Forum Settings
Sep 18, 2018 10:28 AM

Dec 2016

Here is where you keep track of your character’s experiences, rank points and ability gains/updates.
Check constantly the Rank System to update your character's profile.

[b]Level points:[/b]
[b]Monster(s) Defeated:[/b]
[b]Places explore:[/b]
[b]Missions completed:[/b]
[b]Events Completed:[/b]

note: you get 30 points for joining the club and having your character approved
ps: do one post for all your characters
linetteSep 18, 2018 5:45 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Sep 18, 2018 5:42 PM

May 2009


(Last Event Done: _____)
Name: Kiany StHorts
Level: 5
Level points: 200
(Note: Character was transferred with 200 LP)
Enemy(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Weapons: Compound Bow (+16 Arrows)

Abilities: Half-canine, Half-lizard, Half-bird
Lifespan: 9

(Last Event Done: Beware the Villianess)
Name: Morgan O'Kuki
Level: 13
Level points: 1,378
Enemy(s) Defeated: 39+
Places explore: 16
Magical Woods (10 LP)
The chaos and order gang Village (10 LP)
Rose Garden (10 LP)
Surveillance Squad Mission II Village (10 LP)
Talonia Village (10 LP)
The chaos and order gang (part 2) Water Village (10 LP)
The chaos and order gang (part 2) Fire Village (10 LP)
The chaos and order gang (part 2) Wind Village (10 LP)
The chaos and order gang (part 2) Earth Village (10 LP)
Landra Forest (10 LP)
Town of Vaelia (10 LP)
Hidden Enchanted Forest -location unknown- (10 LP)
Lagoon island Paradise (10 LP)
Town of Avalonia (10 LP)
Battlefields of Blades (10 LP)
Above Wasteland (10 LP)
Missions completed: 7
Meeting Connetica Magical Woods (20 LP)
The chaos and order gang (70 LP)
The chaos and order gang 2 (150 LP)
The chaos and order gang 3 Landra Forest (135 LP)
Surveillance Squad Mission II (60)
Hidden Enchanted Forest (125 LP, Chains + Kunais)
Beware the Villianess (380 LP, $100,000, Pet)
[url=]Killing Assassins[/ur] (150 LP)
Events Completed: 2
Offense vs Defense Tournament (30 LP)
Obstacle Course (68 LP)
Weapons: Scimitar, Axe, Chains + Kunais

Abilities: Air Elimination Updated, Air Cuts Updated, Air Reflection, Air Adaptation, Air Blast, Air Gravity
Lifespan: 17


Name: Caylee Banimura
Level: 1
Level points: 30
Enemy(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Weapons: Small hunting bow (+10 arrows)

Abilities: Magical Sphere Generation
Lifespan: 5


Name: Ofelia Shokanba
Level: 1
Level points: 40
Enemy(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 1
Zyfir (10 LP)
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Weapons: Small hunting bow (+10 arrows)

Abilities: Constellation Horse
Lifespan: 5


(Last Even Done: Bounty Mission Arjun)
Name: Adriana Vera
Level: 6
Level points: 289
Enemy(s) Defeated: 21
15 Wolves
3 Bears
3 Guards
Places explore: 2
Rose Garden (10 LP)
Varnir (10 LP)
Missions completed: 1
Bounty Mission Arjun (130 LP and $5,000)
Events Completed: 2
Obstacle Course (34 LP)
Sport Tournament (75 LP)
Weapons: Medium War Bow (+14 arrows)

Abilities: Water Monster, Hell Monster, Air Monster
Lifespan: 10


(Last Event Done: Cedric's Sidestory, Cegocien Region - Uric || In Process: Cedric's Sidestory, Cegocien Region - Final Battle)
Name: Cedric Seishin
Level: 13
Level points: 1515
Monster(s) Defeated: 30
Places explore: 4
Landra Forest (10 LP)
Varnir (10 LP)
Cegocien Region - Egni (10 LP)
Cegocien Region - Enegon's Temple (10 LP)
Cegocien Region - Celonic's Temple (10 LP)
Cegocien Region - Uric (10 LP)
Missions completed: 1
Bounty Mission Arjun (130 LP and $5,000)
Cegocien Region - Egni (174 LP)
Cegocien Region - Enegon's Temple (120 LP)
Cegocien Region - Ivelon (107 LP)
The Legend of the legendary birds (85 LP)
Cegocien Region - Celonic's Temple (Compass and Sword)
Cegocien Region - Uric (120 LP)
Cegocien Region - Final Battle (560 LP)
Events Completed: 5
Wilderness Survival (20 LP)
Obstacle Course (34 LP)
Sport Tournament (75 LP)
Weapon(s): Medium War Bow (+16 arrows),

Abilities: Celestial Deer, Celestial Bear, Celestial Owl, Celestial Wolf, Celestial Hare, Celestial Fox
Lifespan: 17

linetteJun 25, 2023 5:14 PM
Sep 28, 2018 11:24 AM

Dec 2016
Name: Mikaila Blossom

Level: 12
Level points: 1,298
Monster(s) Defeated: 39
Monster(s) Defeated outside of mission, jobs, training and bounties:
- 5 big rats (10 LP)
- 5 giant bear looking creatures (10LP)
- Spider Lady (60)
- 6 elemental thiefs (80)
- Asassins (100)
Places explore:
- Magical Woods (10)
- Vaelia (10)
- Rose Garden (10)
- Landra Forest (10)
- Talonia Village (10)
- The chaos and order gang (part 2) Water Village (10 LP)
- The chaos and order gang (part 2) Fire Village (10 LP)
- The chaos and order gang (part 2) Wind Village (10 LP)
- The chaos and order gang (part 2) Earth Village (10 LP)
- surveillance village
- Hidden Enchanted Forest -location unknown- (10 LP)
- Lagoon island Paradise (10 LP)
- Town of Avalonia (10 LP)
- Battlefields of Blades (10 LP)
- Above Wasteland (10 LP)
Missions completed:
- The chaos and order gang (70)
- The chaos and order gang 2 (150 LP)
- The chaos and order gang 3 (135 LP)
- Surveillance Squad Mission II (60)
- Saving Mikaila’s Forest Kingdom ((95 LP, sword)
- Beware the Villianess (380 LP, $100,000, Pet)
Events Completed:
- Offense vs Defense Tournament (30)
- Obstacle Course (51 LP)
Other lvl points gained
- completion of character (30)

Abilities: Healing Blossoms, flight, Barrier, Sakura's repair
Lifespan: 12

weapons/pets gained from completing missions/quests:


Name: Rose Magnolia

Level: 10
Level points: 873
Monster(s) Defeated: 31
Monster(s) Defeated outside of mission, jobs, training and bounties:
Places explore:
- Rose Garden (10)
- lagoon Island Paradise (10)
- Avalonia (10)
- Battlefields of blades (10)
- Nymphet Lagoon (10 LP)
- Lagoon Island Paradise (10 LP)
- Malediction Desert (10 LP)
- Delliny Village (10 LP)
Missions completed:
- Nymphet Lagoon (106 LP)
- stopping a pervert (35 LP)
- Rescue of Rose Garden (30)
- Water Park Mayhem (80 LP)
- Save Lana (160)
- Malediction Desert (196 LP)
Trainings Completed:
- Obstacle Course (51 LP)
- Sport's tournament (75 LP)
- Offense vs Defense Tournament (30)
Other lvl points gained
- completion of character (30)

- Pink Orchid Bombs
- Hope Rhododendron
- flowers and thorn vines
Lifespan: 12

Name:Elias Pendragon

Level: 10
Level points: 1050
Monster(s) Defeated:
Monster(s) Defeated outside of mission, jobs, training and bounties:
Places explore:
+ 10 (Landra Forest)
+ 10 (Varnir)
+ 10 (Cegocien Region - Egni)
+10 (Cegocien Region - Enegon's Temple)
Training Completed
+ 20 (Wilderness )
+ 34 (Obstacle Course)
+ 35 (The Maze)
+ 75 (Sport Tournament)
Missions completed:
+ 130 LP and $5,000 (Bounty Mission Arjun)
+ 174 (Cegocien Region - Egni)
+120 (Cegocien Region - Enegon's Temple )
+107 (Cegocien Region - Ivelon )
+ 85(The Legend of the legendary birds)
Events Completed:
+30 (completing character)
Quest Completely:

weapons/pets gained from completing missions/quests:

Name: Sakura Megami

Level: 6
Level points: 289
Monster(s) Defeated:
- 15 Wolves
- 3 Bears
- 3 Guards
Places explore:
- Rose Garden (10 LP)
- Varnir (10 LP)
Missions completed:
- Bounty Mission Arjun (130 LP and $5,000)
Trainings Completed:
- Obstacle Course (34 LP)
- Sports Tournament (75)
Events Completed:
- Character Creation COmpletion

Lifespan: 5

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Name: Abygail Flohr

Level points: 168
Monster(s) Defeated:
- 6 wind mages
Places explore:
Missions completed:
- Obstacle Course (51 LP)
Events Completed:

Lifespan: 5


[color=#FA80F2 ]Name: Lunaria Lux

Level: 3
Level points: 140
Monster(s) Defeated: 14
Monster(s) Defeated outside of mission, jobs, training and bounties:
Places explore:
-vaelia (10)
-port of Vanir (10)
- mountains in Vanir (10)
- town of Vanir (10)
Missions completed:
Events Completed:
Bounty Completed
- Bounty Hunts: Ulster (70)
Other lvl points gained
- completion of character (30)

Abilities: Target Away
Lifespan: 5 [/coloro
Sakura_megamiJun 22, 2023 6:13 PM
Sep 28, 2018 3:12 PM

Dec 2013
Name: Sylvia Aerlis
Level: 1
Level points: 0
Monster(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Weapons: Short Sword


Name: Corvin Wiessen
Level: 1
Level points: 0
Monster(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Weapons: Shield


Name: Jakob St.Fleur
Level: 3
Level points: 100
Monster(s) Defeated:
- 3 pack of wolfs
-5 bears

Places explored: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0

Weapons: Saber

Yasil Summon - Yasil is summoned and kept active for 5 posts, before a 5 post cool down.
Yasil, Guardian of Life - Yasil is summoned in an armored form with ability to heal summoner (exchange post use for life point), summon time is same post use same cool down time. (5 use, 5 cool)

Lifespan: 7


Name: Vincent
Level: 3
Level points: 100
Monster(s) Defeated:
- 3 pack of wolfs
-5 bears

Places explore:0
Missions completed:0
Events Completed:0

Weapons: Pistol

Blades of Execution - Summon and use of 4 silver blades for ranged combat (1 post summon, 4 post cool down after last blade is used)
Last Stand - Defense orb that negates one medium level or lower attack or reduces a heavy attack damage

Lifespan: 7
Ze-LemMay 30, 2021 7:18 PM
Oct 4, 2018 10:59 AM

Dec 2012
Name: Fin Storm
Level: 4
Level points: 150
Monster(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 4
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Weapons: dagger
Abilities: Elemental weapons
Lifespan: 8

Name: Rita Star
Level: 2
Level points: 90
Monster(s) Defeated:
Places explore:6
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Weapons: none
Abilities: Earth Soul
Lifespan: 6
Name: Renee Bloodrose
Level: 1
Level points: 40
Monster(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 1
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Weapons: none
Abilities: Blood Drink
Lifespan: 5
frogotenOct 15, 2018 12:00 PM
..... :'(
Oct 4, 2018 11:21 AM

May 2018
Name: Sou Yuuki
Level: 4
Level points: 160
Monster(s) Defeated:0
Places explore: 13
Missions completed:0
Events Completed:0
Weapons: Orb Staff (Used to shield ally from a small distance for 2 posts. 1 post cool down.)
Abilities: true form, 1 post shield,
Lifespan: 8


Name:Nhila Eilsund
Level: 2
Level points:60
Monster(s) Defeated:0
Places explore: 3
Missions completed:0
Events Completed:0
Abilities:Sound Manipulation
Lifespan: 6


Name:Eden Urushibara
Level points:50
Monster(s) Defeated:0
Places explore:2
Missions completed:0
Events Completed:0
Weapons:Medium War Bow
Abilities: flower petal
Lifespan: 6


Name: Sammmy Amber Rose
Level: 1
Level points:40
Monster(s) Defeated:0
Places explore:1
Missions completed:0
Events Completed:0
Abilities:Time Revert
Lifespan: 5


Zelda102Oct 17, 2018 9:48 AM
Oct 5, 2018 7:44 PM

Nov 2010
Name: Estrella Novakova
Level: 1
Level points: 30
Monster(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 1
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Abilities: Ice Soul
Lifespan: 5
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Oct 17, 2018 7:38 AM

May 2013
Name: Theo Ryder
Level: 5
Level points: 215
Monster(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 2
Weapons: sun staff
Abilities: Healing touch, Antivenom,2 post shield, simultaneous heal.
Lifespan: 9
Name: Anthony Atwater
Level: 3
Level points: 133
Monster(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 1
Weapons: Saber
Abilities: breathing underwater, water bullet, vapor escape, Tidal slash
Lifespan: 7
Name: Naomi Path
Level: 2
Level points: 50
Monster(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Weapons: short sword
Shitsuji-CartyJun 25, 2021 6:13 AM
Oct 19, 2018 9:11 PM

Mar 2016
Name: Junco Yasonuri
Level: 1
Level points: 0
Monster(s) Defeated: 0
Places Explored: 0
Missions Completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Weapons: Small Hunting Bow + 10 Arrows
Abilities: Mageslayers Pride
Lifespan: 5
Oct 22, 2018 10:43 AM

Aug 2014
Yuuto Kazegaya

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


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Yamato Murakami

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
-Yamato-Jan 10, 2019 3:19 PM
Oct 26, 2018 2:44 PM

Jun 2017
Name: Kazuya Nahagiiv
Level: 1
Level points: 30

Monster(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0

Weapons: The Forgotten King's Blade of Ages (Greatsword, Permanent)


Lifespan: 5

[/hr] (Half the damn BBCode I'm familiar with doesn't work on MAL. ;-;)

Name: Hiroyuki Nesho'en

Level: 6
Level points: 410

Monster(s) Defeated: 11 (+4)
Places explored: 1
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 1 (x4);

Weapons: None.


Lifespan: 10

[/hr] (Sadface. :[ )

Name: Kiritsugu Yoshimura
Level: 1
Level points: 30

Monster(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0

Weapons: Dagger.


Lifespan: 5
KomitozaDec 6, 2018 9:14 AM
Nov 26, 2018 11:27 AM

Mar 2018
Name: Kaiser Nicodemus Umbra
Level: 1
Level points: 0
Monster(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Weapons: Dagger
Abilities: Darkness Infusion
Lifespan: 5 hits


Name: Dahliana Lorelei Beauregard
Level: 1
Level points: 0
Monster(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Weapons: Dagger
Abilities: Vine Whip
Lifespan: 5 hits
Dec 20, 2018 6:55 AM

Mar 2018
Name: Maria Aurora
Level: 1
Level points: 0
Monster(s) Defeated: -
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Abilities: Summoning Blue Fire
Lifespan: 5

Name: Katharine von Fuchsberg
Level: 1
Level points: 0
Monster(s) Defeated: -
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Abilities: Blood Magic
Lifespan: 5

(Note: She is a Vampire)
Name: Kathy Aurora
Level: 1
Level points: 0
Monster(s) Defeated: -
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Abilities: Summoning Red Water
Lifespan: 5


Name: Shinra Tsuri
Level: 1
Level points: 0
Monster(s) Defeated: -
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Abilities: Earth Elemental Magic
Lifespan: 5
Anime_CatgirlMar 5, 2020 9:45 AM
Mar 7, 2019 6:23 AM

Dec 2011
Name: Anthony Grahawk
Level: 1
Level points: 0
Monster(s) Defeated: None
Places explore: None
Missions completed: None
Events Completed: None
    Small hunting bow
    10 Arrows

Abilities: Split
Lifespan: 5
Dec 10, 2019 10:46 PM

Mar 2018

Name: Anna Bainne
Level: 1 (One)
Level points: 30
Monster(s) Defeated: 0
Places explore: 0
Missions completed: 0
Events Completed: 0
Weapons: Shall be accounted for on the sheet.

Lifespan: 5

Aug 24, 2020 10:30 AM

Jun 2009
Sebastian Salem
Level points:200
Monster(s) Defeated:N/A
Places explore:2
Missions completed:1
Events Completed:2
Weapons:Saber and daggers
Abilities:Rain of fire, Phoenix Arrow , solar manipulation
shield: 2 post
YuiHokuriOct 13, 2020 7:00 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members

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