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Feb 25, 2017 8:40 PM

Feb 2009
First of all, sorry for my bad english, it isn't my first language. Second, I don't care whether you liked the movie or not. Third, if you don't like my version, I'd be really interested in reading yours, since the movie killed all my expectations. If you happen to write your own version, go ahead and post down here. Any new digimon stories will make me happier than I am right now.

If I was the person in charge of writing Digimon Adventure tri. 4: Soushitsu (Loss), this is how I'd do it:

0.0) Actually, this one would be a change in the previous movie: I'd send Himekawa to the Digimon World together with the children (not separated). She would give some excuse that they (Himekawa and Nishijima) were responsible for what happened and that an adult should go with them to take responsibility for anything that could happen in the rebooted Digimon World. She would also take the Black D3 with her. Of course, she would be hiding her true intention (meeting with rebooted Tapirmon).

1.1) Keep the first sequence with Himekawa and Nishijima, but change the music and style a little (the current ones don't really match the tone of the series). Maybe also change the enemies: instead of the Dark Masters, maybe put Apokarimon. This sequence would end up in Apokarimon being defeated, but escaping (without Himekawa and Nishijima noticing) and hiding/sealing himself, waiting for his return in Digimon Adventure, which would tie up this story to the original Digimon Adventure.

1.2) The scene in which Meiko is staring at her digivice and then disappears from the scene, I'd save this scene for later (for the second part).

1.3) They made the children find their digimon by the lake where they fought Seadramon in the original series, I'd make them meet at some other place and save the lake for a later scene (for the third part). Everything else, I would keep the same.

Basically, the first episode is fine as it is now.

2.1) I'd save Meicoomon's digivolution for later in this episode. Everything else until Machinedramon's appearance would stay the same, except for Machinedramon himself, and here start the main changes I'd make to the movie.

2.2) Instead of Machinedramon, I'd switch him with Megadramon, accompanied by false Digimon Emperor. The scene would be the same until Tai meets with the other children and Himekawa. Megadramon instantly reminds Himekawa of Tapirmon, but she can't actually tell if it is him or not. Megadramon tries to punch/slap them but their digimon instinctively jump on the way and get hurt (except Biyomon, who's watching from far away). The kids run to their digimon and Megadramon tries to slap them again. This activates their digivolution sequences and everyone turn into their champion forms (except for Biyomon). They start to fight back, hurting Megadramon with their attacks. Everytime Megadramon is hurt, Himekawa hears Tapirmon's voice saying "it hurts". Tears start rolling down her face. The false Digimon Emperor keeps telling Megadramon about how humans are evil, how they hurt digimon and betray them (the word "betrayer" echoes on Megadramon's and Himekawa's minds). Megadramon then notices Meicoomon alone and tries to grab her. The champion digimon launch their attacks once more to stop Megadramon. Meicoomon cries for Meiko's help and her digivolution is activated. Both the attacks from everyone and the dark lightning from Meicoomon's digivolution hit Megadramon, who suffers in pain. Himekawa starts crying out loud and the Black D3 activates, making Megadramon digivolve into Machinedramon. Machinedramon slaps all digimon and then uses his finisher (Giga Cannon). As Meicrackmon is about to be hit, it activates an space distortion that sucks everyone in and send them to the various parts of File Island (as happened in the movie). This distortion would also open a distortion in the real world: I would put that scene with Meiko staring her digivice here! This time around, we would actually see her entering the digital world.

2.3) I would end the second part here and have each kid have their lonely moments in the next part. I'd use Sora and Biyomon scene exactly as is. The desert was a perfect place for them, since it has a special meaning for them (it was where Biyomon digivolved the first time). The scenes with the other kids and places where they were sent are ok, too, except for Matt and Agumon, and Kari and Salamon. I'd send Matt and Agumon to the lake where they first fought Seadramon in the original series, and Kari and Salamon to that city where she had a fever in the original series. I would send Himekawa with Kari. Maybe I'd change where some of the digimon were sent, to make it easier for them to meet up with their partners (I'd send Tentomon with Izzy, Palmon with Mimi, Gomamon with T.K. and Patamon with Joe). Also, I would make Machinedramon go berserk. False Digimon Emperor would leave Machinedramon there and go look for Meicoomon.

In other words, the second episode would include Himekawa as part of the main story, and Meicoomon would have a stronger role in the plot.

3.1) The parts with Sora, Biyomon and Meiko are ok, I'd use them as is, but I think I'd change the forest scene to Yokomon's village.

3.2) After that, I'd show Tai and Gabumon walking through the forest: they see Meicoomon running from Cherrymon and false Digimon Emperor. Meicoomon runs between them and they start following her, while being chased by Cherrymon. Cherrymon keeps attacking, causing leaves to be blown to the sky. The scene changes to Matt and Agumon at the lake. They're walking near the shore (having the same conversations they were having at the movie), when they notice the leaves being blown from the forest nearby. They start running toward the forest when Meicoomon jumps out, followed by Tai, Gabumon and Cherrymon. As Tai and Gabumon notice the two ahead, Cherrymon launches an attack behind them. Matt runs and jump, pushing Tai, Gabumon and Meicoomon out of the way. Both Agumon and Gabumon digivolve and start fighting back. Meicoomon runs toward the lake, followed by Matt and Tai. Near the shore, WaruSeadramon shows up from the water and binds both Meicoomon and Matt. Greymon and Garurumon try to go and help, but Cherrymon stops them. WaruSeadramon squeezes them, but Meicoomon activates a distortion and escape. Tai tries to unbind Matt, but is hit by WaruSeadramon's tail. Tai runs toward WaruSeadramon again, Matt screams "Watch out!" while WaruSeadramon prepare his finisher. Tai's and Matt's digivices glow, showing their tags, and their digimon go to their Ultimate forms. WereGarurumon punches Cherrymon and throws him to the forest, MetalGreymon launches his Mega Claw on WaruSeadramon's face. WaruSeadramon releases Matt and falls on the water. Cherrymon disappears inside the forest while WaruSeadramon disappears inside the lake (false Digimon Emperor withdraws and go look for Meicoomon elsewhere). Tai and Matt decide to jump into the distortion to look for Meicoomon.

3.3) The scene goes to Izzy. He's following the rails and ends up on the city where they first found Andromon. A series of events (which I haven't thought about yet) would happen and lead to Izzy doing some research here (when he was a kid, he didn't have the knowledge and tools to do it, but now he has). Tentomon, of course, would be impressed by this. The research could be related to reversing programs to a previous state (just like the old factory would build and dismantle things by the change of a letter in the program, in the original series), which could lead the digimons to recovering their memories or gaining back their powers to digivolve. While being near to finish it, Meicoomon shows up, followed by Tai and Matt. Meicoomon misleads them inside the factory. The three kids talk about what they found out for a while, when suddenly false Digimon Emperor shows up with a Datamon, trapping Meicoomon in a dead end passage. Izzy decides to test his program and allows Tentomon to reach his Ultimate form, MegaKabuterimon, followed by MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon. They fight the enemy, but he reflects their attacks to Meicoomon. Meicoomon gets scared and opens a distortion that sucks everyone in.

3.4) The scene would then go to Mimi. She visits Gekomon's castle, have a nice time with Palmon and the Gekomons (maybe sing at the karaoke for half a minute), then Meicoomon shows up in the middle of the castle, followed by Datamon, the kids and their digimon. Datamon then launches an attack that hurts all Gekomon around them. Mimi's sincerity tag is activated and Palmon digivolves to Lilimon. All digimon join forces and defeat Datamon. The false Digimon Emperor withdraws to the lake, where he meets WaruSeadramon, and they escape. Meicoomon, seeing all the digimon hurt by his fault, starts crying, opening a few distortions around them.

3.5) The scene changes to Joe and Patamon. They're near the mountains and can see the city of beginning nearby. Patamon is worried about being alone and not being able to find the others, but Joe tells him to trust them and keep hoping for the best. They make their way down the mountains. The scene, than, shows T.K. and Gomamon. T.K. has hurt its leg, and Gomamon can't help with his hands (they're not well suited for tying bandages). T.K. also tells Gomamon to not get worried. Since they're at the city of beginning, Elecmon shows up and helps them getting inside the city. Unlike in the movie, Elecmon doesn't apply the first aid treatment (he was rebooted, he doesn't know humans, there's no way he would know how to treat a human). Instead, Gomamon and Elecmon get food (fishes) and take care of newborns, while T.K. lays down. Joe gets to the city, finds T.K. and applies the first aid treatments. Gomamon feels bad for not being able to treat T.K. himself, but feels the reliability from Joe. Patamon is happy that they meet up with the two and T.K. tells him that they'll surely find the others. At this moment, a distortion opens up in front of them. They decide to enter it and meet up with the others at Gekomon's castle.

3.6) The scene goes back to Sora and Meiko. They're having that conversation by the fire. Than, instead of Meicoomon showing up, a distortion opens up near them. Meiko hears the voice of Meicoomon from it and jump inside without even thinking. Sora and Biyomon follow them. They meet up with the others at the castle. Both Meicoomon and Meiko are happy to finally meet each other, but Meicoomon is also sad about all the digimon hurt around them. Meicoomon jumps inside a distortion. Meiko and the others follow them. Mimi and Joe decide to stay behind and take care of the hurt Gekomons.

3.7) Finally, we would see the last two: Kari and Himekawa. Kari is worried about what happened before (Himekawa crying for Megadramon and the Black D3 being activated). Himekawa would be portraied as completely helpless in this part, and Kari would try to confort her, telling her to not abandon hope and that there should be a way to bring Megadramon/Machinedramon back to the good side, but none of her words would reach Himekawa, who's completely lost her mind (she still babbles about Tapirmon/Megadramon being her partner and how they had to sacrifice their digimon in order to unleash the Four Beasts, and so on). At this point, a distortion opens up in front of them, and Meicoomon jumps out of it, followed by the kids. Himekawa, seeing Meicoomon and the other digimon, starts cursing them, telling them its all their fault. The false Digimon Emperor shows up, bringing Cherrymon, WaruSeadramon, Phantomon and Machinedramon with him. Patamon digivolves into Angemon and joins MetalGreymon, WereGarurumon and MegaKabuterimon in the fight. They manage to take down the 3 Ultimates and start hitting Machinedramon. As the fight progress, both Meicoomon and Himekawa start feeling worse. Once again, Meicoomon turns into Meicrackmon, the Black D3 activates and the enemies digivolve: Cherrymon becomes Puppetmon, WaruSeadramon becomes MetalSeadramon and Phantomon becomes Piedmon. I would end the episode here.

In other words, the third episode would be focused on reforging the bounds between the kids and their partners, and making the freaking digivolution sequences great again.

4.1) I'd start the episode with the bad guys fighting back and taking everyone down. Machinedramon then uses Giga Cannon. In a desperate move, Angemon turns into MagnaAngemon and Salamon digivolves all the way up to Angewomon, and both try to hold the beam. Btw, at this point, Izzy's program is still running (helping their tags activate). Unfortunately, Giga Cannon is too powerful and breaks their last defense. The false Digimon Emperor commands MetalSeadramon to bind Meicrackmon, while he kidnaps Himekawa (in order to get her Black D3). Everyone asks why the false Digimon Emperor is doing all this, and he finally reveals his true identity (Gennai) and spits out his true intentions. After that, he commands his digimon to attack the kids. At this point, the only digimon available is Biyomon. Seeing all digimon down, and Sora and the others desperately trying to help each other, Biyomon digivolves until Garudamon (also assisted by Izzy's program). Garudamon tries to block the enemies attacks, doing her best to prevent damage to her friends. Sora starts crying and telling her to run away, while taking a few steps toward Garudamon. Kari and Meiko hug Sora, telling her "Don't go!". At this moment, both Kari's D3 and Meiko's digivice glow, starting Garudamon's mega evolution sequence: we finally get Phoenixmon, in all its glory!

4.2) Phoenixmon uses its healing powers on the other digimon, while also fighting the Dark Masters and defending her friends. But her power alone isn't enough to take them down. Izzy, whilst baffled by everything that is happening, keeps thinking on a way of mixing everything that happened before his eyes: D3, Meiko's digivice, Phoenixmon powers... it becomes clear in his mind that they can do something about the reboot. This knowledge activates MegaKabuterimon's digivolution: HerculesKabuterimon comes to help them. He faces Machinedramon head on. But MetalSeadramon is still holding Meicrackmon, while Meiko is crying, helplessly. Matt can't let it like this. He wants to help her get her partner back, and asks WereGarurumon to go: WereGarurumon digivolves to MetalGarurumon! But Puppetmon and Piedmon keeps getting in the way. They put invisible lines on the way, which hold MetalGarurumon back. Tai and WarGreymon won't let it be! Finally, we have a 4v4. WarGreymon cuts the lines, MetalGarurumon pummels MetalSeadramon until he lets Meicrackmon go, Phoenixmon and HerculesKabuterimon hit down Piedmon and Puppetmon. They are soon facing just Machinedramon. But Kari stops them with a loud "Dameeeee!" ("Don't do it!"). At this point, Himekawa has already passed out at Gennai's arms, Kari is the only one who knows more details about Himekawa's relationship with Megadramon/Machinedramon. She tells them about it, and how they should save Himekawa's partner. Izzy tells them that there might be a way, and T.K. tells him he has hope in his words, which triggers MagnaAngemon digivolving into Seraphimon. Izzy then tell Seraphimon and Phoenixmon to use their powers combined with his program to cleanse Machinedramon. They manage to do that and Machinedramon turns back into Tapirmon. While they're doing this, Gennai manages to escape, taking both the Black D3 and Himekawa with him. They try and repeat cleansing on the other Dark Masters, making them go back to their Rookie forms. I would make it so that all four of them were the partners from the four kids that appeared in the start of the movie. Meicrackmon would turn back to Meicoomon and be unconscious for the next episodes.

In other words, I'd make the the fourth episode solely action, with a bit of drama here and there just to spice things up.

The movie would end here, with the next objective being rescuing Himekawa and getting the Black D3 back (while Gennai's objective would be making use of D3 and Meicoomon's power for something evil). Also, Izzy would spend the next movie researching how to bring back their digimon memories (basically, how to revert the reboot). I would make it so that four digimon with holy/healing/cleansing powers would be necessary: Seraphimon, Phoenixmon, Magnadramon (or Ophanimon, depending on which one they choose to be Kari's mega) and Meicoomon's mega form (if they choose Magnadramon for Kari's, I wish Ophanimon to be Meiko's, otherwise, I wish they make Meiko's mega something Holy-themed, but not Magnadramon). Either way, this would be the perfect reason to have Kari's and Meiko's mega, since both aren't really fond of fights.
Now, for Joe and Mimi rejoining the group, I'd do something like this: Izzy finds a way of contacting them through some tv or computer located around the castle using the city network (the city where Izzy is now, following my proposed storyline, has that network and security system which Machinedramon used to track them down in the original series). Maybe I'd make it so that Gennai tries to connect the digital world and the real world, allowing Izzy's messages to reach Nishijima. Izzy then tracks Gennai's location, which would be somewhere near a big mass of water or flowing data. He tells them to meet them there. They end up having to use Zudomon to go where they need from there. Joe tells Gomamon how they need his powers (tells him how he was able to digivolve to Zudomon before losing his memories), which activates the reliability tag and makes him digivolve to Zudomon. While on their way, they end up having to fight, which would trigger Zudomon's digivolution to Vikemon and Lilimon's digivolution to Rosemon.
The rest of the story? I'll let you guys imagine it yourselves, just I did with this alternative setting for Digimon Adventure tri. 4 : Soushitsu (Loss).
Anime ga daaaai suki!!! Computer Engineering. Japan is awesome!!!

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