Oh boy... I feel like this one will be mostly be adoring some of the new cast, but whatever.
The current arc emphasis heavily on Naofumi build his "army", rebuilding Raphtalia's village so she can live in peace after he is gone, and this is a trend that continues at least till vol12 as far as I have read.
I feel like some people will give it shit cuz the wave is taking so long to happen (recall it was 3 months), but I dont mind the current status quo, my love for the series always spawn from his huge roots in what is a RPG, not the waves themselves, so I right into all of this slow building of one's forces and getting new allies (guess that means I will fancy reading Overlord alot one day).
Now on the main attraction...
I had anticipated Atla's introduction for awhile now, even dreaded liking her, knowing some naughty spoilers I shouldnt, but fuck that.
I have no problem admiting that what allured me to the series in the first place was a MC getting a slave, then caring off and raising her, it is something you dont see much in stories and it was done really well, and was just sweet to read.
WHILE in Atla's case it happened much faster, it was noneless really charming to see, sure she being blind can be cheating, but in a whole she is a really adorable girl to read about, and has alot of potential.
In particular it struck to me how she said she was planning on being the shield that shields the shield itself, which I know will go to certain places later on in the plot.
Can already see some people complaining about her being needy, but I found it cute, this is a fictional story, and for every hater, I m sure that will be people that really give her some love alright.
Poor brother though, he raised her, but now she has surely overgrown him, and well...
Atla is the higlight on the volume for me, and I probably like her almost have much Talia (and can already foresee quite a rivalry there~).
Needless to say, it didnt take long to unreveal the whole mystery with Murder Pierrot... and Syne does proof herself to be worth her salt later on, there is ALOT of potential there, that I m hoping the writter to focus on also later on, I definitly want to see more of her character.
But that also takes me to the most cringy and annoying part of the vol11.
The fucking assassins from another world, I will resume all of the encounters with them, as cheap as hell, they have to be one of the most hateable cast so far in the series, and I m glad Motoyasu managed to get rid of trash like that in end, I didnt mind that much Ren being an asshole and all that retarded BS, but these dudes, you just even didnt know their names at all, it was introduced IMO forcefully to have a clear villain and someone you would hate this volume, the villain of the volume I would say... Kyo was a much better villain than these assholes, good fucking ridance!
Motoyasu and Ren, both go through some changes here... I never actually hated the heroes, they where just immature selfish people that needed a reality check, and Ren does get his here.
As for Motoyasu, I dig the comedic turn it take but I have mixed feelings, it just seems kinda lazy and wasted turning the Spear Hero into a Filo and Filolials stalker, that calls all woman pig (his cursed gear makes all woman appear like pigs to him)... besides Temptation as a skill?!
Surely it does suit him to a certain extent but and this got me off guard, I though all curse series would be really dark and dangerous like Naofumi's Wrath, and Motoyasu, just feel a bit of a joke.
He has potential, and I dont want to end him seeing down the line as the comedic relief sort of Hero, but that seems that is what he will end up as.
At least he now follow Naofumi orders to a degree (Father, loool) and will prove very usefull of the incoming waves (now we just need to see Ren getting there too).
Some more Atla loving~~
Gotta say I have a thing for how her hair is, really nice spin with the black and white going, tiger people where never this cute!
I m doubtfull if we will ever see the anime adapt to this point, but if the manga did so, I would already be plenty happy with it.
PS: Dont search for her name or pictures of her via google, you might end up severly spoiled, this is true to some cast here, and on other series, but noneless, you have been warned.