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Mar 4, 2008 10:34 AM

Jan 2008
I'm just curious what other books, tv shows, and hobbies interest the Manga Share group outside of manga/anime.

Personally, I read almost anything sci-fi/fantasy and don't watch too much TV. Currently I'm reading Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, and waiting diligently for the last Robert Jordan book to be written. I also enjoyed the Harry Potter series, and Lemony Snicket, Series of Unfortunate Events. Terry Goodkind, Tolkein, Frederik Pohl, C.S. Lewis, Jules Verne, and Ursula K. LeGuin are also some of my favorites.

As far as hobbies, I picked up Japanese cooking recently, I'm interested in astronomy (looking at the stars, not predicting the future), and enjoy programming in my free time.
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Mar 4, 2008 10:36 AM

Jan 2008
haha, reading my post it sounds like a personal ad... please don't take it that way, I was just writing quick :)
Mar 4, 2008 11:19 PM
Jul 2018
Hmm I don't really read anything other than manga, although I browse through my old man's Robert Ludlum books while i'm on the loo.

I Haven't watched TV in ages (about half a year I think), I usually just play rpg's (I'm playing Persona 3 atm) or beat 'em ups like guilty gear, I knock back a few pints of guinness once a week and sometimes I sketch.

....Yep thats about all I do Hobby wise, I used to buy a 8th of weed every now and then aswell, But I haven't smoked any in about a year now so, I don't bother with it anymore.
Mar 5, 2008 4:11 AM

Oct 2007
Sangaz said:
I Haven't watched TV in ages (about half a year I think)

Me too, but more than 3 years xD
There are some good series in TV but commercials annoy me, so I just stopped watching them and spent more time in the internet.

Well, hmm other interests ....I love plants. My room is filled with them, espacially cacti xD I have to change their pots soon...and this will be painful x_x yeah, and every year, they're getting rapidly bigger and bigger o_O°

Reading books is also one of my hobbies, I never go out without a book in my bag *g*
I also carry all my drawing material with me: colored pencils, ink, paper, fineliners etc and all my artworks, just in case I find free time to continue some pictures.

Mar 5, 2008 6:26 AM

Jan 2008
Cacti are my favorite plant. Especially when you can get them to flower. Cacti have some of the nicest flowers out there. I haven't really cultivated mine in a while though. somehow I lost interest, so now the just sit in their pots and get watered every now an then.
Mar 5, 2008 8:44 AM

Dec 2007
hmm i sense a pattern emerging here. I cut down on tv drastically once i was able to download what i wanted. I tend to read a bit, mainly humour. I love Robert Rankin and Terry Pratchett. I play way too much on my DS. Currently juggling Pokemon Pearl, Mario Kart and both Advance War DS versions. Used to play Basketball years ago in an amateur league.
Mar 5, 2008 7:15 PM

Jan 2008
Hmm...Hobbies other than manga/ gaming and hanging out with friends. :p
That is until i get a good job. :]
Mar 5, 2008 7:39 PM
Dec 2007
103 ironic. I hardly watch tv anymore, and when I do it's something on Discovery or Fit TV. I love watching scientific programs so I'll gravitate towards that when I switch on the tele. Everything else I download, and even then, it's not a lot of 'shows' or 'movies'. The only show I religiously watch is Smallville (and it's not as great as it used to be).

I read A LOT. I can't even list the books I've read. I love inspirational novels above the regular ones, and I'm a fanfiction addict. ^_^

Mar 6, 2008 6:06 PM

Dec 2007
I like to watch animal shows, not like dog and cat shit but like, lions and tigers, wildlife documentaries on discovery or w/e channel they maybe on, but that is rare. Basically thats what I watch if the t.v is on. Ever since adult swim started to suck I haven't watch tv, its been almost over a year.

I like to play guitar, I had a band in highschool, I pretty much hang out with my friends read manga/anime go to work and go to class.
Mar 21, 2008 12:15 PM
Jan 2008
I haven't listened radio for more than 5 years and I only watched random movies from TV but now that I would need to get digibox for my TV I stopped watching TV cause there wasn't really anything worth watching.
I pretty much stopped reading books as my anime & manga intrest kept rising.

I used to play MMORPGs but my connection sucks, it has good speed but it cuts itself every 30 minutes so playing online games is pretty much impossible. No reason why the connection cuts itself has been found yet. First it cut only randomly, then it started cutting after every hour and now it cuts after every half hour. The interesting thing is that neither my brothers or sisters connection get caught at all so I hope the problem will go away after I get new computer (which should be in next month).

I play Magic: The Gathering (tcg). I started playing shortly after Mirrodin was released and I play mostly Standard, Highlander, Casual and I'm gathering cards to start playing Legacy and Extended too.

I don't know if it is really hobby or not but I go once a week to play badminton with my father and I also like baking but I don't have enough time for it...

Edit: I also play different kind of board and card games with my friends.
SoupaejiMar 21, 2008 1:37 PM
Mar 26, 2008 9:01 AM

Jan 2008
Hehe, I was an old MTG player. I stopped playing after 8th edition was released though, the game is just too expensive to play. :P
Apr 16, 2008 4:53 PM

Jan 2008
Well before my knee injury, I was on the basketball team and its still a hobby for me.
I chill with my friends almost all the time, I dont like my job but I love my paycheck.
Im starting to collect sneakers.
I love eating!
Sometimes I read novels but im very good at writing. The thing is I can come up with great shyt off the top of my head. Ya wouldn't know it by the way I sound when I post but if you were to speak to me then it would be totally different.
If I had a next gen video game system, then video games would be a hobby as well.

Help us grow!
Dec 11, 2008 8:42 PM

Jun 2008
I toss a good portion of my time into RPGs. Playing Persona 4 atm.

Other than that I usually go to movies with friends. (Last one I went to see was Madagascar 2.) Otherwise I'm working or doing all the homework that I get.
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