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Dec 10, 2018 3:37 PM

Nov 2015
Impassable Forest
When you really really wish to get lost...

Although most of Rinhain Forest can be navigated on foot, there are some areas that are impassable unless you don't mind an adventure of climbing and crawling. Although these areas are very few and small in surface area, they are the complete opposite to shortcuts.
When venturing deeper into the impassable forest, it won't only be the lush vegetation that makes it impassable but also occasional pitfalls from erosion and uneven bumpy terrain. The area can be very dangerous.

The forest on it's own is very rich of wildlife and you can always see a insects teeming all around or hear a bird or a critter making a sound. The untouched nature can be very beautiful on it's own.

The Impassable Forest has not been mapped.

Inaru-samaDec 11, 2018 2:11 PM
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Dec 11, 2018 8:38 AM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex & Chu Omari

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12

Carolus and Chu walked together at the head of the column. The thick forest and lush vegetation forcing them to walk single file. The forest here was so dense that light only filtered through in parts. Bushes and thorns tugged at clothing and armor as they marched through the forest. Mossy vines hung down from the trees, and Chu had to take the lead just to cut a path through the vegetation in points. Carolus briefly wondered whether or not he should send the fourteen men back to the state of limbo they existed in before they were summoned, but ultimately decided against it. The fourteen men were able to pass through the area, albeit with some difficulty. Climbing and crawling through the area left dirt smeared on the impeccable uniforms of the group, and the mist of the vegetation seemed thicker then ever as they attempted to move through areas, punctuated by the sharp smell of sap from the trees. At points they almost lost the trail of the creature, only to find the a large claw mark on a tree. The fourteen pushed onward towards the danger that undoubtedly lay ahead though.
Dec 11, 2018 12:06 PM

Nov 2015

Although there was no sign of the CS, the group was not alone. From time to time a horned owl was cooing it's phantom song. The entire forest floor was teeming with life, after each footfall, centipedes insects, worms would squirm, most too small for an eye. It was serene but not easy.

Off in the distance, a stream of water was running. It was getting stronger as they followed the trail. And it wasn't enough that rotten wood was scattered across the primeval forest floor, the terrain was getting also bumpy and difficult. And the trail became scarcer. At least the trail that could have been easily followed.

Up ahead the roots of the trees and erosion had opened a chasm. It was a clear crack on the ground, at least 30 centimeter wide. The sound of water came from that chasm. Following the chasm with eye, it was difficult to tell where it came from, and there was only enough space for 4 people to form up in a rank to observe or to decide to jump over.

Another alternative would be to try to see, if it was possible to go around it.

Dec 11, 2018 12:52 PM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex & Chu Omari

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12

The trail become even harder to follow as they walked, the path no longer obvious at times and taking quite a bit of guesswork as they advanced forward. Soon, the fourteen arrived at a chasm, 30 centimeters in width. Not really much of a jump. Rather then looking for a way across, all fourteen would simply step over it rather then taking a detour on the path. After all, it would take some time to find the trail again. One by one, the fourteen crossed and picked up the trail on the other side. Chu was the first to cross, then he helped Carolus and each Carolean over as well. Once they were all on one side, they resumed their previous formation, and continued the march.
Dec 11, 2018 1:34 PM

Nov 2015

Things would go out rather uneventfully for Chu and Carolus. And then Chu would proceed helping the Caroleans across. After half of the soldiers would be through and Chu was helping the seventh to get across, before he could take the stride on the other side, his leg would sink deep into the ground...

And as the man's balance would waver, he'd realize that his leg leg had gone through the ground and there was nothing supporting it. This event triggered a cascade that would cause the entire ledge on the starting side to collapse in one glorious chomp, drastically widening the chasm. There was an underground river running underneath and it had slowly eaten away the ground over the years. While decaying organic matter and slowly built on top of roots and moss that had supported this temporal formation of ground in the first place.

(A very quick lightning speed evaluation would show that the stream is at least 3 meters wide and it goes far and to where is a question for another time. However after you have fallen down it might be very difficult to get back up. [At the depth of 4-5 meters])

And as the ground would crumble, the Caroleans that were caught in it, would realize that the platform that Chu was standing on would also appear to be poorly supported with most of the support coming only from roots...

Area description has been updated.
Inaru-samaDec 11, 2018 2:03 PM
Dec 11, 2018 2:10 PM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex & Chu Omari

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12

As disaster struck, the six Caroleans waiting to cross fell in a jumbled mess of cries of surprise and terror. A collective cursing as they fell into the underground river could be heard, even as one of the Caroleans on the opposite side of the chasm grabbed Chu and yanked him back away from the ledge, the entire group taking refuge near the tree line behind them. Chu cursed as he made for the safety, turning to Carolus who seemed aloof at the loss. The six Caroleans, swept away by the current, had been summons after all. He looked at Chu. "They were just summons, they'll be back later, don't worry. That was close, we'll have to be more careful next time." Chu nodded, but looked back at the river with disdain. "Still, doesn't make the loss any better in my eyes." Carolus waved the complaint off and turned into the trees, starting back on the path that lead deeper into the almost jungle like forest and away from the scene of disaster.
Dec 11, 2018 2:30 PM

Nov 2015

In memory of six Caroleans have been swept down to an underground river and they would not be living the best time of their lives. They were slowly distancing away from their summoner. Unfortunately they did not receive a swift end. So for now their horror would continue.

The group of 8, which was a much easier to manage group size in these parts, would bravely continue following the trail. It wouldn't take for them very long to feel that walking would actually get a little easier. (They were now walking downhill)

'Drip - . . . - Drip - . . . - Drip - Drip - Drip' The men would feel raindrops fall over them, it wasn't anything serious but on a mossy ground it was definitely going to make things more slippery. After a while, it would start pouring. This would not affect visibility nor does it appear that the rain's intensity would change much. It was just very regular rain. Most of it was being filtered by the canopy of the forest and, if you wanted to avoid getting wet, it was going to be easy.

After a while, the soothing sound of rain gently hammering the leaves and pines of the forest would spread around and become the dominant ambient sound over the wildlife.

Not very long, it would actually feel like there would be more space to navigate as well. Although it was still difficult, there was a little more leeway for going downhill, although trying to avoid tripping on the roots was definitely trickier now. And as it also got bit more open, the trail of clawmarks became easier to follow. And the inclination of the slope was getting steeper.

Inaru-samaDec 11, 2018 2:49 PM
Dec 11, 2018 3:12 PM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex & Chu Omari

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12

The navigation seemed to get a bit easier as time went on, as if the loss of six of their number had been enough for whatever god made the forest they were in to take pity on them as the path opened up a bit and the clawmarks became easier to follow. Still, downhill was no easy task, and it was not made any easier by the roots that had broken through the surface in places, making the entire slope a walking hazard. There were a few more scuffs added to the uniforms and clothes of the men as they navigated their way down the slope. The rain that fell down and made rain come down the slope made it worse, turning the ground to mud beneath their feet. As the slope got steeper, more and more often they had to dodge around tiny streams that cut their way through the mud. The rain, soothing as the sound was, did nothing to prevent their nerves from being on edge. The men looked around them hunting for an unseen enemy, and the sound of the drumming on the leaves above them drowning out most other sounds and depriving them of one of their senses did nothing to calm them.

Meanwhile, the poor Caroleans who were in the river did their best to draw their bayonets and stick it into the sides of the river, hoping to find some hold in the water to perhaps pull them out of the rushing flow.
Dec 11, 2018 10:56 PM

Nov 2015

The one going at front would eventually find out that, trying to take another step forward would result in loss of foothold, keeping a measly touch only due to a random root. By now it appeared that they were on a tall ridge that was sinking down to a a small valley ahead. It was clear that this was end of this area and up ahead was some forest area that was far more easier to navigate. Especially for being wet, it was likely going to be very difficult to get back up on this ridge, of accidentally falling down.

The trail of clawmarks was not going to make this easy either. The creature that they were tracking, had no intention of going down the valley, but instead it was barely cutting it close by going the outline of the ridge. It was difficult to keep an eye on the exact route as getting close to the trees that were part of the trail were on the steepest parts of the ridge where there was still trees growing. And, if they somehow found a way to navigate forward without falling down, there were some that had been uprooted from the strength of the impact and slid down all the way down on the valley.

. . .

The Caroleans with their D rank perception would spot that there were a few large-sized wolf-like silhouette's bellow the ridge, wandering about. It was their first time seeing these creatures but they were Garms. Unfortunately despite the rain not being a visibility issue in the denser areas of the forest, it was very difficult to see all the way down on the valley. It was enough to mask away visibility when the distance was in hundreds of meters.

Dec 12, 2018 8:58 AM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex & Chu Omari

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12

Navigation was treacherous, as they walked down the hill and found themselves standing at the edge of a steep drop into a valley below. Chu pulled Carolus, who had been leading the column, back away from the edge just as he was about to plunge into quite the fall. Both men cursed the treacherous terrain even as the Caroleans held up behind them, looking grim. The loss of six of their comrades had not done much to improve the mood of the men. Soon, the party was back on the trail of the beast, walking along the edge of the drop. The Caroleans were not afraid, but their nerves were frayed. They had become jumpy and now walking along the edge of the drop exposed them to torrents of rain falling on their head, and spotting silhouettes below the ridge that resembled over grown wolves did nothing to improve the mood. Every man in the group knew that falling down that ridge would certainly have meant death. The group was slowed even further by the terrain along the steep drop. Every move had to be thought about as they walked along the tree line, fallen trees occasionally forcing large detours into the group's path. But still they pressed on.
Dec 12, 2018 3:08 PM

Nov 2015

The rain kept on going, and the group was keen on staying on the mission rather than trying to try to find the shortcut down to take down the regular calamity seeds.

While they were following the trail, they would come to notice a peculiarity. Although the trail was still following the treeline, there were few trees that had been cracked apart like a lightning had struck. But instead there was something else there. There was something large resting, partially lodged against tree. It was black and it was difficult to tell what it exactly was. An object of sort what could have been told about it. As long as you wouldn't return to follow the trail to the wrong direction, there might not be much harm in checking it out closer. Or they could just stay on the mission and keep on following the trail.

Either way at this point a call would be directed through their COMB's.

"Hello, it's Annie again. I'm sorry that I took so long. We've had a team to look into this. Since there were two COMB's present we were able to stretch together something by mixing together bunch of nothing. Whatever it is, it's body is very light. And at most it's 2 meters tall and it's favored movement pattern appears to be leaping from surface to surface. I'm sorry that I can't be much of help here but it's the best we have. I really need you to find this thing. No matter what it takes. If this thing would find itself somewhere populated, the repercussions could be catastrophic... Anything that could help identifying and helping us to figure out a plan to destroy it would help. If you have any insight, please report it immediately."

Inaru-samaDec 12, 2018 4:09 PM
Dec 12, 2018 6:59 PM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex & Chu Omari

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12

Carolus lifted up a hand to stop the column, pointing quietly towards the object resting lodged in the splintered tree, and the men did so quietly, spreading out a bit, pointing muskets forwards towards the object and in the direction of the trail as well. All of the men went to a more stable crouch, four aiming down the trail and two towards the object. Carolus and Chu were the only ones left standing, the muck clear on the boots and hems of the clothes of the men. Carolus pointed at the object. He kept his voice low as he spoke. "Whatever that is, we should check it out. My men and I will hold position here while you go forward. If it's a trap, we'll rush in to help fight." Carolus gave the man a dubious look, but did not protest, turning and shrugging. "Very well, i'll be counting on you to watch my back." He then moved forward, past the rest of the men. Chu would decline the call as it came up, but Carolus would accept it. The mission operator spoke in regards to the enemy they were facing, giving out very little helpful information. Carolus watched like a hawk as Chu advanced on the object, but responded never the less to Annie. "That information is more then what we had to go on before. We hit a few snags earlier, a small cave in near what looked like an underground river, but we made it past. My men have reported sighting Calamity Seeds down in a valley, the compendium description leads me to believe they are Garms. We've only spotted a few, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are more. I'll be entirely honest, we're going to be a bit lost when we do find this thing. We've stopped momentarily to investigate something that appears to have been left behind in one of the trees." As he spoke, Chu approached the object carefully, sword drawn and shield raised as he tried to discern what it was wedged in the trees while he approached.
Dec 13, 2018 2:25 AM

Nov 2015

The object appeared to be a very large slab of metal, part of something. However it showed extreme stress fractures; tears and denting. Whatever had happened to it, it did not come from here. Based on vegetation it had not been there for that long but on it's own it wasn't easy to tell. Whatever it was, it held it's shape rather well when it came down and the damage it suffered appeared to have come before it crashed the ground.

"They'd likely be accompanied by one Fenrir. You have come a very long way, so it does not sound too surprising to find E and D rank calamity seeds where you are. Either way it would be nice, if someone would eventually take them out as well. But for your current group, I don't think you would be able to. I just want you to do what you can. I'm already asking too much for pleading you to complete this task."

Dec 13, 2018 12:30 PM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex & Chu Omari

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12

Carolus wasn't sure why she'd reminded him that he ought not engage the Garms down in the valley below when something so obviously far more dangerous was before them, he didn't say that aloud though. "Very well, we'll finish up getting a good look at what has gone on here and then we'll be moving on. Let us know if you find something new out about the creature." He'd wait for her response, then end the call should she not have anything else to say. Meanwhile Chu made his way back to the group. "It's just a giant slab of metal, looks like it took a beating before it hit the ground. I'll mark the coordinates on my comb, then we should keep moving. We can't carry that thing, it's too heavy." Carolus nodded and Chu did as he said he would, then the men formed the column again and carried on going down the trail again.
Dec 13, 2018 12:58 PM

Nov 2015

After proceeding forward a few minutes, one of the Caroleans would spot that there was something odd, he could have sworn that there were more pieces of metal further away. And not only that, there may be a second trail of similar marks further up. Either way whether of going towards the new area of interest or not, they could spot a body or just a doll in a special jumpsuit that was stuck up high up on a dead tree on it's branches. It appears it had hit there with quite a force as some of the splintered branches had impaled the jet-black jumpsuit. It wore a helmet with some technology on it but parts of it were broken.

Considering the forest area was very difficult to navigate or push through, scrap would really stick out to the eye. Not to mention a corpse on a tree. The corpse's wear and boots would really not feel appropriate for a forest ranger. He also had an empty side-arm holster on his right thigh, but there were a few visible magazines.

Inaru-samaDec 13, 2018 1:10 PM
Dec 13, 2018 5:39 PM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex & Chu Omari

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12

It was not long down the path that the pieces starting coming together, starting with the grisly image of a body stuck up in the trees. The Caroleans were the one who had spotted it. After pointing it out, Carolus spotted the thing, and the scraps of metal that littered the area around it. Stopping the group once more, the men would take up crouching positions on the trail while Carolus and Chu stepped out. He put a call through to Annie. "Annie, this is Carolus. We've found another body. This one looks to be a pilot of some sort judging by his helmet. Is there any records of any craft crashing in this area? We've got metal all over that suggests the wreckage of some sort of vehicle. It could be linked to the Calamity Seed too." While he spoke to Annie, Chu searched the area around the tree for the sidearm of the man who had died in the trees. The empty holster suggested that perhaps he had attempted to draw the weapon. It would have made sense, except that the sidearm would have had to have been fired before the body hit the trees, either that, or the person had lost it before being impaled on the branches.
Dec 14, 2018 11:05 AM

Nov 2015

A voice would casually pick up from the COMB: ”A pilot, huh? Wait, let me run a quick check.” Her voice would distance out, but it appeared that she had left the voice on: ”Yes. All the flights. Just look them up fast. Thanks. Wait, are you sure? Alright thank you.”

”I am sorry. I am of a little help. There are no official records nor sightings of any missing flight. I’ve pulled out all the transponder data. Nothing. There are also no form of requests or rescue missions dispatched... No to be precise there is nothing that would indicate that area as an area of interest. There have been previously some renegade elves around however I can’t see this connected with that case. I don’t have the answers you are looking for. Right now you are our eyes on the ground.”

Despite of the best efforts, the sidearm was nowhere to be found. But as they were searching wider, they could find out that the view to the north-east was less obstructed than typically in the impassable areas of the forest, despite of the rain.
Dec 14, 2018 11:10 PM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex & Chu Omari

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12

Carolus sighed and then shook his head. "Well regardless we've got a body and no name for it. It has a sidearm holster, but it's empty. Possible military pilot. We'll continue forward and notify you if we find any black box for the craft." Carolus ended the call and the men formed up on the trail once again, Chu at the lead, and they would keep going. Top priority was not investigating this pilot, it was finding the monster and figuring out just what it was. Anything else could wait. They would continue walking on the path until they reached the next encounter.
Dec 15, 2018 6:18 AM

Nov 2015

The voice would immediately reply: "Negative, it's a mismatch... It has to be mercenary... [Pause] ... Be careful. Things have gotten a lot more complicated over the past hour than what they should be. I''ll have to contact my superiors. Just stay alive. That's an order."

Something would leave this lingering impression that the order did not come due to the care of their well being but due to something else. Like due to the strategic importance of this 'request'.

As they'd continue further out on the trail, it would eventually stop following the ridge and the amount of scrap that was littering the forest floor would be drastically reduced. It would appear that it was only fixed around one very specific area of the forest. And now the trail was leading them back into the deep primeval forest where movement was going to be constricted. Whatever the CS was, it'd appear that it going through this area was nothing.

The opening forestscape had something slightly different to it than the previous areas that the Caroleans had threaded. It almost felt enchanted. Before the rain there had been dust particles glittering in the air and dancing when the little of day's warmth illuminated them.

Here despite of the rain falling down, there was similar manner of glittering. It could be described as a very eerie and magical thing. Possibly related to leftover residual prana. No one in the group could determine the origin or reason why there was residual prana in the air around these parts of the forest but nowhere elsewhere. This area also appeared as more likely area of interest for the CS than the supposed crash-site.
Inaru-samaDec 15, 2018 6:57 AM
Dec 15, 2018 3:23 PM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex & Chu Omari

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12

Carolus didn't respond, but ended the call. He looked to Carolus and for what seemed to be the umpteenth time they started walking down the trail. Soon, the open forest turned into the close quarters jungle that they were used to. The men began to tire from the walk as they followed the trail, all six feeling the pain in their feet, and cold from the chilly rain that poured in, only getting a respite as they walked under the thick canopy once more. It was because of the dirt smeared uniforms and overall fatigue the group suffered that he swore at himself repeatedly. It had been foolish not to bring some supplies for the expedition. It was at this thought that he silently hoped he could get some money out of this mission. He'd go to some shops to purchase supplies that his men would be able to carry on journeys in the future. While they had no need of water, he could not deny that it would be nice to have some sort of cool drink to carry with them as they walked through the forests, traveling at a forced march. Either that or ponchos to protect themselves from the rain. He glanced down at his clothes briefly and his face turned in distaste. He'd need to get them washed when he returned.
Dec 15, 2018 5:46 PM

Nov 2015


Rain drops would keep on pouring, when one of the Caroleans would notice something in his peripheral vision. There was a black body of another deceased person, lying on the ground. Yet it came late as he saw gleaming eyes. Rain drops would be wiped away as the sound of it's initial movement would sound like thunder: Tsak-Tsak Whatever it was, it repeated it's lightning fast pattern. Due to the tight chokes of the tree lines, it would swoop 3 more times from tree to tree. Both Chu and Carolus would feel a mass of air impact towards then. (As well as towards each of the Caroleans, 5 of the Caroleans would be killed due to their extreme aversion to damage.)

And one Carolean would have a fate much worse; as it's speed would decellerate, an insectoid creature appeared before one of the Caroleans. Before it was unsummoned from extensive punishment. {Skill Activation: Vorpal Strike [Rank: A] - TECH} as the Caroleans lacked the stamina to avoid, a purple blade of energy would shred the man into ribbons before he'd realize what had struck him.

The creature was equally confused. As majority of it's prey would disappear before it could even reach them. It would jump backwards from Chu and Carolous, appearing to teleport at first and then drastically decelerate from a ludicrous speed. Somehow the first few meters it traveled appeared to be too quick to be tracked by the eye. And everything in it's path as it teleported would take damage.

At this point the creature had destroyed all six caroleans that were present. Additionally, an unknown attack as it emerged had swooped in towards Chu and Carolus. If they failed to avoid it (the likely scenario) they'd feel a few minor cuts over their body and they'd be slightly pushed back.

The beast was no observing with confusion at the two who stayed alive while other 6 had dissaipated away.

As of now, the other 6 Caroleans have traveled far enough in the underground river to go out of bounds from Carolus.
Inaru-samaDec 15, 2018 5:52 PM
Dec 16, 2018 12:37 PM

Mar 2015
Chu Omari

Health: 100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Sword, Active
Astral Gear: Shield, Active
Status Effects: None

Reaction Phase:

Chu was stunned at the sudden appearance of the creature, which dove and attacked without any warning. At the destruction of the Caroleans, instantly knowing they were outclassed, Chu pushed Carolus back and stood in front of him, not attempting to move and trying to protect the man from the attack, raising his shield as fast as he could and putting his weight behind it. Given the speed of the creature, this would be both his action and reaction phase.

Carolus Rex

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12

Reaction Phase:
Knowing instantly what Chu intended from the way he stood, the veteran general turned and ran as fast as he could down the path, moving at D rank speed, opening a call to the mission operator. He would not bother to introduce himself again. "We're in contact with the creature. About to be killed." Is all he would say as he sent the coordinates of the last known location of the creature to command, hoping it would help in any follow up trips. Perhaps they would be able to get a fix on what it was.
Dec 18, 2018 2:26 PM

Nov 2015


< Start of turn : Unknown Recovery>
< Start of turn : Unknown Last Turn Costs>

Previous turn: Carolus would mostly avoid getting hit due to Chu’s heroic defense, taking only 5 points of damage while, Chu would lose 3 health and his shield would lose 6 durability. The cuts he suffered would appear to be very minor. In overall, that damage felt more like coincidental one rather than having the intent to actually kill.

It’s reaction phase:

The creature stood still. And instead from it’s covered posture it would extend it’s length and hide away it’s wings. It appeared almost more like a strange humanoid. Opening it’s jaws it extended it’s tongue and viscous acidic fluid would drip down. It was truly tooth like a shark. And then it stood, fully extending it's limbs, standing tall and proud at 2.5 meters as opposed to it’s hunched position. The towering creature would look at Chu and his defense.

It would keep standing still like a statue, however there was nothing relaxing about it. The creature had a sharp gaze and it hadn’t averted it’s eyes to anything even once. Rather it was scoping it’s opposition. It almost felt like that the creature was intelligent enough to evaluate the strength of it’s opponent. (Standby action)

The operator would reply to Carolus: ”... I can confirm it. Receiving coordinates.. Wait... It’s... What is it doing?” The voice would sound worried. . .

It’s action phase:

The creature would suddenly shrink down and jolt a jump towards the closest tree. As it started the jump, the creature would disappear from Chu’s sight. Although it’s pattern appeared to be clear, it’s jumps were fast to track down. And to Chu’s dismay the creature ignored him, the shielded hero. Going straight after the king who was trying to make his escape.

The creature would appear behind Carolus as he was still running, with it's talons extended long and open and crackling with electricity. ”BEHIND YOU!!” --as the operator would scream through the COMB, the creature would leap towards Carolus Rex and attempt to snatch him at a high speed.
{Skill Activation: Abduct [Rank: B] - TECH}

Inaru-samaDec 18, 2018 3:13 PM
Jan 5, 2019 11:20 PM

Nov 2015

The creature swooped Carolus up, a sharp pain stopped him from thinking. The creature proceeded to slash him once as he dropped him down a cliffside where three Garms that had gained a scent were waiting. The unfortunate SOUL was devoured as the three Garms raced on the feast. One triumphed over the others, evolving into a Fenrir. It let out a bloodchilling howl that could be heard across Rinhain Forest.

The creature then turned back at Chu, reaching the distance in a moment and using the same technique that he had used on Carolus. However this time the creature's maw opened wide and gathered energy. Although Chu was able to recover from the stun a moment before the creature went for a fatal bite, his entire body was locked down in a pin. It instantaneously pumped Chu's body full of it's digestive acids, not allowing a single trace of his essence flee. Despite of the operator unsummoning the frozen soul, nothing could prevent the hunter from it's feast.

At this point the beast vanished without leaving a trace.

Carolus and Chu will be resummoned at the Throne shortly.

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