Oct 18, 2020 1:14 PM
A whole room is dedicated for characters to come and take on missions, quests, bounty hunts and jobs. Displayed on a Board is a list of all possible missions, quest, bounty hunts and jobs that your character can do. The character would simply just have to take the flyer of the board and head out to do it. |
linetteOct 27, 2020 4:36 PM
Oct 18, 2020 1:21 PM
Trainings: Title: The Maze Runner Level: 1 Requirements: only one Character at a time Location: The Maze Job Description: It's not all about brute force, sometimes a smart mind can get you to more places. You will be put at the beginning of a maze and it is up to you to find your way to the other side and out of the maze. You must demonstrate intelligence, good magic use and a great sense of creativity! Enemies: None Reward: 35 Level points Title: Obstacle Course Level: 1 Requirements: 2 or more Location: Here Description: A Mage must have a strong body and be proficient with magic. Take an obstacle course prepared for recruits and show that you have good strength, fast speed, Intelligence and some knowledge of magic/knowing how to use magic in any kind of situation. Enemies: N/A Reward: 34-85 Level points Title: Wilderness Survival Level: 1 Requirements: 2-3 Characters Job Location: Landra Forests Job Description: A Mage must be strong and wise, true, but they must also be resourceful. They must be durable and smart enough to survive the most hostile force in the world. Mother Nature. This is just a mission to get your character to learn or know how to hunt, start a fire, build a tent. Enemies: Wildlife Reward: 20 Level points Title: Offense v.s. Defence Tournament Level: 1 Requirements: 1 or more Location: Institute Description: This tournament will test your best abilities, even if you are an attacker or a defender. There will be a list of task that need to be completed, it will vary depending on which team you get assign. While doing the task, if you fail to complete it, you'll be eliminated and won't be able to attempt it again. Task: Offensive 1 - Avoid being hit - There will be knives shot toward you toward 3 posts, use any method to either avoid them or change the direction. 2 - Short range attack - There will be targets during 3 post, you need to hit all of them using only short range attack. 3 - Long range attack - There will be targets shooting fire during 3 post hanging from the ceiling, you must hit all of them only using long rage attack. 4 - Kill your enemy - There will be a monster that you'll need to kill, but not by any method, it ought to be by decapitating it. The monster lifespan is 7, has the ability to fly and manipulate lightning. Defensive 1 - Avoid being hit - There will be knives shot toward you toward 3 posts, use any method to either avoid them or change the direction. 2 - Short range defense - There will be targets during 3 post being set on fire, you must defend all of them. 3 - Long range defense - There will be targets during 3 post hanging from the ceiling and being set on fire, you must defend all of them. 4 - Defend your ally - There will be 3 mages being attack by a monster, you need to protect them. Each mage can remove 1 lifespan of the monster per post, but the monster will attack all (including you). The monster will have 20 lifespan and the mages will have 3, you need to make sure the mage stay alive enough to kill the monster. The monster only uses it's body (claws, fangs, horns) to attack. Reward: 30 Level points Title: Sport Tournament Level: 2 Requirements: 2 or more Location: Here Description: Defeat a group of monsters from different habitats. The habitats will be assigned randomly for each team. Habitats: Arctic (Snow) Mountain (Rock) Rain Forest (Plants) Volcanic (Fire) Wetland (Water) All of the habitat's will have 5 stages of monsters to defeat. Participant's Lifespan will be returned to full after the end of each stage. Enemies: Monsters of Level 1 Amount of monsters: 5, Lifespan: 3 Monsters of Level 2 Amount of monsters: 4, Lifespan: 4 Monsters of Level 3 Amount of monsters: 3, Lifespan: 5 Monsters of Level 4 Amount of monsters: 2, Lifespan: 10 Monsters of Level 5 Amount of monsters: 1, Lifespan: 15 Reward: 75 Level points Jobs: Title: A Maiden in need! (Escort job) Level: 2 Requirements: 2 or more Characters Job Location: Avalonia to Viola path Job Description: A simple job, you will escort a young lady from the town of Avalonia to the town of Viola. You will have to pass through Landra forest because the young lady wants some fruits along the way Enemies: Along the way you will get attacked by 4 fire users and 3 water users. They use simple blast and and have 5 LP each. Each enemy defeated will award you 6 Rank points The girl will be hard to work with.. she is really stubborn and comes off as mean Reward: $500, 42 Level points Title: Play the knight away Level: 3 Requirements: 3-5 Mages. To complete this mission, you must recruit people to watch your play, plan and make the actual play (rp style) and get a couple of members of the club to watch/read the play. at least 40 post for the thread Job Location: Avalonia -Theater Job Description: The Avalonia theater hasn't been getting a lot of people coming in. The owner of theater have requested a job for mages. They are to use their skill to do a theater performance and put on a great play! Enemies: N/A Reward: $10,000 Title: A Romantic Adventure Level: 3-5 Requirements: (women/feminine) (2-4 mages) Location: Rose Garden > Town of Avalonia > Landra Forest> Town of Vaelia > Talonia Villiage > Long Island Paradise Description: Two princes want to explore a great part of the Magical Zone Region before they settle into their roles as princes. They want the company and protection of 2-4 beautiful women. The way they see it, is they would rather the company of beautiful women as opposed to man despite needing the extra protection. The princes can be quite charming. The princes would be picked up at rose garden, than they would be taken to the town of Avalonia where they will do some light shopping and exploring. They would than have to go through Landra Forest to get to the town of Vaelia. They will here have a spa day. From there, they will head to Talonia village before heading to the island. Reward: 1K each, A pet Getting There: you will be provided a flying horse by the school Enemies: Enemy:Thiefs Location: The Town of Avalonia image: LifeSpan: 15 each Level points gained: 40 Powers: Guns, Fire Enemy: Monsters Location: Landra Forest Monsters Fire warms A small swarm of large fire warms have decided you look tasty! The two foot tall, ten foot long, warms can do all a worm normally can, though at 100x what a regular worm could. The worms deal a bit of damage with their bites, but can also breathe fire. Level 3 monster. poisonous snake A 50 foot long snake protecting its domain! The ground you stand upon it what it wants and you can't get away without killing it. The massive creature deals a lot of damage with its attacks! If it manages to sting you, you will get poisoned! Level 3 monster. The Tiger In the eyes of the lions, you are the enemies. These hunting animals are hungry and you smell delicious. Better watch out, these animals are very fast and use earth Enemy:Tentacle Monster Karin Location: Valeia image: LifeSpan: 22 Level points gained: 30 Powers: water, its tentacales, perverted, Pirates, Sea creatures. The princes Missions: Title: Forest Scouts Level: 4 Requirements: 2-3 Mages Job Location: Landra Forest Job Description: Scout the Landra forest and eliminate any monsters that you come across. Landra forest is 10 miles from the town of Avalonia, you can choose to walk there or pay for transportation. Reward: $400, 40 Level points each Enemies: Fire warms A small swarm of large fire warms have decided you look tasty! The two foot tall, ten foot long, warms can do all a worm normally can, though at 100x what a regular worm could. The worms deal a bit of damage with their bites, but can also breathe fire. Life Span: 7 poisonous snake A 50 foot long snake protecting its domain! The ground you stand upon it what it wants and you can't get away without killing it. The massive creature deals alot of damage with its attacks! If it manages to sting you, you will get poisoned! LifeSpan"10 The Tiger In the eyes of the lions, you are the enemies. These hunting animals are hungry and you smell delicious. Better watch out, these animals are very fast and use earth magic. The whole forest will be against you while fighting this animal. Good Luck! LifeSpan 12 Title: Nymphet Lagoon Level: 4 Requirements: 2 or more, must have killed 20 enemies in total Job Location: Landforms Job Description: What better way to expose your full magic potential than going to explore an unknown and untamed area full of monsters? Enemies: Water Child- Lifespan: 8, Abilities: Shoots water balls, Quantity: 5 Ray Lady- Lifespan: 12, Abilities: Grabs by her tail and drowns, Quantity: 3 Water Woman- Lifespan: 30, Abilities: Attacks with her lance and commands the water at her will, Quantity: 1 Reward: 106 Level points Title: The Succubus to remember Level: 5 or higher Requirements: Location: Rose Garden -Inn Job Description: There is a group of succubus that are going around the inns of Rose Garden and sucking all the magic out of them at night through their sexual desires. The inns have put together a in package with everything included as a way to disguise that you are here to hunt them. There are all types of activities including a romantic dinner and a couples cave. Enemies: All the girls have the ability to enter the dream of man and exploit their sexual desires. The guys become weaker as the succubus take away their energy and powers. The ladies can take on any form to exploit the man’s desire including that of lovers. [spoiler] Emely Powers: Poison Amy Powers: Fire Hinata Powers: kiss. If she kisses you, she can control your body. Kikyo Power: darkness [img] Chloe Power: Lust Reward: $500, 50 rank points Title: Uncover the threat Level: 5 Requirements: 2-3 Characters. Job Location: The town of Avalonia Job Description: Find out who's been painting the graffiti all over town, bring him to justice and discover the existence of a Dark Gang in the process. Recently strange paintings and graffiti has been showing up all over town, as well as subliminal messages, some of which depict gruesome acts. This has been creating civil unrest amongst the people of Avalonia. Amongst all of the vile paintings, and subliminal messages, there has always been one reoccurring symbol. This symbol has aroused your The Director of the Institue of magic's curiosity and he has requested that you investigate this symbol and discover its meaning. Find the person responsible for all of these disturbing images and question him about the symbol and bring him to justice for the profanity he's been painting all over town. Reward: $500, 60 Level points Enemies: Weak: MoneyBags: The Artist has filled bags with fake bills that are simply painted pieces of paper and has been leaving them around town. They explode without warning and draw in enormous crowds which can be quite a hassle to deal with. Normal: Art in Motion: It's a pity this guy is a crook, because some of these paintings are painted so well they actually appear to be moving! Keep your wits about you and don't fall for his tricks! Boss: The Artist: The Artist is a very untalented wizard who's magic revolves around the use of Dye's and inks. He's a very talented artist and can paint a brick wall to look like a very convincing hallway. Be careful not to walk in to any painted walls while you're looking for him and try to be observant... He can paint himself to blend in to nearly any environment. He's quick on his feet and with a brush, you'll have a much harder time with him than you'd bargain for. Although all of these have been committing these acts, none of them seem to be using black magic, or even seem to be showing any real affiliation with the Dark Gang in questioning. Title: Blue Lagoon Level: 5 Requirements: 3-4 Mages, must have completed the "forest Scouts" job Job Location: Vaelia town Job Description: This job requires you to travel to the town of Vaelia. The town is 40 miles from the town of avalonia and it requires you to pass through two big rivers and the Landra forest. You can choose to go around it but it will be further. The town of Vaelia is mainly known for being a trading hub and its equisiit spa's and inns. People from all over the world travel to the town of Vaelia. However, recently. Something has gone horridly wrong in town. Apparently, some Magical Creatures from Landra Forest have taken a liking to the town...and refuse to leave the various hot springs and spas--even though they aren't paying anymore. You're sure that upon leaving for this mission that your Magical buddies from Landra Forest don't mean any harm--but they need to be taught a lesson Reward: $1000, 35 Level points Enemies: Weak: Talking Squirrels & Raccoons - These guys really know how to ruin the mood. It's bad enough they're squirrels and raccoons infesting a spa town. But the fact that they walk talk and use Magic just makes it worse. These guys are all talented Wood mages, and being native to the Landra Forest, they will use it in some very creative ways. They wear human like clothes tailored to their size in Seven. They deal C-Ranked damage with their Wood Magic with each hit or spell. Takes three hit of C-Ranked damage or 6 hits of D-Ranked damage each to defeat. Normal: Talking Bear x3 - These guys are hilarious. If it wasn't for the fact that they have been sitting in hot tubs sipping Martini's for free by intimidating the owners of the Vaelia's Spas, you might get along with them. All three of them use Earth Magic to a tee, and can really be deadly due to the fact that they are also...Bears and can just run to you and Maul you. They walk and talk like humans normally though; so they stand at least 7ft tall each. They deal C-Ranked damage with their Earth magicks, and can maul you for C-Ranked damage or bite you for it as well; as they are walking bears. They wear human like clothes tailored to their size. LifeSpan: 10 Strong: Talking Rabbits x10 - These guys are insanely good at both Earth, and Wind Magicks. Being from Seven, and hopping around magical forests all day will have it's effect on walking talking rabbits! These guys are very quick, very, very quick. Landing a hit is not easy on a rabbit who can run around and flip off of walls while using Earth and Wind Magic at the same time. They wear human like clothes tailored to their size in Seven. They do one hit of D-Ranked damage each with their Earth and Wind Magic; they don't pack much of a punch; but there is power in numbers---and they always come in nearly a dozen a pack. 7 LifeSPAN Boss: Buba the Talking Panther - A good friend of Raj, the Talking Tiger (Forest scouts job)) has heard that Vaelia town was none other, one filled to the brim with relaxation, women, and hot springs. He has been ordering around the employees of Vaelia town's various shops and spas for a week or two now. He uses Fire Magic to a very high extent, and since he is a talking; walking panther; he's very strong physically and tough in the same department. His Fire magic deal B-Ranked damage with each direct hit. 30 LifeSPAN Title: Malediction Desert Level: 5 Requirements: 2 or more, must have killed 40 enemies in total Job Location: Landforms Job Description: What better way to expose your full magic potential than going to explore an unknown and untamed area full of monsters? Enemies: Scorpion- Lifespan: 8, Abilities: Bites, Quantity: 7 Digger- Lifespan: 12, Abilities: Gets underground and attacks by surprise, Quantity: 5 Giant Beetle- Lifespan: 15, Abilities: Strong armor, Quantity: 3 King Mummy- Lifespan: 35, Abilities: Attacks with his sword, invokes the death and sends storms of sand, Quantity: 1 Reward: 196 Level points Title: Clear the Tomb Level: 6 Requirements: 3 or more mages Job Location: Old Crypt Job Description: "During an excavation of some really old ruins, it was discovered to be a tomb. A legendary tomb in fact. But then, some of the dead decided to wake up and drive us out. We counted twenty before we were driven out. Please help put them back into their graves." Enemies: Undead Thrall: They arent strong, but they are many. They were buried with an assortment of weapons and armors. They dont use magic. The only way to kill them is to cut the head Reward: 25 Level points/$250 Title: We do not negotiate! Level: 6 Requirements: 3-5 Mages Job Location: The town of Viola Job Description: A group of thugs known as the Petros gang has taken a rich man's son hostage and are holding him in a warehouse at the far end of the town. This is a small dark gang..or wannabe dark gang. These thugs have demanded 1,000,000 Jewels in exchange for the young man's life. You are being dispatched to break into the warehouse, rescue the hostage, and escape without the son being harmed. Reward: 85 Level points, $300-$500 Enemies: Weak: Petros gang Initiate x4 - New members of the gang in regular clothing and carry around weak-rank daggers. They each have a triangle tattoo on their foreheads to denote rank. They have 6 life span. Normal: Petros Gang Member x3 - Regular members of the gang who wear regular clothing much like the initiates and carry around weak-rank daggers and swords. They each have a tattoo of a circle within a triangle on their foreheads to denote rank.They have They have 10 life span Strong: Petros gang Brute x2 - The physically strongest members of the gang who typically wear men's tank tops to show off their muscles. They carry around strong-rank daggers, swords, and brass knuckles. They each have a tattoo of a skull-and-crossbones within a circle within a triangle on their their foreheads to denote rank. They have 15 life span Boss: Petros Gang Leader - The gang leader looks much like a brute but with his clothing, but his forehead tattoo also has a crown just above the triangle. When you find him, he will be holding the hostage close to him, which means you will need to subdue him before he notices you or somehow get him away from the kid. He carries the same weapons as the brutes do and has he same strength but has a 35 Life Span. Title: Dragonic Mountains Level: 6 Requirements: 2 or more, must have killed 60 enemies in total Job Location: Landforms Job Description: What better way to expose your full magic potential than going to explore an unknown and untamed area full of monsters? Enemies: Dragonic Head- Lifespan: 10, Abilities: Flies and shots acid, Quantity: 7 Birdly Monster- Lifespan: 12, Abilities: Flies, bites with his jaw and hits with the tail, Quantity: 5 Gargoyles- Lifespan: 15, Abilities: Flies and have weapons of sword, bow and arrow, and axes, Quantity: 3 Dragon- Lifespan: 25, Abilities: Flies, shots fire and hits with the tail, Quantity: 2 Queen Dragonic- Lifespan: 40, Abilities: Flies, has sword and shield, controls black mana, and hits with the tail, Quantity: 1 Reward: 265 Level points Quest: To be added Bounty Hunts: Arjun Level: 3 Requirements: 3 or more characters Location: Varnir Reward: $5000 each , 40 Rank points for killing Arjun, 30 Rank points for killing each of his three bodyguards, 60 for him monsters along the way Don Flamingo Level: 7 Requirements: 2 or more characters Location: Avalonia Reward: Jellal Reward: $10,000, 60 Level points gained. Atleast lv 4 Rank Zeref Reward: $100,000, 130 Level points gained. Atleast lv 7 Rank |
Sakura_megamiJul 17, 2022 6:14 PM
Oct 19, 2020 11:07 AM
Already done missions, quests and bountys Ulster Level: 1 Requirements: 2 or more characters Location: Varnir Reward: $1000, 40 Rank points for killing Ulster, 30 Rank points for killing monsters along the way Title: Saving Mikaila’s Forest Kingdom Level: 6 Requirements: 2 mages Location: Hidden Enchanted Forest -location unknown- Description: While in the castle, Mikaila and his family get a surprise attack. A new queen is trying to take over and she and her warriors are not taking no as an answer. Its up to mikaila and Morgan to defeat this treat to their family and happiness. Reward: Morgan Kunai attack, Dark hurricane. A dark hurricane surrounds the enemy. With kunais attacking from all over. 1 post use, 2 Cooldown. (Each 2 levels, get rid of a Cooldown. After every 5 levels. The weapon gains a new ability) the weapon can also be used as is Mikaila Sakura grenades Sakura dance, a field of cherry blossom petals surround the enemy. The petals become middles and shoot at the enemy. 1 post use, 2 cooldown (Each 2 levels, get rid of a Cooldown. After every 5 levels. The weapon gains a new ability) the weapon can also be used like a sword. Getting There: Mikaila has to be the guide Enemies: [spoiler] Their Queen: Faith Layla LifeSpan:30 Attacks: vines. Camaflage, Giant plants that will suck you in Level points gained 30 Followers Steve LifeSpan:25 Attacks: Fire Breath. Fire Balls Level points gained 20 Sandy [imo][/img] LifeSpan:25 Attacks: Moon Shards. Spheres, moon beam Level points gained 20 Beven LifeSpan:25 Attacks: Blinding light. Burning leaves Level points gained 25 Faith's Sister Mariam LifeSpan:45 Attacks: summons 100 mini fairies that attack, poison kiss, spicked leaves. Level points gained 35 Title: Patrol the town Completed by: Anthony & Abyghail Level: 2 Requirements: 2 or more Characters Job Location: Avalonia Streets Job Description: Avalonia prides itself on housing stalls of numerous traveling merchants. Lately however there have been a string of thefts, and it's beginning to put these merchants off from entering Avalonia at all. Patrol the town for signs of suspicious activity, find the culprit and bring them in for questioning for the sake of Avalonia's trade economy. Enemies: 6 weak wind Mages, 4 Life Span Each, 3 Rank points gained for defeating each one [Type of mission: This mission is a Ranked based mission and it is story based. An Admin is required for you to complete its. This mission will be removed once it has been completes wise. Reward: 18 Level points, $200 Title: Peeping tom Completed by: The Magic Council (Lana, Lanz, Rose) Level: 4 Requirements: 2-3 Mages Job Location: Coming soon Job Description: A pervert has been going around stealing women's underwear, spying in baths and lifting up their skirts. The guy wears a mask and is super fast so he hasn't been caught or seen for that matter. Your job is to capture him alive. Enemies: Tom Tom is 5% faster than an average person and he uses water magic. It is unknown how he uses his water magic, so be careful! Reward: 35 rank points, $200 Title: Treasure Hunt Completed by: Sebastian & Elike Level: 1 Requirements: at least 2 people Location: HERE Description: You will be receiving eggs that hatch pets, upon completion of this event. The event is going to take place in a snow/ice island. You will be given a map and dropped of in the island by helicopter. Reward: Pet Getting There: You will have to go to the institute's airport and use one of the helicopters to get there. Enemies: Title: The Mystery of the Fire and Ice Island Completed by: Sebastian & Elike Level: 4 Requirements: at least 2 people Location: HERE Description: This Fire and Ice Island is a mystery to the world. NO one really knows the origin. All that is known is that they're is great treasure hidden in that island. All that have traveled there have not made it back or come empty handed with only a small bit of information which is that the two sides are at war. Figure out what is going on in the island and you may obtain the treasure. Reward: $100,000, 70-130 Level points Getting There: You will have to go to the institute's airport and use one of the helicopters to get there. Enemies: Fire Creatures LifeSpan: 15 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: Meteor Shower, fire balls LifeSpan: 15 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: fire breath, Fire body Ice Creatures LifeSpan: 15 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: Ice Lance, Ice Floor LifeSpan: 15 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: Ice storm, Ice breath Title: Fire & Ice Mayhem Part 2: Fire Spear Completed by: Sebastian & Elike Level: Must be level 6 to wield Requirements: Atleast two Characters Location: HERE Description: The Mysteries of the fire and ice Island has been solved. Now the treasures hidden in the island must be retrieved. Reward: Getting There: You will have to go to the institute's airport and use one of the helicopters to get there. Enemies: Fire Creatures LifeSpan: 30 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: Meteor Shower, fire balls LifeSpan: 30 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: fire breath, Fire body Ice Creatures LifeSpan: 30 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: Ice Lance, Ice Floor LifeSpan: 30 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: Ice storm, Ice breath Title: Fire & Ice Mayhem Part 3: Ice Spear Completed by: Sebastian & Elike Level: Must be level 6 to wield Requirements: Atleast two Characters Location: HERE Description: The Mysteries of the fire and ice Island has been solved. Now the treasures hidden in the island must be retrieved. Reward: [img] Getting There: You will have to go to the institute's airport and use one of the helicopters to get there. Enemies: Fire Creatures LifeSpan: 30 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: Meteor Shower, fire balls LifeSpan: 30 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: fire breath, Fire body Ice Creatures LifeSpan: 30 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: Ice Lance, Ice Floor LifeSpan: 30 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: Ice storm, Ice breath Title: Fire & Ice Mayhem Part 4: Poison Spear Completed by: Sebastian & Elike Level: Must be level 10 to wield Requirements: Atleast two Characters Location: HERE Description: The Mysteries of the fire and ice Island has been solved. Now the treasures hidden in the island must be retrieved. Reward: Getting There: You will have to go to the institute's airport and use one of the helicopters to get there. Enemies: Fire Creatures LifeSpan: 30 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: Meteor Shower, fire balls LifeSpan: 30 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: fire breath, Fire body Ice Creatures LifeSpan: 30 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: Ice Lance, Ice Floor LifeSpan: 30 Level points acquired: 30 Attacks: Ice storm, Ice breath Title: Fire & Ice Mayhem Part 5: Too a green Paradise Completed by: Sebastian & Elike Level: 6 Requirements: 2 mages (all other 4 parts of the fire and ice mayhem must have been completed) Location: HERE Description: The souls of the constantly battling fire and ice soldiers have created a soldier that has been the source of the island remaining with crazy weather conditions. Defeat the solider and you will free the island Reward: $100,000, 40 Rank Points Getting There: You will have to go to the institute's airport and use one of the helicopters to get there. Enemies: Lifespan: 35, 40 rank points, fire and ice attacks |
Sakura_megamiAug 29, 2021 4:38 PM
Oct 19, 2020 11:21 AM
Elike Vancar Elike enter with Sebastian, holding Ray in his arms. He would frown and said "How about you find a nickname that I actually like instead of making me have sex with you? Seriously, where are you priorities?" He then looked at the options and wonder which one would be the best. He then pointed at one of them and say "The Mystery of the Fire and Ice Island sounds like something that could help us." He looked at Sebastian waiting for his answer. @Sakura_megami |
Oct 19, 2020 11:29 AM
Sebastian Loui "But you will always be my number one priority~" He looked at the details of the quest. "eh, for a mere $100,000.. well Guess that's the best they got.. We can do that one" |
Oct 19, 2020 11:39 AM
Elike Vancar He looked at Sebastian and scoff while saying "Mere $100,00? I think is pretty good. Anyway, should we go right now r maybe pack some stuff and head to the Airport?" He gets over his anger pretty quick if it has to be with Sebastian. @Sakura_megami |
Oct 19, 2020 11:42 AM
Sebastian Loui "Alright so we will each head to our rooms and get what we need. Do you want me to meet you in your room after or the airpot?" |
Oct 19, 2020 12:03 PM
Elike Vancar Elike frown with distrust and answered "The airport is fine, see you there in a bit" He didn't wanted to be alone in a room with Sebastian since it could jump to sex in a second. He headed to his room. @Sakura_megami |
Oct 19, 2020 12:08 PM
Sebastian Loui "What's up with him" He headed to his room to get some stuff, then headed to the airport. |
Oct 22, 2020 6:47 PM
Abigail Flohr Aby ended up dragging Anthony too the mission board. She would look at all the different types of adventures that they could go on and her eyes sparkled. "You can pick, otherwise we will be here for a while" ^.^ @Shitsuji-Carty |
Oct 23, 2020 6:24 AM
Anthony Atwater @sakura_megami Tony would laugh as Abigail would drag him along again to another location, as they arrived her eyes lit up as she looked at all the different types of adventures and quests they could do. "for sure, I'll take you there sometime I love the ocean. And it's my choice huh? you might regret that later haha" he would smirk as he started to look through the list of the missions, after some time he would pick two different options. the one in his left hand was a simple mission of patrol the town, the one in his right hand was an actual quest, A treasure hunt. "I'm up for something a little more local after getting back, but if Patrolling town sounds too boring we can always go Hunt for treasure for some excitement." He would say holding both options while he waited for her to choose from the two he had chosen. |
Shitsuji-CartyOct 26, 2020 6:01 AM
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Oct 23, 2020 3:43 PM
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet Enters with Naomi and looks around the area. It seems two other ones were in the room as well. A cute hair with lila hair and a gentleman-looking man with aqua hair. He looked at the mission then said "So, do you want to pick or should I do the honors?" He smiled and waited to see what Naomi wanted to do. @YuiHokuri, @Shitsuji-Carty |
Oct 23, 2020 5:58 PM
@Shitsuji-Carty (those are both lv 4 missions, I believe are characters are only level 3) |
Oct 26, 2020 6:14 AM
Naomi Path She would answer his question from before as they walked into the room "mmm something less demanding than the obstacle course." she would say with a light laugh as they both noticed the other pair in the room. Max would then ask if she wanted to pick or he should, Naomi would take the initiative and look at the board to make a decision. "how do you feel about a treasure hunt? or maybe wildness survival training? neither seem too hard." she would say wondering what his input would be. @linette |
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Oct 26, 2020 4:04 PM
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet Morgan looked at the reward and said "Well, is either more experience to level up or a pet... I go with experience since I'm not a fan of pets" He wonder which one Sebastian would pick. @YuiHokuri, @Shitsuji-Carty |
Oct 28, 2020 6:32 AM
Naomi Path Naomi would nod to Max "yeah, that seems like a good choice, I don't really want to take care of a pet either. did you want to go right away?" she would ask him @linette |
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Oct 28, 2020 8:53 AM
Abigail Flohr "We can do both, I mean not like we have anywhere to be" She took the patrol the town poster from of the board. "This one is located in Avalonia. Its not to far from here, do you want to take a horse there or walk?" |
Oct 28, 2020 9:23 AM
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet He was tempted, but said with a smirk "I loved too, but I better fix Sebastian's attitude toward me. How about we go tomorrow?" Max smiled hopping the girl would understand and they could head together to the next training. @YuiHokuri, @Shitsuji-Carty |
Oct 28, 2020 10:40 AM
Anthony Atwater @sakura_megami Tony would nod to her "that's true, I'm sure they will be pretty easy too." he would watch as she would take the poster from the board and look it over for a moment before asking him a question. "hmm I'll say walk, we might discover something cool along the way and its cheaper." he would say with a silly grin as he prepared to follow Aby again. Naomi Path @linette Naomi would watch as the man debated what he wanted to do inside his head, but soon enough he made his decision with a smirk on his face. "hmmm alright, I don't mind taking it easy tonight. Good luck with Sebastian, I'll be hanging around somewhere." she would smile back at Max before preparing to leave the room. |
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Oct 28, 2020 1:55 PM
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet Max went with Naomi to walk back to the rooms while saying "Thank you for understanding, let's meet tomorrow on the Lounge to head over to the mission. Alright?" Smiles. @YuiHokuri, @Shitsuji-Carty |
Oct 29, 2020 6:25 AM
Naomi Path @linette Naomi would follow Max out of the room after they had decided on what they wanted to do, " It's no big deal you helped me out before too. Good luck with Sebastian." she would walk back to the dorm building with him. |
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Dec 3, 2020 5:35 PM
Caylee Banimura Caylee entered with Setsuko and said as they walk around the board with the different missions and trainings "In here you will be choosing what path to take to be able to earn experience and be able to unlock new abilities. Each one has a minimum level requirement, explanation of what we need to do and what you will earn from it" She actually looked around herself as she gave some time for Setsuko to look around and ask any question she might have @Summarill |
Dec 7, 2020 9:35 AM
Setsuko Himayori Setsuko would follow behind Caylee amazed by her surroundings she would look around gathering all the sites as she listened to Caylee's explanation. "There is definitely is a lot to pick from. I'm not sure I would even know where to start" She would say to Caylee as she looked over the board. |
Dec 9, 2020 2:00 PM
Caylee Banimura Caylee would listen to Setsuko, understanding that it might be a lot to take in. She would nod then said "Is understandable, I personally would only take into consideration the ones that you are able to do. The other ones should be put on hold since you have not reached that level. We both are Level 1 alumni, so our options would be: The Maze Runner, Obstacle Course, Wilderness Survival or Bounty Hunt for Ulster." She looked at Setsuko wondering if what she did made thing easier to understand or she made it more complicated. @Summarill |
Dec 12, 2020 1:10 PM
Setsuko Himayori Setsuko listened to Caylee's explanation and nodded while thinking which she would like to do the most. "Maze Runner sounds interesting but I would be up for a bounty hunt as well. What about you Caylee?" Setsuko would say smiling |
Dec 12, 2020 3:22 PM
Caylee Banimura Caylee waited until Setsuko came with her option. Then she ask which Caylee preferred. Caylee would answer "The Bounty Hunt for Ulster does sound more daring and interesting, but as a first experience I would go with the Obstacle Course. But, that's just me. Anyway, let's see where else I can take you" She wonder for a moment, then snap her fingers and said "How about we go pick your room next?" @Summarill |
Dec 22, 2020 3:33 AM
Setsuko Himayori Setsuko would listen to Caylee's Answer and then Nod as she would suggest heading to her room "Alrighty, That sounds good. Lead the way Senpai" Setsuko would say smiling as she giggled slightly and would then follow Caylee where she led. |
Jan 1, 2021 1:00 PM
Caylee Banimura Once Setsuko agreed to her idea, they went to the Lounge. @Summarill |
May 10, 2021 6:57 PM
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet Enters with Sebastian and showed him all the missions they could pick from. Then said "Take your time to look at all of them, then let me know" @YuiHokuri |
May 10, 2021 7:01 PM
May 10, 2021 7:10 PM
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet Max sigh and said "It's a level 4, I don't think Naomi or myself are there yet..." @YuiHokuri |
May 10, 2021 7:13 PM
May 10, 2021 7:35 PM
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet He nod and said "I think that one would work out, I'm level 3 so all we need to do is ask Naomi what level she is. If she is level 2 then we can go" Max smiled @YuiHokuri |
May 10, 2021 7:37 PM
May 10, 2021 7:46 PM
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet Max smiled then said in a teasing voice "Now, shall we head to the room?" He smirk @YuiHokuri |
May 10, 2021 7:49 PM
May 11, 2021 9:08 AM
Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet Once Sebastian agreed, Max would lead them to his room @YuiHokuri |
Jun 21, 2021 8:50 PM
Selena Powers: Fallen Feathers She shots out feathers of dark flames from her magic staff that attack the enemy. She can create up to ten feathers at a time. Selena would take the poster of A succubus to remember And take it to the head of the institute. She made sure he knew that both Sebastian and Elike would be taking care of this mission. |
Aug 29, 2021 10:38 AM
Elike Vancar Abilities: Demon Mask- 0/2 post use, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Fox Mask- 0/2 post used, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Monster Mask- 0/2 post used, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Shadow Mask- 0/2 post used, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Weapon: Compound Bow (0/16+ Arrows) Lifespan: 11/11 Ray Abilities: Flight- 0/2 post use, 0/3 cooldown. Ice shards- 0/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown. Increase sight- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Increase size and can carry you Elike entered with Sebastian and said after clapping his hands "Alright, let's look at our options" |
linetteSep 1, 2021 5:25 PM
Sep 2, 2021 11:08 AM
Sebastian Loui "What about the obstacle course, looks like a good warm up" |
Sep 2, 2021 2:42 PM
Elike Vancar Abilities: Demon Mask- 0/2 post use, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Fox Mask- 0/2 post used, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Monster Mask- 0/2 post used, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Shadow Mask- 0/2 post used, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Weapon: Compound Bow (0/16+ Arrows) Lifespan: 11/11 Ray Abilities: Flight- 0/2 post use, 0/3 cooldown. Ice shards- 0/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown. Increase sight- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Increase size and can carry you Elike frown and said unsure "Sounds childish... But I guess a simple one first won't hurt" |
Sep 2, 2021 3:14 PM
Sebastian Loui "well is is a warm, I feel like we should have done this a long time ago" the two would head to the obstacle course. |
Sep 2, 2021 3:38 PM
Morgan O'Kuki Enters with Sebastian and looks at the most easiest thing to do. Then says "So, either Wilderness Survival or Obstacle Course. What do you think?" |
Sep 2, 2021 3:39 PM
Mikaila Blossoms "I don't want to stay the night in a forest so obstacle course?" |
Sep 2, 2021 3:42 PM
Morgan O'Kuki He nod and headed toward the event. |
Sep 2, 2021 3:44 PM
Mikaila Blossoms The two would leave |
Sep 6, 2021 6:21 PM
Elike Vancar Abilities: Demon Mask- 0/2 post use, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Fox Mask- 0/2 post used, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Monster Mask- 0/2 post used, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Shadow Mask- 0/2 post used, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Weapon: Compound Bow (0/16+ Arrows) Lifespan: 11/11 Ray Abilities: Flight- 0/2 post use, 0/3 cooldown. Ice shards- 0/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown. Increase sight- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Increase size and can carry you Elike enters with Sebastian and goes through the list to see what they would pick. Finally he pointed to Dragonic Mountains and said "I pick this one" |
Sep 6, 2021 6:28 PM
Sebastian Loui "Dragons~ I actually like the idea of that. Lets go~" |
Sep 7, 2021 9:19 AM
Elike Vancar Abilities: Demon Mask- 0/2 post use, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Fox Mask- 0/2 post used, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Monster Mask- 0/2 post used, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Shadow Mask- 0/2 post used, 0/2 cooldown. Keeps form. Weapon: Compound Bow (0/16+ Arrows) Lifespan: 11/11 Ray Abilities: Flight- 0/2 post use, 0/3 cooldown. Ice shards- 0/1 post use, 0/3 post cooldown. Increase sight- 0/2 post use, 0/2 post cooldown. Increase size and can carry you Elike knew this could take them quite some time to complete, he glance at Sebastian and suggested "Well, we did the other event, so, we can call it a day and go tomorrow. Yeah?" |
Sep 7, 2021 10:16 AM
Sebastian Loui "Alright, let’s go get some rest so we can have a lot of energy tomorrow” |
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