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May 24, 2019 10:26 AM

Nov 2011
Lol, Sotoka and her ninja gimmick. She's so crafty with those paper shurikens.

Bocchi also trying to be friends with Kako? Ooh, that's not easy for her. Pretty amusing episode as usual.
May 24, 2019 12:42 PM

Apr 2016
Weak should fear the strong ... strong.
May 24, 2019 12:48 PM

Dec 2018
this really is this season's best show :3
May 24, 2019 1:01 PM

Aug 2013
Man, Bocchi's reactions are so funny.

May 24, 2019 1:14 PM

Apr 2019
Was the bit about Sotoka living alone and the scene at the end an anime original, or is that adapted from a later chapter? I know Aru's tennis match was adapted from Chapter 40 something so they might just be drawing from a future chapter, because the main plot is still in Vol 2
May 24, 2019 1:42 PM

Jul 2014
I thought the focus of the ep was gonna be about Sotoka, surprisingly it was mostly about Bocchi tryng to get close to Kako.
Kako's unexpectedly adorable as hell, more so than Bocchi's friends but still not as adorable as Bocchi, weird ideals tho but a very fun character nonetheless, loved her interactions with Bocchi, probably my favorite pair in the series as they're like polar opposites to each other.
Her last bit when remembering what Bocchi told her that and her giggle was adorable af!
Also Sotoka singing WAHAHA song!
Bocchi and Kako aside, that last part with Sotoka being alone and all 3 of her friends telling her "welcome home" was crazy touching... something like that may seem small but to someone who lives alone, that is one of the most helpful thing you can tell them.
Also, this ep had a massive amount of Bocchi reaction faces.

PS. Since Kako was a big part of the ep I thought we'd have her walking in the ED with the others as well since she also has a huge manga panel in the ED, sadly she still isn't in it, I wonder if she ever will.
May 24, 2019 2:05 PM

Apr 2012
By the way, no one knows, Bocchi and the girls from the Colors are in the same universe? Can I expect any cameo from them?
May 24, 2019 2:16 PM

Aug 2012
Life is filled with very, very high hurdles.
May 24, 2019 2:27 PM
Aug 2018
Ah the yuri bait, Sotoka also having a moment to shine
May 24, 2019 2:48 PM

Apr 2012
big_Tortoise said:
Ah the yuri bait, Sotoka also having a moment to shine

I doubt that you need to be gay to admire a person of your gender. Especially when it comes to Japan, where akogare traditions have a fairly long history in women's literature. The last thing that could safely be called "bait" was in the first episodes when Nako and Aru misunderstood the sudden "I love you" from Bocchi.
May 24, 2019 3:38 PM

Dec 2018
I have a bone to pick with you anime!!! After last week catastrophe witch was the worst cute girl show episode i have ever seen in my life!!!

To my surprise it starts well , my gorgeous waifu Sotoka always ease my anger and extreme irritation i feel against this anime!!! And my beautiful girl are very popular amongst the other girls!!!Yes,,, My girl are a mesmerising tall blonde stunning beast!! With deep shining glittering gorgeous blue eyes that can catch a soul!! And are projecting a very gentle and calm aura,, and she also have a easy friendly mind!! Combine with high social skills the girls flocks around her like love birds when she shows up for school!!! And the girls are doing everything in their power to gain her precious attention!!!! My girl probably also gets a lot of love letters from the random girls!!And do some lesbian kissing with them on the lunch break!! YES!!!

I think Sotoka should get her self a nice little girlfriend from her school !!! She is the most popular of girls in the school and the most beautiful!! She have a ton of girls that are romantic interested !!! And can get whoever she wants .So she should pick herself a nice girlfriend!!! Or two!!! Or four!!!!!!! If she wants!!!YES!! ,,,Take her/them home and show her/them some sweet intense lesbian kissing!!YES!!!. And then you don't need to be lonely anymore sweetheart!!

Great start anyhow my waifu should take up the majority of the screen time!!

And there is the ,,main girl!! Well i'm glad to see that she is not hospitalised after the diabolical savage horrifying attack last week!! Instead of letting her past teach her a valuable lesson and hinder her from continue this pointless foolish quest!! She sadly continue to play this sick game. And fails she cant even get a word out,,,poor thing,,, I guess this is some kind of traumatic effect after all the cruel ordeal she went through !!!! And i don't want anyone to fucking grab or pull Sotoka!! Leave her alone!!! And don't tell her what to do!!!! She outranks everything by a billion mile in this anime!! She is my waifu and a goddess, Only grabbing that shall occur most be of a lesbian sort!!!

Main girl get chased by random girl!! Girl and "my girl" is in hot pursuit!! Again the main girl have problem of finding her word!!!!!.Sotoka is a very kind soul and tries to help the main girl but again get intervene by lesser rank girl!!!!!,,,,That is not good for you little anime,,,,

Anime we need to have a little talk about ranks,,, you are a idiot! Random girl , girl , mc girl , or other girl . Are regular females and don't stand in my favour or have lost my favour !!!And there for lowest in rank!!!! Then we have my girl goddess or waifu !!Does females have the highest of rank and shall be obeyed at all time .If you want more points in the future you better learn this because you are stepping all over it at the moment!!! And you start to piss me off again!!!!

Sotoka Honey You don't need to repay anyone.You have behaved perfectly! And you should start to run from this sinking ship!!! This anime is to stupid to save it self from its own demise!!

But i admit that i enjoyed the scene when my girl got her ninja homework from the mc girl. My waifus eyes glitter of excitement i really like that!! If the main girl abandon this pointless aggravating meaningless task!!! Kai have demanded from her!! She can regain her title as my waifu but only under that condition!! And she need to cut off every bond she have with kai!! And tell her that her friendship are neither needed or welcome anymore!!!

It was better then the last episode!! Witch doesn't say shit because that was dreading disgusting and repugnant,,, From now own Sotoka shall "not" be bother at all!! She is my waifu and can do whatever she damn pleases!! And stop talking back to her!!!! Once again you fail,, you had 2/10 ,,,Pathetic,, You now have 1/10 Better yourself to next week i'm not impressed!!!

Yuri-CrusaderMay 26, 2019 11:29 PM
May 24, 2019 4:02 PM

Jan 2019
How can a little girl like Sotoka to live alone? Lol
May 24, 2019 4:56 PM

May 2017
This episode warmed my heart.

I've decided Sotoka is best girl.
May 24, 2019 6:36 PM

Oct 2014
The moment they use long shot for the frame when Sotoka says "I'm heading out." during the very first scene, I know this episode will be another very very good episode.
It's not just the material is good, the work of the anime staff have also been good since episode 1, and has been magnificent since like episode 5 (Aru's episode.)
Every single episode from Episode 5 have been my episode of the week.

And with how all the other "overhyped" anime from this season are going right now,
Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu is on a highway to become my top anime of this season.
It has this making of a top SOL anime. The only thing it needs now... is just more people to watch it.
(Something that is hard, bcs the mass are dumb. >_<)

tahikiry said:
How can a little girl like Sotoka to live alone? Lol

there are tons of those in JP. Yeah, the country has a very severe psychological problem in its society.
One that makes the problems in other countries (such as violence and racism) looks like child's play.
Revvie-chanMay 24, 2019 6:55 PM
May 24, 2019 7:29 PM

Nov 2018
Really good balance of Sotoka and Kurai in this episode, particularly for an episode where Sotoka's name is literally in the title.

One of the ideas the series seems to be getting at is that all of the non-Bocchi main characters are lonely in their own way, though obviously not to the extent that Bocchi is. Nako intimidates people around her without meaning to, Aru feels the need to hide her true self, Sotoka is living by herself in a foreign country, and Kurai believes that friends are a source of weakness. Without Bocchi in the picture, they would each be worse off. She's enriching their lives just as they're enriching hers, which is of course one of the basic definitions of friendship, but it's nice to see it illustrated so clearly here.

I still don't get what the big deal is about Sotoka being an apprentice/disciple and a friend of Bocchi at the same time. Yeah, it's another example of her taking the ninja thing way too seriously, but that doesn't mean the show has to take it seriously as well. Would be better if it were played for laughs, imo.

Nako is... really not athletic, is she. Just another thing Aru can laugh at her for.
May 24, 2019 8:22 PM

Jul 2016
Bocchi was extremely cute in this episode and that last scene with Sotca receiving those "Okaeri" messages was truly heartwarming to see.

Pretty decent episode overall.
May 24, 2019 9:21 PM
Jul 2018
Revvie-chan said:
The moment they use long shot for the frame when Sotoka says "I'm heading out." during the very first scene, I know this episode will be another very very good episode.
It's not just the material is good, the work of the anime staff have also been good since episode 1, and has been magnificent since like episode 5 (Aru's episode.)
Every single episode from Episode 5 have been my episode of the week.

And with how all the other "overhyped" anime from this season are going right now,
Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu is on a highway to become my top anime of this season.
It has this making of a top SOL anime. The only thing it needs now... is just more people to watch it.
(Something that is hard, bcs the mass are dumb. >_<)

tahikiry said:
How can a little girl like Sotoka to live alone? Lol

there are tons of those in JP. Yeah, the country has a very severe psychological problem in its society.
One that makes the problems in other countries (such as violence and racism) looks like child's play.
I don't understand why though. Homes like those are usually for not so privileged people. Did she come from Russia?
May 24, 2019 11:47 PM

Apr 2012
@anirudhtsuki It’s just cheap accommodation that you can easily rent for little money. Something like a slightly more serious version of the motels ... and where is Russia here, lol?
May 24, 2019 11:50 PM

Feb 2014
Nako sure is bad at athletics, but I couldn't help but laugh at her cute expression on her face when she was running, though. X3

This episode had a pretty strong balance of screentime for Sotoka and Kurai. Kurai's very serious about rules and discipline, but Bocchi is determined to become her friend either way.

Kurai's policy does have its glaring faults, though. Being strong gives her some good motivation and determination to do her role effectively, but not wanting to become friends with her other classmates is just inviting loneliness into her life and it will become a bigger problem for her in the future if she stays that way. Despite her policy, she still talked with Bocchi, smiled at one point during their conversation and in a later scene, after thinking about a funny moment of Bocchi, she laughed.

She either doesn't realise it yet or refuses to, but she's already one step close to becoming Bocchi's friend already. =)

As for Sotoka, it must be tough to be living in a foreign country at her age, and giving Bocchi some space so that she can focus on Kurai must've been tough for her. But Sotoka did well to hold back this time and the texts that she got from Nako, Aru and Bocchi was sweet. =3

Great episode once again from one of my favourite shows this season.
May 24, 2019 11:52 PM

Oct 2014
anirudhtsuki said:
Revvie-chan said:
The moment they use long shot for the frame when Sotoka says "I'm heading out." during the very first scene, I know this episode will be another very very good episode.
It's not just the material is good, the work of the anime staff have also been good since episode 1, and has been magnificent since like episode 5 (Aru's episode.)
Every single episode from Episode 5 have been my episode of the week.

And with how all the other "overhyped" anime from this season are going right now,
Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu is on a highway to become my top anime of this season.
It has this making of a top SOL anime. The only thing it needs now... is just more people to watch it.
(Something that is hard, bcs the mass are dumb. >_<)

there are tons of those in JP. Yeah, the country has a very severe psychological problem in its society.
One that makes the problems in other countries (such as violence and racism) looks like child's play.
I don't understand why though. Homes like those are usually for not so privileged people. Did she come from Russia?

Either Russia or some other western countries. She moved alone when young. Aru said so in Episode 4 (Sotoka introduction episode.)
She also has said that she has to learn ninjutsu bcs of "family circumstances."
They haven't explained what, but while Nako dismissed that as (probably) some stupid, laughable matter, it might actually be something serious for her.

So yeah, she doesn't have a ton fck of money. She probably pays the rent with social security money or some sort. (I don't know if Japan has those or not.)
Revvie-chanMay 24, 2019 11:55 PM
May 25, 2019 12:33 AM

Jul 2014
Kako had a "dark past" since its the pun of her name, Kurai Kako means dark past so she most likely had some dark stuffs happen with her friends hence the policy she now has... at some later date I hope we get to see that dark past of her's.
About Sotoka living alone, rather than using the word majority, its the norm in Japan to live independently at a young age, yeah.. Japan, they're not big on relying in their families etc. while some might say thats praiseworthy.. for me and some thats actually sad, as cliche and cheesy as it may sound, family is important.

Like some has already said, the directing of this anime is amazing, the spotlights from Bocchi and Kako, going to Nako and Sotoka and then to Aru and Yamada felt so natural, like nothing feels off from their actions and interactions, the consistency from every part and dynamic is impressive.
Its like this show being a CGDCT is just a facade from its amazing direction, story, problems and relationships.
May 25, 2019 1:04 AM
Jul 2018
i know this anime is supposed to be wholesome but i think i need to post this

dont blame me, blame the animators. this shot is non-canon

May 25, 2019 1:14 AM
May 2017
-Stray said:
I thought the focus of the ep was gonna be about Sotoka, surprisingly it was mostly about Bocchi tryng to get close to Kako.
Kako's unexpectedly adorable as hell, more so than Bocchi's friends but still not as adorable as Bocchi, weird ideals tho but a very fun character nonetheless, loved her interactions with Bocchi, probably my favorite pair in the series as they're like polar opposites to each other.
Her last bit when remembering what Bocchi told her that and her giggle was adorable af!
Also Sotoka singing WAHAHA song!
Bocchi and Kako aside, that last part with Sotoka being alone and all 3 of her friends telling her "welcome home" was crazy touching... something like that may seem small but to someone who lives alone, that is one of the most helpful thing you can tell them.
Also, this ep had a massive amount of Bocchi reaction faces.

PS. Since Kako was a big part of the ep I thought we'd have her walking in the ED with the others as well since she also has a huge manga panel in the ED, sadly she still isn't in it, I wonder if she ever will.

Well, the reason she doesn't appear in the ED because she's not officially part of Bocchi's gang yet, that will be WAY later in the manga.
But still, she could be in the ED sometimes around ep 10-12, I could be wrong though...
May 25, 2019 1:17 AM
May 2017
Yuri-Crusader said:
I have a bone to pick with you anime!!! After last week catastrophe witch was the worst cute girl show episode i have ever seen in my life!!!

To my surprise it starts well , my gorgeous waifu Sotoka always ease my anger and extreme irritation i feel against this anime!!! And my beautiful girl are very popular amongst the other girls!!!Yes,,, My girl are a mesmerising tall blonde stunning beast!! With deep shining glittering gorgeous blue eyes that can catch a soul!! And are projecting a very gentle and calm aura,, and she also have a easy friendly mind!! Combine with high social skills the girls flocks around her like love birds when she shows up for school!!! And the girls are doing everything in their power to gain her precious attention!!!! My girl probably also gets a lot of love letters from the random girls!!And do some lesbian kissing with them on the lunch break!! YES!!! Great start my waifu should take up the majority of the screen time!!

And there is the ,,main girl!! Well i'm glad to see that she is not hospitalised after the diabolical savage horrifying attack!!! From the demon girl kais last sick attempt to break down her psychic!!!! Instead of letting her past teach her a valuable lesson and hinder her from continue this pointless quest!! She sadly continue to play the sick game that abusive monster kai putting her thru .And fails she cant even get a word out,,,poor thing,,, I guess this is some kind of traumatic effect after all the psychologically abusive!!!! And i don't want anyone to fucking grab or pull Sotoka!! Leave her alone you buffoon!!! , And don't tell her what to do!!!! She outranks everything by a billion mile in this anime!! She is my waifu and a goddess, Only grabbing that shall occur most be of a lesbian sort!!!

Main girl get chased by random girl!! Girl and "my girl" is in hot pursuit!! Again the main girl have problem of finding her word!!!!!.Sotoka is a very kind soul and tries to help the main girl but again get intervene by lesser rank girl!!!!!,,,,That is not good for you little anime,,,,Instead i suggest the girls can have some lesbian fun!!!

Anime we need to have a little talk about ranks,,, you are a idiot! Random girl , girl , mc girl , or other girl . Are regular females and don't stand in my favour or have lost my favour !!!And there for lowest in rank!!!! Then we have my girl goddess or waifu !! does females have the highest of rank and shall be obeyed at all time .If you want more points in the future you better learn this because you are stepping all over it at the moment!!! And you start to piss me off again!!!!

Sotoka Honey You don't need to repay anyone.You have behaved perfectly! And you should start to run from this sinking ship!!! This anime is to stupid to save it self from its own demise!!

It was better then the last episode!! Witch doesn't say shit because that was dreading disgusting and repugnant,,, From now own Sotoka shall "not" be bother at all!! She is my waifu and can do whatever she damn pleases!! And stop talking back to her!!!! Once again you fail,, you had 2/10 ,,,pathetic,, You now have 1/10 Better yourself to next week i'm not impressed!!!

Okay... calm yourself down, wtf.
May 25, 2019 2:29 AM

Jul 2014
Kotarou21 said:
-Stray said:
I thought the focus of the ep was gonna be about Sotoka, surprisingly it was mostly about Bocchi tryng to get close to Kako.
Kako's unexpectedly adorable as hell, more so than Bocchi's friends but still not as adorable as Bocchi, weird ideals tho but a very fun character nonetheless, loved her interactions with Bocchi, probably my favorite pair in the series as they're like polar opposites to each other.
Her last bit when remembering what Bocchi told her that and her giggle was adorable af!
Also Sotoka singing WAHAHA song!
Bocchi and Kako aside, that last part with Sotoka being alone and all 3 of her friends telling her "welcome home" was crazy touching... something like that may seem small but to someone who lives alone, that is one of the most helpful thing you can tell them.
Also, this ep had a massive amount of Bocchi reaction faces.

PS. Since Kako was a big part of the ep I thought we'd have her walking in the ED with the others as well since she also has a huge manga panel in the ED, sadly she still isn't in it, I wonder if she ever will.

Well, the reason she doesn't appear in the ED because she's not officially part of Bocchi's gang yet, that will be WAY later in the manga.
But still, she could be in the ED sometimes around ep 10-12, I could be wrong though...

I hope so, wonder if she'll be walking along with them or she's like separated slightly from them. There's a chance they could adapt that part, I heard from some manga readers that they took a huge jump on ep 5 with Aru's ep.
May 25, 2019 3:48 AM
Jun 2017
the story focus on Bocchi, kirai and sokota... a NO FRIEND POLICY... that sure is a hard one, as its hard to be alone.... anyways in regards to bocchi she pick the hard route this time. lets see if she can be friends with that girl...
May 25, 2019 5:18 AM

Jun 2015
RobertBobert said:
By the way, no one knows, Bocchi and the girls from the Colors are in the same universe? Can I expect any cameo from them?

it was not a cameo of the character from Mitsuboshi Colors, but i noticed the bakery they showed near the end of ep1. One of the character from Mitsuboshi Colors runs a bakery right?

May 25, 2019 5:32 AM

Oct 2007
Hmm, Sotoka lives alone? She should invite them to her house every now and then, so she won't feel so lonely. Nice texts from everyone when she got home.

Bocchi trying to be "strong" is kawaii, also when she was cornered. :p
Kurai is the more difficult than the first three.. I wonder how Bocchi can do the befriending?
May 25, 2019 6:01 AM

Apr 2012
ZickZack said:
RobertBobert said:
By the way, no one knows, Bocchi and the girls from the Colors are in the same universe? Can I expect any cameo from them?

it was not a cameo of the character from Mitsuboshi Colors, but i noticed the bakery they showed near the end of ep1. One of the character from Mitsuboshi Colors runs a bakery right?

Wow, I didn't pay attention to it. Thank!
May 25, 2019 7:17 AM

Nov 2017
I bet Nako said yes to that Shuriken so she can throw is at Aru
That Kurai-san, its Kurai-chan I bet. She looks exactly the same except different hair color, and the hair antenne she keeps down with that black thing on her head.
I also want more teacher. In fact I want that teacher to have an anime of her own. With Nako chan as a co main character.

I disagree!

Mod edit: one screenshot per post
BarnaldMay 29, 2019 7:06 AM
May 25, 2019 7:50 AM

Apr 2013

How do they keep making best girl better every episode?
May 25, 2019 8:11 AM

Oct 2012
ZickZack said:
RobertBobert said:
By the way, no one knows, Bocchi and the girls from the Colors are in the same universe? Can I expect any cameo from them?

it was not a cameo of the character from Mitsuboshi Colors, but i noticed the bakery they showed near the end of ep1. One of the character from Mitsuboshi Colors runs a bakery right?

Did you notice the "Three-star" on Sotoka's phone screen as well?
May 25, 2019 8:47 AM
Jan 2018
Wonder if she will talk to Hana soon
May 25, 2019 9:39 AM

May 2018
The ending OMG, this group is awesome, they know how to treat a friend who lives alone, even if just saying welcome home.

This new girl catch my interest. Well, I can say she will befriend with Bocchi's gang later because come on, even strong person also need someone. She is actually cute, and can be friendly too.

024 said:

That Kurai-san, its Kurai-chan I bet. She looks exactly the same except different hair color, and the hair antenne she keeps down with that black thing on her head.

I actually almost falsely recognize Kurai-san in the OP as Kai-chan, because of their similiar hairstyle.
May 25, 2019 11:17 AM

Nov 2018
Great episode, specially the partwhere satoka received the messages.
pretty wholesome heartwarming
May 25, 2019 11:24 AM

Jul 2014
Kurai seems like she's going to make an interesting addition to the cast, though I'm more interested in seeing if Bocchi can actually befriend her despite her insistence on being strong and having no friends (which doesn't make much sense without context, really, but I'm sure that's coming at some point too). The focus on Sotoka was nice too, fleshing her out a bit more and showing that she isn't just about ninjas (though she mostly is).
May 25, 2019 1:45 PM

Apr 2015
this is my weekly dose of wholesomeness
May 25, 2019 7:56 PM

Jun 2015
MisterTimor said:
ZickZack said:

it was not a cameo of the character from Mitsuboshi Colors, but i noticed the bakery they showed near the end of ep1. One of the character from Mitsuboshi Colors runs a bakery right?

Did you notice the "Three-star" on Sotoka's phone screen as well?

oh you're right, i didn't notice. nice catch
May 25, 2019 7:58 PM
Mar 2015
Loved the welcome they all gave to Sotoka at the end so that she would not feel lonely
May 25, 2019 8:26 PM

Oct 2008
I guess Kako has her own pride on standing-up for herself being strong or whatnot...

May 25, 2019 9:35 PM

Sep 2016
I really need someone like Kako to remind my hunchback 24/7
May 26, 2019 9:12 AM

Nov 2014
Such a nice episode, especially after last week's one. Funny but also kinda touching.
May 26, 2019 12:49 PM

Jul 2014
All the girls are so adorable, extra points to Kurai for having the same seiyuu of Ichigo from DitF... that laugh in the end was too cute.

The last scene with those texts to Sotoka welcoming her home was super sweet.
SkyLETVMay 26, 2019 7:12 PM
May 26, 2019 5:39 PM

Oct 2015
I love Bocchi's new friend, but damn! Is she tough, guess that's why she didn't want friends in the first place, to be this strong.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

May 26, 2019 6:31 PM
Jan 2019
1.I am surprised to see that Sotoka lives completely alone. And his parents?
2.After 11 minutes, I realized that the seiyuu of Kurai, of the Disciplinary Committee, is the same one that gives voice to Ichigo in Darling in the Franxx ๐Ÿ˜….
3. Hahaha, I can not believe that Nako is so bad in sports ๐Ÿ˜‚.
May 26, 2019 11:21 PM

Mar 2018
Good episode, I didn't know Kurai had the same VA as Ichigo from DitF and I see that as funny because she actually has more plot than Ichigo (lol), looking forward to her interactions with Bocchi and her gang... Also, missed the teacher this ep.

Yuri-Crusader said:
I have a bone to pick with you anime!!! After last week catastrophe witch was the worst cute girl show episode i have ever seen in my life!!!

To my surprise it starts well , my gorgeous waifu Sotoka always ease my anger and extreme irritation i feel against this anime!!! And my beautiful girl are very popular amongst the other girls!!!Yes,,, My girl are a mesmerising tall blonde stunning beast!! With deep shining glittering gorgeous blue eyes that can catch a soul!! And are projecting a very gentle and calm aura,, and she also have a easy friendly mind!! Combine with high social skills the girls flocks around her like love birds when she shows up for school!!! And the girls are doing everything in their power to gain her precious attention!!!! My girl probably also gets a lot of love letters from the random girls!!And do some lesbian kissing with them on the lunch break!! YES!!!

I think Sotoka should get her self a nice little girlfriend from her school !!! She is the most popular of girls in the school and the most beautiful!! She have a ton of girls that are romantic interested !!! And can get whoever she wants .So she should pick herself a nice girlfriend!!! Or two!!! Or four!!!!!!! If she wants!!!YES!! ,,,Take her/them home and show her/them some sweet intense lesbian fun!!YES!!!. And then you don't need to be lonely anymore sweetheart!!

Great start anyhow my waifu should take up the majority of the screen time!!

And there is the ,,main girl!! Well i'm glad to see that she is not hospitalised after the diabolical savage horrifying attack last week!! Instead of letting her past teach her a valuable lesson and hinder her from continue this pointless foolish quest!! She sadly continue to play this sick game. And fails she cant even get a word out,,,poor thing,,, I guess this is some kind of traumatic effect after all the cruel ordeal she went through !!!! And i don't want anyone to fucking grab or pull Sotoka!! Leave her alone!!! And don't tell her what to do!!!! She outranks everything by a billion mile in this anime!! She is my waifu and a goddess, Only grabbing that shall occur most be of a lesbian sort!!!

Main girl get chased by random girl!! Girl and "my girl" is in hot pursuit!! Again the main girl have problem of finding her word!!!!!.Sotoka is a very kind soul and tries to help the main girl but again get intervene by lesser rank girl!!!!!,,,,That is not good for you little anime,,,,

Anime we need to have a little talk about ranks,,, you are a idiot! Random girl , girl , mc girl , or other girl . Are regular females and don't stand in my favour or have lost my favour !!!And there for lowest in rank!!!! Then we have my girl goddess or waifu !!Does females have the highest of rank and shall be obeyed at all time .If you want more points in the future you better learn this because you are stepping all over it at the moment!!! And you start to piss me off again!!!!

Sotoka Honey You don't need to repay anyone.You have behaved perfectly! And you should start to run from this sinking ship!!! This anime is to stupid to save it self from its own demise!!

But i admit that i enjoyed the scene when my girl got her ninja homework from the mc girl. My waifus eyes glitter of excitement i really like that!! If the main girl abandon this pointless aggravating meaningless task!!! Kai have demanded from her!! She can regain her title as my waifu but only under that condition!! And she need to cut off every bond she have with kai!! And tell her that her friendship are neither needed or welcome anymore!!!

It was better then the last episode!! Witch doesn't say shit because that was dreading disgusting and repugnant,,, From now own Sotoka shall "not" be bother at all!! She is my waifu and can do whatever she damn pleases!! And stop talking back to her!!!! Once again you fail,, you had 2/10 ,,,Pathetic,, You now have 1/10 Better yourself to next week i'm not impressed!!!

Please, stop giving a bad name to us yuri shippers and realize that this is just a show (at least change your username to "Super Ranting Bro" or something lol).

Revvie-chan said:
anirudhtsuki said:
I don't understand why though. Homes like those are usually for not so privileged people. Did she come from Russia?

Either Russia or some other western countries. She moved alone when young. Aru said so in Episode 4 (Sotoka introduction episode.)
She also has said that she has to learn ninjutsu bcs of "family circumstances."
They haven't explained what, but while Nako dismissed that as (probably) some stupid, laughable matter, it might actually be something serious for her.

So yeah, she doesn't have a ton fck of money. She probably pays the rent with social security money or some sort. (I don't know if Japan has those or not.)

Might be from England, that's my guess at least given the fact that they decided to use "Drink Bar" on the 7th episode which was said in english, I see that as fitting (because for some reason english people in anime tend to be super blonde).
One day I'll be active here, in the mean time I'll keep track of what I watch offline ๐Ÿ˜…
May 27, 2019 1:42 AM

Oct 2017
It was nice of everyone to text Sotoka when she returned home.
May 27, 2019 6:16 AM

Oct 2012
GranSaiyaman said:
Good episode, I didn't know Kurai had the same VA as Ichigo from DitF and I see that as funny because she actually has more plot than Ichigo (lol), looking forward to her interactions with Bocchi and her gang... Also, missed the teacher this ep.

Yuri-Crusader said:
I have a bone to pick with you anime!!! After last week catastrophe witch was the worst cute girl show episode i have ever seen in my life!!!

To my surprise it starts well , my gorgeous waifu Sotoka always ease my anger and extreme irritation i feel against this anime!!! And my beautiful girl are very popular amongst the other girls!!!Yes,,, My girl are a mesmerising tall blonde stunning beast!! With deep shining glittering gorgeous blue eyes that can catch a soul!! And are projecting a very gentle and calm aura,, and she also have a easy friendly mind!! Combine with high social skills the girls flocks around her like love birds when she shows up for school!!! And the girls are doing everything in their power to gain her precious attention!!!! My girl probably also gets a lot of love letters from the random girls!!And do some lesbian kissing with them on the lunch break!! YES!!!

I think Sotoka should get her self a nice little girlfriend from her school !!! She is the most popular of girls in the school and the most beautiful!! She have a ton of girls that are romantic interested !!! And can get whoever she wants .So she should pick herself a nice girlfriend!!! Or two!!! Or four!!!!!!! If she wants!!!YES!! ,,,Take her/them home and show her/them some sweet intense lesbian fun!!YES!!!. And then you don't need to be lonely anymore sweetheart!!

Great start anyhow my waifu should take up the majority of the screen time!!

And there is the ,,main girl!! Well i'm glad to see that she is not hospitalised after the diabolical savage horrifying attack last week!! Instead of letting her past teach her a valuable lesson and hinder her from continue this pointless foolish quest!! She sadly continue to play this sick game. And fails she cant even get a word out,,,poor thing,,, I guess this is some kind of traumatic effect after all the cruel ordeal she went through !!!! And i don't want anyone to fucking grab or pull Sotoka!! Leave her alone!!! And don't tell her what to do!!!! She outranks everything by a billion mile in this anime!! She is my waifu and a goddess, Only grabbing that shall occur most be of a lesbian sort!!!

Main girl get chased by random girl!! Girl and "my girl" is in hot pursuit!! Again the main girl have problem of finding her word!!!!!.Sotoka is a very kind soul and tries to help the main girl but again get intervene by lesser rank girl!!!!!,,,,That is not good for you little anime,,,,

Anime we need to have a little talk about ranks,,, you are a idiot! Random girl , girl , mc girl , or other girl . Are regular females and don't stand in my favour or have lost my favour !!!And there for lowest in rank!!!! Then we have my girl goddess or waifu !!Does females have the highest of rank and shall be obeyed at all time .If you want more points in the future you better learn this because you are stepping all over it at the moment!!! And you start to piss me off again!!!!

Sotoka Honey You don't need to repay anyone.You have behaved perfectly! And you should start to run from this sinking ship!!! This anime is to stupid to save it self from its own demise!!

But i admit that i enjoyed the scene when my girl got her ninja homework from the mc girl. My waifus eyes glitter of excitement i really like that!! If the main girl abandon this pointless aggravating meaningless task!!! Kai have demanded from her!! She can regain her title as my waifu but only under that condition!! And she need to cut off every bond she have with kai!! And tell her that her friendship are neither needed or welcome anymore!!!

It was better then the last episode!! Witch doesn't say shit because that was dreading disgusting and repugnant,,, From now own Sotoka shall "not" be bother at all!! She is my waifu and can do whatever she damn pleases!! And stop talking back to her!!!! Once again you fail,, you had 2/10 ,,,Pathetic,, You now have 1/10 Better yourself to next week i'm not impressed!!!

Please, stop giving a bad name to us yuri shippers and realize that this is just a show (at least change your username to "Super Ranting Bro" or something lol).

Revvie-chan said:

Either Russia or some other western countries. She moved alone when young. Aru said so in Episode 4 (Sotoka introduction episode.)
She also has said that she has to learn ninjutsu bcs of "family circumstances."
They haven't explained what, but while Nako dismissed that as (probably) some stupid, laughable matter, it might actually be something serious for her.

So yeah, she doesn't have a ton fck of money. She probably pays the rent with social security money or some sort. (I don't know if Japan has those or not.)

Might be from England, that's my guess at least given the fact that they decided to use "Drink Bar" on the 7th episode which was said in english, I see that as fitting (because for some reason english people in anime tend to be super blonde).

You mean she's the spiritual successor to Ana Coppola?
May 27, 2019 7:25 AM

Feb 2014
"The loneliest people are the kindest and the saddest people smile the brightest."

Sotoka is indeed the most strong character in this premise.
May 27, 2019 2:08 PM

Jun 2015
It’s official, sotoka best girl
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