Sep 18, 2018 10:28 AM
Here is where you keep track of your character’s experiences, rank points and ability gains/updates. Check constantly the Rank System to update your character's profile. [b]Name:[/b] [b]Level:[/b] [b]Level points:[/b] [b]Monster(s) Defeated:[/b] [b]Places explore:[/b] [b]Missions completed:[/b] [b]Events Completed:[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] [b]Abilities:[/b] [b]Lifespan:[/b] note: you get 30 points for joining the club and having your character approved ps: do one post for all your characters |
linetteSep 18, 2018 5:45 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Sep 18, 2018 5:42 PM
Name: Elike Vancar Level: 8 Level points: 580 Enemy(s) Defeated: 89 Places explore: Treasure Hunt Quest Village (10 LP) Rose Garden (10 LP) Golden City (10 LP) Magnolia City (10 LP) Lou Rouge Kingdom (10 LP) Avalonia (10 LP) Fire and Ice Island (10 LP) Town of Vaelia (10 LP) Missions completed: 4 Treasure Hunt (Pet) Lost Treasure Quest = The Mystery of the Fire and Ice Island: Part I (90 LP, $100,000) Part II (30 LP, Fire Spear) Part III (Ice Spear) Part IV (120 LP, Poison Spear) Part V(40 LP, $100,000) Escort Job (42 LP, $500) The Succubus to remember (50 LP, $500) Events Completed: 2 Offense vs Defense Tournament (30 LP) Obstacle Course (68 LP) Weapons: Compound Bow (+16 Arrows), Sword, Fire Spear, Ice Spear and Poison Spear Can be used as a regular spear at any point. Aggressive Ability: Shoots large flames at an opponent(s)/can also burn the floor (3 post use, 3 post cooldown). OR Passive Ability: can raise the temperature to over 100 degrees (2 post use, 2 post cooldown). Can be used as a regular spear at any point. Aggressive Ability: Shoots blocks of ice at an enemy/can also freeze the floor (3 post use, 3 post cooldown). OR Passive Ability: Can make the temperature - 10 degrees (2 post use, 2 post cooldown). Can be used as a regular spear at any point. Aggressive Ability: Shoots bombs of poison at an enemy/can also poison the floor (3post use, 3 post cooldown). OR Passive Ability: If pierced by this weapon at any point, opponent becomes poisoned (2 post use, 2 post cooldown). Abilities: Demon Mask Updated, Fox Mask, Monster Mask, Shadow Mask Lifespan: 12 Pet: Ray || flight (2 post use, 4 cooldown| Update: 3 cooldown), ice shards (1 post use, 3 post cooldown), increase sight (2 post use, 2 post cooldown), increases its size and can carry a human on its back, small shield (basketball size. 1 post use, 3 post cooldown) Level 1: flight (2 post use, 4 cooldown) Level 2: ice shards (1 post use, 3 post cooldown) Level 3: increase sight (2 post use, 2 post cooldown ) Level 6: increases its size and can carry a human on its back Level 8: small shield (basketball size, 1 post use, 3 post cooldown) Level 9: upgrade an ability or remove 1 post cooldown Level 10: upgrade an ability or remove 1 post cooldown Level 11: upgrade an ability or remove 1 post cooldown Level 12: ice bean (2 post use, 2 post cooldown) Level 13 and up: You can decide what your pet learns. They can learn or update an ability every 2 post. We have to approve it. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Garrett Iwa Level: 8 Level points: 729 (Note: Character was transferred with 70 LP) Enemy(s) Defeated: 35+ Places explore: 5 Greenpoint Village (10 LP) Avalonia (10 LP) Lagoon Island Paradise (10 LP) Talonia Village (10 LP) Malediction Desert (10 LP) Missions completed: 3 Missing Child Water Park Mayhem Mission (80 LP, $200) Save Lana! (160 LP) Malediction Desert (196 LP) Events Completed: 3 Obstacle Course (68 LP) Sport Tournament (75 LP) Offense vs Defense Tournament (30 LP) Weapons: Sword, Glove Abilities: Rock Gloves, Sand Storm, Rock Knifes, Crystal Spears Lifespan: 12 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Last Event Done: Malediction Desert) Name: Lana Brothood Level: 10 Level points: 843 (Note: Character was transferred with 80 LP) Enemy(s) Defeated: 50+ Places explore: 5 Rose Garden (10 LP) Nymphet Lagoon (10 LP) Lagoon Island Paradise (10 LP) Malediction Desert (10 LP) Delliny Village (10 LP) Missions completed: 6 Nymphet Lagoon (106 LP) Peeping Tom (35 LP, $200) Rescue of Rose Garden! (20 LP, $300) Missing Child Water Park Mayhem Mission (80 LP, $200) Save Lana! (120 LP) Malediction Desert (196 LP) Events Completed: 3 Obstacle Course (51 LP) Sport Tournament (75 LP) Offense vs Defense Tournament (30 LP) Weapons: Compound Bow (+16 Arrows), Whip Abilities: Summoning Deer, Summoning Butterfly, Summoning Snake, Summoning Fox, Summoning Bird Lifespan: 14 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Last Event Done: Malediction Desert) Name: Lanz Brothood Level: 6 Level points: 848 (Note: Character was transferred with 45 LP) Enemy(s) Defeated: 50+ Places explore: 5 Rose Garden (10 LP) Nymphet Lagoon (10 LP) Lagoon Island Paradise (10 LP) Malediction Desert (10 LP) Delliny Village (10 LP) Missions completed: 6 Nymphet Lagoon (106 LP) Peeping Tom (35 LP, $200) Rescue of Rose Garden! (20 LP, $300) Missing Child Water Park Mayhem Mission (80 LP, $200) Save Lana! (160 LP) Malediction Desert (196 LP) Events Completed: 3 Obstacle Course (51 LP) Sport Tournament (75 LP) Offense vs Defense Tournament (30 LP) Weapons: Carbine (2 clips - 30 rounds total), Sword Abilities: Summoning Deer Skeleton, Summoning Butterfly Skeleton, Summoning Snake Skeleton, Summoning Fox Skeleton, Summoning Bird Skeleton Lifespan: 14 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Last Event Done: Escort Job) Name: Maximilian (Dangan) Hullet Level: 5 Level points: 203 Enemy(s) Defeated: 7 4 Fire Mage 3 Water Mage Places explore: 4 Surveillance Squad Mission Village (10 LP) Landra Forest (10 LP) Avalonia Town (10 LP) Viola Town (10 LP) Missions completed: 1 Surveillance Squad (20 LP) Escort Job (42 LP, $500) Events Completed: 2 Obstacle Course (51 LP) Wilderness Survival (20 LP) Weapons: Carbine (2 clips - 30 rounds total) Abilities: Metal Manipulation, Metal Creation, Metal Reconstruction Lifespan: 8 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Last Event Done: _____) Name: Kiany StHorts Level: 5 Level points: 200 (Note: Character was transferred with 200 LP) Enemy(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: Compound Bow (+16 Arrows) Abilities: Half-canine, Half-lizard, Half-bird Lifespan: 9 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Last Event Done: Beware the Villianess) Name: Morgan O'Kuki Level: 13 Level points: 1,378 Enemy(s) Defeated: 39+ Places explore: 16 Magical Woods (10 LP) The chaos and order gang Village (10 LP) Rose Garden (10 LP) Surveillance Squad Mission II Village (10 LP) Talonia Village (10 LP) The chaos and order gang (part 2) Water Village (10 LP) The chaos and order gang (part 2) Fire Village (10 LP) The chaos and order gang (part 2) Wind Village (10 LP) The chaos and order gang (part 2) Earth Village (10 LP) Landra Forest (10 LP) Town of Vaelia (10 LP) Hidden Enchanted Forest -location unknown- (10 LP) Lagoon island Paradise (10 LP) Town of Avalonia (10 LP) Battlefields of Blades (10 LP) Above Wasteland (10 LP) Missions completed: 7 Meeting Connetica Magical Woods (20 LP) The chaos and order gang (70 LP) The chaos and order gang 2 (150 LP) The chaos and order gang 3 Landra Forest (135 LP) Surveillance Squad Mission II (60) Hidden Enchanted Forest (125 LP, Chains + Kunais) Beware the Villianess (380 LP, $100,000, Pet) [url=]Killing Assassins[/ur] (150 LP) Events Completed: 2 Offense vs Defense Tournament (30 LP) Obstacle Course (68 LP) Weapons: Scimitar, Axe, Chains + Kunais Abilities: Air Elimination Updated, Air Cuts Updated, Air Reflection, Air Adaptation, Air Blast, Air Gravity Lifespan: 17 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Caylee Banimura Level: 1 Level points: 30 Enemy(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: Small hunting bow (+10 arrows) Abilities: Magical Sphere Generation Lifespan: 5 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Ofelia Shokanba Level: 1 Level points: 40 Enemy(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 1 Zyfir (10 LP) Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: Small hunting bow (+10 arrows) Abilities: Constellation Horse Lifespan: 5 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Last Even Done: Bounty Mission Arjun) Name: Adriana Vera Level: 6 Level points: 289 Enemy(s) Defeated: 21 15 Wolves 3 Bears 3 Guards Places explore: 2 Rose Garden (10 LP) Varnir (10 LP) Missions completed: 1 Bounty Mission Arjun (130 LP and $5,000) Events Completed: 2 Obstacle Course (34 LP) Sport Tournament (75 LP) Weapons: Medium War Bow (+14 arrows) Abilities: Water Monster, Hell Monster, Air Monster Lifespan: 10 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Last Event Done: Cedric's Sidestory, Cegocien Region - Uric || In Process: Cedric's Sidestory, Cegocien Region - Final Battle) Name: Cedric Seishin Level: 13 Level points: 1515 Monster(s) Defeated: 30 Places explore: 4 Landra Forest (10 LP) Varnir (10 LP) Cegocien Region - Egni (10 LP) Cegocien Region - Enegon's Temple (10 LP) Cegocien Region - Celonic's Temple (10 LP) Cegocien Region - Uric (10 LP) Missions completed: 1 Bounty Mission Arjun (130 LP and $5,000) Cegocien Region - Egni (174 LP) Cegocien Region - Enegon's Temple (120 LP) Cegocien Region - Ivelon (107 LP) The Legend of the legendary birds (85 LP) Cegocien Region - Celonic's Temple (Compass and Sword) Cegocien Region - Uric (120 LP) Cegocien Region - Final Battle (560 LP) Events Completed: 5 Wilderness Survival (20 LP) Obstacle Course (34 LP) Sport Tournament (75 LP) Weapon(s): Medium War Bow (+16 arrows), Abilities: Celestial Deer, Celestial Bear, Celestial Owl, Celestial Wolf, Celestial Hare, Celestial Fox Lifespan: 17 |
linetteJun 25, 2023 5:14 PM
Sep 28, 2018 11:24 AM
Name: Mikaila Blossom Image Level: 12 Level points: 1,298 Monster(s) Defeated: 39 Monster(s) Defeated outside of mission, jobs, training and bounties: - 5 big rats (10 LP) - 5 giant bear looking creatures (10LP) - Spider Lady (60) - 6 elemental thiefs (80) - Asassins (100) Places explore: - Magical Woods (10) - Vaelia (10) - Rose Garden (10) - Landra Forest (10) - Talonia Village (10) - The chaos and order gang (part 2) Water Village (10 LP) - The chaos and order gang (part 2) Fire Village (10 LP) - The chaos and order gang (part 2) Wind Village (10 LP) - The chaos and order gang (part 2) Earth Village (10 LP) - surveillance village - Hidden Enchanted Forest -location unknown- (10 LP) - Lagoon island Paradise (10 LP) - Town of Avalonia (10 LP) - Battlefields of Blades (10 LP) - Above Wasteland (10 LP) Missions completed: - The chaos and order gang (70) - The chaos and order gang 2 (150 LP) - The chaos and order gang 3 (135 LP) - Surveillance Squad Mission II (60) - Saving Mikaila’s Forest Kingdom ((95 LP, sword) - Beware the Villianess (380 LP, $100,000, Pet) Events Completed: - Offense vs Defense Tournament (30) - Obstacle Course (51 LP) Other lvl points gained - completion of character (30) Weapons: Sakura grenades Sakura dance, a field of cherry blossom petals surround the enemy. The petals become middles and shoot at the enemy. 1 post use, 2 cooldown (Each 2 levels, get rid of a Cooldown. After every 5 levels. The weapon gains a new ability) the weapon can also be used like a sword. Abilities: Healing Blossoms, flight, Barrier, Sakura's repair Lifespan: 12 weapons/pets gained from completing missions/quests: Sakura grenades Sakura dance, a field of cherry blossom petals surround the enemy. The petals become middles and shoot at the enemy. 1 post use, 2 cooldown (Each 2 levels, get rid of a Cooldown. After every 5 levels. The weapon gains a new ability) the weapon can also be used like a sword. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Rose Magnolia Image Level: 10 Level points: 873 Monster(s) Defeated: 31 Monster(s) Defeated outside of mission, jobs, training and bounties: Places explore: - Rose Garden (10) - lagoon Island Paradise (10) - Avalonia (10) - Battlefields of blades (10) - Nymphet Lagoon (10 LP) - Lagoon Island Paradise (10 LP) - Malediction Desert (10 LP) - Delliny Village (10 LP) Missions completed: - Nymphet Lagoon (106 LP) - stopping a pervert (35 LP) - Rescue of Rose Garden (30) - Water Park Mayhem (80 LP) - Save Lana (160) - Malediction Desert (196 LP) Trainings Completed: - Obstacle Course (51 LP) - Sport's tournament (75 LP) - Offense vs Defense Tournament (30) Other lvl points gained - completion of character (30) Weapons: Abilities: - Pink Orchid Bombs - Hope Rhododendron - flowers and thorn vines Lifespan: 12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name:Elias Pendragon Image: Level: 10 Level points: 1050 Monster(s) Defeated: Monster(s) Defeated outside of mission, jobs, training and bounties: Places explore: + 10 (Landra Forest) + 10 (Varnir) + 10 (Cegocien Region - Egni) +10 (Cegocien Region - Enegon's Temple) Training Completed + 20 (Wilderness ) + 34 (Obstacle Course) + 35 (The Maze) + 75 (Sport Tournament) Missions completed: + 130 LP and $5,000 (Bounty Mission Arjun) + 174 (Cegocien Region - Egni) +120 (Cegocien Region - Enegon's Temple ) +107 (Cegocien Region - Ivelon ) + 85(The Legend of the legendary birds) Events Completed: +30 (completing character) Job Quest Completely: Weapons: Abilities: weapons/pets gained from completing missions/quests: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Sakura Megami Image: Level: 6 Level points: 289 Monster(s) Defeated: - 15 Wolves - 3 Bears - 3 Guards Places explore: - Rose Garden (10 LP) - Varnir (10 LP) Missions completed: - Bounty Mission Arjun (130 LP and $5,000) Trainings Completed: - Obstacle Course (34 LP) - Sports Tournament (75) Events Completed: - Character Creation COmpletion Weapons: Abilities: Lifespan: 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Name: Abygail Flohr Image: Level:3 Level points: 168 Monster(s) Defeated: - 6 wind mages Places explore: Missions completed: - Obstacle Course (51 LP) Events Completed: Weapons: Abilities: Lifespan: 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=#FA80F2 ]Name: Lunaria Lux Image: Level: 3 Level points: 140 Monster(s) Defeated: 14 Monster(s) Defeated outside of mission, jobs, training and bounties: Places explore: -vaelia (10) -port of Vanir (10) - mountains in Vanir (10) - town of Vanir (10) Missions completed: Events Completed: Bounty Completed - Bounty Hunts: Ulster (70) Other lvl points gained - completion of character (30) Weapons: Abilities: Target Away Lifespan: 5 [/coloro |
Sakura_megamiJun 22, 2023 6:13 PM
Sep 28, 2018 3:12 PM
Name: Sylvia Aerlis Level: 1 Level points: 0 Monster(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: Short Sword --------- Name: Corvin Wiessen Level: 1 Level points: 0 Monster(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: Shield --------- Name: Jakob St.Fleur Level: 3 Level points: 100 Monster(s) Defeated: - 3 pack of wolfs -5 bears Places explored: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: Saber Abilities: Yasil Summon - Yasil is summoned and kept active for 5 posts, before a 5 post cool down. Yasil, Guardian of Life - Yasil is summoned in an armored form with ability to heal summoner (exchange post use for life point), summon time is same post use same cool down time. (5 use, 5 cool) Lifespan: 7 ---------- Name: Vincent Level: 3 Level points: 100 Monster(s) Defeated: - 3 pack of wolfs -5 bears Places explore:0 Missions completed:0 Events Completed:0 Weapons: Pistol Abilities: Blades of Execution - Summon and use of 4 silver blades for ranged combat (1 post summon, 4 post cool down after last blade is used) Last Stand - Defense orb that negates one medium level or lower attack or reduces a heavy attack damage Lifespan: 7 |
Ze-LemMay 30, 2021 7:18 PM
Oct 4, 2018 10:59 AM
Name: Fin Storm Level: 4 Level points: 150 Monster(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 4 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: dagger Abilities: Elemental weapons Lifespan: 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Rita Star Level: 2 Level points: 90 Monster(s) Defeated: Places explore:6 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: none Abilities: Earth Soul Lifespan: 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Renee Bloodrose Level: 1 Level points: 40 Monster(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 1 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: none Abilities: Blood Drink Lifespan: 5 |
frogotenOct 15, 2018 12:00 PM
..... :'( |
Oct 4, 2018 11:21 AM
Name: Sou Yuuki Level: 4 Level points: 160 Monster(s) Defeated:0 Places explore: 13 Missions completed:0 Events Completed:0 Weapons: Orb Staff (Used to shield ally from a small distance for 2 posts. 1 post cool down.) Abilities: true form, 1 post shield, Lifespan: 8 __________________________________________________________________ Name:Nhila Eilsund Level: 2 Level points:60 Monster(s) Defeated:0 Places explore: 3 Missions completed:0 Events Completed:0 Weapons:0 Abilities:Sound Manipulation Lifespan: 6 __________________________________________________________________ Name:Eden Urushibara Level:2 Level points:50 Monster(s) Defeated:0 Places explore:2 Missions completed:0 Events Completed:0 Weapons:Medium War Bow Abilities: flower petal Lifespan: 6 __________________________________________________________________ Name: Sammmy Amber Rose Level: 1 Level points:40 Monster(s) Defeated:0 Places explore:1 Missions completed:0 Events Completed:0 Weapons:none Abilities:Time Revert Lifespan: 5 __________________________________________________________________ |
Zelda102Oct 17, 2018 9:48 AM
Oct 5, 2018 7:44 PM
Name: Estrella Novakova Level: 1 Level points: 30 Monster(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 1 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: — Abilities: Ice Soul Lifespan: 5 |
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings. To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea. You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri |
Oct 17, 2018 7:38 AM
Name: Theo Ryder Level: 5 Level points: 215 Monster(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 2 Weapons: sun staff Abilities: Healing touch, Antivenom,2 post shield, simultaneous heal. Lifespan: 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Anthony Atwater Level: 3 Level points: 133 Monster(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 1 Weapons: Saber Abilities: breathing underwater, water bullet, vapor escape, Tidal slash Lifespan: 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Naomi Path Level: 2 Level points: 50 Monster(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: short sword Abilities:Telepath Lifespan:6 |
Shitsuji-CartyJun 25, 2021 6:13 AM
![]() |
Oct 19, 2018 9:11 PM
Name: Junco Yasonuri Level: 1 Level points: 0 Monster(s) Defeated: 0 Places Explored: 0 Missions Completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: Small Hunting Bow + 10 Arrows Abilities: Mageslayers Pride Lifespan: 5 |
Oct 22, 2018 10:43 AM
Yuuto Kazegaya
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-Yamato-Jan 10, 2019 3:19 PM
Oct 26, 2018 2:44 PM
Name: Kazuya Nahagiiv Level: 1 Level points: 30 Monster(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: The Forgotten King's Blade of Ages (Greatsword, Permanent) Abilities: Threaded Slash - Kazuya creates five sharp mana threads out of his fingertips, swinging them towards an enemy to do damage. (3 Post Cooldown) (Gain on Level Up [3]) Reinforce - Kazuya reinforces his greatsword with high density mana, while adding extremely sharp threads to its blades, making his attacks cut deeper and do more damage. (3 Post Duration, 5 Post Cooldown) (Gain on Level Up [3]) Thousand Threads of Fate [Rank 1] [1 Post Shield] - When a dire situation arises, in exchange for one of his own threads of fate being sewered, Kazuya can avoid taking any form of damage for a single post, as the event of him being hit by the attack(s) no longer takes place in the timeline. (Gain on Level Up [5]) Embed - Kazuya weaves mana threads into his very bones and muscle tissue, increasing his own strenght, giving his attacks more power as his swings are now heavier, and giving him more speed. (3 Post Duration, 5 Post Cooldown After it Expires) (Gain on Level Up [5]) Thousand Threads of Fate [Rank 2] [2 Post Shields] (Gain on Level Up [7]) The Weaver's Shockwave - Kazuya pours a portion of his mana into his greatsword, swinging it with all of his force to release a horizontal wave of sharp mana threads which cut into and damage all enemies caught in the line of fire. (3 Post Cooldown) (Level [9] Upgrade) Reinforce -> Edge of Dragonbone - Using his unique Draconic mana, Kazuya is capable of reinforcing his greatsword with authentic Dragonbone weaved from thousands of mana threads, empowering his attacks. (3 Post Duration, 4 Post Cooldown After it Expires) (Level [11] Upgrade) Embed -> Paarthurnax's Descendant - Now able to take on his half-Dragon form on will, Kazuya's bones become as hard as those of an authentic mythical Dragon, with his very muscle tissue becoming embedded with mana threads, further increasing his strength. (3 Post Duration, 4 Post Cooldown After it Expires) (Gain on Level Up [11]) Thousand Threads of Fate [Rank 3] [3 Post Shields] (Level [13] Upgrade) Threaded Slash -> Spine of Eldersblood - Kazuya entwines thread on thread, creating a large sharp whip in his hand which can be used for attacking. (2 Post Duration, 4 Post Cooldown After it Expires) (Gain on Level Up [14]) Child of Prophecies - Kazuya sheets his greatsword. With this ability, he exchanges a part of his lifespan by consuming his own threads of fate for a great supply of magical energy through which he reinforces his entire body for an increase in speed and physical strenght, while creating a continuous stream of sharp mana threads from both of his hands fingertips, which can be used for both a large series of chained attacks, and for sub-par defence. (4 Post Duration, 8 Post Cooldown After it Expires) (Level [15] Upgrade) Weaver's Shockwave -> Destiny's Roar - Embeding his vocal cords with pure mana, Kazuya releases his battle cry in the form of a Dragon-like roar, the vibrations of his vocal cords turning into a powerful collection of sharp tiny thread fragments which damage all enemies caught in the line of fire. (4 Post Cooldown) Lifespan: 5 [/hr] (Half the damn BBCode I'm familiar with doesn't work on MAL. ;-;) Name: Hiroyuki Nesho'en Level: 6 Level points: 410 Monster(s) Defeated: 11 (+4) Places explored: 1 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 1 (x4); Weapons: None. Abilities: Flash Fist Style - Hiroyuki charges his fists with electricity which he can discharge up to three times through a physical attack. (2 Post CD) Storm Deities Blessing - Through complete focus Hiroyuki is able to conjure a pair of arms consisted of thunderous chi which can be used for both ability casting and hand-to-hand combat. Due to the level of his current mana manipulation he has to meditate for a few minutes to do so, and in combat they only last for two posts. (6 Post CD) Stormraiders Surge - In the heat of battle, once he reaches an adequate level of adrenaline flowing through him, Hiroyuki can make himself fully charged. Thunderous chi would surround his very bones, giving him a MASSIVE burst of speed for two posts. (4 Post CD) Sky-Splitter's Scales [Rank 1] [Post Shield] - Hiroyuki claps his hands together in order to momentarily take the first stage form of a Raijin monk Sky Splitter dragon. His entire body becomes covered in sky blue scales, while his eyes become that of an actual heavenly serpent, allowing him to take any attack without physical repercussion. (1 Post Use) Flash Burst - Hiroyuki jumps up preparing for an airborne kick, before electricity propels him in the air turning it into a flying one, from which he can bounce off his target to continue a combo, rounded out at a maximum of four strikes. The sudden discharge of energy gives it significantly more power than a regular kick would have, as well as more speed. (3 Post CD) Sky-Splitter's Scales [Rank 2] [Post Shield] - Hiroyuki is able to maintain the Sky Splitter's form for a longer period of time, up to two posts. Apart from the first change, he also gains lightly darker sky blue scales and fangs. (Gain on Level Up [7]) Gathering Storm - Through superb mana control, with each discharge of energy he can draw out an equally large portion to take its place, but isn't quite able to discharge it immediately. If Hiroyuki lands all hits from both his Flash Fist Style and Flash Burst consecutively, Gathering Storm allows him to double that combo and discharge the abilities one more time. (4 Post Cooldown) (Gain on Level Up [9+11] [Two Upgrades Exchanged for a New Ability]) Storm Cloud Monk - Finally able to properly understand the language of the Sky-Splitter within him with which he's been communing with for years, Hiroyuki has fully accepted and gained control of its power. Taking on the form of a Sky-Splitter Dragon antromorph, his body becomes immensely empowered to its very bones which become very hard to break, alongside making it significantly more sturdy to physical attacks, while the increase in muscle mass makes his punches do a hefty increased amount of damage, lasting for up to three posts. (5 Post Cooldown) (Gain on Level Up [11] Sky-Splitter's Scales [Rank 3] [Post Shield] - Even outside of his Sky-Splitter form, he can temporarily cover himself in true scales that block out any possible damage up to three times. (Gain on Level Up [13] [Upgrade]) Storm Deities Blessing -> Storm Deities Fury - Hiroyuki has mastered conjuring the extra pair of spirit arms blessed upon him by Raijin himself, making him capable of summon them in combat rather than through pre-battle meditation, and more frequently as well. Besides it, the arms can be used for up to four attacks. (4 Post Cooldown) (Gain on Level Up [14]) Thunderlords Decree - Hiroyuki unleashes all of his restraints, releasing every ounce of the chi within his body, in a burst of lighting around him which do a small amount of damage. The main part of the ability empowers the monk, giving him abnormal speed, a discharge of electricity with each landed strike, and covers his body in thunder which can damage the opponent should it land a physical attack. It lasts for 4 posts, and goes on cooldown after it expires. (8 Post Cooldown) (Gain on Level Up [15] [Upgrade]) Stormraiders Surge -> Stormraiders Resolve - Hiroyuki's superb mana control allows him to channel a more intense and heavy form of thunderous chi streaming through his body, giving him a larger increase in speed, while also increasing the abilities duration to three posts. (4 Post Cooldown) Lifespan: 10 [/hr] (Sadface. :[ ) Name: Kiritsugu Yoshimura Level: 1 Level points: 30 Monster(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: Dagger. Abilities: One Sealed Burst - Kiritsugu creates a one sealed summoning gate, releasing a ball of blue dimensional energy originating from the Great Seer's Tower in order to send it flying towards an enemy. The ball explodes on contact dealing damage across a small AoE surface. (1 Post Cooldown) (Gain on Level Up [3]) - Double Sealed Missile - Kiritsugu creates two one sealed summoning gates, one behind each of his shoulders. Each gate can shoot out a single high speed missile of crystaline from the Anomalious Ley Realm. (2 Post Cooldown) (Gain on Level Up [3]) - Gatekeeper of the Universe [Rank 1] [Post Shield] - Kiritsugu's tattoos begin glowing in a mix of fluorescent colors, while his eyes gain the appearance of a small universe residing within each one of them. As his connection to the otherworldly ley-lines is still weak, the power brings itself out only in dire situations, making any attack aimed towards him obsolete by removing it from the timeline. He has no memory of taking that form after he goes back to normal. (Gain on Level Up [5]) - Two Sealed Wave - Kiritsugu opens up a larger gate consisted of two seals which is connected to the prison dimension of the "Universal Sin", an evil dragon which traversed the universe consuming important ley-lines before finally being trapped by the Great Seer, releasing a wave of ethereal energy (//think fluorescent kamehameha.) out of it which is actually the Dragons breath. It damages all enemies caught in the line of fire. (4 Post Cooldown) (Gain on Level Up [5]) - Gatekeeper of the Universe [Rank 2] [Post Shield] - Apart from the original changes, he now becomes enveloped in transparent ethereal energy, and is finally aware of the form, but is unable to control when he takes it just yet, but can now maintain it for 2 posts. (Gain on Level Up [7]) - Three Sealed Obliteration - Kiritsugu spills a small amount of his Gatekeeper blood onto the ground, creating a large gate consisted of three seals which is connected to the Realm of Apocalypse, channeling the destruction from within into this world in the form of a large explosion of unknown energy, dealing a good amount of AoE damage. (4 Post Cooldown) (Gain on Level Up [11]) - Gatekeeper of the Universe [Rank 3] [Post Shield] - Kiritsugu is finally able to take the partial form on demand, and can maintain it for three posts. (Gain on Level Up [14]) - Mark of the Seer's Apprentice - Through many visions he had in his dreams, of other worldly realms and dimensions, some of which are uncomprehendable to normal humans, the Great Seer guided Kiritsugu in order to shape him into the perfect Gatekeeper, and while he's decades away from being something on that scale, his inner powers have awoken. He is freely able to summon the eye of the universe, which is a partial Gatekeeper transformation that allows him to only change his eyes, and summon the true dimensional orb which takes place within the center of his chest like a second heart. The partial form supplies him with unimaginable amounts of mana, allowing Kiritsugu to open dimensional gates without time lag, allowing unlimited usage of one seal based spells, and cutting all of his other cooldowns in half if the abilities are used for the duration of this form. (3 Post Duration, 8 Post Cooldown after it expires.) (Gain on Level Up [9+11+15] [Three Upgrades Exchanged For An Ability]) - Four Sealed Solar Death - Kazuya takes 2 posts to charge up and conjure the seals, drawing up the fourth with his gatekeeper blood. Once all four seals are ready, he opens up a gate leading to the closest supernova, a minuscule amount of the stars own collapsing death being transferred through it in the form of wide spread violent shock waves of dense gravitational energy and infernal heat. Due to the amount of energy required to release such a powerful and destructive spell, until the Four Sealed Solar Death's cooldown is over, all other spells have doubled cooldown times. (8 Post Cooldown) Lifespan: 5 |
KomitozaDec 6, 2018 9:14 AM
Nov 26, 2018 11:27 AM
Name: Kaiser Nicodemus Umbra Level: 1 Level points: 0 Monster(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: Dagger Abilities: Darkness Infusion Lifespan: 5 hits ____________________________________________________________ Name: Dahliana Lorelei Beauregard Level: 1 Level points: 0 Monster(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: Dagger Abilities: Vine Whip Lifespan: 5 hits |
Dec 20, 2018 6:55 AM
Name: Maria Aurora Level: 1 Level points: 0 Monster(s) Defeated: - Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Abilities: Summoning Blue Fire Lifespan: 5 Appearance: ____________________________________________________________ Name: Katharine von Fuchsberg Level: 1 Level points: 0 Monster(s) Defeated: - Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Abilities: Blood Magic Lifespan: 5 Appearance: (Note: She is a Vampire) _____________________________________________________________ Name: Kathy Aurora Level: 1 Level points: 0 Monster(s) Defeated: - Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Abilities: Summoning Red Water Lifespan: 5 Appearance: _____________________________________________________________ Name: Shinra Tsuri Level: 1 Level points: 0 Monster(s) Defeated: - Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Abilities: Earth Elemental Magic Lifespan: 5 Appearance: |
Anime_CatgirlMar 5, 2020 9:45 AM
Mar 7, 2019 6:23 AM
Name: Anthony Grahawk Level: 1 Level points: 0 Monster(s) Defeated: None Places explore: None Missions completed: None Events Completed: None Weapons:
10 Arrows Abilities: Split Lifespan: 5 |
Dec 10, 2019 10:46 PM
☀~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~☀ Name: Anna Bainne Level: 1 (One) Level points: 30 Monster(s) Defeated: 0 Places explore: 0 Missions completed: 0 Events Completed: 0 Weapons: Shall be accounted for on the sheet. Abilities: Magic: Galactokinesis Magic Explanation: Chosen by the Goddess Esne, Anna was blessed with the sacred powers of the Goddess' own domain; The power to create something from nothing, a portion of the Genesis itself bestowed upon Anna's hands, to manipulate it and shape it to her will. Magic Abilities:
Magic Cooldown:
Lifespan: 5 ☀~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~☀ |
Aug 24, 2020 10:30 AM
Sebastian Salem Level:5 Level points:200 Monster(s) Defeated:N/A Places explore:2 Missions completed:1 Events Completed:2 Weapons:Saber and daggers Abilities:Rain of fire, Phoenix Arrow , solar manipulation shield: 2 post Lifespan:9 |
YuiHokuriOct 13, 2020 7:00 PM
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