet he had no trouble pushing open the iron gates at the front of the estate.
"good day to you all, Madam Alice will be ready shortly, if you would like I could offer you some tea and snacks while you stay in our waiting room." he would say as he led the group into the mansion and soon into a waiting room full of chairs and couches, once everyone was in the room the butler would leave them alone. Naomi would look around in wonder for some time before finding a seat, "wow the size of this house is amazing, I've never seen one this big. What about you two?" she would say to make small talk while they waited for the Lady.

Jun 10, 2021 6:47 AM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

When the guard ask for them to be introduce, Max waved at him and said "I prefer Max, but yeah, that's me" Then the guard would announce they had arrived, making what seems to be a butler to pick them up. They end up inside the mansion as they waited for the girl. He sigh and said "They like to show off while hiding behind the mask of nice" He then turn to Naomi and said "You sure are talkative today. I haven't done this kind of job before and I have been in places like this" For his assassin jobs.

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty
Jun 10, 2021 3:05 PM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

* after max introduced himself he quickly introduced himself* Sebastian Salem* the butler came and lead them inside * this place is huge*when the bullet finally stop and told them to wait for the lady he looked at the others* i never been anywhere this nice.... feels super out of place

@linette @shitsuji-carty
Jun 11, 2021 6:41 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path

Naomi would be the first to introduce herself, followed by Max, then Sebastian. The guard would not have much reactions as they finished up and he called for the butler. The butler would lead the group inside the mansion to a room where they would have to wait, Naomi was the first to speak up followed by Max,
"Sorry, I'm just excited, I can't believe you have been in a house like this before. I agree with you Sebastian." she would say while getting comfy in her chair.

first an hour went by, and then another, during that time no one had come to check on the group in the waiting room, Naomi was starting to get antsy but wasn't sure how to act in such a situation. "umm how long do you guys think we should wait?" she would ask them

Jun 11, 2021 9:36 AM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

One thing Max knew well was patient, but it seems the group lack of it. He sigh and said "Not sure, I guess I'll go and check" Max open the door and looked around to see if he could spot someone. If there wasn't anyone, he would walk out of the room to explore until he bump into someone.

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty
Jun 13, 2021 8:24 AM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

*max would leave the room looking for someone which made the uncomfortableness worse he would wait wit noami till mac came back*

@linette @shitsuji-carty
Jun 14, 2021 6:08 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path

Naomi would be surprised by Max's sudden decision, "are you sure thats a good idea-" before she could finish her thoughts Max was already out the door, leaving the timid duo behind.

As Max would exit the room, he would see no one outside the doors. When he would start to wander, he would find himself in a long hallway with many doorways. If he choose to open one of them, who knows what he might find, but if he lingered too long eventually a Maid would spot him and try to drag him back to the waiting room with the others.

Jun 14, 2021 7:47 AM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

Once a maid spot him, she wanted to drag him back to the room. Morgan stood still and said "Uh, we got to get going. If the girl is not ready then she can hire someone else" He cross his arms and waited for an answer. Even if he was used to waiting, it felt like this was done unpurpose.

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty
Jun 14, 2021 8:55 AM

May 2013
When Max refused to return to the room, the maid's expression soon turned pale and filled with worry. She would start to panic, before quickly thinking of an idea that might help her out of the situation. The maid would then take Max's hand before leading him to a different door, "the mistress is inside this room, you can try to ask her nicely to hurry up, but...." the maid went silent as she wasn't sure how to explain.

If Max was brave enough to enter the room, he would find himself in a larger than should be room, filled with pretty colors and many decorations. Across the room, would be a Lovely looking young lady with long red hair, Alice Becker, The lady of the house, who was sitting in a chair at her large vanity mirror. When she would hear the door close behind Max, she would let out an en-longed sigh before speaking "finally Alfred, what took you so long? my hair isn't even ready yet." The young lady was just about finished, she already had on the clothes she would be using for the Hike and was just waiting for her hair to be finished.
Shitsuji-CartyJun 14, 2021 9:16 AM
Jun 14, 2021 10:23 AM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

The maid seem to be afraid of his challenging attitud. Finally she took him to the girl's room in hope that he could make her leave sooner. He would say "I'm no Alfred, I'm here to escort you safetly to your destination. We've been waiting for 2 hours, so we either go now or find another team to take you" He cross his arms again as he waited for the girl's response.

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty
Jun 14, 2021 10:50 AM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

* max had been gone a little while* he been gone awhile... i have a feeling this isnt going to be as easy as a job as we thought* he would say in a low tone to noami*

@linette @shitsuji-carty
Jun 14, 2021 11:47 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path

Alice Becker

Hear a different man's voice than she was expecting, she turned around to meet the gaze of Max as he impatiently stated why he was there. Alice would choose to ignore his words for now "at least hand me the brush if you are not gonna do it for me." she would say with an annoyed tone as the man seemed to be trying to push her along.

Naomi would shake her head to Sebastian "ehh lets try not to think like that... maybe he just got lost." she would say to try and keep things positive.

Jun 14, 2021 1:07 PM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

Max stare at her, then said with a smile "Alright, guess you'll find another group to escort you" He left the room and went back to Sebastian and Naomi. Sigh and said "Let's find something else to do, this girl is impossible to deal with"

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty
Jun 14, 2021 1:15 PM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

*max would return* are you sure* he look around * what is it with this place

@linette @shitsuji-carty
Jun 15, 2021 6:38 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path

Alice Becker

Alice would turn up her nose to the rude boy before he left her room.

Once Max would return to the room, he would tell them he wanted to go and thought the girl impossible to deal with. Naomi found it a bit curious "What happened Max? we can't give up without even starting...." she would say while trying to look out the door past Max to see anything.

Jun 16, 2021 8:20 PM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

Max sigh and said "Couldn't you read my mind and see what was going on? Anyway, I'm not dealing with her, so I'm out." He started to walk out of the mansion.

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty
Jun 16, 2021 10:17 PM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

*whatever happened with the girl seemed to really irritate max and he would follow and go after him* hey hey wait*once he caught up to max* our missions are limited at the moment and this is good experience.... i know this isn't ideal

@linette @shitsuji-carty
Jun 21, 2021 7:11 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path

Alice Becker

Naomi would shake her head, "No, I can't read minds, I can only share the thoughts of people I'm connected with, and we were not connected right now. Wait wait wait Max, just let us deal with her, you just need to watch over us." She wanted to try and ease the burden on Max as much as she could, but was feeling useless. Before she could say anymore,

At the same time, the door would fly open and Alice would be standing there with her arms outstretched as she opened the door. There was a butler behind her, Alice was wearing a nice outfit and was ready to hiking with her hair tied back. "I am ready and fabulous, let's get this show on the road, That is assuming he didn't lose his top." pointing her finger she would giggle as she made a dig at Max for storming out of her room from before.

After hearing Alice's words, Naomi would get a worried expression as she looked at Max, "j-just ignore her rude remarks... I know it isn't easy but we should finish this mission." Naomi would say to try and comfort Max.

Jun 21, 2021 9:48 AM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

He was already outside as he waited for the other 2 to come out. So he didn't really listen to what Sebastian and Naomi said. He sigh annoyed and lean his back to the fence.

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty
Jun 21, 2021 9:55 AM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

* he look back at noami* this isnt really going to go well* he sighed as the girl came out ready to go and he turned to her* alright lets get this going if your ready we are leaving now. And i recommend you just keep to yourself on the road* he go out to find max* she is ready to go. So lets gets going and get this over with

@linette @shitsuji-carty
Jun 21, 2021 10:17 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path

Alice Becker

Naomi would lead Alice outside with them as they went to collect Max, once the group was outside they would find Max leaning against the fence. Naomi would keep Alice with her as Sebastian went to talk to Max, " whats the hold up, are you guys gonna do the job or not?" she would complain to Naomi,
"we, we a-are.... just be a little more patience please." she would say while glance over to see what Max and Sebastian decided to do.

Jun 21, 2021 11:19 AM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

The group finally came out, only to see the girl comming along as well. He sigh annoyed then said "I guess we'll keep the same voting system. We will continue because you two want too" Max walked with Sebastian to the other 2 girls.

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty
Jun 21, 2021 11:26 AM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

alright ladies let's go. * they would finally set out on their mission hoping it didnt take long *

@linette @shitsuji-carty
Jun 22, 2021 5:42 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path

Alice Becker

After Alice complained to Naomi, Naomi would try to get her to relax as the two boys started to walk over. Sebastian was ready to go, and Max seemed to want to stay silent for now.
Once the group was together and walking, it didn't take long for an awkward silence to take hold of the group. Suddenly Alice would try to grab one of Sebastian's sleeves while she asked him a question "hey, whats your name? are you a good bodyguard?" she would ask bluntly.

Jun 22, 2021 7:09 AM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

Max would follow them and just kept silent. He just wanted to get over it.

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty
Jun 22, 2021 7:12 AM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

*he would be slightly jerked back by alice as she asked him questions * im im im Sebastian.... we all can keep you safe if your worried about it

@linette @shitsuji-carty
Jun 22, 2021 7:53 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path

Alice Becker

Naomi would smile at Alice, "Yeah, we just have to make it through the forest and to the other town. I doubt we will run into any danger." she would say optimistically.
On the other hand Alice kept her attention on the stuttering Sebastian, she would continue to hold onto his sleeve unless he did something. "Yes, I'm worried this trip will be too boring..... I want to see some magic or sword fights like in the books I read. Can you cast any magic?" She would ask Sebastian.

(do you guys want to me Play the bandits? or would one of you like to? I don't mind either way.)

Jun 22, 2021 7:57 AM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

*he wasnt sure what to do about the girl clinging onto him* yes i can do magic... and its dangerous its not something to just mess around with. It sounds like all fun and game but i hope we don't need to use any of those things and simply grt you dafe to you destination

@linette @shitsuji-carty
Jun 22, 2021 8:25 AM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

He wasn't paying attention to the trio, he just moved in a fast pace to finish this as much as possible. After walking for an hour, he decided to stop and rest before he heard the girl whine.

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty (I can do so, but let them walk for a little longer)
Jun 22, 2021 8:54 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path

Alice Becker

Naomi would stay at the back of the group, Max was in the front, and Sebastian and Alice were between them as they walked and chatted. As Alice bugged Sebastian about seeing magic and things, he explained to her that it was dangerous and he would prefer not to use it at all if he didn't have to.
Hearing his words Alice would let out a deflated sigh, before coming up with a plan "yes, I agree that it may be dangerous for an amateur, But you trained at the Institute! surely you have enough control to show me at least one little trick?" she would try to convince Sebastian, even as they took a break.

Naomi would approach Max "hey, do you mind If I connect with your mind? that way if anything shows up we can alert one another without spooking the client." Naomi would explain her intentions to Max so hopefully she could get past his bad mood.

(sounds good)
Jun 22, 2021 9:11 AM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

*he was really hesitant showing his ability. But the girl was persistent * that true yes but in my case we are travelling through woody area and my abilities deal with mostly fire elements so it would not only draw attention but also could burn down some of the stuff around us.

@linette @shitsuji-carty
Jun 22, 2021 9:41 AM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

Max turn to look at Naomi, he nos and said "Yes, I don't mind, go ahead"

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty
Jun 22, 2021 9:50 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path

Alice Becker

as adamantly as Alice pushed, Sebasitan would push back, saying he didn't want to endanger the forest by using his magic. Alice would finally let go of Sebastian as she started to pout from his answer "awww looks like It will be a boring trip after all." she would say as she sat and rested, while they waited to move again.
Naomi would let out a sigh of relief when Max agreed to her suggestion, carefully she would put her hand on his shoulder for a moment before removing it again. This time without her lips moving, Naomi's voice would ring out in Max's mind thanks for agreeing... is something bothering you about this girl? she would ask curiously.

Jun 22, 2021 10:06 AM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

He glare at Naomi and thought Please tell me you didn't connected with me just to talk about that brat?

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty
Jun 22, 2021 12:57 PM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

*he sighed as he took a break* sorry miss im not going to endanger everyone simply for youre enjoyment... this trip isnt about fun it's about getting you there safely

@linette @shitsuji-carty
Jun 23, 2021 5:56 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path

Alice Becker

Naomi would shake her head, no, I wanted to talk about you, and get to know you better if we are going to keep doing missions together. If you don't feel like talking now I'll drop it if you say so.

Alice would sit down as well, before making another request of Sebastian, "then if I can't see you magic, do you have any unique snacks or candy I could try?" she would ask him

Jun 23, 2021 9:06 AM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

Max sigh and thought for Naomi Well, I'm not really the type to open up and say my personal life. Because, if you do, you'll just run away He smirked

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty
Jun 23, 2021 9:09 AM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

*he rummage through his bag to find a small hard candy that from his home village and hand it over the alice* i dont know if you'll like it but here. It a hard candy that is lemongrass , lavender an homey flavored

@linette @shitsuji-carty
Jun 23, 2021 9:22 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path

Alice Becker

Naomi would shake her head to herself, I'm not gonna try and pry into your past, I just wanna make sure we can do things properly as a group, and if something is too difficult for one, we talk it out rather than just do our own things. When I say I want to know more about you, I'm asking things like strengths and weaknesses, or just things you do or dont like dealing with. she would explain her reasoning to keep Max from becoming more annoyed.

Alice on the other hand was pleasantly surprised when Sebastian did manage to have something for her. "I can really have this? thank you" she would say and without wasting anymore time would unwrap the candy and pop it into her mouth. It was a new flavor for her, but after sucking on it for a minutes, she found it to her liking, as she stayed quiet for the time being.

Jun 23, 2021 10:07 AM

May 2009
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet

Max clap his hands and said "Alright, let's keep moving" He then said to Naomi Alright, well, I'll let you know. For now, this is a pain in the ass. So you can do a mental note about it

@YuiHokuri @Shitsuji-Carty
Jun 23, 2021 10:51 AM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem

*he stand up and help alice up as the started to move again so far the mission was going smoothly in a sense that there wasn't any bandits *

@linette @shitsuji-carty
Jun 24, 2021 8:50 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path

Alice Becker

Max would clap his hands to signal the end of their rest, and with a few words, the group was on their feet and ready to move again. Naomi would chuckle a little to herself after hearing Max's thoughts to her, she would also take up her position at the back of the group again. got it haha
Alice would stand up with Sebastian as he helped her, and would stick close to him for the time being, "What kinda adventures have you gone on?" she would ask him to tell a story to keep her busy as they walked.

Jun 24, 2021 9:03 AM

May 2009
Mage 1

Mage 2

Mage 3

Mage 4

All: 5 lifespan

Four men appeared in front of the group, the Mage 1 would chuckle and say "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Three ladies and one men. Oh, my bad, two ladies, a man and a kid" He was making fun of the fact that Sebastian looked like a small child. Mage 2 would say "Enough chit chat, let's get to work" The 4 mages would start blasting fire toward the group.
linetteJun 24, 2021 3:02 PM
Jun 25, 2021 6:37 AM

May 2013
Naomi Path LP: 6/6
Weapon: dagger

Alice Becker LP: 3/3

The group most of been a little too relaxed as they didn't notice the bandits approaching them, and soon enough firing on them. oh shit, where did these guys come from? I'll try to back you up Max. she would think to him, while hiding behind a tree to avoid the fire blast. When she would see an opening during the attacks, she would attempt to throw a knife at Mage 4. "Sebastian! do you need help?"
Alice would dodge the fire blast, before getting up and angrily declaring "Get these goons my bodyguards!" She would stand in the way pointing her finger at the Mages unless someone stopped her. She was excited to watch the battle in front of her.

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