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Jan 29, 2019 1:53 PM
Aug 2014
Valindral Plaza
The main plaza in the city of plants.

Directly behind Valindral's gates lies the central plaza, a place from where you can see the many different plant-covered buildings. As a city that is mostly populated by halflings and elves, the abundance of overgrowth is treasured through-out the city.
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Jan 30, 2019 1:49 AM
Aug 2014
Lennah Chares
Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: Warden's staff

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

It seemed like the oddly dressed elf like Lennah was one to think so was a bit of a trouble-maker, although she toned down her choice of words. All four of the SOULs had chosen to stick around, so Lennah had soon lead them into the Plaza. Slowing down a bit to let them take in the city, she lead them up some stairs, around some corners, and eventually into a small café, of which the interior looked about the same as the exterior of the plaza itself.

“This is the place. The tea here is the best in the country, if you were to ask me. I won't even have to recommend anything, as they've got just about any type of tea you can think of, and they're all great.” Lennah was quite fond of tea, if that wasn't clear yet. Once their group had settled down at one of the few tables big enough to have all eight of them sit at it, they'd soon be able to order, as a rather old lady, even by Elven standards, approached their table with a sheet of paper, ink and a quill. It seemed like the owner was about as old as she was old-fashioned. “I'll have some earl-grey, please.”

Celestia Mayer von Rothschild
Health: 400
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: None

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

Celestia, now back to health, had followed Lennah whilst replying to the remaining SOULs. The first was Eukina. “Thank you for the offer, but talking with a middle-man doesn't seem as effective. Who knows, maybe we'll meet again in the future.” For now, she didn't feel like using Eukina as a messenger to keep talking with Lysett. Arona was next. “Sure, ask away. It's always nice when people show interest in our work.” The other two didn't say something that warranted a reply, other than the somewhat odd choice of the Divine to stay, considering it felt like the teleportation Elf had been the only reason the Divine had been around up until now.

Once they entered the café, Celestia decided to go with the 'safe' option, saying “For me as well, please.” after Lennah ordered Earl Grey. She didn't feel like trying out anything new.

Asha Roux
Health: 95
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: A slightly less stuffed backpack.

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

Asha happily said “Thanks!” after getting the number of her knight in shiny armour. There wasn't much else to say to anyone, for now, so she remained silent until it was time to order tea. “Sweet tea, please!” Continuing her sweet-tooth line, she ordered the sweetest looking type of tea on the menu. The kind that'd make your teeth jump out of your mouth.

Hallessena Abaddon
Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: Chainsaw

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

Considering nobody had spoken to her, she remained silent, but it was clear she was still mad about Melkar getting away. When ordering tea, she kept it at a short “I'll have the usual.” which would turn out to be a type of dark milk-tea.
ElvarioJan 30, 2019 9:20 AM
Jan 30, 2019 6:27 AM

Dec 2011

Health: 100 / 100
Prana: ??? / 250
Stamina: 100 / 100
Barrier: 60 / 60
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Appearence: Wearing Dragon horns and a tail. Also very wet, but drying off.
Skills Active: Conservation (PermanentSPELLs require 85% Prana Costs), Static Charge

Eukina Watashi

Health: 150 / 150
Prana: ??? / 150
Stamina: 150 / 150
AG Status: Bow / Dagger
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Eagle Eye

Celestia didn't want to use a middleman to talk, so Eukina wouldn't be able to converse with Celestia. So it seemed her time here in this city was up, and Eukina had nothing to do. However, there was still one thing left to ask Celestia.

As they made their way to the tea shop, Arona and Eukina glanced around the city, taking in its sights and granduer. When they got to the cafe, Arona got up next to Eukina, and bumped butts, literally, with her in a nonchalant way, making sure she sat down where she wanted her to. Eukina didn't take notice of it, except to be annoyed by it, "Could you please refrain from doing that?" And after she sat down, noticed she was sitting next to Edward. Eukina looked away from him, and ordered the same thing the others did, "E-Earl Grey please..." As she wasn't very much a tea person, but still wanted to try it.

Afterwards, Eukina cleared her throat, then addressed Celestia, "Excuse me Celestia, do you still happen to have the items I gave you?"

Arona, after bumping butts with Eukina, went to go sit down by Lucia, giggling and wiggling her fingers at her, while whispering to her, "Just so you have some company dear~." Arona, going for a more classy approach with teas, told the attendent, "I'll have what she's having~." Pointing to Hallessena. Afterward, Arona said to her and Lennah both, "Excuse me if I've forgotten it in all the excitement, but what are the both of your names? Mine is Arona~." She asked, to which Eukina realized she also didn't introduce herself and stated, "Oh, mine is Eukina..."

Afterwards, Arona leaned forwards on the table, and smiled at the grumpy looking lady, and if she introduced herself she would reference her by name, but if not would only use 'darling' "So Hallenssena~, what is that creature we had to fight off called~? It seemed much more intelligent than any other monster I've ever found in my travels. If only that weren't the case, as I've yet to meet a dragon... Anyways~, what can you tell me about him, how long has he been alive, and whatnot, can I join in your crusade to take him down if I ever get stronger~." And afterwards, Arona would answer the questions to her reply if she had any, then turned to Celestia to give her some love to talk to her.

"Celestia dear, I know this is an obvious answer-" Arona said, leaning in closer and smirking, "But what do you think of the Pro-Human Alliance, who I have had the displeasure of meeting one of their members, who said that their interests align with yours. They say, and I quote, "We want equality as much as The Progressive Unholy Society does and we will not stop at anything to- aaaaaaaaH gurgle gurgle..." I added that last part because they were about to off a good friend of mine, and unlike me they can't take death very well..." Arona said, pouting and looking another way, "I don't hate very many things, but I hate that so-called alliance. They killed so many of my friends even when they thought they were safe within Elven towns..."
Jan 30, 2019 1:36 PM
Jan 2015
Lucia Flores
Health: 124/150
Prana: 35/170
Stamina: 85/100
AG: 10/30
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Sacred Wings (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Angelic Vision (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)
Edward Durand
Health: 109/200
Prana: 25/130
Stamina: 60/100
Shield: Desummoned
Sword: Destroyed
Current Status: +1 Vitality
Skills Active: Master Guard (Passive), Iron Guard (Passive), Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Knight Honor (+1 Vitality)

After leaving the walls and heading down numerous stairs, the group eventually made it to some kind of cafe where they served tea. Lucia ended up sitting next to Arona, while Edward was next to Eukina, who kept looking away from him for some reason. It made him wonder about what Arona said...

When it was time to choose what kind of tea they'd have, Edward just went with the one most of the others picked, even though he'd never heard of "Earl Grey" before. "I'll have that too." Lucia went with the other one for some reason, picking the same as the maid. "I'd like some sweet tea as well..." She wasn't really here for the tea, but found that it was high quality just like Lennah said. It helped make this awkward conversation just a little easier for her.

The first one to talk a lot was Arona, who asked about some "Pro-Human Alliance". Lucia and Edward had both never heard of it before due to being from the past, but it seemed pretty obvious what the answer was after she went into more detail. This group said it had goals aligning with the 'Progressive Unholy Society' Celestia was in, and it seemed like they were among the humans that hated elves based on what Arona said, even willing to resort to murder for 'equality'. "That's awful..." Considering she was friends with an elf in this life and had been allied with them in her past life, it bothered her more than a little. If they really did align with Celestia's group, then Lucia was already regretting helping...

They had also received a message from Ciela listing their rewards, which were quite high compared to past missions, with Eukina receiving the most due to her exploration and combat effectiveness. Edward knew he still had room to improve, since even if their mission was a success he had still died, and his defenses weren't effective enough against some of the enemies...Not having much to add to the main conversation, he decided to talk to Eukina about the mission instead.

"It seems you performed the best in this mission...What do you think I could improve on? I would rather not make a habit out of dying..."

Even if it was better to die than let someone more vulnerable be killed, he'd prefer a better outcome where no one died if it was possible. Although was immortal now, death was still a painful experience that he would rather avoid.
Jan 31, 2019 1:58 AM
Aug 2014
Celestia Mayer von Rothschild
Health: 400
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: None

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

As the tea was brought in, and slowly (but steadily) placed in front of those whom had ordered it, Eukina asked her a question. “No, I gave them to Lysett.” It meant that they'd be somewhere in that cursed swamp right now, or in the stomach of some calamity seed. In either case, they'd be pretty lost.

Arona, on the other hand, forced me to read up on lore, had a question about the Pro-Human Alliance. “Those fools don't even deserve mentioning.” Celestia would cut Arona off after she mentioned the name, but if Arona would insist on continuing her sentence, Celestia would later add; “They're the cheapest cover for racism and terrible hate-crimes, nothing more, nothing less.”

Hallessena Abaddon
Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: Chainsaw

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

It seemed like two out of the four SOULs wish to introduce themselves properly. “Hallessena Abaddon.” She said, before sipping from her tea. However, it seemed like she had to answer some questions. “He's called Melkar. Some even refer to him as the Marsh King, although I'd rather call him a demon. He's been around for...” She tried to recall, but couldn't.

Lennah Chares
Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: Warden's staff

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

“We're not sure, as we haven't been able to figure out what he evolved from. In his current form, he's been around for less than a year. However, he managed to get the smaller calamity seeds under his control in that year, and with how well he commanded them just now, I fear we'll have to ask Astraea for help to exterminate him, before he decides to gather an army and leave the marshes. We'll probably need everyone we can get when that happens.”

Having explained the situation, so could take some time to drink her tea. That said, she couldn't refrain from adding Celestia's remark about the Pro-Human Alliance. “I agree wholeheartedly.” She then remembered to give her name. “I'm Lennah Chares, by the way.” She wasn't used to the fact that people didn't know her, as she was known by virtually everyone in Valindral.

Asha Roux
Health: 95
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: A slightly less stuffed backpack.

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

With nobody to talk too, she could sip her tea in silence. She resisted the urge to tell Edward to get himself a shiny set of armour and drop the lame barriers, as well as the urge to ask for another cup when she had finished her tea long before everyone else.
Jan 31, 2019 7:49 PM

Dec 2011

Health: 100 / 100
Prana: ??? / 250
Stamina: 100 / 100
Barrier: 60 / 60
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Appearence: Wearing Dragon horns and a tail. Also very wet, but drying off.
Skills Active: Conservation (PermanentSPELLs require 85% Prana Costs), Static Charge

Eukina Watashi

Health: 150 / 150
Prana: ??? / 150
Stamina: 150 / 150
AG Status: Bow / Dagger
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Eagle Eye

Arona wondered how a monster like Melkar could even exist. It seemed too intelligent to be a CS, although some CS were smart. This Melkar thing just seemed more a monster than CS.

After Celestia cut her off, arona smugly chuckled to herself, looking away, "Yea, I wish just not mentioning them would make them disappear." she said, before clearing her throat and asking, "Soooo, do you two know about our current status, as employees of Astraea that is? Just wanting to make sure~." Arona asked the two guards, sipping her tea gently, assuming there weren't any more than that because I don't remember more than these two coming to the cafe. Afterwards, she put a finger to her lips, "Ah I see!" She said, and if they knew about SOULs, Arona would ask Celestia, "So Celestia, this is your first time hiring SOULs right~? What did you think of today's performance~? Has anyone else from your society hired SOULs for any reason?"

Eukina, meanwhile, was silently stewing in her own hatred, "I see." was all she said to Celestia in a very curt voice, before making a strangling motion in front of her and muttering (if the two there knew about SOULs), "I swear, I'm going to strangle Lysett to death again when I see her. First sacrificing herself for no reason, then losing the items!" Before calming down and listening to Edward's question.

Eukina looked at her COMB, seeing that she did indeed have the highest rewards. Eukina shrugged, leaning on the table, picking up her tea and taking a small rooSip sip from it, "I don't know, honestly. I think you did a great job as it was. Sometimes sacrifice is necessary. Maybe if we had run a bit earlier Alexander wouldn't have died, but you're at the front line, so dying is a great possibility... If you want, uh..." Eukina said, taking another sip of her tea, "We could train together when we get back. We can see if your barrier has gotten any stronger." Eukina said, finishing off her tea.

Then she looked away and said, "I think you did really well today." She said, her face growing slightly red, while Arona watched on with a smug look.
LondotheGreatJan 31, 2019 8:57 PM
Jan 31, 2019 9:35 PM
Jan 2015
Lucia Flores
Health: 124/150
Prana: 40/170
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Sacred Wings (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Angelic Vision (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

Arona didn't end up saying that much about the "Pro-Human Alliance" after all, since Celestia cut her off just after she mentioned the name, clearly not a fan of whatever this group was. Arona seemed to agree, but neither Lucia nor Edward knew what this group was since they were from a time before it existed.

Meanwhile, the chainsaw-wielding Halfling talked to Arona about the giant beast they fought. Apparently it was called "Melkar", and some called it the marsh king due to how much control it had over other CS. It was bad enough that it might start an invasion if it controlled too many more...they'd have to get rid of it sooner than later if at all possible.

Arona then asked if they knew about their job as SOULs after that, which seemed more likely than not since they'd asked her to not let the other guards know about her immortality. With Eukina and Edward talking to each other, it gave Lucia a chance to say something once Arona's question was answered. She at least wanted to know what Celestia was doing here that made it worth all this effort, and all the mission description said was that it was a business deal, which was vague.

"Celestia, you came here for a business deal, right? What exactly is it for?"

Whatever it was, Lucia hoped it was something good considering all the effort they had to go to to finally get her to this city. She still didn't really trust Celestia, but thought it'd at least be less likely for her to lie in front of this many people...

Edward Durand
Health: 109/200
Prana: 30/130
Stamina: 100/100
Shield: Not Summoned
Sword: Not Summoned
Current Status: +1 Vitality
Skills Active: Master Guard (Passive), Iron Guard (Passive), Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Knight Honor (+1 Vitality)

Meanwhile, Edward's conversation with Eukina continued after he took some sips of tea while she got upset about the loss of her items. As strange as it was, they were now immortal, so Eukina technically still had the option of asking Lysett to just pay her back.

Then Eukina responded to his question, saying she thought he did a good job. She didn't think he did anything wrong, just that sometimes sacrifices were necessary for people on the front lines. Instead of advice, Eukina offered to train with him again and said yet again how well she thought he did while her face went red...

"Thank you, but you're flattering me...I didn't do anything that special." All the compliments made him wonder if Arona was actually right...No one else said much in praise of his performance after all. Either way, he wasn't going to turn down the offer to train with someone else, since that was always better than training alone. "Of course, I'd be glad to." Then he went back to sipping his tea, thinking about his 'death' again. It was still strange to think he'd died only around ten minutes ago, and yet now was able to act like it was just a bad dream.

Edward didn't really have much interest in the conversation other than what was said about the "Melkar" and the threat it posed. Unfortunately, he couldn't do much besides delay his death against it now, so he had a lot of work to do before he could hope to bring it down.
Feb 1, 2019 1:29 AM
Aug 2014
Celestia Mayer von Rothschild
Health: 400
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: None

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

Celestia had one thing to add, with regards to Arona's comment about not mentioning the Pro-Human Alliance. “It's the best way to deal with them. Any attention they're given, they will use against you somehow, either playing the martyrs or building a conspiracy theory around it. If you ignore them, they can't do so, and without getting attention, their numbers will eventually start to dwindle. The only ones whom should be concerned with them are the police force and the court.”

Arona proceeded to ask for a review, of sorts. “It is, and it's rather odd. I can't shake off the feeling that two people just died for me, even if I know they'll come back to life. Other than that, I'm pretty glad I hired your group. I doubt hiring mercenaries would've gotten me to Valindral as relatively smoothly as this.” She had to think a bit about others from her society hiring SOULs. “I'm not entirely sure. I'm not the first to hire people from Astraea, but I am the first to hire them for this type of thing. Sir Sapienti often hires people to help with his research, and I know that Carita hired people to serve as security during her concerts. There might have been SOULs among them.” For a moment, she smiled. “They'll probably consider hiring SOULs more often, once I've told them about this adventure.”

To Celestia's surprise, Lucia spoke up next. However, her question was quite odd, as Celestia had already talked about it when they encountered Otto. After all, the very deal she wanted to make here was also the reason Otto had attacked them. Maybe Lucia hadn't been paying attention, or maybe she'd already forgotten. Either way, Celestia figured it'd be easiest to repeat what she said back then. “One of the Elves here is selling a large amount of diamonds, which he claims to have inherited. It's the first time I'm dealing with him, so I want to check things out in person, to make sure that all the paperwork is in order. I don't want to end up dealing in illegal diamonds, after all.”

Lennah Chares
Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: Warden's staff

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

As Arona asked if they knew about SOULs, she nodded. Considering there weren't any others around in the café at the moment, neither guards nor customers, they were able to talk freely. That said, they SOULs didn't seem too interested in talking to her or Hallessena. She couldn't really blame them though, as she didn't really feel like asking them questions either. For now, she (as well as Asha and Hallessena), just listened to the ongoing conversation.
Feb 1, 2019 1:04 PM
Jan 2015
Lucia Flores
Health: 124/150
Prana: 40/170
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Sacred Wings (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Angelic Vision (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

Celestia explained she was here to buy some diamonds from an Elf, which reminded her how Otto had said something about that. She actually hadn't paid much attention to what Celestia said on the way here, but she'd thought Celestia had already bought those diamonds earlier for some reason and that Otto was there in retaliation thinking she did it illegally.

"Diamonds..? That was what that man attacked you about, wasn't it? You might become rich from this...What would you do with all that money?"

What she really wanted to know was whether Celestia, or any vampire, was worth helping. Right now, it just seemed like Celestia wanted to get rich, and that Lysett sacrificed herself for nothing. It didn't help that Lucia tended to think the worst of vampires.
Feb 2, 2019 9:09 AM

Dec 2011

Health: 100 / 100
Prana: ??? / 250
Stamina: 100 / 100
Barrier: 60 / 60
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Appearence: Wearing Dragon horns and a tail. Also very wet, but drying off.
Skills Active: Conservation (PermanentSPELLs require 85% Prana Costs), Static Charge

Eukina Watashi

Health: 150 / 150
Prana: ??? / 150
Stamina: 150 / 150
AG Status: Bow / Dagger
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Eagle Eye

Arona was silently stewing in what could be her own happiness. Carita hires people for security?! That sounded like an amazing opportunity to meet the idol in person! And while Celestia answered Lucia's question of what she would do with the diamonds, Arona wondered just how she could get Celestia to give Arona a chance to meet her Idol!

After the question was answered, Arona quickly spoke up, as if coming out of a daze yare yare, "C-Carita hires people as security?! What are the qualifications, how do I become one of the guards, can you put in a good word for me?!" Arona said, quick literally shaking the table out of excitement, before calming down and fanning her hand nonchalantly, "Er, sorry, got a bit too excited there." She said, letting Celestia respond again before asking more questions.

"So-" Arona said, leaning on the table and putting her head in her hands, "I know Carita started the Progressive Unholy Society, but how did the you and the others become the 'Spearheads' of the society? Did you know carita personally beforehand, or did you work your way up through the society after years of working within it?"

After hearing the question and answers, Eukina would nod to herself, and mention to Edward, "I think I'm done resting now, what about you? Would you like to head back to Yvalia?" She asked, a yes or no textbox appearing in front of her and if Edward said yes, Eukina would stand up, and pay for her drink as well as Edward's, "It's been lovely getting to know you Celestia, and you too Asha, but I'll be taking my leave now. Thank you for your business." She said, and along with Edward, would leave the area
Feb 2, 2019 1:31 PM
Jan 2015
Edward Durand
Health: ??/200
Prana: ??/130
Stamina: 100/100
Shield: Not Summoned
Sword: Not Summoned
Current Status: +1 Vitality
Skills Active: Master Guard (Passive), Iron Guard (Passive), Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Knight Honor (+1 Vitality)

The conversation with Celestia went on without Edward, who didn't have much else to say to her or the guards. Eukina said she'd rested enough and wanted to head back, and once he was done with his tea, he agreed. "Yes, I'll go back as well." He didn't have much else to do here and had mostly recovered, so he might as well leave. He had to object to Eukina paying for his tea though..."There's no need for that, I can afford it." He was actually going to pay for her tea at first, but he had to at least pay for his own. Once he paid for it, he'd leave the area along with Eukina after saying goodbye to the others. "So will I. It was an honor to help guard you two." Even if it was a little painful having to die once, he felt like he'd be able to improve from the experience, and the pay was good too, although that wasn't as important.
Feb 3, 2019 4:57 AM
Aug 2014
Celestia Mayer von Rothschild
Health: 400
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: None

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

Celestia shook her head when Lucia mentioned how this could get her rich. “I'm afraid it's not that simple. In order to get a higher bid than Otto, I already knew I wouldn't get the highest profit margin. If you include the costs of hiring you all, of staying here, and of getting the diamonds examined for their legitimacy, I might actually make a loss if I'd sell them now. However, the prices are steadily increasing, so if I hold on to them, I'd probably be able to make a decent profit in the future. I'll see what I'll spent it on by then. For now, the only short-term advantage is that I'm here, and that I'll able to seek out new business opportunities in this city. For example, I know an arms dealer whom might be interested in setting up some cannons on those walls, the kinds of cannons that can even pierce though a calamity seed.” She looked at Lennah, before concluding. “... but that's a discussion for later.”

It seemed like Arona had other things on her mind. “There's a lot more to it than just guarding her, from what I can tell. She normally only hires people whom did quite some training. After all, she's often surrounded by a huge crowd of all kinds of people, and you need to be able to react the moment one of them does something suspicious. If you act too late, they can use some nasty magic as an act of terrorism or as an attack on Carita. If you act too soon, you might end up causing a panic for no good reason... I've experienced the latter in person, when one of her guards used some sort sleeping spell on me, because they hadn't gotten the memo that I'd be at Carita's concert, and therefore thought I was a fake.” She realised she had been trailing off a bit. “In any case, you need the ability to subdue someone without permanently harming them, and a good enough judge of character to know whom to use it on.”

Arona's next question was asked quite a bit more calmly. “We're simply the most famous people in the society. Although I knew Carita beforehand, and although I made investments in the society from the start, it took me some time to realise that it was going to grow into the thing it is today. After me, I think Sir Sapienti was the next person of fame to get involved, although he was only trying to get money for his research at first. The others joined in afterwards, with Galt and Paz having joined relatively recently.”

It seemed like Eukina and Edward were leaving, so Celestia stood up to stay her goodbye. “Likewise, it was an honour to have you as my guards~”

Asha Roux
Health: 95
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: A slightly less stuffed backpack.

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

Asha had just been listening in, until Eukina and Edward left. “Goodbye, and have a safe trip back!”

Lennah Chares
Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: Warden's staff

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

Lennah raised an eyebrow when the two SOULs that were leaving started to argue over whom would pay, considering Lennah had already offered to pay for them when she invited them. “There's no need to argue either, as I had already offered to pay for the drinks. I'd be a rude host, to invite people for a drink, yet make them pay for it themselves, no? Please just have a safe trip back to Yvalia. Oh, and I'm not sure how well aware the higher ups in Astraea are of our situation here. My reports don't seem to do a whole lot, so maybe hearing it from employees whom experienced it first-hand might make them realise the urgency a bit more. If you've got time to drop by your superior to complain about the calamity seeds you ran into, that'd be a huge help.” As always, Lennah was plotting ahead on how to keep Valindral safe and sound.

Hallessena Abaddon
Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: Chainsaw

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

”... Or just come back with everyone you know, and we'll take down that blasted creature ourselves. If he's trying to gather numbers, so can we.” Hallessena added, although it received a glare from Lennah. “Anyhow, goodbye, for now~”
Feb 3, 2019 1:05 PM
Jan 2015
Lucia Flores
Health: ???/150
Prana: ???/170
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Sacred Wings (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Angelic Vision (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

Celestia explained she wouldn't become rich anytime soon with the costs to hire them among other things. If she did eventually make a profit later on, she was planning to try to pay an arms dealer to set up cannons on the city walls for shooting down the monsters. She made it seem like she had good intentions, but Lucia was hesitant to take her word for it...

Meanwhile, Arona asked about being a security guard for some singer named Carita, and got told how it wasn't so easy to get a job like that. You had to always act at the right time and not too soon, and be able to non-lethally subdue people...which didn't seem like Arona.

There wasn't much else for Lucia to say now. Celestia either was actually trying to help the city or was lying, and Lucia couldn't know which. Once she was done with her tea, Lucia would make her leave as well after saying one last thing to Celestia.

"You truly want to help the city..? Lysett and Alexander died for your please don't make me regret helping you."

Then she got up and left the area after saying "Goodbye.". Lucia knew that Lysett probably wasn't really 'dead' but she knew already there was no guarantee they'd come back, with how many of her other friends had disappeared without a trace. Even if she did return, she wouldn't forgive it if Celestia was being dishonest and made her friend go through such pain and suffering for her own selfish goals.
Feb 3, 2019 1:27 PM

Dec 2011

Health: 100 / 100
Prana: ??? / 250
Stamina: 100 / 100
Barrier: 60 / 60
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Appearence: Wearing Dragon horns and a tail. Also very wet, but drying off.
Skills Active: Conservation (PermanentSPELLs require 85% Prana Costs), Static Charge

Arona was disappointed, to say the least, about Celestia's answer to Arona, but Arona wasn't very surprised. She hadn't ever learned how to subdue something without killing it. The only time she ever even subdued someone to protect another, she ended up frying the brains of. Nobody missed him though, he was a pro-human supporter. Although, killing him didn't really help them see Elves in a better light...

Celestia apparently had a bit of influence before the society was even created, and became a head very quickly. It was amazing what could happen if you set your mind to it!

Eukina left along with Edward, a bit peeved she couldn't pay for his drink, but Lennah did instead. She ensured Lennah that she would tell a higher-up about it, although Eukina secretly thought they wouldn't do much about it unless they were paid to...

After she and Edward left, Arona gave them a small wave, to which Lucia also said she'd leave, "Oh don't worry, darling, I'm sure Celestia has nothing but the best intentions~. I'm sure you could trust her more than you can trust me at least~." Arona said, giving her a smile and a little wave as she left.

After Lucia was fare and gone, Arona turned the conversation back to Celestia, "Now, since Edward is out of the picture, gone to frollick along with Eukina, let's talk about boys~!" Arona said, covering her mouth and giggling, "Ok Celestia~, do you have a special man waiting for you back home~? Is it another Unholy, a Divine you're fighting for? I'm dying to know if there is~. As like before, I'll be willing to tell me about my love life if you tell yours~." Arona said, the smuggest of looks appearing on her face kinda like this
Feb 7, 2019 11:14 AM
Aug 2014
Celestia Mayer von Rothschild
Health: 400
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: None

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

Lucia was being a bit dramatic, as Celestia had learned how SOULs couldn't die, so neither could they die for her sake. Besides, they charged ridiculous enough rates. She kept all of that all to herself, and just smiled as she said “Goodbye~” in reply. It was followed by another “Goodbye!” from Asha.

“Now would be a good time for us to leave as well.” Lennah, said, as she stood up and paid for the drinks. “I'll have to get the reports on the northern walls. Miss Rothschild, I'll talk to you later. To the rest of you, goodbye.” Hallessena simply waved, as she followed after Lennah, both leaving the area.

With that, only Celestia, Asha and Arona were left, by the time Arona started a rather different topic. Making it easier for me to post. “Hm...” Celestia said, with a questioning look. “I'm not in a relationship currently, and I'm not really looking for one. Besides, it wouldn't be a man I'd be looking for.” Now that the Divine was out of the room, the later was a little easier to admit. Getting a Holy Ray to blast her sinful Unholy nature away wasn't something she was looking for.

That said, she didn't want to stick to this topic for too long. “Is it even really possible to start a relation in your line of work? It seems like it would be rather... hectic, I guess?” Celestia wasn't quite sure how to put it into words, but from what she had gathered, SOULs were quite the busy-bees for whom even death was nothing more than a bit of a delay in schedule.

ElvarioFeb 8, 2019 3:28 AM
Feb 7, 2019 11:41 AM

Dec 2011

Health: 100 / 100
Prana: ??? / 250
Stamina: 100 / 100
Barrier: 60 / 60
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Appearence: Wearing Dragon horns and a tail. Also very wet, but drying off.
Skills Active: Conservation (PermanentSPELLs require 85% Prana Costs), Static Charge

After the two generous guards left, Arona waved, while Celestia admitted some dark secrets of hers. Arona covered her mouth in shock, "Oh my~. I didn't know you were like that~." Glancing at Asha before quickly moving her gaze back to Celestia, "Well, I'm not one to judge, I think it might be fun to try it another way sometime~." Arona said giggling.

"As for SOULs and relationships, I had a few friends in Septima who were together. SOULs are sterile, so they can have a bit more fun, if you catch my drift~. although, you always have to be careful, as your lovely partner could always disappear for some reason one day. It's always a shame when that happens... If you're not into other SOULs, you could find a mortal lover, but you'll have to divulge your secret one day~. As for me, I'll let you know because you told me a nice secret~" Arona said, putting a finger over her lips, "I've been with a few men myself~. The most notable one has to be from when I was alive. We had a bit of fun, but a few months later the other Elves found out I was pregnant, and when they figured out it wasn't another Elf, but a Human, they banished me~."

Arona gazed towards the sky, "Ah, such fond memories. He turned out ok, of course, as he had a few months headstart before the other Elves found out. I later found him and let him raise our child, as banishment with a Half-Elf wouldn't serve the child well. It was just as well, I died years later~." Then Arona put her head into her hand, seemingly bored, "You can't get into those sort of shenanigans as a SOUL. Can't have children, so no more descendants... I think I at least have a few running around somewhere, but if I want any more children, I'd have to adopt... So to end this unrelated story and answer your question: Yes, SOULs can have relationships, but it can end poorly. SOULs haven't been around nearly long enough to have a mortal spouse die on them, so I don't know how that will work exactly, but I assume they'd let their spouse know eventually."

Arona tapped her chin, then glanced at Asha, "What about you, dear~, you must be feeling pretty ignored all this time, how is your love life~?"
Feb 8, 2019 3:29 AM
Aug 2014
Asha Roux
Health: 95
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: A slightly less stuffed backpack.

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

The torch was unceremoniously passed on to Asha, after Arona told her lengthy tale. “Eh, I've got some friends with benefits, but I'm not really looking for something permanent. Maybe in the future. If anything, I hope to end up with a muscular beastkind knight. It's the perfect combination, don't you think? The naturally cute race of a beastkind, and the manliness of being a strong and brave knight.” Yep, Asha truly went there. Both a furry and a knight fetish. Such depravity.
Feb 8, 2019 9:37 PM

Dec 2011

Health: 100 / 100
Prana: ??? / 250
Stamina: 100 / 100
Barrier: 60 / 60
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Appearence: Wearing Dragon horns and a tail. Also very wet, but drying off.
Skills Active: Conservation (PermanentSPELLs require 85% Prana Costs), Static Charge

Arona smiled smugly, covering her mouth with her hand while looking away, "A beastkind~? I'm pretty sure Alex is Human~." Arona then turned back towards them, clearing her throat, "Anyways~, I think I ran out of questions for your society. Well, I think it was more a personal talk than anything, but I still had fun~."

Arona finished off her drink then leaned forwards on the table, placing her head in her hands, "So you indulged me this entire time~, but do you have any questions for me? I'll try to answer any questions about SOULs or whatnot if you have them~."
Feb 13, 2019 12:33 PM
Aug 2014
Asha Roux
Health: 95
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: A slightly less stuffed backpack.

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

Of course Alex wasn't a beastkind, but he was a knight. Getting one out of two points already made for a good enough friend-with-benefits. As a result, Asha just shrugged Arona's comment off. However, Arona then allowed them to ask questions about the 'SOULs', and Asha had one. “Is it true that you guys can't get hurt through normal ways, just like Calamity Seeds?”

Celestia Mayer von Rothschild
Health: 400
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: None

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

Asha, however, wasn't the only one with a question on her mind. Once Asha's question would have gotten its reply, Celestia spoke up. “I've heard rumours that Astraea tracks some of its personnel without a single concern for their privacy, going as far as to chip them like animals. Is there any truth to these rumours?”
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