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Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers (light novel)
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Jul 25, 2015 3:24 PM
Apr 2012
Mod Edit: This is now the only thread outside of the episode threads for voting and discussing who you think is the fake. It is understood that opinions will change, and you are welcome to post them, but there does not need to be a new thread each week just for the sake of voting. A new poll has been created for those who wish to recast, but this will be the last.

-This thread will follow the same spoiler rule as any episode discussion thread. Do NOT discuss events that take place after the current week's episode.
-Please do not create any more new threads. They will be merged here or removed.

Vote who do u think its the fake hero and comment why!

I believe is Chamo.
Chamo is the best choice, shes cute, shes very very very strong, and Mora support her alibi making her perfect, she showed her cute and evil side altogether anndddd shes nuts. period

Adle its the MC, i dont even have to explain why isnt him. lol (would be a crazy plot twist tho)
Fremy and Hans are tooooooooo obvious, maybe be them, but that would be boring.
Mora is composed but different from Goldof she really shows her sense of justice and shes a mother and stuff.
Nashetania could work just like Chamo in the case, but different of Chamo she has a highlighted alibi and we know her constant thoughts shes nothing more than a plot device. (would be a very sick plot twist if she was tho)
Goldof is a damn OP warrior that only cares about the princess, a very cliche villain tho, and his fellings are very immature dont giving it much depth to become a villain.
NTADAug 20, 2015 2:35 PM
Pages (5) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Jul 25, 2015 3:31 PM

Nov 2014
I don't like Goldof

Jul 25, 2015 4:04 PM
Mar 2014
Too bad it is based upon a LN and thus known already, otherwise this would be really interesting :/
It's well set up, this twist. Well executed in the anime so far too
BenMSJul 25, 2015 4:07 PM
Knight of the Obsidian Order
Nth incarnation of NRVNQSR

Animatic (Anime-fanatic)
Jul 25, 2015 4:07 PM
Jan 2014
Ima just copy pasta my post from episode 4 discussion.

I haven't read any of the visual novels so I'm not going to add any spoiler tags in here.

My theory is that Adlet is unknowingly setup to be on the Demon God's side at the climax. Just going off the fact that everything about his design has a sort of non-heroic tone to it.

His hair is red, his eyes are a reddish orange hue (both typically the color of blood/evil/satanist characters).

His fighting style is "dishonest," another indicator of the influence of evil.

I think his desire to defeat the Demon God is genuine and all of his actions are genuine.

BUT I think there's some kind of "born of the Demon God" or "under the Demon God's subliminal influence" thing going on here that will turn him against everyone temporarily until he is able to break the Demon God's control.

Just my theory, could be totally wrong. I have no idea if the novels are finished or if any of the mysteries have been unraveled.

Jul 25, 2015 4:28 PM

Jan 2014
Why you put Adlet in the poll and why people vote for him?
He is the only one we saw getting the mark. He is out of the question

"When /a/ sends its fags, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you.
They’re sending fags that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us.
They’re bringing cancer. They’re bringing bait. They’re shitposters.
And some, I assume, are good fags."
Jul 25, 2015 4:29 PM
Apr 2012
CJKDR said:
Ima just copy pasta my post from episode 4 discussion.

I haven't read any of the visual novels so I'm not going to add any spoiler tags in here.

My theory is that Adlet is unknowingly setup to be on the Demon God's side at the climax. Just going off the fact that everything about his design has a sort of non-heroic tone to it.

His hair is red, his eyes are a reddish orange hue (both typically the color of blood/evil/satanist characters).

His fighting style is "dishonest," another indicator of the influence of evil.

I think his desire to defeat the Demon God is genuine and all of his actions are genuine.

BUT I think there's some kind of "born of the Demon God" or "under the Demon God's subliminal influence" thing going on here that will turn him against everyone temporarily until he is able to break the Demon God's control.

Just my theory, could be totally wrong. I have no idea if the novels are finished or if any of the mysteries have been unraveled.


That would be cool for sure
Jul 25, 2015 4:43 PM

Apr 2015
Adlet - it's the best plot twist,
Jul 25, 2015 5:14 PM

Jul 2013
InstaKiller said:
Why you put Adlet in the poll and why people vote for him?
He is the only one we saw getting the mark. He is out of the question

I never read the LN but something from episode 1 has been bugging me. The things that appeared from above just before he woke up and received the mark seems like something from the Demon God's side.

So, this would be plausible too:
retsurai said:
CJKDR said:
Ima just copy pasta my post from episode 4 discussion.

I haven't read any of the visual novels so I'm not going to add any spoiler tags in here.

My theory is that Adlet is unknowingly setup to be on the Demon God's side at the climax. Just going off the fact that everything about his design has a sort of non-heroic tone to it.

His hair is red, his eyes are a reddish orange hue (both typically the color of blood/evil/satanist characters).

His fighting style is "dishonest," another indicator of the influence of evil.

I think his desire to defeat the Demon God is genuine and all of his actions are genuine.

BUT I think there's some kind of "born of the Demon God" or "under the Demon God's subliminal influence" thing going on here that will turn him against everyone temporarily until he is able to break the Demon God's control.

Just my theory, could be totally wrong. I have no idea if the novels are finished or if any of the mysteries have been unraveled.


That would be cool for sure

Jul 25, 2015 5:26 PM

Sep 2012
Votes will be changing as episodes air, just watch.
"whats so special about bonzai trees?"
"They are the loli of the tree world."

Inganock of the Brightest Flame
Jul 25, 2015 5:27 PM

Jul 2013
IronLobster said:
Votes will be changing as episodes air, just watch.

Too bad we can't change our votes lol.

Jul 25, 2015 5:57 PM
Mar 2015
Because I couldn't wait, I went ahead and spoiled it for me

If you really want to know, read this:
Jul 25, 2015 6:15 PM
Mar 2015
This is only a guess...but regarding the fake Brave. The only plausible one I see as the fake one at this point with the information we have is that it is the Bunny Princess (Nashetania Loei Piena Augustra). Points to support my reasoning...
-She gets Adlet out of the prison he was in. Almost an instant sign to someone showing trust. (Ok maybe not instant but when you are saved, you start to trust someone.) Plus she has all the qualities that would make her a Brave to boot which is recognized by Adlet. This may not be very much of an persuading point but there is too much proof to support that she would not be the fake Brave. (I don't know if that makes sense.) Seeing it from an outside view we can see how much we have to think that she is not the fake brave.
-First to appear into the temple after the barrier starts is her. And the other two are not right behind her, they are behind a little.
-In her first battle she seemed entirely inexperienced and looked like a weak link. But when she goes against Fremy for that little bit, she is not at all lacking in her attacks. That and when they get towards the temple and they are attacked, yet again she shows no sign of being a weak link in that battle. She is actually doing pretty good. How can someone improve so much in such a short time. In my opinion, her first battle at the town with Adlet was more or less to give her the image of a helpless girl that needs to learn. And he is the type of person to fall for that (unfotunatley).
-And lastly, at the end of episode 4 we see her lash out against the podiums. It is seen as she is angry or frustrated that it happened and wants it to be undone. But maybe there was a reason behind it, maybe there was a way to shut it down and she new about it and it involved the podiums and what were on them. Thus the reason for her flailing.
This is all just a guess but in my opinion there is just to much supporting her to show that she isn't the fake brave (from an inanime characters perspective).
Fremy would not have been so negative and anti-social if she was the fake.
Adlet obviously isn't.
Goldof is devoted to his kingdom and Bunny Princess, hence him doing the search for the Brave Killer.
Hans, Mora, and Chamo seem to have been together so there is nothing suspicious of them yet. Only one i'm suspicious of is Chamo because of her being a child (Easily Influenced) and that she was first to appear of that group of 3.
Thus is the reasons why I think Bunny Princess is the traitor. This is all just a guess though and don't hate me for rambling on so much :)
Jul 25, 2015 7:50 PM

Apr 2015
Zykron said:
This is only a guess...but regarding the fake Brave. The only plausible one I see as the fake one at this point with the information we have is that it is the Bunny Princess (Nashetania Loei Piena Augustra). Points to support my reasoning...
-She gets Adlet out of the prison he was in. Almost an instant sign to someone showing trust. (Ok maybe not instant but when you are saved, you start to trust someone.) Plus she has all the qualities that would make her a Brave to boot which is recognized by Adlet. This may not be very much of an persuading point but there is too much proof to support that she would not be the fake Brave. (I don't know if that makes sense.) Seeing it from an outside view we can see how much we have to think that she is not the fake brave.
-First to appear into the temple after the barrier starts is her. And the other two are not right behind her, they are behind a little.
-In her first battle she seemed entirely inexperienced and looked like a weak link. But when she goes against Fremy for that little bit, she is not at all lacking in her attacks. That and when they get towards the temple and they are attacked, yet again she shows no sign of being a weak link in that battle. She is actually doing pretty good. How can someone improve so much in such a short time. In my opinion, her first battle at the town with Adlet was more or less to give her the image of a helpless girl that needs to learn. And he is the type of person to fall for that (unfotunatley).
-And lastly, at the end of episode 4 we see her lash out against the podiums. It is seen as she is angry or frustrated that it happened and wants it to be undone. But maybe there was a reason behind it, maybe there was a way to shut it down and she new about it and it involved the podiums and what were on them. Thus the reason for her flailing.
This is all just a guess but in my opinion there is just to much supporting her to show that she isn't the fake brave (from an inanime characters perspective).
Fremy would not have been so negative and anti-social if she was the fake.
Adlet obviously isn't.
Goldof is devoted to his kingdom and Bunny Princess, hence him doing the search for the Brave Killer.
Hans, Mora, and Chamo seem to have been together so there is nothing suspicious of them yet. Only one i'm suspicious of is Chamo because of her being a child (Easily Influenced) and that she was first to appear of that group of 3.
Thus is the reasons why I think Bunny Princess is the traitor. This is all just a guess though and don't hate me for rambling on so much :)

Based on what you have said, now I think the fake brave and the traitor can't be the same person. Adlet can be the fake brave but his intention to save lives is pure. Bunny can be the traitor though a legit brave but how about the markings of the brave? Can it be the intention of the demon lord just to confuse the heroes?
Jul 25, 2015 8:42 PM

Nov 2011
i voted for Adelt cause i hate him and would love to see his world flip upside down. His hopes and dreams of becoming a hero just clashes down and he turns out to be some demon king plot. But then he will probably goes on about "its his own life", and so he chooses his own cliche justice path. thus breaking his strings from the demon king and starts doing following his own shit. I hope im wrong.
Hate Keeps me warm
Jul 25, 2015 10:57 PM
Oct 2013
Series of strange events:
1) Clue 1 - monsters dropping bombs (?)
2) Clue 2 - ambushed by a talking monster (?)
2) Clue 3 - monster who disguised as a nun, and escaped (?)
3) Clue 4 - locked temple door, it was assaulted and the barrier was activated yet it's locked (?)
4) Clue 5 - Adlet attacked by empty soldier suits (?)

I definitely think Nashetania is a fake for the following reason:

1) Episode 4, she told Adlet he's easy to fool.
2) Episode 4, her lashing destroyed one of stand's scripture. This is a very suspicious action, as if she did it in purpose.
3) Discrepancy between the princess in Episode 1 against the princess in Episode 2 onwards.
Princess without bunny ears
Princess with bunny ears

Point I don't agree with:

1) Noticeable difference in arrival between Nashetania to Fremy and Gondolf.
Reason: All 3 of them were left behind fighting off demons while Adlet went ahead to the temple. Unless the 3 of them has a mean to travel faster than Adlet, this is impossible.
2) The "Demon God's Brave" theory.
Reason: Unless that's a LN spoiler, no.

Tentative Conclusion:
1) The one who instigated the temple incident and activated the shield is among these three: Chamo, Hans or Mora preferably someone who can "control" monsters.
2) Nashetania is a fake but also not an enemy.
3) Nashetania is not the person who activated the barrier. However, she also has a reason not to deactivate it.
ExplodingGirlJul 25, 2015 11:15 PM
Jul 25, 2015 11:23 PM

Apr 2014
who has less suspicious will be fake.

criminal mystery case of the week rule.
Jul 25, 2015 11:29 PM
Mar 2015
Imeon said:
Zykron said:
This is only a guess...but regarding the fake Brave. The only plausible one I see as the fake one at this point with the information we have is that it is the Bunny Princess (Nashetania Loei Piena Augustra). Points to support my reasoning...
-She gets Adlet out of the prison he was in. Almost an instant sign to someone showing trust. (Ok maybe not instant but when you are saved, you start to trust someone.) Plus she has all the qualities that would make her a Brave to boot which is recognized by Adlet. This may not be very much of an persuading point but there is too much proof to support that she would not be the fake Brave. (I don't know if that makes sense.) Seeing it from an outside view we can see how much we have to think that she is not the fake brave.
-First to appear into the temple after the barrier starts is her. And the other two are not right behind her, they are behind a little.
-In her first battle she seemed entirely inexperienced and looked like a weak link. But when she goes against Fremy for that little bit, she is not at all lacking in her attacks. That and when they get towards the temple and they are attacked, yet again she shows no sign of being a weak link in that battle. She is actually doing pretty good. How can someone improve so much in such a short time. In my opinion, her first battle at the town with Adlet was more or less to give her the image of a helpless girl that needs to learn. And he is the type of person to fall for that (unfotunatley).
-And lastly, at the end of episode 4 we see her lash out against the podiums. It is seen as she is angry or frustrated that it happened and wants it to be undone. But maybe there was a reason behind it, maybe there was a way to shut it down and she new about it and it involved the podiums and what were on them. Thus the reason for her flailing.
This is all just a guess but in my opinion there is just to much supporting her to show that she isn't the fake brave (from an inanime characters perspective).
Fremy would not have been so negative and anti-social if she was the fake.
Adlet obviously isn't.
Goldof is devoted to his kingdom and Bunny Princess, hence him doing the search for the Brave Killer.
Hans, Mora, and Chamo seem to have been together so there is nothing suspicious of them yet. Only one i'm suspicious of is Chamo because of her being a child (Easily Influenced) and that she was first to appear of that group of 3.
Thus is the reasons why I think Bunny Princess is the traitor. This is all just a guess though and don't hate me for rambling on so much :)

Based on what you have said, now I think the fake brave and the traitor can't be the same person. Adlet can be the fake brave but his intention to save lives is pure. Bunny can be the traitor though a legit brave but how about the markings of the brave? Can it be the intention of the demon lord just to confuse the heroes?

I never considered that they may be two different people. Why do you think that Adlet is the fake Brave though?
Jul 25, 2015 11:57 PM

Apr 2014
good plot twist Fremy and Adlet need to be out of suspicious without question

Fremy - admit she killing those who has potential definitely not a fake,a criminal who admit early will not being mastermind who can conceal identity mystery case rule.
Adlet - unless this show want to go cliched route that he serve demon lord without knowlegde himself and
Synopsis this show already point out that he most suspicion definitely early suspicion rule so he out of suspicious .

under kindaichi case file plot twist condition
those who meet early and be friendly will mostly likely turn out being criminal or fake

under this condition
first suspicion Nashetania bunny ear who be friendly and being so too kind with mc within first introduction episode so suspicion.
second Goldof Auora he get mention by Nashetania on first episde he might mastermind behind Nashetania back but with not good relationship with mc he may be or may be not.
less twist those three new comer with background story upcoming episode that make those three less suspicious just can be use for Distract us and throw us off guard of the clue on the road and no surpise factor if some those three being fake

so Nashetania or Goldof might be fake yuusha.
neolucamanJul 26, 2015 12:06 AM
Jul 26, 2015 12:15 AM
Jul 2015
Blankbite said:
3) Discrepancy between the princess in Episode 1 against the princess in Episode 2 onwards.
Princess without bunny ears
Princess with bunny ears

Animal ears are traditional outfit for Pienna's royalty. They were always part of her hat-thing.
Jul 26, 2015 12:21 AM
Jan 2014
Jul 26, 2015 12:42 AM
Jul 2015
Personally I think it's Adlet, although we saw him get the mark I suspect it has something to do with the Demon King :3
Jul 26, 2015 12:43 AM

Dec 2012
It's either Goldof or Princess.

Jul 26, 2015 12:49 AM

Nov 2009
Blankbite said:
Series of strange events:
Tentative Conclusion:
1) The one who instigated the temple incident and activated the shield is among these three: Chamo, Hans or Mora preferably someone who can "control" monsters.

Control monsters?

CJKDR said:

Do you really think the fake will use such a lousy trick? The fake mark will be at least tattooed.
Jul 26, 2015 12:54 AM

Sep 2009
BenMS said:
Too bad it is based upon a LN and thus known already, otherwise this would be really interesting :/
It's well set up, this twist. Well executed in the anime so far too

The thing is, as I heard, it's still unknown in LNs.
Jul 26, 2015 3:07 AM

May 2015
Isn't there a way for them to find out? I realize one of them could lie but: If they find out the order in which all of them got their marks, then the last one to get it would be the fake. That wouldn't be easy but it could work.

Jul 26, 2015 3:09 AM

Apr 2015
Suspecting the two people.... Adlet and Nashetania....

Feels like Nashetania's Rage burst is a little forced...
Still suspecting Adlet because of the vision he saw in the Beginning... ( Adlet getting a mark of the braves...)

Jul 26, 2015 3:14 AM

Jan 2015
Nashetania because she is the best girl
Jul 26, 2015 3:20 AM

Apr 2015
Zykron said:

I never considered that they may be two different people. Why do you think that Adlet is the fake Brave though?

Coz it's the best twist. Just imagine, if he is fake, he will be untrusted, maybe jailed back the same way in episode one. But he wants to be a TRUE BRAVE and not as a tool of the Demon Lord. He tried to prove himself, not as a chosen brave anymore but a legit hero. He protects the other braves at the last moment and he wins . The end.
Jul 26, 2015 5:40 AM

Sep 2013
... what if the fake doesn't know even he is a fake?
If a goddess can bestow marks, nothing stops a demon from doing that too. 6 people are chosen and a seventh one with necessary qualities is bestowed a mark exactly like the others by a demon. This way, the heroes wouldn't be able to trust each other and they would be easier to defeat.
A hero cadidate killer, a small powerful girl from the swamp, a man that appeared out of nowhere claiming to be the strongest in the world that wreaked a havoc in a sacred temple, etc.
It can be anyone, but if I go by the theory the fake isn't aware, Flamie and Adlet and strong choices.

If not, Adlet is out, Flamie had her chance to kill him, so she is out too. Nashetania is possible.
Jul 26, 2015 5:46 AM
Jan 2014
flannan said:
Blankbite said:
Series of strange events:
Tentative Conclusion:
1) The one who instigated the temple incident and activated the shield is among these three: Chamo, Hans or Mora preferably someone who can "control" monsters.

Control monsters?

CJKDR said:

Do you really think the fake will use such a lousy trick? The fake mark will be at least tattooed.

Jul 26, 2015 5:47 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Nashetania feels like the most logical pick so I'll go with that

Though at the same time it's probably *too* obvious so in reality it's probably someone else anyway
Jul 26, 2015 5:48 AM

Jul 2014
In terms of suspicions, I'd go:

1) Goldof
2) Hans
3) Maura
4) Nashetania
5) Chamot
6) Flamie (way, way too obvious)
7) Adlet (would be a nice twist but we did see him get the mark, so...)

Honestly though, it really could be any of them. If anything, I'd be more interested in whether the fake actually knows that they are the fake or not.
Jul 26, 2015 6:19 AM
Apr 2013
how about we make a poll like this every episode
Jul 26, 2015 6:52 AM
Aug 2013
Hahaha... This is going interesting to watching you guys arguming like this! :)
just let the water flow!
Jul 26, 2015 7:06 AM

Apr 2015
I will go in Nashetania

Actually, we have ....

Jul 26, 2015 8:33 AM

Apr 2014
Real plot twist.

there no real Yuusha at all XD.
Jul 26, 2015 8:47 AM
Jan 2015
Maura is the only one with a mark on the back side of her body, so I'll just vote her for the time being.

Could also make an argument for Humpty, though.

Adlet right hand, Flemy left hand.
Nashetania collarbone, Maura back (similarly located vertically)
Goldof upper right side of body, Chamo lower right side of body.
Humpty....... on his left pectoral asymmetric with any of the other braves. Seems weird.
KytrarewnJul 26, 2015 11:27 AM
Jul 26, 2015 9:25 AM
Oct 2014
The princess is my pick. If she is revealed to be the hidden villain, that would be awesome. I don't like her. I want to see her evil side.

The knight with little or no personality (as yet), if he turns out the fake, I would be like "OK, whatever.". I don't want to feel like that.

And of course Adlet is not the traitor. Unless they pull out that crazy shit like Now You See Me did.
Jul 26, 2015 10:05 AM
Apr 2015
I say Nashetania. Ever since the first episode I had that feeling.

I really hope it ain't Hans because that would be WAY too predictable.
Jul 26, 2015 10:08 AM

Apr 2009
Three possible solutions.

a) Adlet because making the MC the villian would be a nice trick.
b) Bunny girl princess because of her behaviour in episode 4 and the fact that she is portrayed as way too innocent.
c) all of them are fake and the entire process is a way to choose sacrifices for the demon god.

Actually, it is possible that both all of them are fake and that there is a traitor among them to spy on the heroes. In which case, i bet on the traitor being revealed before the final twist of everyone being fake comes to light.

PS: It certainly won't be Hans because he is just way too generic to be it.
Also, I assume there is a good chance that the traitor (or the one who tries to hunt the traitor down) will fake his death somehow to avoid detection.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jul 26, 2015 10:46 AM

Jan 2015
ScarRufus said:
I will go in Nashetania

Actually, we have ....

Didn't expect it :O
Jul 26, 2015 11:29 AM

Dec 2013
Plot twist: one of them is actually the flower stem
Stay in yesterday 時を止めて
Jul 26, 2015 11:36 AM

Sep 2013
Nidhoeggr said:
Three possible solutions.

a) Adlet because making the MC the villian would be a nice trick.
b) Bunny girl princess because of her behaviour in episode 4 and the fact that she is portrayed as way too innocent.
c) all of them are fake and the entire process is a way to choose sacrifices for the demon god.

Actually, it is possible that both all of them are fake and that there is a traitor among them to spy on the heroes. In which case, i bet on the traitor being revealed before the final twist of everyone being fake comes to light.

PS: It certainly won't be Hans because he is just way too generic to be it.
Also, I assume there is a good chance that the traitor (or the one who tries to hunt the traitor down) will fake his death somehow to avoid detection.
ya i think hans is not the fake... that will be obvious as fuck
Jul 26, 2015 2:52 PM

Apr 2015
Nidhoeggr said:

c) all of them are fake and the entire process is a way to choose sacrifices for the demon god.


But it would be cool...

Xenocrisi said:
ScarRufus said:
I will go in Nashetania

Actually, we have ....

Didn't expect it :O

I am wait for
option here.
Jul 26, 2015 3:30 PM

Jan 2013
Its already exposed who the fake is this is more or less a spoiler thread from the vote since most are reading the LN
Jul 26, 2015 4:09 PM
Oct 2013
kam1l999ek said:
Blankbite said:
3) Discrepancy between the princess in Episode 1 against the princess in Episode 2 onwards.
Princess without bunny ears
Princess with bunny ears

Animal ears are traditional outfit for Pienna's royalty. They were always part of her hat-thing.

Never explained in the anime. She suddenly grew bunny ears after several years. She also loves carrots. Never thought it's an accessory.
Jul 26, 2015 6:35 PM
Jul 2014
I think Adlet is "fake" in the group and here is why.

Most people who say it can't be Adlet is because it looked like they showed Adlet get his mark in the first episode. There is one major thing that make me discount that. They only showed how Adlet got the mark and no one else. Although they Adlet is given a mark there is no way of knowing that another five people got their marks the same way making up the Braves of the Six Flowers. Without any verification that the mark he got was legitimate there is still a possibility that the mark is a fake one, even if Adlet believes it to be real.

Now that we can count Adlet as a possible "fake" the thing that makes him stand out the most is how much he knows. In episode one he spurts a ton of information about the Braves of the Six Flowers and about past braves that where chosen. He knew how to stop the barrier with his blood which means his knowledge runs quite deep.

The topic I would like to bring up the most is Adlet's famous line, "I'm the strongest man in the world". After this was said the first few times I thought Adlet was just being a cocky guy, but the more he said it, the more I looked into it. To me, this starts to sound like someone who is quite salty. He thinks he truly is the strongest man in the world, but I doubt he actually is. He is telling this to himself rather than to the people who he is talking to. In his mind he is the strongest and it is only logical, to him at least, he is chosen to be one of the braves. He may even be telling himself he is a real brave even though he knows that his mark is fake. He could be telling himself something along the lines of "there must of been some kind of mistake".

I really hope the "fake" ends up being Adlet, but only if they can write it correctly. I still think there is a greater chance of Adlet not being the "fake" than being the "fake", but if I had to put my money on someone right now, it would definitely be Adlet.

I may be looking into this a bit too deep...
Jul 26, 2015 6:37 PM

Nov 2014
I guess that's a spoiler.

Jul 26, 2015 7:20 PM

Sep 2012
Vooo said:
Its already exposed who the fake is this is more or less a spoiler thread from the vote since most are reading the LN
ExTamplier said:
I guess that's a spoiler.

The votes don't mean anything, and I'm sure there aren't that many people reading the LN, at least not as much as there are anime-only watchers. People are probably just voting based on speculations and loose theories. Episode 4 just came out and we barely know anything about the last 3 heroes.
"whats so special about bonzai trees?"
"They are the loli of the tree world."

Inganock of the Brightest Flame
Jul 27, 2015 12:59 AM
Jul 2018
Nashetania, because I don't believe in nice girls.
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Stark700 - Sep 5, 2015

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Jun 6, 2024 5:46 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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