Backround Story - Zuur's Life
In 1582 Zuur Okleiv was born in a castle so huge, so powerful and so over protected no man or creature could ever destroy. In a Kingdom of Casthradia there were only 2 leading the place. A King called Leon Okleiv and a Queen called ZuurAnne Okleiv. Both with a goal to lead for justice and its pure blooded people in their city. Not only they think they're invincible because sir Leon has been, for ages in the category of the strongest man on earth with only one power no one knows what it is, but it can destroy the entire kingdom. Something, or perhaps someone sneaked into the castle while Zuur was just a baby. Her mother was sleeping while her father was only reading articles about the city. He as well was reading some information about the new recruits who wanted to join forces with the King's army. He was a young man called Klaus McAnthy. Klaus was part of a clan called The Secret Assassins. Thus means he was not trusted at all, but the king saw something positive in him, something good. But he still kept an eye on him just in case. Zuur's father entered her room and saw the baby princess sleeping, he placed his hand around her chest to release his powers and transport it all into Zuur's body. Not only he thought this was to save her from any danger, but he also did this before it was too late. He didn't know when it was going to be his end but he felt somehow it would be sooner. A year later as how things went by, Klaus joined forces and as he did, he destroyed the inside of the castle and murdered Zuur's parents but Klaus did not know where the little girl Zuur was so he ran as fast as he could. Although the King's army faught battle to battle against the traitors who killed the Royal Casthradians, most men died in battle.
People ask themselves how can they easily kill the Titans? Archers? The castle was guarded safely. There is one secret hidden in those places. Now everyone feels unsafe, although their only hope would be Zuur.
Butler Mick has taken Zuur to custody. Over the years he'd take care of the Princess, along side others and she would be in good hands. 20 years later, she has grown to be a strong woman, not knowing her inner true strength and power but she grew up with a goal to save this Kingdom. Little did she know that only a pair of Titans and Archers can't do the job. She's not safe at all. What will the darkness bring this time? Will she end this once and for all? Or will she vanish just like her parents did. An army with over 300 thousand men and creatures will help on her side for victory.
Casthradians: Their Clans and their Race.
There are only 2 types of races in the Kingdom of Casthradia such are; Humans or Elves. Elves are considered part human because they have the same senses altogether but they're a lot more different, considering their eyes, ears and height. They could be tall or even smaller than normal humans are. Humans are normal as how you see them around but both Elves and Humans carry a special power. Some may know of it and some may not. It's all a mystery.
There are about 5 clans in the Kingdom that we know are good. Over 20 more that are unknown and only secret to those who have no clue what the world's come to.
1. The Secret Assasins (Top Clan and most Prestigious. Their duty is to protect the Princess herself and the entire city.)
2. PTP Spartans (Only for Titans capable of anything. Brute force and strength are their middle names.)
3. Silver Eyed Ninjas (These people are swift and sneaky. Only those with silver eyes are in this clan. With over 30 thousand silver eyed ninjas within this clan with one purpose. Justice.)
4. Elemental Knights (Men with super powers, knowing elements, fire, earth, water, wind etc.. They're practically the officers of the city. They are always helping people in need for all sorts of help.)
5. Black Dragons (Male and Female are a part of it. Humans and Elves with powers of only fire and fire only. They're the fire heads of the city and quite the stubborn ones too. They won't let a single buffoon out to the streets.) |