Feb 26, 2016 7:50 PM
I am a fairly new anime watcher and I officially got into anime with SAO. It's not that it's a great show or anything, but it is where I really got started. I did get a small amount of interest from Pokemon though. |
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Oct 20, 2017 7:47 PM
SAO was also the first thing that got me started into anime. One of my friends made me sit down and watch it with him, the first time through I was joking about it looked like an adventure of an Emo Hobo with Tinkerbell. I know, I know not the best things to start off with. The 2nd time through was when I gave it a serious watch back at my own house, it's what got me started, plus his TV wasn't that great with sound so I couldn't half-way hear it. |
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