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Feb 5, 2015 6:10 PM

Mar 2013
(I wrote this on a tablet so there is spelling mistakes, and grammar mistakes. I promise I will fix it after I'm done. There's still like 20 more chapters. I will post more if anyone wants to read more...So yeah.

This is a blog for stories so do not comment them ! If you writers want comments/ideas for your story then I will make a new forum for that. You could also ask people to add you, or give you ideas through the profile comments/messaging at the below of your story. Thanks For Reading! Happy writing!)

Chapter 1
There was a boy a boy with glasses. He could write stories and they could come true for only a short time. These powers he realize he had since he could draw. His paintings came to life one day a picture of an bird came to him to his window. Then he drew a picture of his room that got bigger but soon got smaller. He was confused and sacred about his powers. He told his mother he could drew a potion to make her feel better but when he did and when she drank it she was all better. He was happy his mother was no longer sick, and they could play some more. One morning the boy went to his mothers room to wake her but found only her clothes inside the bed but no mother. The boy had scream and called out but there was no reply. So the boy took out his pencils and paper and drew his mother in bed as he look up while siting next to the bed. He saw her laying down looking at him. The boy cried out as he was so happy to have her back and gave her a warm hug. Things were normal but only for a short time, as he saw his mother fade away again right before his eyes. He realized that his powers weren't so good after all and there was always a price. The boy kept drawing his mother to come back when his father would come home. His father didnt have to feel pain like he did, but soon his father was fired from his job and came home early to find no wife. The boy was asleep and papers were all around his blanket and bed side. The boy woke up and saw his father by him. His face became so upset. He told his father his powers and what had happen. The father no longer look at the boy, he no longer took a notice anymore. The boy told himself he would never draw again but on some days the boy was so lonely, and hurt he had to draw his mother again one more time. One night when he was sleeping the father had awoke the boy up and told him that they were going on a trip. He took the boy to a scary dark building. The boy was so afraid he squeezed the grip of his fathers hand so tight. He notice two adults standing outside waiting for them, wearing much more fancier clothes. Also a butler and a maid that also look very scary and dead inside. The boy soon realized the father had sold the boy for money and was forever gonna live in that scary building. Sad, alone, hurt, and unloved. The boys new parents had asked him his name. The boy softly said "Jeffrey" this was the start of his new home but Jeffrey would soon feel hurt again. Poor Jeffrey, poor heartbroken Jeffrey. As Jeffrey got older he was so curious about the world outside his room. His new parents ignore him all the time and would have parties all the time. He had no one but sometimes the butler and the maid would come to his room. Jeffrey would play pranks with the butler, and he would try his best to have the maid stay longer so they could talk. He thought very closely to them. The bulter on the other hand could care less about him, but the maid on the other hand thought of him as her own.Jeffrey try to sneak in the parties, or at times they ask him to come. His mother never talk to him unless she wanted him to draw a picture, just to laugh with her friends. He was nothing but a show to them. the butler threw him back in the room,and again the boy was alone. Angry, hurt, and unloved the boy called Jeffrey had yelled and scream so much. He kick and broke all of his things, and rip all his papers and pencils. His step parents were shock but they did nothing for him. They told the maid to take him to school every day in the morning as they thought this was punishment. He was a child that had all the toys in the world, and his room was on the top floor you could see the city from there. They thought he was greedy and ungrateful of what he had. So everyday he and the maid would walk to school. The school for the rich and talented it says on the front. The first day Jeffrey was weirded out over lots of things, how they had to sit hours in a chair doing nothing but writing numbers, letters. He would never draw a picture even when ask by the teachers. He had enough making things come to life and feeling used. He would be punish by not playing outside with the other kids, or not be able to eat at lunch time. Jeffrey would try to make friends before class started. There was a girl that sat in front of him that had a nice smell to her, and long dark hair. Jeffreys first crush and each time he tried to talk to her the girl didnt pay any attention and was too busy.She was highly popular of the hole school. Jeffrey kept trying no matter what to talk to her, and finally the girl spoke and said to hi to him. Jeffrey had met other people two friends he called. One was a slob, over weighted and loved to eat all the time. He never wanted to stop eating. He even tried to eat the teachers hair one time when she didnt give him his lunch. The heavy weighted boy liked Jeffrey because Jeffrey was the only one that talk to him. Everyone else hated the boy because he was so fat, and gross. Everyone but besides one girl, this was another friend Jeffrey had made. She was very bright but nobody liked her. She was sad all the time in her heart but she never showed it. She was mean to all that hated her. Nobody liked her because her mother had slept with many men, many of which had children who attended the school. Their mothers hated her and the girl was very unlucky. She may have been bright but she was unlucky, unlucky to be alive. The girls at school gave her a nickname, her nickname was "No One" they wrote that all over her locker because no one liked her. Her real name she refused to give even to Jeffrey and Kevin the heavy weighted boy. Everyone else soon forgot her real name and kept calling her "no one. " as days went by Jeffrey had met a bully by the name of Timothy. Tim, everyone called for short. Jeffrey had stood up to Timothy when Kevin "accidentally" ate one of Timothy"s snacks. Timothy wanted to hurt him but instead Jeffrey tookThe place of being slam, and beaten, and shoved down dirt water. Jeffrey saw his friends suffering like him, suffering to fit in this world. He didnt want them to suffer anymore but how could he help? Jeffrey would spent everyday going to school and getting beaten up for no reason. The maid would see his scars, and try to clean them up. The maid reminded him too much of his mommy, but he always felt sad around her. He will never forget how he erased her from this world. One of his worst days, Jeffrey walk to school with the maid until they reach the front gate. The look in her eyes was always the same, always positive. She kneeled down to Jeffreys height and said to him she will be leaving and probably won"t come back. Jeffrey shoke his head in denial. The maid kept smiling, and told him "A war was coming". She stood up and said to take care of himself, once she turn her back on him she said one more last thing. "You will have to draw again to keep you safe" The lonesome boy watch her get in a car, and wave back to her. As the boy walk up the steps, he felt someone was watching him. As he turn there was nothing there, nothing but a strange looking bird. This bird look very small from a distance, but was huge up close. Jeffrey quickly ran inside having the chills from the bird. He kept running heading straight to the empty lunch room. As he got there he saw his friend No One getting hurt. The girls had pour ketchup in her hair. No One sat there looking very angry but siting Siting there. Jeffrey quickly push one of the girls, but Jeffrey was out numbered. He was soon the new target of their fun. Poor lonesome boy, and unlucky girl. Jeffreys glasses were grab and thrown on the floor as the girl stomp on them. Jeffreys hair was cover in garbage, and his hole uniform was too. The girls had lipstick in their bags, as they ran it all over his cheeks, and eyes. Soon the bell ring and Jeffrey had to suffer being laugh at again. That night Jeffrey refused to go to school. The lonesome boy stay in his tower, hiding from the world. His friends never helped him from bullys, he thought. Maybe they too didnt care about him as much as he did. Jeffrey started to draw again. The look in his eyes were filling, filling with power. Filling rage, and hate, and suffering. Jeffrey drew all across his floors with a broken pencil. Finally he stop and lay down on the floor with his broken glasses in his right hand. Slowly his eyes were closed, and the next morning was as dark as night. The bulter came in his room, and force him to get up. And the lonesome boy finally did. He saw the sun was covered in clouds, never to shine bright to him. He wanted this to be the finally day of his life. That day Jeffrey drew a pretty picture of flowers, and those appeared in his hands. He went up to his crush and handed her flowers. The girl was shock, but refused to accept the flowers even though she was grateful. Jeffrey put the flowers down, as he watch her walk away. His flowers slowly turn black, and then to ash. Kevin saw what he did, and went to Jeffrey concern. The unlucky girl also saw but went to the bathroom instead. Soon when school was over the three friends were about to say goodbye to one another. The lonesome boy had said how much he wanted them to be more like friends do in books, and movies. Everyone else had a stronger friendship so why couldn't they. The unlucky girl glared at him, and slap him across the face when she scream at him. She hit so hard his broken glasses came off his face. She told the boy how much he didnt understand, and how much it hurts everyday. She threw a rock at him, hitting his shoulder." All you ever care about is having a normal life, lonesome boy. Your so selfish." Jeffrey just stood there not looking at her. He heard the city alarm go off, as he look up and saw planes in the sky. A war was coming, he thought. What kind of war? Why war? "I have to go" he ran to his home leaving his friends. He walk in his home seeing his family having another party. There at the party was a man they called wounded solider. He had one eye, and a uniform on. The boy didnt really stop looking at the wounded solider, so very curious. Would the man know about this war? What was gonna happen? The maid he still miss deeply. Poor lonesome boy he was so alone, but was he really alone? His step mother came up to him and held his hand gently "Jeffrey, lets play a game " she said. Jeffrey knew what she meant when she said. That. It means she wanted him to a draw picture. She was so happy when he did it. So it was hard for him to say no. He sat down with her upset, and the boy drew something rather depressing. A coffin in the room. Everyone was surprised, and amazed by the lonesome boy and his talents. So did the wounded solider, he was most of all amazed. The room suddenly was quiet as the coffin turn to ash. The power had went out, and everyone started speaking again. This wasn't his fault, he thought. Before the lonesome boy could have more worry thoughts, the wounded solider approach him. He spoke to Jeffrey with kind words, but these words made him more fearful for his gift. He said" Jeffrey, you should never show anyone your gift. Your parents might want to entertain everyone, but your tricks will put you in danger." Jeffrey already knew the danger, but was too busy acting out his pain. "Do you know what you are?" The lonesome boy's heart begin to race, scared then ever when he heard that line. "Your a warlock, and a gifted one of that. Do you know how many warlocks have that power? One other person but he is six feet under the ground. Not many male warlocks are around, not these days. " Jeffrey quietly listen to the wounded solider talk. "If people knew you Jeffrey, they would take you away. I'm surprised you haven't been kidnapped already. " spoke too soon he did. Spoke too soon. Jeffrey got up not wanting to hear more, he felt a large pain in his heart. He quietly walk to his room. And hid under his bed. Couple of seconds past, and Jeffrey felt the earth move. The ground started shaking, as he felt his home shaking and the sounds of breaking glass. Men, and women screaming downstairs. The party was being destroyed, and Jeffrey could feel it. He hid still so afraid after the ground stop moving. Maybe this was his fault, did he kill them? He thought. He could hear footsteps and strange sounds. Curiously, Jeffrey went downstairs and saw a lady he would hate for the rest of his life. A lady of many animals around her neck, and body. She smiled at his step parents, as she had Goblins surrounding downstairs. Jeffrey wasn't surprised at Goblins, they use to work for his father. And he was quite used to them around the city. Jeffrey hid on the stairs quietly, watching them and the lady. This lady was a queen, a queen of brokenhearts. The lonesome boy saw how the queen of broken hearts talk to his step parents, how cruel she was. She had killed everyone at the party. Jeffrey could see all the party goers clothes on the floor, with no body. He knew they died because that's how he found his mother. It was an awful sight, and Jeffrey couldn't hold back his gag reflexes. The queen of broken hearts demanded Jeffrey. She ask the step parents many times, but the boy was lucky enough to have step parents who cared enough to not speak. The queen of broken-hearts got tired, and told them she will crush their hearts. The lonesome boy cried out but it was too late, too late. The stepmother froze up, and look like she saw a ghost. Siting there lifeless, looking like a broken doll. Jeffrey was noticed by the goblins and he ran so fast to his room. Poor lonesome boy, how many more people will he see dead? Or leave his side, Too many I suppose. The goblins had already found Jeffrey under bed, with his eyes covered so tight. He felt that it was a nightmare. The lonesome boy covered his eyes the hole way down the stairs, not wanting to look but he could feel all the empty clothes surrounding him. He sat down being guided, as he open his eyes and saw the queen of brokenhearts. She smiled so warmly but it was so cold at the same time. She took Jeffrey s hand as if they were best friends and kindly said, "Are you the boy who can draw alive pictures? "Jeffrey shoke his head up slowly, and the queen smiled some more. "Good." She said. "If your a good boy i will give you, your mommy back. And if you aren't a good boy...."she pointed to the father" He too will suffer "The lonesome boy was so very afraid of the lady, he begin shaking from his hands. "W-what do you want?..." then the queen spoke "I want you to make me the strongest witch of them all." Jeffrey could see the evil in her eyes,and he knew he had to pretend to play nice for abit for her to leave. The broken heart queen wasn't gonna leave until her wish was granted, but Jeffreys gift could only work for alittle time. The broken heart queen knew this, and said"I want you to keep drawing me until the end. The lonesome boy started to cry. He liked the feeling the shadow gave him, but he knew it was wrong. He knew the shadow would turn him to ash, or worst. It was a dream anyway, it wasn't real but it felt real. Jeffrey look at his pages, and saw he drew nothing. Was both his step parents gone now? Was he asleep forever? What will i do? As Jeffrey sat there and gave up hope. The lonesome boy heard a voice, "Jeffrey." Jeffrey quickly jump from his chair. "Jeffrey, did you have a nice nap?" The bird asked. The lonesome boy turn to his window unsure if he was dreaming or not. "Yes, I can speak. You are not dreaming Jeffrey." The small blue bird said. "Let me in and we can talk more." The lonesome boy went over to the window and slowly open the window. The blue bird flew across the room, and grew larger till the bird became a man. There he appear in front of the lonesome boy. The lonesome boy had to ask"who are you?where did you come from? What do you want?" The half faded man replied. "My, my, so many questions. Is the lonesome boy wanting to be free or not? With so many questions we lose time, and focus. " Jeffrey made a angry face and said "THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE. " the half faded man replied "To you it doesn't of course. Nothing you hear will make sense for now. " the half faded man had fish scales to his chest, and bird claws as hands, his eyes were cat eyes. The lonesome boy took a good look at him, as he realize all the odd things about him. "Are you going to eat me?" The half faded man laugh "Do I look that scary lonesome boy? " Jeffrey again made a glare "I AM NOT LONESOME! YOU KNOW MY NAME YOU SAID IT BEFORE AT THE WINDOW" the half faded man made a serious face at Jeffrey " Jeffrey, please keep quiet. unless you dont wanna be saved, i could always just leave. "Jeffrey grabbed the half faded mans cloak and shoke his head. "I want to leave with my parents." The lonesome boy almost felt like he knew this man. The half faded man knew Jeffrey was thinking hard about who he was, and finally he spoke up." Yes, i been following you for sometime now. Yes, i was the bird at school. You see Jeffrey I am suppose to protect you, and all the things you love. If you don't remember me then its fine, its suppose to be like this anyway right?" The lonesome boy didn't say anything he was just more confused then ever. "Jeffrey, what if i told you with my powers you could write a story. A story that would last for the longest time, but in the story you most in person be in the story. Jeffrey, if you want to save your step parents you most create something that will destroy the queen of broken hearts. This is alot of information, but you'll see in time. " the lonesome boy got most of it, but wanted to know. "You protect me?...since when?" The half faded man smiled "Since you drew me, but of course im slowly fading away too. " the lonesome boy had a flashback to where he drew on his floor, and slowly Jeffrey peek down to see the huge drawing on the ground. Jeffrey was so amazed, he completely forgotten about this drawing. The lonesome boy remember wanting to have someone, anyone to take care of him. He wanted to drew a person to replace his real father, but he got so mad with the drawing so he cursed the half faded man with animal pieces. As Jeffrey realized what he did he felt so guilty, and sad. "I'm sorry" said the lonesome boy. But the half faded man didnt come here for this. "Jeffrey, please write down a story. Your step parents dont have much time. It most be along story, it cannot be short or else the weapon won't be powerful enough. " Jeffrey nodded but them remembered "i for some reason cant draw." The half faded man laugh "that was part of your dream silly." Jeffrey was so confused but glad at the same time. "...Okay, I think I'm ready to draw..i want to save my parents before its too late." the half faded man smiled but reach to Jeffrey's papers and put a spell on them. Jeffrey didn't think too much about it but the lonesome boy was in for a treat. Once he was done Jeffrey closed his eyes and thought really hard what story he wanted. Jeffrey slowly began to draw and he kept drawing, it felt like hours passed but the time was still the same. Jeffrey had finally finish down to the last paper he had. The lonesome boy was glad, and when he looked up to the half faded man. His eyes widen as the half faded man was turning into ash" My job is done. "Jeffrey quickly got up, and grabbed his pencil and quickly rewrote things. Jeffrey started drawing, and writing over his work as the half faded man was gone. The lonesome boy drop his pencil, and felt so lonesome and sad. He started to cry feeling so alone in the world, but as the tears drop to the papers, Jeffrey heard singing. His tears slowly stop, and he turn listening to the familiar voice. He walk to the door and open it, and the lonesome boy saw something so surprising. His mother and father together again. Both his parents saw Jeffrey enter the living room and their hearts filled up with joy. The lonesome boy smiled aswell filling up with joy, and the lonesome boy was at peace for just a little. Jeffrey had forgotten about where he was, and Jeffrey thought this was all real but in time great things come to an end. The lonesome boy spent so much time with his parents, and with time clicking away. The half faded man had reappear yet again, but this time in a form of a cat. "Jeffrey" he said climbing on his shoulder "its time to go." Jeffrey look over at the half faded man and said "Your here because i brought you here am i right? " "No Jeffrey, i am here because my soul lives here in your stories. You may have put the words and the drawings together, but i had already exist in your mind." Now the lonesome boy had to go, and finally saying his goodbyes, and the last look of his parents. Jeffrey was ready to leave but Jeffrey believed he would see his parents yet again but was deeply wrong. As Jeffrey turn away he said " I will come back. " "I will see them again, i will just have to rewrite it again." The half faded man didnt reply. As the two of them walk down the dirt road and finally leaving Jeffreys first home. The lonesome boy saw that the sun was slowly going down, and the woods surrounding them grew more scarier. Jeffrey wasn't afraid because he remembered that his school was closeby, he wrote how much the school look evil. they kept walking and walking and soon Jeffrey panic, he heard many animal sounds, and seen glowing eyes. Maybe adding the evil part wasn't such a good idea for this. Jeffrey quickly ran, and the half faded man soon couldn't catch up to Jeffrey. The lonesome boy was so lost and cold and very alone. The lonesome boy ran and bump into a strange person, as Jeffrey dropped his glasses. He couldn't see too good but notice it was the wounded solider, but the solider was evil and Jeffrey could feel it. Jeffrey quickly ran again, and fell down a hill. He fell so hard hitting on a rock with his head. Jeffrey was knock out, and bleeding too, and the lonesome boy was alone in the woods. As the sun was up the lonesome boy had finally woke up. He felt so hurt, and cold, he quickly got up and slowly walk. The lonesome boy finally made it to school but the lonesome boy had no memories, or anything about this place. The lonesome boy didnt even know he was trap in his own story. the lonesome boy walk up the steps and open the door and saw no people. Jeffrey started getting very scared, and nervous. He had called out for help a couple of times but no answers. The lonesome boy felt so very lonesome. The lonesome boy look everywhere around the room, but no one was there. The lonesome boy heard a fainted sound, it was soft but the lonesome boy couldn't find it. Then all of the sudden children started pouring out into the hallways, coming from outside. The lonesome boy was surprised, and as he started speaking no one paid attention to him. No one, besides No One. The unlucky girl look at him for a split second, and saw he was hurt. She quickly reach for her bag and told the unlucky boy to hold still. The lonesome boy closed his eyes tightly feeling pain. She quickly stop the bleeding but still Jeffreys skin was badly hurt. The unlucky girl told him to stop running into fights, and she left. The lonesome boy slowly fell to his knees, feeling so confused. He sat there in the halls till class was finally over. Kevin, his chubby friend saw him sitting there. "Jeffrey, what cha doing?" The lonesome boy look over and Kevin had figured he got into another fight"Did Timothy did that to you?" Jez mate, you should really leave him alone." The lonesome boy look down once again lost. Kevin lifted Jeffrey back up on his feet, and reach for his pockets for a candy bar" i already ate half but you can have the rest" the candy bar was almost completely gone, Jeffrey just took it anyway just to be polite. The lonesome boy watch Kevin walk away, and suddenly Jeffrey heard a large thump. Jeffrey had walk down farther to the hall, and saw a teacher walking out of the basement room. This teacher look alot like the queen of brokenhearts, but Jeffrey now no longer knew her face. The lonesome boy kept hearing sounds and was very scared but his curiosity got the best of him. He slowly open the down, and step down realizing this is where the sound was coming from. As Jeffrey walk all the way down all he could see was darkness. He heard the sound but it was different, it was a girl crying. Jeffrey slowly spoke out, but the girl kept crying. Jeffrey kept talking and talking, the lonesome boy kept pouring out words of any kind. Words that he was trying to remember, and things he couldn't remember. The lonesome boy told the girl that she shouldn't cry, and that he was sad too. He talk about stories to the girl, stories he had fuzzy memories about and the girl stopped crying. Jeffrey was very glad she was okay and heard movement. The lonesome boy said that she shouldn't be here anymore, and needed light. As the footsteps grew closer, Jeffrey quickly turn to the side and saw a girl. The girls face was covered with black fabric, and a fake scary face was drawn over it with red lipstick. Jeffrey quickly fell down feeling very surprised by it but then got up. The lonesome boy had met lonesome girl for the first time. He saw her hair and how it was half cut, and half braided, and half straight. The lonesome boy wasn't sure what to say he just kept staring. The lonesome girl was very uncomfortable now. She look down at her shoes with her hands together very shyly. Jeffrey finally shoke the awkwardness off and asked the lonesome girl if she wanted to go upstairs. The lonesome girl nodded and as Jeffrey went up the girl did not follow.
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