Name: (First name and last name) Gender: (Male or Female) Age: Must start out at 15-16. As your character moves up a grade (leveling up) you're character can get older. (Wouldn't make sense for an 18 year old to be a 1st year) SuperPower: Be creative ;). No powers that can see the past/future, stop time, control people(unless a good reason why you can control), must have a weakness, nothing overpowerd (instant death touch, etc). SuperPower Explanation: Explanation of your powers is or how it works. Skills: A more in depth description of your Super Power. If your power is "creating ice from thin air" a skill could "shoots icicles" or "can create an ice wall" Level: Everyone starts in Level 1 Personality: (How does your character acts, include likes and dislikes, traits, behavior. You can do a paragraph or bullet points. Appearance: Picture of your character. You can put two pictures, one for what they look like and one of their costume. If they don't use a costume you can just put what they look like.
Character Creation Form:
[list][*][b]Name:[/b] *First Name, Last Name if possible*
[*][b]Age:[/b] *Any number that is reasonable*
[*][b]Gender:[/b] *Male, Female*
[*][b][color=#808080]Overall Statistics:[/color][/b][list]
[*][b][color=#C11B17]Health:[/color][/b] 100
[*][b][color=#4CC417]Stamina:[/color][/b] 100[/list]
[*][b][color=#990012]SuperPower:[/color] *Enter Power Name here*[/b]
*Enter Power Description here*(should be something simple as in "can create ice from nothing" or "body parts turn into spikes"
[list][b][color=#4CC417]Skill List: (List the skills you will start off with.)[/color][/b]
[spoiler="Skill List"]
[*][quote][size=110][b][center] *Enter Skill Name here*[/center][/b][/size]
[list]- [b]Description:[/b]
*In the Skill Description you should explain about the general outline of the skill as we as how your character uses it. If you're character can create ice from thin air, a kill could be "shoots icicles at opponent". Choose what you desire.*
- [b]Effect:[/b] *put effects here*(example, if you could freeze someone with your skill put it here)
- [b]Cost:[/b] *Put cost of the skill here* (How much stamina it takes, or if you want it can take health. Some skills may not need a cost, there are exceptions.)
- [b]Type:[/b] *Active, Active Continous or Passive.*
- [b]Duration:[/b] *Either in Phases or Turns. If your skill has a continuous effect, please put the duration here. If not, delete this section. If its permanent (often in case of passive skills), put in Permanent*
- [b]Affinity:[/b] *Offensive, Defensive, Support or Recovery.*
- [b]Prerequisites:[/b][list][*]*Any conditions your character needs satisfy before activation of the skill. More/difficult conditions can increase the power of your skill. Note that after effects of skill usage (such as loss of Health) need to be listed in the cost section. (Copy [*] if you want to use more Prerequisites)*
[/list]- [b]Limitations:[/b][list][*]*Any restrictions your character has when or after using the skill. More/severe restrictions can increase the power of your skill. Note that this only concerns restrictions placed on your character, not penalties (such as reduced attributes). (Copy [*] if you want to use more Limitations)*
[*][b][color=#FDD017]Weapon:[/color][/b] *Enter name here if applicable*(Delete weapon section if none)
[u]Type:[/u] *Sword, Lance, Shield, Bow etc.*
[u]Rate of Fire:[/u] *Only if using firearms*
[u]Projectile Speed:[/u] *Only if using firearms*
[u]Pattern:[/u] *Only if using firearms*
[u]Description:[/u] *Simply describe your Astral Gear here. Avoid using terms such as "sharper/lighter/stronger than normal blades" and anything that increases its power. Only durability can be increased and is directly related to Prana.*
*The biography should be the longest section. Unless you like your character to be boring and uninteresting. You know, scratch that, you can make short bios, but still have an interesting character if you roleplay well ;)*
*Should complement your biography. Let your character show his/her individuality.*
[spoiler="Appearance"][img]*Put your picture or description here*[/img][/spoiler]
Note: You are allowed to create two characters. Everyone must start out at 100 health and stamina. You also get 30 EXP once your character gets approved
SuperPower: Omnipotence
Can create/destroy anything with the touch of his right hand.
Skill List:
- Description:
Can dispel any physical superpower (fire, ice, clones, etc) with the touch of his right hand. Can also dispel superpowers by touching user.
- Effect: If opponent is touched by his right hand, their powers will be deactivated for 2 posts. If used on the actual physical superpower(ice, fire, weapons created by superpower) it will just disappear
- Cost: All stamina will be used if the power is used on a user. 10 health taken if used on the physical superpower.
- Type: Passive
- Duration: Permanent
- Affinity: All
- Prerequisites:
- Limitations:
Arita was a normal human like many others, with no powers. He lived an average life, and nothing much happened. He lived with his mother,father, and 2 siblings (one younger one older). When he was 15, he had walked down an alleyway as it was a shortcut to his house. In the alleyway a villain attacked him, the villain shot a giant blob of goop at him and Arita dispelled it. He had finally unlocked a super power. When the government found out Arita had powers he was put on supervision just like others who have powers but they were watching him more then normal. They knew his power could be more dangerous, and that made Arita curious. On his 16th birthday he decided to join the Hero Academy and figure out what his power can fully do.
Kind, friendly person. He is pretty outgoing although he had lived a rather boring life. His main goal is to unlock the full potential of his power.