Name: Kiro Fukuyama Age: 14 Gender: Male Short Bio: Is always trying to do his best even though he is always lazy. He has a younger twin sister called Kaya and a famous singer as an older brother. His older brother's name is Kaito. He hangs out with his friends which include Kaya (his younger twin sister), Kiro and Tierney. Looks:
Class: 9th Grades: A+'s all the time Bad at: Language Arts Good at: Math and PE Activities or clubs:
- Art
- Tennis
- Kendo
- Music
- Soccer
Name: Len Mizuyama Age: 14 Gender: Male Short Bio: He tries his best to get good grades like his best friend Kiro. He also has a younger twin sister called Tierney and an older sister that is a famous singer called Kiana. He hangs out with his friends which include Tierney (his younger twin sister), Kiro and Kaya.
Class:9th Grades: A's and B's Bad at: Good at: Activities or clubs:
- Art
- Music
- Tennis
- Soccer
- Archery
Name: Kaya Fukuyama Age: 14 Gender: Female Short Bio: She is a really pretty girl and guys always ask her out but she always ignores them. She likes being with her friends and tries to cheer up anyone that is sad even is she doesn't know them. She has an older twin brother called Kiro and an older brother who is a famous singer called Kaito.
Class: 9th Grades: A+'s all the time Bad at: Math Good at: Science and Language Arts Activities or clubs:
- Art
- Music
- Soccer
- Tennis
Name: Tierney Mizuyama Age: 14 Gender: Female Short Bio: She is a quiet girl who is usually found with her friends or listening to some music. She has an older twin brother called Len and an older sister who is known areound the world as a famous singer called Kiana. Looks:
Class: 9th Grades: A's and B's Bad at: Good at: Activities or clubs:
- Art
- Music
- Soccer
- Tennis