This list was taken from the Something Awful Forums Mass Effect 2 Thread
*spoilers* just in case
- Rich Yes/No
- Full Paragon/Renegade bar
- Paragon/Renegade points
- Childhood choice Spacer/Earthborn/Colonist
- Reputation choice Sole Survivor/War Hero/Ruthless
-?Quartermaster licenses all elkoss
Party Members:
- Garrus recruited Yes/No
- Wrex recruited Yes/No
- Garrus is Paragon/Renegade
- Tali side quest done Yes/No
- Romanced someone Yes/No
- Romanced Ashley/Kaidan/Liara
- Dr. Chloe Michel blackmailer Killed/Persuaded
- Asari Consort sidequest done Yes/No
- Asari Consort sexytime Yes/No
- Interview outcome Refused to do interview/Punch out/Apologize
- Had first conversation with The Fan (Conrad Verner) Yes/No
- The Fan last conversation outcome Paragon(Stay at home)/Renegade(Threaten)
- Harkin talked to Yes/No (tied in to Garrus recruitment)
- Accepted quest from Chorban to scan Keepers Yes/No
- Number of Keepers scanned
- Jahleed quest outcome (Chorban) Scared off/Killed
- Fist outcome Let go/Killed
- Old Friends quest (Earthborn background ONLY), talked to Finch Yes/No
- Old Friends quest (Earthborn background ONLY), Finch killed Yes/No
- Talked to your mom after talking to Lieutenant Zabaleta Yes/No (Spacer background ONLY, Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things)
- Citadel: I Remember Me (Colonist background ONLY), Talitha talked down from killing herself Yes/No
-?Possibly a 2nd check for Citadel: I Remember Me present, whether you Forced/Convinced Talitha to take the sedative
- Citadel: Homecoming Body returned to Samesh Yes/No
-?105a "And 105a might be relating to whether or not you gave Schnells the Salarian gambler his data or gave it to the bartender." OR Citadel: Reporter's Request Handed over data to the reporter Yes/No.
-?The company man (Ethan Jeong, ExoGeni Corporation representative) outcome good/good+ (outcomes listed here, not sure which is which)
- Number of colonists killed
- Colony outcome Good+/Good/Fail/Renegade
- Possessed Asari (Shiala(Thorian plant)) Freed/Killed
- Gianna Helped(evidence handed over)/Betrayed/Evidence handed over to Lorik
- Han Olar talked to Yes/No
- Rachni Queen released Yes/No
- Wrex killed by player/killed by Ashley/killed by Ashley without permission
- Geth Flyers disabled Yes/No (Captain Kirrahe saved or not)
- Psyrana dead Yes/No (Asari assistant in one of the labs let go or not inside the facility)
- Rescued Ashley/Kaidan
- Old Council Saved/Killed
- Choice for new council Anderson/Udina
- Game complete Yes/No
- UNC:Hostile Takeover Accepted Money/Persuaded to disband gang
- Know about Slaver Asari quest Yes/No
- Slaver Asari quest outcome (Killed Sister) Yes/No
-?UNC: Lost Module, unsure what is actually tracked here. "unc:module says easter egg so I assume it means the silver sphere you find on that planet that has 3 pages of text"
-?UNC: Cerberus Heard of Cerberus Yes/No (ie did you do UNC: Missing Marines leading to this quest or not.
-?UNC: Hades' Dogs Cerberus files found. Not sure what is tracked, probably if you returned them or gave to the Shadow Broker.
- UNC: Hostage Chairman died Yes/No
- UNC: Hostage Biotics Surrendered/Killed
- UNC: Dead Scientists Killed Scientist/Convinced Corporal Toombs to lower weapon
DLC (Bring Down the Sky):
- Humans rescued Yes/No |