A maze. A fitting manner of describing the base of operations for Apex Members. A large fortress build out of connecting metal passages. Connected or intersecting with buildings of varying sizes and shapes. There were distinguishing features around the place. The ceiling of the hallways was largely a set of rafters below lights that lightened up the complex. Keeping them very seperate by not interconnecting any of the rafters if there was a room between, with mechanical doors that required different form of entry relying on their importance, complicating any intruder's passage. Thick metal pipes built into the walls. And it was not awfully busy, but not quiet here on the first floor of most of the complex. Whilst many were out to drink and spend any monetary gain they had made there were some that spend their time entertained here, had decided they wanted to rest here early for an early assignment or worked other jobs here.
Some of which you recognized and others not, it was a jumble of faces and unless you had any significant relation and an excellent memory you wouldn't bother to remember most of their names. As she found herself in sight of the armory counter she would see a black haired with plucks of white, fairly pale skin toned man, ears that stretched out longer, not to a point but to a round end. Swaying slightly as they hanged a bit. The race seemed to be a extraterrestrial one, but with how weird some Heteromorphs or how diverse supernatural can be it was harder to tell. He was wearing a great silk robe, probably a nightly outfit, though dressed underneath and wearing socks and crocks.
Though it seemed less of buying and more casual conversation with a thing she recognized, a thing as by it not having an existing gender. Raid was an automaton, mainly black steel, some parts having been painted an orange hue. There was no actual mouth or norse, but there were two ''eyes'' and two holes which replicated the thought of a nose holes by location. Etched into it were graphic imagery of battle, looking like the closest it could get to a tattoo. An overall slick and humanoid build. He was not the only one whom worked in the armory of course, but a worked and more tolerant then others. ''Oh yo, ya knows I ain't getting what your saying. But I am thinking like a weird acoustic weapon with some add ons to listen to some nice tunes?''' |