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Oct 27, 2014 6:32 PM

Feb 2013

An abandoned tower right in the middle of an equally abandoned park. The Yoshimatsu Tower has been abandoned a long time ago and since then has been unaccessible for all personal with exception of authorized people.

It was once the headquarters of the Black Claw, a terrorist group that aimed to release anarchy across the world.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Oct 27, 2014 7:03 PM

Feb 2013
The sound of a car motor could be heard not so far away. Rajin's eyes were moved towards it. They could probably not see him, but he could see them very clearly. They probably were here to ask for the girl he had beaten up today. His gaze was emotionless, as he stared at the from the distance. He disappeared once more, this time going to the top floor of the tower.

While that, down the entrance of the park, Acturus got out of the car and started to speak with the duo. "So, I'll stay here and keep watch. If anything happens, you two are to retreat immediatly. Also, remember that radio I gave you? You can talk with me through it. If anything happens, contact me and I'll contact the GCS." He said as he leaned against the door of the ar and allowed the duo to do their thing.

The more people went with them, the more threatening the situation was going to be for the man who killed the girl, specially if the person who did this was a cop from his Region.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 27, 2014 7:38 PM

Jan 2013
Scrathing her head Karen yawns stepping out of the car. Leaving the formalities to her handler. "Yeah, sure thing.." Walking out and around she sniffs the grounds taking in the mans sceant, looking back at Exita she points upwards. "He's here, really fate, so he must have climbed to the very top..should we just go?"
Oct 27, 2014 8:15 PM

Apr 2011
Exita got out of the car, looked around and after receiving the radio, shook hands with the Detective. "Wish us luck."

Turning to Karen, he nodded. "Let's get this done." The duo skated forwards and headed into the tower...
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Oct 27, 2014 9:49 PM

Jan 2013
Checking the lift she sighs...of course it wouldn't have power.."Don't skate up the stairs Ice Dancer.." To her horror she finds stairs only go up half the way. Ladders were the rest. Reaching the top, she looks at Exita and exchanges nods. Leaping clear from the hole to the left she lets him go right.

Seeing a mane that is partly burned she turns her head a bit sideways. "So..." She didn't want to provoke him, but at the same time it wasn't one of those things one could just start up a conversation about or towards. "...freind or foe?"
Oct 28, 2014 5:35 PM

Apr 2011
(Gonna let Yz post before I do anything.)
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Oct 29, 2014 8:16 AM

Feb 2013
The two had followed him quite quickly. By now the sunlight was already falling down and everything seemed to become dark. Rajin stood, sitting on the edge of the room as he looked towards the rest of the city. His gaze was immovable, as if it just stood still, not doing anything at all.

However, his attention was taken away from the city as soon as someone stepped into the same room he was. Rajin took a look over his shoulder, just to see a Cursed Child. As if that was not enough, the way she talked combined with the fact that she followed him hinted that she was probably part of the GCS. Rajin had no reason to talk with her, though. She was not anyone of importance nor was she a threat. Wether or not he responded, his plans would go on all the same.

He stood still there, staring at the girl while looking over his shoulder. His eyes gleamed yellow, unlike any other normally seen. His clothes were tattered and there were blood stains all over the white coat he wore, some still fresh. The way he stared at her, however, probably hinted two words: Get out. It was a slightly violent stare, even though it seemed completely emotionless.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 29, 2014 5:43 PM

Apr 2011
Having arrived at the top floor moments later, Exita skated forwards and joined Karen. The man's bright eyes pierced through the darkness like cat eyes, and Exita found them a bit eerie. Nevertheless, he made eye contact and spoke, drawing out his badge as he did so.

"We're from the GCS. Sorry to disturb your..." He looked around at the empty tower. ", but we need you to come with us. There was an unfortunate..incident, and as such, we believe you could be a vital piece to solving this case." Exita chose his words carefully. While he was not afraid of the man before him, he was definitely extremely cautious.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Oct 29, 2014 9:30 PM

Feb 2013
Rajin's eyes narrowed. He didn't like that in the least. However, the narrowing of his eyes was brief, as he got up from where he was and turned around to see the pair. His eyes could be now be fully seen and they glew in the darkness of the tower. His expression was emotionless, but there was a hint of dissastifcation in them.

"What if I don't wish to go with you?" He asked bitterly, his voice cold and emotionless as his expression, a truly weird man. "Will you try to force me?" He added before any of the two were able to respond.

He knew very well that neither of the two was in the same level of power that he was, from the looks, they had been defeated quite recently, to prove his point. The way they carefully chose their words also hinted that they didn't want conflict or fight. If Rajin provoked them enough, they would leave quiet and nicely.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 29, 2014 10:03 PM

Jan 2013
Staring at him with her eyes like Daggers Karen sighs. "You don't seem to understand, we are here to talk..and because the police are envolved, if we don't turn up, the JSDF will..And." Before she can finish she snaps her head quickly. "...T-thats not possible.." Starting at the lift in confussion, its floor lights are working coming right to them. "The power here is shut down!"

Glancing back at the other man he seems to not know what its about either.


Otto smiles a bit hefting the old man up. "Fat Fucker. Also it was cute how fast that detective hid himself, ahahaha." Smiling a bit at the situation he stares upwards. Placing his hand to the power junction, the left powers up. However Otto's gaze remains upwards. "Ahh My little one, Amy, Do be ready, I do think we have some fun waiting for us at the top." throwing the man from his shoulders he grabs his sword holding it at the read. "You go low, and I'll go high. We'll just play for now, and whoever the lucky people are up top not only get to live, but to save the minister! Why its so heart warming! But lets do make sure they don't forget us." Smiling a bit grimly he wonders what waits for them as the doors part open. Seeing the two from before he makes no note of them, however seeing the 3rd his demenour suddenly shifts. "This one Amy, do not toy mistake here will mean your death..forget the trash..I will assist."
RedArmyShogunOct 30, 2014 6:12 PM
Oct 30, 2014 5:12 PM

Apr 2011
Exita whilred around, startled to see the new duo that had entered the room. He instantly remembered who they were, and he struggled to control his rage and think of a solid solution. However, right before he released smoke bullets, he heard Otto's comment about fighting the man with the yellow eyes. Exita thought to himself. Perhaps somehow, they could use this to their advantage. 4v1? He wasn't sure how it would go down, but he knew his most important priority was to keep Karen and himself safe.

He quickly fired two smoke bullets into the ground, filling the top floor of the tower with a thick black smoke, hiding and masking himself and Karen.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Oct 31, 2014 12:50 PM

Feb 2013
It took a few seconds for multiple things to start to happen at the same time. Rajin was ready to start a fight, in all cases, but didn't want to. Things were being more boring than he thought. The girl started to speak again and Rajin simply stared at her coldly before she suddenly turned around and stared at the lights.

Rajin lifts his eyes. Looking back now, he remembered that there was also another group of people coming here. He had no idea of how many, but they were coming on a van so he expected a somewhat large group. However, for his surprise, what he had found was a pair of Promoter and Initiator, knocking at the door of his "home".

This was starting to become quite agitated and he was disliking it the more time they wasted here. He turned himself towards the duo, that was now looking at the lift with rageful eyes. He had the feeling that they knew each other.

While that, inside the lift was Amy and her Master. "What? We'll be leaving him to be saved? How's that any fun, Master?" Amy pouted as she heard his words. Truth be told, she wanted the man dead. Otherwise, all the time they had wasted was in vain. "Ok. Whatever. I guess we can let the pig live." She said, still pouting before they reached the top floor.

The door opened and Rajin's eyes were moved towards it. Glowing yellow eyes as he stared at the new couple. His eyes were mainly aimed at the man in front of him. His readings told him that the man was enhanced in some form of biological modification. His DNA was no longer completely human and had some other additions to it. Codes that didn't seem to be mammal either. Somewhy, Rajin wondered if this man was going ot be any challenge at all.

Amy stared at him as she walked besides her master and bowed in the usual manner she did, a short curtsy. However, before she was able to say anything, the smoke bomb detonated and she coughed a bit before pouting again. "Oi! Is that a way to treat and old friend!?" She pouted again before her Master said something about the man that was in front of them. The smoke screen quickly vanished, as multiple daggers around Rajin rotated around his body, creating a powerful wind that moved the smoke away from the top floor and towards the outer area. After it had cleansed the smoke, the knives stopped right in front of him, 32 in total. The knives aligned with one another created a small wall or shield that stood in front of him. "Porcupine Formation." He murmured as the knives stood still.

"Uwah! How do you do that!? Can you teach me that trick!?" Amy asked, actually in awe of what had just happened. Her eyes were completely unshaken from the smoke bomb, she could see through it either way. Outside the tower stood the Drone Eye, carefully examing the situation. Amy smirked as she saw the man's interior body. "Mechanical Soldier?" She said as she used her fingers to grace her lips, in a inquisitive manner. Rajin silently stared at the Duo. His expression completely emotionless. "Ne, Master, it doesn't seem like he wants to fight us. Why don't we just leave him be? I don't think fighting this man would be a good idea. I can see something inside of his body that is quite... Unnatural, even for Mechanical Soldiers." Amy said as she turned her attention towards Otto once more.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 31, 2014 1:32 PM

Jan 2013
Laughing lightly at Amy, Otto shrugs. "You planted the seed to blame the north remember..besides I left the man a few suggestions, whats more likely to get them spread thin, one dead fatman, or a vengeful alive fatman?" Turning his attnetion back to the group he shrugs losening his arms, blade in hand.

Staring at the soldier Otto was in a manner insane but at the same time he felt it was a bad idea to provoke the man, least he likely end up being thrown from the tower. While he was sure he could survive a so called mortal wounding he didn't see the need in it. However this would force a change in his plan. The fat man would have to die..that is if...

"Yes, I'm far more interested in what he has to do." Staring at the man he smirks slightly. "Ach..I know who you are, surprised you survived..Little wolf Girl and skater man, I suggest you leave..Anyways my knife coverd brother, do you mind if we hang the good old Minister over your railing, We would then be happy to leave." Reaching with his free left hand slowly he reaches into his robes pocket and grabs a bundle of cash. "A donation to the Veterns fund for you to ignore us being here as it were." The man was in rags, and in a shithole of a tower none the less, its likely the 10 thousand in notes would be of some use to him.

Whispering at Amy he clances behind him. "If I suddenly jump over the railing, kill the fatman, he is among the top 10..we cannot win without grave risk to ourselves. Then join me.." Glancing back at the grouping he puts his sword away.


Karen's animal side urges her to run, odds weren't in their at all, plus they were still wounded. Glancing to see how this conversation goes she moves closer to Exita. Standing next to him she moves the white sack to her feet, the one she had packed with a number of explosives. Looking up at excita she speaks quitely. "...I will make a diversion so we can escape if it comes down to it...its rather a shame I'll be carrying you."
RedArmyShogunOct 31, 2014 8:20 PM
Nov 1, 2014 7:49 AM

Feb 2013
Rajin's eyes narrowed slightly. The knives that covered him and defended him subtly turned to a more offensive stance. The man's comments had clearly ticked something on Rajin's mind. "I shall tell you this only once. If you wish to get out of here alive, leave now." He stated coldly. However, this was not a threat from him, simply a warning. He had warned all of them with these last words.

"Wait, how dare you!?" Amy misunderstood the true meaning behind Rajin's words and thought of it as a clear threat. After all, it did sound a lot like a threat. Rajin's hands moved foward and he stood in a strange stance of combat, with only one hand foward and the rest of the body completely open for attacks.

Suddenly, from the ground, multiple knives made out of the iron that was below them started to disconnect from the ground and create copies of the knives in front of him. Rajin's focus was on these people right now, but he knew that the man would come here. He had seen his assignment. Someone from the Black Claw would appear here and Rajin's motive to be here was simply to kill this man. On the last two years, Rajin had been hunting and dealing with multiple Black Claw members, most of the extremely high in the hierarchy. Today, he was going to meet with another old friend.

"If all of you don't leave now, things are gonna end up very badly... I won't be the one who will kill you..." He said as he stared at the group. The more he talked, the more knives were created from the iron below them, always forming perfect copies of the ones that were already floating.

Amy felt something strange. Her Drone Eye had seen something. "Master, let's leave, now! Something is coming in this direction, and it's in a power armor. Though I'd love to fight against it, I don't think we can handle it and still protect the Minister. We can hang him somewhere else, but right now, we really should leave." Amy said, not in a desperate tone, but she was clearly afraid of whatever was coming in their direction. Not because it was wearing a power armor, but mainly because it wasn't a simple man. Amy loved to battle and feel the blood of her enemies splash on her skin, but she also valued her life. Whatever was coming in this direction was out of both of their ranges of power. Elevated levels of temperature and energy could be felt in the power armor. Whatever it was, it was powerful enough to raze this building in an instant.

"You see it, then? Good. Leave while you still can." Rajin said, still aiming the knives at them.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Nov 1, 2014 10:10 AM

Jan 2013
Otto stares the whole time with a tiny smirk, it seems he was correct in who this man was. Taking a slight bow he grins. "Regardless keep the cash..also good luck with your family spat..and should you need work find Eddy in the slums, only english mechanical soldier you see.."

While he is speaking however Karen springs into action. Opening and dumping the sack a number of Grenades roll, skip, and skid across the metalic flooring...and a trigger. Throwing his shield up and positioning himself in front of Amy, Otto Watches as the girl not only grabs Excita, but, the minister, bursting with a kick out of the think lifts walls, skidding down the supports. Very risky and dangerous. As the explosives go off, he's not surprised to see they all are unharmed. Looking at the man again he tips his left hand in farewell. Looking at Amy with a Grin, he wonders what response she'll have to it. Heading towards the left, he turns back a tad. "Well unless those knives of yours kept the money intact, sorry for the minor distrubence."

Prepairing to respond to Amy's responses he places his hand on the lifts powerbox. "...hmm funny you mention power armour..that was what I wanted to steal today." While respectful in his actions his lack of worry or fear is at odds with the situation. "Oh also my little one, shall we let the fat man escape, or would you like to test the sniper rifle I keep under the seat?"


Karen out of breath, mostly from fear than not sets the minister down near the policemans car as well as Excita, bracing for any reactions he may have to her."...we..can't die here yet..we must get stronger, but for now, this is something we need help on..for now lets take the minister and leave." She knew as they were now and her own senses were telling her it would be dangerous to stay there, and deadly to fight them. Plus the minister was of a high priority. "..unless you disagree..but lets talk on the move, I have no doubts they are alive" Pointing back and upwards the lights on the elevator seem operational.
RedArmyShogunNov 1, 2014 11:49 AM
Nov 1, 2014 2:50 PM

Apr 2011
Exita nodded, rushing towards the elevator with Karen.

"You're right, let's go!"

(Sorry these posts are so short. I'm working way more this week, 18+ hours a day, and so I'm really short for time. My apologies to Red and Yz. Feel free to do what you want with my character Red. I'll try to get back to longer and more regular posts when I can.)
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Nov 1, 2014 6:54 PM

Feb 2013
Amy stared Otto as he spoke and, soon after that, Karen threw a few grenades towards the group and then jumped to pick up the Minister. For Rajin, however, this was meaningless. Though the grenades detonated and he was out in the open, he was left completely unharmed.

Sighing, he turned his back to Otto and allowed the man to leave as the knives continued to float above the floor.

Amy turned her back and entered the lift. Sighing, she pouted once more. "If I knew we would find all this trouble, I'd have killed him when I found him..." Amy murmured as she then turned her attetion to Otto. "Yeah! You better show me that Sniper Rifle... I don't want to let this pig live..." Amy said, still pouting childishly.


While that, Rajin stared at the distance. After a few seconds of his staring, something finally showed up.

A large mecha-like armor flew by and then stopped, placing itself at the top of the tower. A large cabin in front of the mecha opened up, to reveal an old-looking man, with a white beard and an eye-patch, as well as multiple scars across his face.

"Hahahaha! I didn't think you'd actually keep up with your word, Rajin." The old man said, loud and clear for Rajin to hear. Rajin looked up a bit, to stare at the eyes of the man on the power armor. "I hope you don't end up dying quickly, Rajin... I brought this armor just for you!" The old man said. Rajin narrowed his eyes slightly before finally speaking. "I'm not known for disappointing, Baraka." He said, making the man laugh as he let go of the top of the tower and then fell right in front of Rajin.

The old man laughed once more as he landed a powerful punch on the ground, once he landed, causing a strong impact that made the entire tower tremble. The most interesting part was a shockwave of energy that travelled all the way through the ground of the top floor, slowly making it's way towards Rajin.

The attack would've been a great way to start the fight, had Rajin not easily evaded it by flying slightly above the shockwave and then using his Gravity Shield to protect himself from the impact. Of course, his movements were quick enough for Baraka, the armored man, not to notice. "What!?" Baraka exclaimed. Rajin was supposed to be dead already, but what he did just now was more than supernatural enough for Baraka's mind. Baraka roared like a lion as he raced towards Rajin in an extreme speed, packing a punch with his enormous gauntlets.

The punch connected, but not with Rajin's body. Rajin flew from the top floor and out of the tower, but was completely unharmed from the attack. However, what happened next is what would be an extreme surprise for Baraka, who stared in amazement. Rajin was actually flying, completely intact from the last attack and standing on the air as if he was challenging the laws of physics. Baraka's awe didn't last for long as he pulled out both of his gauntlets and released a barrage of gunfire towards his enemy.

The shots of Varanium did nearly nothing, as they were repelled by some sort of barrier that stood around Rajin. In fact, they just allowed Rajin to counter his attacks with an inhuman ease.

Assuming that, by now, everyone would've left the tower, he aimed a hand foward. With that, multiple knives raised from the ground, all of them made of some sort of metallic component. In total, the blades easily outnumbered a thousand. Thrusting his hand foward, Rajin sent all of the daggers for the same floor, which swarmed the floor and then rotated around the building before starting to destroy everything inside.

In a few seconds, the building started to crumble and then fall. As it fell, it destroyed the entire area around and created something similar to an arena, circling both Baraka and Rajin. Slowly, fire started to rise up and everything started to become flames. The reason was the number of explosives underneath the building that was once used as a base of operations for the Black Claw.

Once the dust lowered, both Rajin and Baraka stood in the center of the "arena" created by the fall of the giant tower. Rajin stared at the man with his usual emotionless expression as he lifted his hand. Baraka quickly got up and pressed a button on his ear, calling in for reinforcements. Multiple Power Armored warriors came down from the sky, patrolers that were awaiting for the right moment to go into the fight.

Rajin scoffed. "This isn't enough, Baraka..." He said as the old man pointed at him. "Kill him!" All of the soldiers made a rush towards Rajin, but it was all useless.

With a quick jump backwards, Rajin evaded most of the attacks, while that, another one came in rushing for him on a punch. Rajin stopped the punch... With his hand. Baraka once more stood in awe. "What!? What the hell are you!?" The old man asked in fear as Rajin disappeared from the sight of all soldiers at the same time. Baraka shouted, trying to warn them. "Behind you!" But it was already too late. Blood filled the air as Rajin removed both arms of the man that had his punch deflected.

Soon after, another one made a punch while the other tried to swarm Rajin by shooting him. "Fools." Rajin muttered as he, once more disappeared and reappeared right behind the other man. His hand was a like missile as it penetrated through the armor and pulled back the man's spine along with the electric components of the armor.

The third and last man continued to shoot, but it was too useless. The same barrier that had protected Rajin earlier was still protecting him. Rajin raised one hand once more and a swarm of knives flew through the air, soaring towards the man. Using his hand cannons, he tried to disperse the knives, but they would just go back into the same route, creating an endless cycle. Rajin's knives were unlimited, while this man's bullets... Would eventually end.

And they eventually ended in a second, when the knives flew towards the soldier in an immense speed, cutting through the man like paper. Once all blades had connected to his body. Rajin moved his hand once more and then the man exploded into chunks of flesh, as if he was pulled from multiple areas at the same time.

Rajin then moved his yellow eyes towards Baraka. "You... You monster!" He screamed as he raised his hand and aimed the Plasma Cannon at Rajin. The cannon shot a ball of plasma towards Rajin, who immediatly disappeared from sight again. He reappeared right beside Baraka, holding his arm in place as he raised his hand in the form of a chop. When it came down, however, it didn't hit his arm. Instead, the very force of gravity separated Baraka's arm from his shoulder, as it was cut clean with a giant sword.

A scream of pain could be heard as Baraka took a few steps back. Blood spilled, hitting the ground. Rajin kept walking foward and Baraka kept walking backwards. "No... No..." He muttered as he walked back. "You all raised me to be a monster... Why are you surprised?" Rajin asked as the man tried to raise his hand and aim the gun once more towards him. However, before he was even able to aim, his arm was removed from his shoulder.

Without both arms, Baraka shouted in pain and anger as he walked backwards and fell. He coughed up blood as Rajin kept walking closer. "Time to die, Baraka..." He said as he raised his hand, with the knives soaring through the sky and upwards before starting to come down like a cloud of meteorites. "No!" Baraka screamed as he bit his own mouth, as if something was there. Immediatly, Rajin took a quick step back... However, he wasn't fast enough... The distance wasn't enough.

Two enourmous arms appeared besides the man's body as got up and smashed Rajin away and towards the flames. Luckily, Rajin minimized the impact, receiving nearly no damage. Baraka wasted no time, he rushed foward and once more smashed through everything in front of him, aiming to kill Rajin in one go. The attack was useless. Rajin quickly disappeared away from there, but the attack was still very powerful against the bunch of metal that was left there from the tower.

The flaming chunk of metal flew away, hitting a building in the distance and causing a massive ammount of destruction. Right now, Baraka was not far from being a Gastrea. Rajin raised his head as he saw that the man was still conscious of what he was doing. A twisted laugh, with a mutaded voice that seemed completely inhuman. "You traitor! You left us at the wrong time. Had you stood with us, you would've witnessed this power. This potential that allows me to destroy this city, with one hand!" To prove his point, Baraka grabbed onto another burning piece of metal and threw it towards Rajin. Unexpectedly, though, the pieces of metal separated from one another, creating multiple knives that assembled with the already gigantic swarm that was above the park. Rajin clicked his tounge.

"Raw power. In the hands of the weak it's nothing but another weakness." Rajin said, which made Baraka once more laugh. Aiming his hand foward, Rajin called forth the swarm and cloud of knives, that came down and then assumed position behind him. "Die." Rajin muttered as Baraka roared once more and made a rush towards him, with a punch prepared from his enormous hands. He thrusted his fist foward and ran as he held it foward.

However, the swarm of knives also moved foward. Normally, nothing short of an immense physical force would've stopped Baraka, but the knives were easily able to hold him in place. With an enormous number of knives cutting through his arm like knots and then coming back to cut again, his arm slowly started to be cut, not to pieces, but from existence. It was as if all particles of his skin were being cut, from time to time, by the knives that swarmed him. In a few seconds, his arm started to disappear in thin air. He made another roar, this time out of either anger or pain, as the knives started to win the wager.

Suddenly, when the wound was large enough, one explosive knife hit the arm and was more than enough to make Baraka take a few steps back. With that, all the knives held together above Rajin and created a gigantic sword. Baraka raised his head in awe as he coughed blood once more. Raising his hand, Rajin prepared for the final blow. Suddenly, Baraka's body stood in the air, as if something was holding him. His mutated arms were spread wide like a crucifix. With that, Rajin lowered his hand. The giant sword then came down and cut off one of his arms before it once more turned into a swarm of knives and then disappeared through the skies. Baraka fell on the ground, on his knees, as Rajin stepped foward.

In his hands, a black knife, with a skull in it. The symbol of the Black Claw stood on the handle as Rajin gripped it strongly. Both of his arms were no longer working. Rajin had made sure to rip off the nerves from his right arm before cutting off his other arm. Baraka couldn't do anything... He was powerless. The man laughed at the situation. "Haha... What have they done to you... Look at all this power... No wonder they call you a God..." Baraka said out loud as he watched his killer coming closer. "So, who are you hunting next? Jerusalem...? Iguana...? Sharky...?" He asked as Rajin came closer. Before killing him, Rajin kneeled in front of his eyes and stared at them, still as cold and emotionless as it always was. "Tell me something I don't know, Baraka. Will you hold your alligience even during death?" He said. Baraka laughed. "I am... A mercenary. They never... Paid me enough... For my loyalty..." As he said, pausing in every word, he coughed a bit of blood. "Sharky... She... Betrayed the band... Something about... Her contract ending... She wasn't satisfied... Of hearing about your death..." Baraka said as he raised his eyes, filled with pain and a lack of life. "Rajin... Kill me already... I know... I don't... deserve a quick death... But... Please... Kill me already..." Rajin raised his knife before speaking only one more thing. "Where is she?" He asked. Baraka shook his head. Rajin already knew what it meant, and quickly sent down the knife on his throat. Blood spilled all over and even Rajin got dirty. He got to his feet and looked down on the body. "Goodbye... General." He said. By now, the authorities would probably be showing up. And they would obviously try to hold him captive. He had just killed the General of the JSDF. General Baraka, high-ranked member of the Black Claw and a double-agent. Rajin learned everything he knew about combat from this man... And now he was dead.

Rajin turned around... There was nothing else to do here. He disappeared in the flames.


By now, Amy and Otto were already quite away, and watched as the whole event unfolded. "Those two are completely insane in power..." She muttered as she saw everything in flames and the whole city in panic.

They were inisde the van, leaving for the city area...

(Next post for Otto on the City)
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
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Yzmael - Nov 3, 2014

27 by EmperorsChosen01 »»
Nov 12, 2014 6:28 PM

Sticky: » Character Creation

Yzmael - Oct 13, 2014

16 by EmperorsChosen01 »»
Oct 31, 2014 11:41 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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