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IC: Practice/Test Roleplaying -Before roleplaying, you must demonstrate what you can do here-

Dec 17, 2009 7:39 PM

Dec 2009
IC: Practice/Test Roleplaying
You can practice roleplaying here as well as demonstrate your skills. No limit. You can't start roleplaying unless you pass the test. Instructors can choose not to pass you if they don't think you roleplay in a satisfactory manner. Admins can choose to ban and ignore you, if you persist in obviously wasting our time and trolling us. Admins also have the responsability of being fair and not abusing their powers. People haven't finished the test until they pass, that means that the test in itself is practice as well. To help improve your grammar or atleast not make many typos, you'd want to consult a spell checker before you post.

To pass the test, you must write relevantly, and in a satisfactory manner- meaning correct spelling, grammar, basic sentence structure and fluidity. You must also roleplay logically, fairly and plausibly. It doesn't have to be overly complicated (don't spend one paragraph describing a piece of hair) in terms of creativity and sentence structure.

Questions & Answers Walkthrough
Q: Why is this necessary if I've already given you a quality roleplaying sample?
A: It is necessary for practical reasons, the more you roleplay correctly, the more easier it is to roleplay according to certain standards- to prevent unfair and shitty roleplaying (According to my standards). Just because you can write, doesn't mean you can roleplay logically in terms of combat or social situations. It's also to prevent trolls.

Roleplaying Terms- A list of need-to-know terms for roleplayers.
The Blacklist of Roleplaying- A list of roleplaying actions that are frowned upon in roleplaying. It is to prevent roleplaying actions that are unfair against other users, and to prevent creation of characters that are somewhat frowned upon in roleplays.

Roleplaying Terms:

The Blacklist of Roleplaying:

All credit for this guideline goes to Tenasha and Oxymoron_02 from gaiaonline.

Summary/Roleplaying & Club Rules:
_ Try not spamming in official RP threads. Try to lessen OOC talk in RPs- if it's absolutely necessary and it pertains to you leaving the RP, notifying us you won't be playing your character anymore or the RP itself, go for it. You can chat with other members all you want in the chat thread.
_ No invincible characters, characters that can't exist in certain RP worlds and avoid one-dimentional characters everyone has flaws and theres a reason why your character is the way he/she is, she might not be good or evil for the sake of it; state it. No altering your character to your advantage on the spot during a roleplay, although character developement is encouraged and you can train your character in something in advance.
_ Try to post more than one sentence and take effort in description of actions, emotions and scenes when roleplaying IC.
_ Use [{(brackets)}] when you're talking in OOC [See Roleplaying Terms].
The following is related to IC roleplaying [See Roleplaying Terms]:
_ Use correct grammar and vocabulary, with capitals, commas, dots, correct spelling etc.
_ Try to avoid doing stuff mentioned in the Blacklist of Roleplaying.
_ Don't use *these* stars for actions, write like you're writing a story.
_ It is prefferable that you write in third person.
Ex: Saimura brushed her fingers along the hilt of her sword, sliding the cover off with her other hand.
_ Use "these quotes" for speech- talking in IC.
Example: "Finally, I'm done reading all the rules. -What?! There's more?! Noo!" he/she groaned in exasperation.
_ Don't go over PG-13, which means no cybering or anything over top in terms of violence. No real racism.
_ Please ask permission from the admins before playing NPCs.
_ Don't play others' characters for them without permission.
_ No godmodding, no shrugging off attacks that are plausible to hurt or kill your character, no instant death attacks on other characters, give a chance for people to react. No doing things in hindsight, as in not roleplaying them before but having it done at the moment. No altering posts to your advantage if it's already done- however if it doesn't coincide with the storyline and you have the permission of the other person you're roleplaying against, you may edit it. No RPying an absurdly time consuming sequence unless it is an authorized timeskip by the thread's creator, the thread creator also has the responsability of giving roleplayers a chance to roleplay what their characters did, in the time skip.

List of Instructors Available
BlackOperations [Available]
BlackOperationsDec 17, 2009 9:01 PM
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Dec 17, 2009 8:08 PM

Jan 2009
{OOC: Here's a sample of my roleplaying. I haven't rped this seriously in months so I may be a little rusty now but I don't it will be much of a problem for me to get back into it.

This is a sample of my roleplaying from a friends forums. He was also anal about roleplaying.

The halls were so quiet that at times it made Akina nervous. She had started a group to help keep the peace between the races that existed. She hoped her fliers and word of mouth would get a few people to meet up at the classroom she had gotten permission to use for the meetings. She wanted this war to end but it seemed that this peace at school was being disrupted by someone who really didn't want this peace. She had grown up around the other races and couldn't imagine a life without them.

She came up to a forest green door with a brass handle. Turning the handle she walked in and put her papers on the desk at the front of the class. Sitting down she flipped through the papers that she made up with help from her mother and the headmaster, waiting for people to join.
BlackOperationsDec 17, 2009 8:21 PM
Dec 17, 2009 8:25 PM

Dec 2009
[OOC: Same with me, I haven't roleplayed in a while either and I'm rusty. I'd say that's pretty good- above average in terms of roleplaying. Ah, and I hope you don't mind, but just to let you know, I edited your post to distinguish from IC and OOC. I'll be back tommorow. If you want to take a look at how the test will go, I suggest looking at the following link:]
BlackOperationsDec 17, 2009 8:28 PM
Dec 17, 2009 8:29 PM

Jan 2009
((Thank you. I bolded it for a reason since I wasn't to sure how you wanted to do the test but next time I'll use OOC ;) Ok Thanks. ))
buwieshingoDec 17, 2009 8:40 PM
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