siuol_sward said:In general, suffice it to say, anime has a blatant cultural distinction in relation to most of our backgrounds, and it's probable that many would be simply attracted to this medium by that simple fact. In addition, anime has this sense of exclusivity, anomalous to most other forms of entertainment. It could also easily be our barrier-transcending community, or maybe its just simply the bevy of seasonal shows that we receive every few months.
Regardless of what compels us, anime has become a source of entertainment for everyone in this MAL community, and has solidified itself as a medium that is here to stay.
just_momo18 said:Why I ended up with anime :
As entertainment, i do watch movies like life action one, western also eastern movies, meanwhile, I also enjoy animated movies, either American cartoon or Japanese anime, or whatever it is. By this case, I found the animated movies are more interesting. Mostly because there is a lot things you can't do in real life / real action movies, but you simply have it on cartoon, you can say for example like when Jerry hit Tom's finger with piano cover, makes his finger flat . I remember seeing similar scene by some comedy movie like "Man of The Mask" or what (i dont really remember what movie), but on this movie, it's just look 'unnatural'. Other example is for the character facial expressions, on cartoon, you can put your face however you want it to make it fit the scene, to look cool, funny, or whatever it is. On real-life movies, the expressions mostly limited to "Real Human Expression", I mean of course you can make a real-life movie of Luffy from One Piece, you can put his mouth as big as how it is in the anime, but probably i would find it weird.
Mr_Chr1s said:
I think the biggest reason I have been watching so much anime is how easy it is to find shows that are interesting. Since there's this community specifically centered around anime, I'm able to find lots of shows I find interesting just when people mention them. There isn't really a community focused on just western live action shows in which I could, for example, watch a video on one show and then in that same video learn about multiple other shows that do horror, or comedy, or drama, or something else similarly to the show I already watched.