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Jan 11, 2019 10:41 PM
Mar 2016
The Valindral Walls
The only thing between Valindral and the calamity-seed filled marshes and forests, are its walls.

Well-built, well-maintained, and well-defended, these walls allow the city to continue existing. There is only one official entry point, the gates in the direction of the Valindral's plains, leading into the city's central plaza.
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Jan 12, 2019 2:08 AM
Jan 2015
Lucia Flores
Health: 124/150
Prana: 95/170
Stamina: 90/100
AG: 10/30
SPD: F • AGL: F • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: -1 Speed/Agility, Poisoned (cured in AP)
Skills Active: Sacred Wings (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Angelic Vision (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Now finally out of the swamp, Lucia continued escaping along with everyone else, which meant either running to the walls or portaling there assuming Lysett kept making portals for them. Lysett also really wanted to go back and help the others escape, but as Lucia looked back in that direction, she saw and heard even more monsters which seemed to be rushing towards their unfortunate allies from all sides. "I'm sorry Lysett, but we have to get these two to safety first..! It might be too late to save the others already..." She hated leaving them behind, but unlike in her life as a mortal, her allies couldn't actually die anymore other than dying from OOC inactivity. They had to get Asha to safety first, and also Celestia as a result.

Their only option now was to rush to the walls, so Lucia would do that, whether Lysett helped them with portals or not. With any luck, there would be guards waiting at the top who had some way of transporting everyone up, whether ropes, ladders, or even some kind of magic. If that wasn't the case, she would do the best she could to try to carry Asha and fly up to the top of the walls, dropping her off there. It was also possible Lysett might be able to find some way to get them to the top with her teleportation magic. Either way, they'd have to get up there somehow to finally be safe from the terrifying monsters in this swamp.
Sho_the_MageJan 12, 2019 3:08 PM
Jan 14, 2019 6:46 AM

Aug 2013

Lysett Blythe

Health: 124/150
Prana: 62/200
Stamina: 40/100
Astral Gear: 0

Status Effects:

  • Conservation (Permanent)
  • Levitation (Active)
  • Blissful about having wings

Action Phase
The walls were right before them, and that meant safety... at least for the ones that managed to escape. Unlike Lucia, though, Lysett didn't intend to give up on the rest of them. "I promised I'd come back for them, and that's exactly what I'll be doing." She was resolute: it was clear that she meant what she said, and there would be no convincing her otherwise.

If she didn't manage to portal them atop the walls during the last phase, she would do so now; otherwise, Lysett start the rescue operation! The walls were a great vantage point, allowing her to aim much more easily (and farther) than before, and she would take advantage of it. Selecting a point she thought to be roughly at maximum range of her spell, Lysett would aim and throw a portal there, sending a voice message to Eukina right after that.

"Package delivered; I'll be coming back for you guys now, and you better don't be thinking "don't do it" because I will either way. Tell everyone to run towards the wall as fast as they can, and make sure no one is left behind!"

Jan 14, 2019 8:34 AM
Aug 2014
The walls are around 50 meters tall, and combined with the remainder of the distance, it would require Lysett to be in this thread to have a good shot at placing a portal atop them.

Celestia Mayer von Rothschild
Health: 340
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: None

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: Poisoned (-5% max / turn 2/5)

[Start of the turn:
[+5 prana]
[+15 stamina]
[Previous turn costs:
[-20 health] Foetid Breath (1 phase)

Celestia and company had finally made it towards the edge of the swamp, and it was only a short ways from here to reach the walls. It seemed like they were just in time as well, as more monster sounds could be heard from behind them. The battle had attract most of the swamp's inhabitants towards it, so things didn't look good for the ones whom had stayed behind. There even seemed to be an argument about whether or not Lysett should go back, but Celestia decided she wasn't one to have an opinion there, so she remained silent. There was only one thing that Celestia figured she could do; “Take these, they're Eukina's.” There hadn't been a need to use the potions, and she was pretty sure this poison wouldn't do her in either, so she might as well have Lysett return them, especially now that Eukina would need them a lot more.

Minor Health Potion x2
Regular Health Potion x1

Lysett soon created portals that allowed them to get atop the wall. However, they were greeted by a multitude of wary eyes staring at them... Those eyes were soon followed by weapons being pointed at them.

Asha Roux
Health: 95
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: A slightly less stuffed backpack.

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

[Start of the turn:
[+5 prana]
[+10 stamina]
[Previous turn costs:

Seeing Celestia hand over the potions, made her realise she could make her own contribution, as she took off the revival bracelet and handed that to Lysett as well. “This as well.”

Revival Bracelet

Asha couldn't feel more relieved when they hopped through Lysett's final portal in order to get atop the wall. The entire swamp business had even made her reconsider her contract. For now, however, she was far too out of breath to speak up. That said, even if she could, she had no clue how to deal with the situation at hand...

The moment they left the portal to end up atop the wall, they were greeted by the wary eyes of various soldiers. All of them were Elves and Halflings, a little over two dozen total, wearing variations on the same green uniform.

Two of them instantly stood out, one of them being an almost ridiculously dressed female Elf, whom was the only one that seemed to calmly study them, rather than to be wary of them.

The other was a Halfling that couldn't seem to hold still for a moment, continuously bouncing around along the side of the wall, keeping an eye on the battle, and seeming eager to jump off the wall and rush straight into battle herself. That said, the people whom had used a portal to get atop the wall had temporarily managed to obtain her attention.

Lennah Chares
Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: Warden's staff

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

[Start of the turn:
[+? prana]
[+? stamina]
[Previous turn costs:

Lennah followed the battle with a wary eye. She had gotten here the moment one of the surveillance drones showed that people had entered combat inside the marshes, but being here was all she could do. Rushing out into the marshes would be suicide, something that had been proven to be the case various times in the past. In fact, the Marsh King had been smart enough to attempt to lure them in before, so they wouldn't leave the safety of the walls under any circumstances. To make matters worse, their long range specialist and his squad were busy dealing with threats coming from the forest, so they couldn't even provide decent back-up until they'd be closer to the walls.

That said, once some the strangers had finally reached said walls, she was ready to command the guard to throw down rope-ladders. They'd be able to find out whom they were and what they were doing in the marshes later. That said, it turned out that throwing down rope ladders wasn't needed, as one of them created a portal atop the wall.

Lennah calmly gazed over them, and couldn't help but conclude that they were suspicious. She wasn't the only one to think so, as the guards were quick to point their weapons at them. However... “Miss von Rothschild, I presume?” There was something familiar about the Unholy among them, and Lennah soon realised why. In order to enter the city, you needed to get your documents in order, and she personally went over the approvals of anyone of high profile or of considerable influence. That's what she recognized this Unholy woman from.

“Yes.” Celestia replied, as she took out some papers. They weren't exactly in the best condition, being partially soaked with swamp-water, but they were still read-able. One of the guards took them, and after a quick check, nodded. Things were in order. That meant she could focus on the real issue at hand. “We're not able to provide cover-fire at this range, so if the rest of your team wishes to live, they should give it their all to get here.”

Celestia wasn't sure how to reply to that, so she just nodded. Luckily enough, it seemed like Lysett was already trying to get the others out. With some luck, she'd be able to do so.

Hallessena Abaddon
Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: Chainsaw

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

[Start of the turn:
[+? prana]
[+? stamina]
[Previous turn costs:

Situations like these were like hell to her. Seeing others fight without being able to join that fight was worse than loosing a limb or five. That said, she knew not to be stupid, she just really wished that these start running to the wall already, instead of keeping the calamity seeds all there. They were probably trying to buy time for these other one to escape, or something, but come on, couldn't they just buy a bit less time? If they wanted to sacrifice themselves, they could at least do so for the sake of Valindral or something, not for some others. Right? Okay, she just wanted in on the fight.

With some luck, the Marsh King would follow them as they retreated, this time around. She knew the big bastard was smart enough to know that the wall was trouble, but she also knew that the big bastard hated loosing its prey, so maybe, just maybe, they'd lure it into range and they'd be able to finally put it down. She could imagine seeing the volleys of projectiles thin out the hoard of calamity seeds while she was sawing her way through the back of that big bastard. Oh... she was getting excited.

That's why she'd yell at the portal girl. “Bring back the big one for me if you go out there again, will ya?” She couldn't wait.
ElvarioJan 14, 2019 8:39 AM
Jan 15, 2019 2:27 PM
Jan 2015
Lucia Flores
Health: 124/150
Prana: 100/170
Stamina: 90/100
AG: 10/30
SPD: F • AGL: F • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Sacred Wings (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Angelic Vision (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Lysett insisted on rescuing the others, even with the situation down there looking quite hopeless. "Then I will go with you." If Lysett wouldn't change her mind, she wasn't going to let her get killed again like last time. She still owed her since then, so she had to make it up somehow. Once Lysett made the portal back to the marsh, Lucia would go through it as well and take a few steps to leave the area and return to the marsh as she saw the barrier knight's painful death...
Jan 18, 2019 12:12 PM

Aug 2013

Lysett Blythe

Health: 124/150
Prana: 96/200
Stamina: 50/100
Astral Gear: 0

Status Effects:

  • Conservation (Permanent)
  • Levitation (Active)
  • Blissful about having wings

Previous turn:

  • Regular Prana Potion (+50 Prana)
  • Warpgates x1 (21 Prana / 10 Stamina)

Turn Start: +5 Prana / +10 Stamina

After showing she was the alpha female of the pack she was aware of the risks and would still head back nonetheless, Lysett received offerings from the herd contributions from both Celestia and Asha: the potions and especially the revival bracelet would improve the success rate by a good margin, and Lysett gladly took them since both escorts would be safe atop the city walls. "Thanks, Celestia, Asha. You two should be safe once you're atop these walls, so it's mission complete even if things go south during the rescue. I guess it wasn't exactly the smoothest trip ever, but it wasn't that bad either, right? Although I suppose there were many better ways experience portals and teleportation, haha... I'll make sure to bring the others back as well so we can say goodbye properly, so wait around just a bit more!"

The small group managed to reach safety atop the walls of Valindral, meaning Lysett could finally go back to help the ones who stood back. She had time to take one step forward before being surrounded by guards with weapons drawn. "At a time like this? I don't have time to waste explaining things right now..." Thankfully, Celestia's popularity saved Lysett the trouble of doing so. Two of the most distinct soldiers stepped up, recognizing Celestia before quickly killing off any possibilties of backup: it seemed like Lysett would have to do it on her own, after all... She nodded at the Elf lady and replied to the Halfing while starting to prepare the next set of portals.
"My priority is getting my teammates out of there, but I'll try to do something about the giant one if I can do so safely... Can't promise you anything, though."

Reaction Phase
In the end, and much to Lysett's surprise, Lucia decided to follow Lysett back into the dreary Marsh... Although she'd have preferred to ensure Lucia's safety, she couldn't deny any backup in this situation. "Thanks, Lucia. Alright then, we'll be back there in a second..." She put away the potions and equiped the Revival Bracelet as Lucia entered the previous portal, stepping as close as possible to the wall's border as she watched the battle from above. Aiming as far as possible, Lysett closed the old portal and threw another violet orb towards the Marsh's ground, dropping the other right next to herself. Once the portals settled, Lysett would hop inside and leave the Walls, heading back into the Marsh.


Action Phase
Then, Lysett kept eagerly waiting for the portal to reach its destination.

HeiJJan 18, 2019 3:04 PM
Jan 23, 2019 1:53 AM
Jan 2015
Lucia Flores
Health: 124/150
Prana: 55/170
Stamina: 75/100
AG: 10/30
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Sacred Wings (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Angelic Vision (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)
Edward Durand
Health: 37/200
Prana: 15/130
Stamina: 60/100
Shield: Desummoned
Sword: Destroyed
Current Status: +1 Vitality
Skills Active: Master Guard (Passive), Iron Guard (Passive), Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Knight Honor (+1 Vitality)

After taking the few steps needed to leave the marshes, Lucia and Edward would both continue escaping towards the walls, with Lucia flying through the air while Edward ran faster now that the ground wasn't muddy. Realizing their difference in speed, Edward did what any knight would do. "If you don't mind, I can carry you there." He wasn't sure why, but it made her a little embarrassed. "A-all right, I don't mind..." Even if it was the best course of action, it was still embarrassing to do something like that, which made her wonder why the knight was so unfazed. Was he simply that focused on the battle, or was he just as dense as the rock monster's impervious scales..?

Whatever the reason, they'd be able to reach the walls soon TM, where Edward would no longer have to carry Lucia. Whether it involved more teleportation, flying, or simply climbing rope ladders, they'd try to get to safety as soon as possible. Hopefully, the others would manage to do so as well...
Jan 24, 2019 6:24 PM

Aug 2013

Lysett Blythe

Health: 124/150
Prana: 80/200
Stamina: 60/100
Astral Gear: 0

Status Effects:

  • Conservation (Permanent)
  • Levitation (Active)
  • Blissful about having wings

Previous turn:

  • Warpgates x1 (21 Prana / 10 Stamina)
  • Standby (+10 Stamina)

Turn Start: +5 Prana / +10 Stamina

Waiting for the portal exit to reach its destination allowed Lysett to take a moment to rest, although every nerve in her body urged her to go rescue her teammates as fast as possible. She showed clear signs of impatience, but those were all gone as soon as the portal besides her opened up. Taking a deep breath, Lysett stepped inside and left the area, going back into the Marshes.
HeiJJan 24, 2019 6:55 PM
Jan 27, 2019 3:34 AM
Aug 2014
Celestia Mayer von Rothschild
Health: 300
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: None

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: Poisoned (-5% max / turn 4/5)

[Previous turn costs:
[-40 health] Foetid Breath (2 turns)

Having handed over the items, Celestia continued slowly suffering from being poisoned. She couldn't complain though, as the people getting straight back into the fight had it worse. While the Divine went directly back down, Lysett created a portal with more distance first. “Good luck.” Celestia didn't have much else to reply to Lysett. She'd pray for her success, but that wouldn't quite fit her species.

After that, it was a matter of spectating, without being able to help out much more. First Edward and Lucia returned. (The guards throwing down a rope ladder if needed.) Eukina and Arona were the second, hopping back safely through the portal. Lysett's and Alexander's situation was quite a bit more dire, however...

Asha Roux
Health: 95
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: A slightly less stuffed backpack.

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

It didn't look like Alexander and Lysett would get out of this, which was a shame. After all, she wanted her knight in shiny armour to persevere. Asha couldn't help stating the obvious; “The big one is stopping them from going towards the wall, isn't it..?” She never knew that calamity seeds could be this smart.

Hallessena Abaddon
Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: Chainsaw

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

Hallessena, continuously bouncing up and down along the edge of the wall, didn't like where this was going. When she heard Asha voice the question, she replied. “Something like that. I was hoping the teleporting Elf might still lure him in, but... I fear that's not going to happen.”

Lennah Chares
Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: Warden's staff

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: [b]?/b] • PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

“The smaller ones seem to be getting more and more obedient to him. If we don't find a way to exterminate him soon, he'll be causing even more trouble.” Sadly enough, there was nothing to do about it, at least for now. If only they would've had their long-range expert here, but he was too busy dealing with threads from the forest. That's why she'd turn to the four survivors instead, glancing over them, before stopping at Edward. “I'd offer to heal you, but I'd rather save my resources until I'm sure we can't lure the calamity seeds close enough to the wall to exterminate them. I'm afraid our potions won't work on any of you either.” The latter was due to the difference between SOULs and mortals, but not everyone in the two squads on the wall was fully informed on it, so she didn't go into detail, as the SOULs probably knew the reasons already.
Jan 27, 2019 2:02 PM

Dec 2011

Health: 100 / 100
Prana: 139 / 250
Stamina: 100 / 100
Barrier: 60 / 60
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Appearence: Wearing Dragon horns and a tail. Also very wet.
Skills Active: Conservation (PermanentSPELLs require 85% Prana Costs), Static Charge

(Start of Turn: +15 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Eukina Watashi

Health: 150 / 150
Prana: 30 / 145
Stamina: 145 / 150
AG Status: Bow / Dagger
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Eagle Eye

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

As Eukina and Arona went through the portal, Lysett told them she was going to help Alex. Eukina started to head back to the portal after dropping Arona off, saying, "Lysett, wait!" But before she could, Lysett took off. Eukina started to go back through the portal, but felt a hand grab her arm. It was Arona, who shook her head and shrugged, "Let the girl be, dear, we don't need more people dying on us." She said, watching the battle and how the Marsh King had commanded the smaller ones not to follow.

Eukina wanted to go back, but Arona was right, Lysett and Alex were SOULs, so they could die and still survive. Eukina sighed, standing on top of the wall, maybe dying would be an important life lesson to Lysett.

Arona scratched her chin, watching the others, and replying to the ones that were already on the wall, "Thank you for your concern, miss, but I think you already know we don't need them~." Arona said, crossing her arms now.

Eukina went up to Edward and Lucia, nodding to them, "I'm glad you two are ok... Are you going to be able to do anything about Lysett or Alex, Lucia?" She asked, to which Arona waved her hand at her, "Oh don't worry about them, dying is a natural cause and a valuable life lesson for some people~." Arona said, probably looking like a lunatic to people who didn't know what a SOUL was, "If he hasn't already, I'll give you Alex's number Asha, as I think we both know he probably won't be making it today."

Arona then asked the guards a question, "About this creature, how smart is it, and how long has it lived? It seemed to know what happened to us and told the others not to." Arona said, leaning over the wall and watching the king closely. One thing was for sure, she wouldn't be taking this path ever again.
Jan 27, 2019 3:33 PM
Jan 2015
Lucia Flores
Health: 124/150
Prana: 30/170
Stamina: 75/100
AG: 10/30
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Sacred Wings (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Angelic Vision (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)
Edward Durand
Health: 109/200
Prana: 20/130
Stamina: 60/100
Shield: Desummoned
Sword: Destroyed
Current Status: +1 Vitality
Skills Active: Master Guard (Passive), Iron Guard (Passive), Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Knight Honor (+1 Vitality)

Edward ran as he carried Lucia, continuing through the plains until he finally reached the walls, where he put her down. The walls were very tall, like those of the castles Edward remembered, suited for repelling any attacking force. Unfortunately, that also meant there was no way Edward could climb up...

Until a very long rope ladder was dropped down, allowing Edward to scale the walls while Lucia simply flew up to the top. He looked back a few times, but strangely none of the CS had tried to pursue them, as if they knew to stay away from the defenders. Eukina and Arona had also managed to get up here with Lysett's portal which unintentionally dumped a lot of marsh water onto the floor, making it a little slippery. Even so, they were safe now from the hordes of monsters in the distance.

However, the same couldn't be said for Alexander whose escape was cut off, or Lysett who was trying to save him in what looked like a hopeless effort as all the monsters surrounded them...Eukina asked if she could help, and there was only one way she could. "I can, but I'll have to move back to the marsh to get in range." Even so, she was willing to go there if it could save them. She still had to make up for letting Lysett die a week ago, so Lucia got ready to fly back to the mars-

Until Edward got in the way, telling her "If you go back, you'd be killed as well!" It already bothered him that they'd have two casualties (at least as much as that meant for a SOUL), but he knew from experience that trying to do the impossible just led to even more losses. Arona's response would probably sound a lot stranger to the others, at least those who didn't know about SOULs.

Feeling guilty about not being able to save Lysett and Alex, all Lucia could do now was heal Edward since the guards felt like saving their energy instead. "Why couldn't you just save yourself...?" She mumbled to herself a little, depressed about how Lysett was most likely going to die. Had it really been worth the sacrifices to save a vampire..? Lysett seemed to think so, but Lucia still wasn't sure what to think. Even though she knew Lysett was supposed to come back, she couldn't help but worry. After all, so many other 'immortal' SOULs she'd met just disappeared without a trace and never returned...

(Holy Ray x2: -30 Prana)
(Edward: +72 Health)
Jan 29, 2019 1:52 PM
Aug 2014
Celestia Mayer von Rothschild
Health: 280
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: None

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: Poisoned (-5% max / turn 5/5)

[Previous turn costs:
[-20 health] Foetid Breath (1 turn I started counting a turn too late, I think)

Seeing Alexander and Lysett die was rather unfortunate, but there was nothing to do about it. 'What do I say now? It's not like they died a permanent death, so offering condolences isn't quite right, but they did still die, in a sense...' Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Lennah call her out, asking if she wished for healing. “That would be appreciated, thank you.” Short after, she was touched by Lennah's staff, and brought back to full health after a few spells.

As if healing her body had helped clear her mind, she decided on what words to use. “It is truly a shame we couldn't all make it, but thank you all for escorting me.” Truth be told, she was particularly bothered that it was Lysett whom died, as she had proven to be the most pleasant person to converse with during the trip, and Celestia wanted to continue some of their conversations. That would no longer be possible.

Asha Roux
Health: 95
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: A slightly less stuffed backpack.

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

She was watching Alexander and Lysett get rekt die in rather unpleasant looking ways, not sure how to react to it. She was shaken up by Arona's comment. “Eh? What? Eh, yes, sure, thank you?” It was a bit odd to think she might end up trying to call someone she just saw die. Actually, that was more than a bit odd. Although, technically technically, she was working for a vampire, an undead, so now both her employer and possible lover were undead. 'I should've gotten myself surrounded by livelier people.'

Hallessena Abaddon
Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: Chainsaw

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

The halfling was fuming at the Marsh King, as he vanished in the distance. “Get back here, you fucking wimp!” She had already feared that he'd avoid the walls, but seeing them kill these two SOULs before simply wandering off... She really wanted this thing dead. “I swear, one day I'll clear out that blasted swamp and massacre every of those bloody seeds in it.” Her body language showed that she was trying to hold herself back from trying it at this very moment.

Lennah Chares
Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: Warden's staff

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

She sighed, as her halfling companion was raging on. Although she could share the sentiment, she wasn't as vocal about it. Instead, she gave some quick commands. “Echo squad, please see if they need back-up on the forest side. Foxtrot, spread out and make sure the calamity seeds don't change their minds and return.” With the two squads following commands and leaving the area, she turned to Celestia. “Do you require healing, miss Rothschild?” The answer was positive, and thus Lennah lightly touched Celestia with her staff, after which she healed her.

It seemed like the surviving four SOULs were all in a good enough condition, with the knight having been healed by the Divine. That said, now that the squads were out of hearing range, she did have something to request. “Not everyone in our ranks is aware of your existence, and while most have some ideas or theories, speaking about death as a valuable life lesson is likely to spread rumours. Either they write you off as insane, or they'll soon enough start trying to tie the ends together, and will have to be filled in about your existence to avoid confusion. Neither scenario is ideal, so please refrain from this kind of talk.”

With that out of the way, she could finally move on to a more pleasant part of this whole ordeal. “From what I gather, your mission is complete. If you wish to return to Yvalia immediately, I can arrange for Vanibo transport.” If you wish to use this option, you can post leaving this area and getting on a Vanibo in the next post. From there, you can choose to just post straight at a location somewhere in Yvalia, only summarizing the trip, or to use the threads (Valindral Plains – Abberton Outskirts – Abberton's Fields - Abberton – Eastern Yvalia Plains). Using the threads won't add anything to the mission, other than the 'flavour' of returning through them. The return-trip will be safe and uneventful, so please don't try to find vampire hunters. In order to avoid having them run into the ongoing mission in Abberton, we'll say they pass through at at a different time IC.

“However, you are also more than welcome to talk and rest up. There's a nice place in the central plaza where they serve great tea. It'll be on me.” Using this option will let you post at the central plaza next, where I'll try to remain active with the NPC's for lore/flavour. That said, I can't promise that I'll be able to remain very active with them, especially not once this week is over. If you want to try anything other than those two options, let me know, so I can see what's possible.

With that out of the way, Lennah lead the SOULs, the vampire, and the maid, down from the walls and into the central plaza, where they could either join her for tea, or hop on a Vanibo and return to Yvalia.


The mission is officially concluded. Alatar will post the discussed rewards sometime later, with the exclusion of Celestia's personal bonus, which will follow at a later, more logical time IC. Thank you all for giving this mission a go!
ElvarioJan 29, 2019 2:01 PM
Jan 29, 2019 2:12 PM

Dec 2011

Health: 100 / 100
Prana: ??? / 250
Stamina: 100 / 100
Barrier: 60 / 60
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Appearence: Wearing Dragon horns and a tail. Also very wet, but drying off.
Skills Active: Conservation (PermanentSPELLs require 85% Prana Costs), Static Charge

Eukina Watashi

Health: 150 / 150
Prana: ??? / 145
Stamina: 150 / 150
AG Status: Bow / Dagger
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Eagle Eye

Arona waved a hand to the person in charge, acting nonchalant, "Yes yes, I understand, although it's not as if people don't think that already... I guess I still do have Celestia's reputation to uphold, so I'll refrain from those comments~." She said, making her way to Asha, "Here you go, it may not be much, but something to remember him by~." She said, giving Asha Alexander's COMB ID.

Meanwhile, Eukina, after slamming her fist into the wall in an angry manner, was now angrily typing a letter to Lysett:

"What the HELL were you thinking?! Alexander was already dead, why did you go in after him?! You're an idiot to your core you know that?"

Eukina calmed herself down for a moment, then went over to Celestia, "I'm terribly sorry your trip had to end like that. Lysett is... was... Very stubborn and hardheaded." Then, leaning closer, Eukina whispered so that none of the normal guards could hear her, "I know you and Lysett were still talking before I interupted you two earlier. If you want, I can relay any messages you two have for each other before I leave. I wanted to see what this city was like before I left. Through another route besides the swamp..." Eukina said, glancing disgustedly towards the swamp.

Arona, overhearing the conversation from such a close range, smiled and walked up to the conversation (after answering questions from Asha that is), "I'd love to join in on some talk as well~, if you both don't mind that is. I still have questions about your society Celestia~." She said. Eukina herself wasn't too pleased about it, considering that Arona wasn't the best person to talk to in any situation.

they both left the area as well
LondotheGreatJan 30, 2019 6:04 AM
Jan 29, 2019 10:14 PM
Jan 2015
Lucia Flores
Health: 124/150
Prana: 35/170
Stamina: 85/100
AG: 10/30
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Sacred Wings (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Angelic Vision (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)
Edward Durand
Health: 109/200
Prana: 25/130
Stamina: 60/100
Shield: Desummoned
Sword: Destroyed
Current Status: +1 Vitality
Skills Active: Master Guard (Passive), Iron Guard (Passive), Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Knight Honor (+1 Vitality)

Unsurprisingly, Lysett and Alexander didn't last long when targeted by dozens of CS at once, quickly becoming their new meals. Gruesome as it was, Edward knew from recent experience that death no longer meant much to them, but it was still unfortunate they couldn't all escape. Lucia looked away, not wanting to see one of her few friends here get eaten alive. The vampire offered her condolences, but it was hard to believe she meant it when they couldn't even die. Celestia also got healed by one of the guards, who must not have been using holy magic for it to work...Lucia didn't even know if she needed healing, since she kept hiding her life force. Just what did she have to hide..?

Other than that, the healer gave them two offers: Either stay in the city and get some rest, or return to Yvalia with Vanibos. Edward was tired enough from fighting numerous monsters and even dying, so the choice was obvious for him. "I will stay here as well. After this much fighting, we should get some rest before traveling again."

However, it wasn't as easy for Lucia. Staying around for a friendly chat with a vampire wasn't very appealing to her to say the least. However, it was Lysett who had begged her to go on this mission in the first place and insisted that vampires and other Unholy weren't actually evil. Now that she'd let Lysett die again, she felt obligated to at least try to get an answer to her question...

"I...I will join you too."

Lucia hoped they wouldn't make it too awkward for her as she left the area with the others, heading to the plaza. If Lysett was stupid brave enough to die in battle, then she could at least be brave enough to talk with people she didn't like. Edward would also leave the area with them, going to the plaza.
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