Okay, there might not be many of us but any part which I administrate gets membercards just because I feel like all clubs should have them. Though mine are pretty crappy. All the same, if you want them, they're here.
I have created 6 cards. Two for this character, two for both sisters which can be found in both clubs (with different character club names) and two for both sisters AND imouto-chan.
So, here is the requesting scheme.
Name: The name you want to appear on the card.
Cards: One normal card and one pair OR triplet card (or just one card)
Cards below.
Okay, this one is an experimental card that I just spent over an hour working on, if you like it, choose it, I'll add it to the regular options. It's CARD 0. You're only getting one design like this, so, I hope you like it. Also, members who have already requested their two CAN request this one alone, just don't be a cheat and make sure it replaces one of your existing cards.

If anyone wants to have a crack at making their own cards, please do. |